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Where is everyone? (was forum=82)Follow

#1 Jan 07 2010 at 12:13 PM Rating: Default
I set in valkrum all day and the most people that was there at any given time was like 10. i checked the /sea all and there was around 1000. with so few people playing its almost not worth having the game anymore ; ;. what do you think? I think they should compress the servers down some. have less i mean. like maby 4. then there would be more people and the game would still be fun. whats your thoughts on this?

Edited, Jan 7th 2010 1:20pm by lilsmokedog
#2 Jan 07 2010 at 12:31 PM Rating: Default
FF is a completely changed game now supposedly nobody groups in the dunes or anything pre-40 anymore because of fields of valor. Everything is level sync on birds or campaign, endgame LSs have all quit so there's like 2 or 3 endgame LSs on caitsith right now. Servers are all around 2000 at peak times from what I am told...

friend plays Aion I think he said it gets really dull like all the other MMOs around the mid-level range and then the endgame doesn't exist yet it's like 2 or 3 raids. Best bets for MMOs right now I would say are LOTRO and WoW. LOTRO if you don't have much time to do stuff, the max # of people in a raid is like 12, and there are 3-man capped dungeons and stuff plus the new solo dungeons you can do whenever you want after 30. WoW is fun if you can tolerate the community and 4-hour raids which I couldn't do cause it's like a bunch of Jspeeds.

But it's true there is no MMO that you can immerse yourself into for 6 hours or more and have fun the whole time like FFXI, all of these MMOs coming out are so dull and tedious with a lacking community where nobody groups they all lose their subscribers in the first few months. I'm playing LOTRO casually atm testing out the new tweaks since they fixed my one problem with it (slow combat) but it's much faster and responsive now.

A wise man once wrote,
When you come to the last page, it's time to close the book.

Edited, Jan 7th 2010 1:45pm by Darkpsychosis
#3 Jan 07 2010 at 3:45 PM Rating: Default
but dont you think if they combined all the servers into just a few it would improve gameplay.
#4 Jan 08 2010 at 12:22 PM Rating: Excellent
35 posts
I don't know who darkpsychosis is quoting above, but I am on caitsith and I never have issues finding dune parties. Perhaps we're just online at different times? It helps that we usually have three or so people in the linkshell and three other people that we find through /sea but there are always people with their flags up. I'm Namwen on Caitsith if you want to look me up.
#5 Jan 08 2010 at 12:43 PM Rating: Excellent
lilsmokedog wrote:
but dont you think if they combined all the servers into just a few it would improve gameplay.

Not really. It might improve game play for the low end but it will make it a nightmare for the high end.

The reason you don't find a lot of players anymore in the Dunes is because most people aren't leveling nuts so they only level as much as they need to to get their subjobs up to speed. More and more people are just FoV'ing their way to 37 rather then dealing with parties. Less hassle and most of the time don't need to have capped subjob skills.

I am a level nut and even I'm finding that it's getting to the point that dragging my friends out to party is becoming a chore.
#6 Jan 09 2010 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
438 posts
More and more people are just FoV'ing their way to 37 rather then dealing with parties

They're being forced to do more than that, I've seen a lot of people FoVing their way to 75, instead of doing parties. Group play, beyond quests and expansions seems to be becoming rarer.

When you come to the last page, it's time to close the book.

I was always partial to this one myself -

"And now, my children, the time has come to close the book. There will be other tales, and other stories, but this one is finished."

I wouldn't say ffxi is dead, yet, but we may eventually see a server merge.

Edited, Jan 9th 2010 1:51pm by Kelbar
#7 Jan 09 2010 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
2,801 posts
As long as Se is making money, FFXI will be up and running. Whether it retains enough people to be fun is another question entirely, though.
#8 Jan 10 2010 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Just a thought, but I know quite a few people who are playing very sparingly if at all until they can cash in on some Bonanza Marbles. They've logged out right next to the moogle and won't log in again until it's time to see what they got.
#9 Jan 10 2010 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,949 posts
Hmm where is everyone? Didnt ff13 just come out in japan? If it did then thats where a lot of the jp population is. When ff12 came out i didnt play for months. then it ended and I got back on. Then you got people reving up for new ffmmorpg. I myself havent logged on since before xmas just due to xmas gifts and stuff to occupy my time with got complete thundercats and silverhawks series...WOOTastic.

I remember back in the day you had to find for dune spots to party in...ugh...sunrise sunset sunrise sunset.

My favorite book quote was..

"...But thats another story."
#10 Jan 10 2010 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
Because of Level Sync, people have also concentrated their leveling to primarily the most choice spots. These are:

- Qufim Island (20-35)
- East Ronfaure (S) (35-55)
- Wajoam Woodlands (55-60ish, 2 different camps)
- Bhafaul Thickets (60ish-75, 2 different camps)

Once you hit 20 and move to Qufim, you'll have much better odds of getting a group.
#11 Jan 10 2010 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
I just recently came back and started leveling paladin, which is my first new job since before FoV, signet boosts, increased ep/dc xp and caskets. Solo is like a completely different game than back in 04 when I started up my precious dragoon. It's quick and easy and so much safer now, I'd almost rather just solo all the way to 37~ because how satisfying the solo play is now, and that's on freakin paladin.
#12REDACTED, Posted: Jan 10 2010 at 4:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Some of the biggest problems lately is simply Square have lost intrest in FFXI and are putting 99% of their attention into FFXIV, I'm not sure if this is the plan for FFXI now or they intend to re-support it after they release FFXIV but I honestly doubt it, they seem to be the kind of company to just leave it up and stagnate with very little or no updates. We will see.
#13 Jan 10 2010 at 4:47 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm not sure how much summoner burns is affecting it. Only 2-3 jobs can really leach at a time(it goes best with 4 SMNs) and those are jobs that probably would never have gone past subjob levels anyway, if they were even unlocked before, or that are turned down for exp parties in places like East Ronfaure (S). (PUPs and BSTs come to mind.)

Sure, there are individuals taking every job to 75 with them, but those are the exception, not the norm. Most of the SMNs in the group are already 75 and they're meriting.

#14 Jan 10 2010 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
catwho wrote:
I'm not sure how much summoner burns is affecting it. Only 2-3 jobs can really leach at a time(it goes best with 4 SMNs) and those are jobs that probably would never have gone past subjob levels anyway, if they were even unlocked before, or that are turned down for exp parties in places like East Ronfaure (S). (PUPs and BSTs come to mind.)

Sure, there are individuals taking every job to 75 with them, but those are the exception, not the norm. Most of the SMNs in the group are already 75 and they're meriting.

You only need 3 smns, 4 is a waste.

While meriting is nice and all, smn burns are mostly so great because you can get 40k+/hr at every level between 1-75. A good brd+cor pt can get 30k/hr meriting, so it's only 33%~ faster. At lvl 10 however, it's 4-8 times faster exp.

Personally, i've already leveled rdm 48->75, smn 3->75, sch 18->37, brd 13->23, and drk 9->20, as well as 30ish merits just in the last month, and i eventually plan to smn burn a maat's cap. I will never join another pt before 75, but i will join more merit pts. 5-10k/hr pts at low levels are a waste of time, 25-30k/hr merit pts are not.

Most people that smn burn on a regular basis level at least 1-2 jobs to 75, in addition to meriting.
#15 Jan 10 2010 at 5:04 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
I set in valkrum all day

That right there is your problem. Go out and do some Fields of Valor while you're looking for party. Farm some Easy Prey mobs for items to sell for gil. After an hour or so you might just find yourself leveling up. There's no reason you can't solo to 37 nowadays, you just have to put some effort into it. Your tone, your writing style, your attitude, it all just exudes laziness.
"At any given time, the best FFXI player is the one who is having,
and helping others have, the most fun" - Kiyokatsu
#16 Jan 10 2010 at 6:08 PM Rating: Good
3,917 posts
Merging servers isn't the answer. There are plenty of people ding endgame activities on each server. Merging will make a top heavy game even more so.

SE has made low level solo play much easier. Take advantage of that. No need to party before 20 these days.
#17 Jan 10 2010 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
Dartagnann wrote:
Merging servers isn't the answer. There are plenty of people ding endgame activities on each server. Merging will make a top heavy game even more so.

SE has made low level solo play much easier. Take advantage of that. No need to party before 20 these days.

I disagree. Since the dunes pt is pretty much is like FFXI kindergarten for new players. It's where they learn how to pt and get the basic feel for it and a basic fell of their jobs. Plus it's x2 easier to crab apron and damsel fly worm while pting there. People are more likely to explain certain things to you while your pting like sub job items and sometimes the dunes can forge long lasting game friendships. The dunes can be a terrible place but I think of it as a right of passage for the new players anyways.
#18 Jan 10 2010 at 8:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Or you can get to 20 on your own and solo the crab apron and damselflies.
#19 Jan 10 2010 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
Sancha wrote:
Dartagnann wrote:
Merging servers isn't the answer. There are plenty of people ding endgame activities on each server. Merging will make a top heavy game even more so.

SE has made low level solo play much easier. Take advantage of that. No need to party before 20 these days.

I disagree. Since the dunes pt is pretty much is like FFXI kindergarten for new players. It's where they learn how to pt and get the basic feel for it and a basic fell of their jobs. Plus it's x2 easier to crab apron and damsel fly worm while pting there. People are more likely to explain certain things to you while your pting like sub job items and sometimes the dunes can forge long lasting game friendships. The dunes can be a terrible place but I think of it as a right of passage for the new players anyways.

Valkurm is an all around horrible place. You're surrounded by Goblins that for the most part are too hard to fight (the point where you can take them you should be past Valkurm), you fight Lizards that often end up giving ~90 EXP a fight in an hour and Crabs are never really a good idea to fight being PLD/PLD. Valkurm was only a good idea when soloing was a crazy idea and people didn't want to try anything smarter.
#20 Jan 10 2010 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
Overburn wrote:
Sancha wrote:
Dartagnann wrote:
Merging servers isn't the answer. There are plenty of people ding endgame activities on each server. Merging will make a top heavy game even more so.

SE has made low level solo play much easier. Take advantage of that. No need to party before 20 these days.

I disagree. Since the dunes pt is pretty much is like FFXI kindergarten for new players. It's where they learn how to pt and get the basic feel for it and a basic fell of their jobs. Plus it's x2 easier to crab apron and damsel fly worm while pting there. People are more likely to explain certain things to you while your pting like sub job items and sometimes the dunes can forge long lasting game friendships. The dunes can be a terrible place but I think of it as a right of passage for the new players anyways.

Valkurm is an all around horrible place. You're surrounded by Goblins that for the most part are too hard to fight (the point where you can take them you should be past Valkurm), you fight Lizards that often end up giving ~90 EXP a fight in an hour and Crabs are never really a good idea to fight being PLD/PLD. Valkurm was only a good idea when soloing was a crazy idea and people didn't want to try anything smarter.

#21 Jan 10 2010 at 10:04 PM Rating: Default
ThePsychoticOne the Prohpet wrote:
Overburn wrote:
Sancha wrote:
Dartagnann wrote:
Merging servers isn't the answer. There are plenty of people ding endgame activities on each server. Merging will make a top heavy game even more so.

SE has made low level solo play much easier. Take advantage of that. No need to party before 20 these days.

I disagree. Since the dunes pt is pretty much is like FFXI kindergarten for new players. It's where they learn how to pt and get the basic feel for it and a basic fell of their jobs. Plus it's x2 easier to crab apron and damsel fly worm while pting there. People are more likely to explain certain things to you while your pting like sub job items and sometimes the dunes can forge long lasting game friendships. The dunes can be a terrible place but I think of it as a right of passage for the new players anyways.

Valkurm is an all around horrible place. You're surrounded by Goblins that for the most part are too hard to fight (the point where you can take them you should be past Valkurm), you fight Lizards that often end up giving ~90 EXP a fight in an hour and Crabs are never really a good idea to fight being PLD/PLD. Valkurm was only a good idea when soloing was a crazy idea and people didn't want to try anything smarter.



@Catwho sure but I think that works better for someone who has played before. I'm running into too many level 20's who have never been to the dunes and don't even know what to kill for SJ items.
#22 Jan 10 2010 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
Sancha wrote:


This is horribly flawed logic and I hope you see why. New players don't "know" where to go. The only reason they go to Valkurm is because outdated guides and people like you recommend to go there because of outdated ideas.

Edited, Jan 10th 2010 9:15pm by Overburn
#23 Jan 10 2010 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
Sancha wrote:
ThePsychoticOne the Prohpet wrote:
Overburn wrote:
Sancha wrote:
Dartagnann wrote:
Merging servers isn't the answer. There are plenty of people ding endgame activities on each server. Merging will make a top heavy game even more so.

SE has made low level solo play much easier. Take advantage of that. No need to party before 20 these days.

I disagree. Since the dunes pt is pretty much is like FFXI kindergarten for new players. It's where they learn how to pt and get the basic feel for it and a basic fell of their jobs. Plus it's x2 easier to crab apron and damsel fly worm while pting there. People are more likely to explain certain things to you while your pting like sub job items and sometimes the dunes can forge long lasting game friendships. The dunes can be a terrible place but I think of it as a right of passage for the new players anyways.

Valkurm is an all around horrible place. You're surrounded by Goblins that for the most part are too hard to fight (the point where you can take them you should be past Valkurm), you fight Lizards that often end up giving ~90 EXP a fight in an hour and Crabs are never really a good idea to fight being PLD/PLD. Valkurm was only a good idea when soloing was a crazy idea and people didn't want to try anything smarter.



@Catwho sure but I think that works better for someone who has played before. I'm running into too many level 20's who have never been to the dunes and don't even know what to kill for SJ items.
You really think there are still parties of 6 people who are all completely new?
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#24 Jan 10 2010 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
6,543 posts
preludes wrote:
Some of the biggest problems lately is simply Square have lost intrest in FFXI and are putting 99% of their attention into FFXIV,

I can't wait for FFXIV to hurry and come out so people will stop saying this. Ever since FFXIV was announced the "FFXI is dying!" crowd has turned up their volume a hundred fold.

I can assure you that SE is NOT putting "99% of their attention" into FFXIV. Square Enix is a huge company. Despite working on FFXI, FFXIV AND FFXIII they STILL have time to squeeze out new "Crystal Chronicles" games and the like on a yearly basis.

Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

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