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PlayOnline Server Maintenance (Oct. 13)Follow

#77 Oct 13 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
Simple answer for NA and UK - move to Australia, share the timezone! Sleep through updates! If you really love FFXI there is only one choice.
#78 Oct 13 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,245 posts
Lol, I KNEW my moogle smelled a little funky after maintenance.

Anyways, incase people don't notice, the most logical reason SE would do almost all updates during NA primetime is that Japan is in the afternoon-ish time, which means SE employees are AWAKE. I doubt SE is going to do maintenance when almost all of its employees are asleep or wasted at the Japanese Sake Bar. So seriously, think about it. ^_~
#79 Oct 13 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
331 posts
Maybe, just maybe SE schedules maintenace during NA prime time for a reason. At least on my server, there are always more players online at night time (ie Japanese prime time).

If you were in charge of performing maintenace, would you do it when the most players are on, or when the least amount are on?? I bet, if the majority of players were NA, they would have maintenance at a later time.

I will agree that maintenace on holidays does kind suck, but imagine this:

"You log on, you have all day to play cause it's a holiday, gather up food, weappons, armor, medicines, and signet, and throw up your seeking flag. Time passes, so you decided to see who is also lfp. OMG! I can't use serch function, might as well check AH and restock. OMG! I can't use AH. Well might as well go do activities with online friends. OMG the person I was gonna farm with DCed. Well, I'll just switch to a mule and gather crafter stuff (yay I already have ingrediants and don't need the AH. Hahaha SE I win here). While switching characters you DC and cannot play. You frantically try to reconnect, to no avail."

~Now you cannot play, you had no knowledge of such game promblems, and you just wasted a couple hours. On top of that, I think most people would feel slightly ticked at the inconvience.

Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. Sorry for the cliche but it seems to work here.

So which situtation would you prefer?? Trying to play a flawed game, or knowing that you can't (maintenance) and plan other advance.

I dislike maintenance, especially when it happens 3 times a week, but really, please take a deep breath and think of what this game would really be like if you got what you wanted (ie no maintenance (game that doesnt work right), or if maintenance must be done, do during jp times...(even more angry costumers)).

Or, maybe you want a perfect game.. with no problems ever. Or, you want less problems, or problems that don't inconvience you. These comments I find especially funny, I mean we are talking about FF right?? I find it hard to believe that FF players are not used to not getting everything they want, when they want it. I mean look into your MH, how long did it take you to get your most valued items? The bottom line is, we all play this game because we find it more enjoyable than not playing. Complaining on alla will not solve anything... ever.

#80 Oct 13 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
im not one of those ppl who read the forum to find ppl to pick on, but i couldnt help it this time. i see that you said you were a teacher. thats a very respectable job. BUT GOOD LORD! i hope your not an english teacher. the correct spelling is maintenance. just for future refrence. sorry, but had to be said! and yes, the maintenance does suck. this is the only day i off this week as well, but im going to go out into the real world! where things have more than 2 dimentions!
#81 Oct 13 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
just STFU!!

AS if you didnt know there was a maintenace schedule!!MY god.
10 hours of no playtime is gonna really hurt your life???? Why dont some of you whiny fan boys/girls go out in to the sun fer chris sakes!

10 hours =

playing with RL friends
spending time with your pet/family
play the PS2/xbox (i dont know why you would)
hmmm...actually do some work at your job instead of posting here
(like im doing @.@)
Go to the mall/shop
watch a movie (not at home, in the theaters)
myriad other stuff that I dont have tie to write as I should be working...shhhhh

most importantly, just STFU you crybaby humes/taru/galka/mithra!

ELvaan roxxxers your Vanadiel buts!! No whiny pansies here except maybe Prince trion! what a wussy! Couldnt even hold onto the Lightbringer. Disgrace!!!!

#82 Oct 13 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
3,038 posts
The biggest reason they never change update times or give rebates?

As soon as the servers are back up, everyone will log on and stop complaining. Seriously, the only time anyone complains about this stuff is during the maintenence. Once it is over, the complaints stop. Would you take that seriously if you were SE?
#83 Oct 13 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Uricle, I couldn't agree more. (except TaruTaru rock)

Maitenance happens, I don't see why thats so hard to accept. I love FFXI, but SE needs to fix up problems occasionally.

Could you imagine what FFXI would be like without maitanence? A mess, that's what it would be. We would be paying 12 bucks a month or more for a giant glitch.

When you signed up for FFXI, you should have been fully aware of online consequences, which in this case, maitenance, a regular thing. Most online services must do this to keep top notch quality in your online experience.

Uricle is right, you have 10 hours (bout 5 more) to do something.

But its just advice, not an order.
#84 Oct 13 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
That really doesn't make any sense Salodin. We're talking about how the updates/maitainence is during NA prime time but during JP downtime (i.e nighttime).

Japan is about 12 hours ahead of the East Coast, meaning this maintainence will be happening from 11PM-9AM (isn't that just too perfect for JP? I mean come on, the maintainence is like RIGHT during a "normal" bedtime.)

Therefore, wouldn't it make MORE sense to do the updates and what not during NA downtime, if you use your logic about SE employees, seeing as how the times when they should be at work (9AM-5PMish) is when NA is asleep? But no, SE really does favor JP.

I've noticed that maintainence is NEVER at nighttime for me....EVER. it's always starting at 11AM or 2PM or something like that..never 11PM or 2AM.

Also, Cooter keeps talking about how he doesn't care if he gets rated down, but when he does, he edits his posts to whine about it. Seriously, stop letting a number next to your name get you down.
#85 Oct 13 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
honestly, if you take a look at it from a statistical stand point, it looks like they are trying to stick it after the peak of JP primetime, which unfortunately puts it into our primetime.

S-E wants to make people happy, so they want to keep as many people online at one time, JP or EN, as they can. and let's face it, more JP people play this than EN do.

take a look at the Login Distribution from the 4th Vanadiel Census. in particular, look at the green line, which is an average of JP and EN people playing. logically, as a company, i would start my maintainance just after that really big spike. makes sense to me. that unfortunately affects more EN than JP, but less people overall.

sucks to be us, but that's business!

also, the whole 10 hour maintenance should equal an appropriate refund? taking a look at the math provided by Khateria, you can keep my 18 cents...what am i going to do with 18 cents anyway? i could give my two cents to nine people i guess...

edit: found the 5th Vanadiel census as well, it varies more from day to day but the trend is still there....

Edited, Thu Oct 13 16:13:36 2005 by Cooterbrown
#86 Oct 13 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
619 posts
Does anyone know where Playonline headquarters is? In another thread I commented that maybe they are in the west coast USA, and they merely do maintenance during their normal business hours. Playonline always post the outages in PDT. Just a thought, and the holiday some are referring to, while i respect everyones right to religion, isnt a major holiday in the US.
#87 Oct 13 2005 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Yeah, Square Enix Headquarters for US is in L.A., or so I last heard.
#88 Oct 13 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
331 posts
Guess you guys dont like to hear a little common sense eh? Oh well, I suppose thats your loss.
#89 Oct 13 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
4,194 posts
Personally what i would like to see, instead of these impromtu maintenances that are unfortunately lasting longer and longer each time and sporadically becoming closer, is a system that would be technically "a dead hour" every week in which maintenance could be carried out and upkeep would take place. The way it seems to me right now is that the servers and equipment are being run into the ground... =/
#90 Oct 13 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
wow...that's long did you sit there thinking of that? :P lol
#91 Oct 13 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
94 posts
also, the whole 10 hour maintenance should equal an appropriate refund? taking a look at the math provided by Khateria, you can keep my 18 cents...what am i going to do with 18 cents anyway? i could give my two cents to nine people i guess...

That's what my husband said.

I just did it on principle because my feeling is if I'm paying in advance for the service, and there are huge chunks of time that the service isn't available, the "proper" thing to do is refund the money for the time I paid for but didn't get the service.

It works with the cable company. I've gotten them to prorate me for entire days when the cable was out for more than fifteen minutes. :D

Jeez, am I addicted to electronic media or what?
#92 Oct 13 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
Oh the irony. We finally get a smooth update that doesn't cuase 24 hours of downtime...and they follow it up with maintenance a long *** maintenance 2 days later.

Wait, you mean, ok... lemme think here... <.<; OK so there used to be a big huge major problem where something bad happened a lot, and they did something, and it changed....

OMG THEY FIXED SOMETHING! TEH BASTARDS! And even worse yet, they may... FIX SOMETHING ELSE! Stop them immediately.

Citizens of vana'diel unite, give us technical problems or give us death!
#93 Oct 13 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
#94 Oct 13 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
If only so you all won`t feel so alone:
Today I had a Doctor`s appontment that took 3 weeks to set up, so I took the day off.
Since I might have needed minor surgery, My wife takes the day off, too, in case I can`t drive.
My son has a Surgery, this same day, time unknown by the time we need to decide to take day off, or not.
So, naturally.............

Complaining doesn`t get the servers up any faster, I know, I tried!, lol

#95 Oct 13 2005 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
450 posts
They should just dedicate the 1st of the month completely to maintenance & updates. Shut down the server at midnight, or perhaps during JP downtime, and keep it off for 24 hours, so everybody gets hit with the same amount of downtime. Do all of the server maintenance, playonline maintenance, backing up player/server data, rebooting the server, refreshing Signet, setting all the HNM's to JP ONRY, etc.; then release the updates once that's all said and done, keeping the server down. Then, at midnight bring the server back up.

To make up for 12 lost days a year, everyone gets a free mule.

Instead of January 1st and July 1st, make maintenance on the 2nd.

Things run smoother on their end, and players are screwed equally out of playtime regardless of their timezone. Of course, I live in a perfect world, where a big company like SE is willing to give up 12 bucks a year per person to make their customers happy.

Edit - lousy canadians having their national day during maintenance! I won't have it!!!

Edited, Thu Oct 13 18:43:34 2005 by Kayberry
#96 Oct 13 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default
Can anyone tell me how many hours left pls?.
#97 Oct 13 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Wow you don't know how bad this scared the crap out of me. I forgot this was going on today. My cable modem was getting old and sluggish so I traded it in for a newer model and I came home and was getting error POL-0206 and I remember them saying that my router might block ports that could cause stuff like this. Whew I feel better now lol.
#98 Oct 13 2005 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
470 posts

Aug. 26, 2005 08:00 [PDT]

PlayOnline Server Maintenance (Aug. 28)

At the following time we will be conducting PlayOnline server maintenance. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI and Tetra Master will be unavailable.

The mail form available in the "Service & Support" from the official PlayOnline homepage ( will be unavailable as well.

We thank you for your understanding and patience.

[Date & Time]
Aug. 28, 2005 22:00 to Aug. 29, 2005 4:00 (PDT)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Maintenance Details]
Part of server equipment will be exchanged.

[Affected Services]
#99 Oct 13 2005 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Aug. 26, 2005 08:00 [PDT]

PlayOnline Server Maintenance (Aug. 28)

At the following time we will be conducting PlayOnline server maintenance. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI and Tetra Master will be unavailable.

The mail form available in the "Service & Support" from the official PlayOnline homepage ( will be unavailable as well.

We thank you for your understanding and patience.

[Date & Time]
Aug. 28, 2005 22:00 to Aug. 29, 2005 4:00 (PDT)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Maintenance Details]
Part of server equipment will be exchanged.

[Affected Services]

Why does that say August?
#100 Oct 13 2005 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
He's making the point a maintenance has happened during JP primetime,I think. I remember that actually...It said the servers would go offline but when I woke up my character was still sitting in the same place Oo. Also a Ps2 only one happened around that time.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 19:53:14 2005 by yurisi
#101 Oct 13 2005 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
the last update, if you noticed, with windower. they changed the window name for FFXI about every 6 seconds, and thats how hacks lockon to ffxi

so here i am, bout to try for ochiudos kote and the same people are there, getting every claim by warping to the monster, {Hmm.}

I goto the infamous horane japanese hacking website (home of the gil sellers) and use a translator on the web, they found a window name change fix 30 minutes after the update and are running again

god, just select their name and hit the ban button.
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