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Final Fantasy XI Leveling (was forum=22)Follow

#1 May 03 2012 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
A friend of mine said that he lvl'd to 50 in a day, playing casually, without a PL in FFXI. This was within the least week. Just wanted to see if there was any truth to this, since playing XIV has made me all nostalgic and want to play XI again.
#3 May 03 2012 at 8:25 PM Rating: Excellent
5,684 posts
FFXI is a completely different game than it was a couple years ago. It is entirely possible to reach lv50 in a day or two (especially if you know what you're doing). Ambitious players would have no trouble reaching lv99 within a week.

Also, there is an edit button, for future reference.
#4 May 03 2012 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
Gave Up The D
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And a FFXI forum.
Shaowstrike (Retired - FFXI)
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"We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
— James D. Nicoll
#5 May 03 2012 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
5,684 posts
He's lying, alla does not actually have a FFXI forum.

Edited, May 3rd 2012 9:30pm by xypin
#6 May 03 2012 at 8:36 PM Rating: Good
Check the FoV/GoV guide you can find right down in my sig. I've not played XI in a few months, but in the 8 months I played I leveled many jobs up the same way and I doubt much has changed.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#7 May 03 2012 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
I played on and off (XI) for some time. Never really made it into the serious meat and potatoes of the game, most I did was lvl SAM to 65, WAR to 37, and a few other jobs to random lvls.

I noticed the edit option after I posted my fix, regardless, thank you for the info. As far as the existence of XI forums, I'm aware of that, but this was posted in the general discussions area, which if I'm not mistaken is free to anything.
#8 May 03 2012 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
No FFXI and Warhammer discussions allowed here.

Really though, it's fine- but you'll typically find more FFXI "experts" there than here, is all.
#9 May 03 2012 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
Ahh. Just seems kind of silly for General Discussion to be open to everything except that. I'm probably sticking with XIV anyways, more or less just wanted some clarification on what my friend stated. Seemed odd to ding 50 in a day with no PL, or Burning. I remember spending 3 months just to hit 65 on a Sub Job, and for vets it was even longer (supposedly).
#10 May 04 2012 at 1:13 AM Rating: Default
1,709 posts
Leveling is a joke now. The standard way of leveling which is probably what your friend did is through GoV pages. If you spent all day you could get to 50 the first day. Honestly you could probably get higher than that as long as there were people to party with. The other way of leveling which is leeching in Abyssea where you can go 30-75+ in about 10 hours. However these times are amusing you don't have to stop every 5 levels and do a level cap quest.

Edited, May 4th 2012 2:15am by Telaki
#11 May 04 2012 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
Telaki wrote:
Leveling is a joke now. The standard way of leveling which is probably what your friend did is through GoV pages. If you spent all day you could get to 50 the first day. Honestly you could probably get higher than that as long as there were people to party with. The other way of leveling which is leeching in Abyssea where you can go 30-75+ in about 10 hours. However these times are amusing you don't have to stop every 5 levels and do a level cap quest.

Edited, May 4th 2012 2:15am by Telaki

Gah. That doesn't really sound all that fun. I'd love to play a SAM again, but blowing through it doesn't seem that great. So the game truly is on easy mode?
#12 May 04 2012 at 6:52 AM Rating: Excellent
1,949 posts
DeadWreckeningX wrote:
Gah. That doesn't really sound all that fun. I'd love to play a SAM again, but blowing through it doesn't seem that great. So the game truly is on easy mode?

What's wrong with being able to play SAM and level 1-50 in a day? You make it sound like there wouldn't be any fun in going to various different areas, killing monsters without the need for a proper party setup* and actually killing things in less than 30 seconds each.

Sure, it's not the party-based oriented gameplay we're used to, but I really like the new relaxed FFXI style of leveling, and there's plenty of events and NMs at high level to kill that requires some kind of teamwork.

*Keep in mind that while party play is not required to level 1-50 anymore, it is ridiculously more fun, safe and faster to play with others.
#13 May 04 2012 at 7:40 AM Rating: Excellent
A GoV alliance is actually more fun and less stressful than a six man party was. (If you have to go potty, no one will yell at you for breaking the chain.) And if you've got a level 99 friend in Bostineaux Oubliette, they can play with your level 60 with a negligible impact on exp.
#14 May 04 2012 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
Docent42 wrote:
DeadWreckeningX wrote:
Gah. That doesn't really sound all that fun. I'd love to play a SAM again, but blowing through it doesn't seem that great. So the game truly is on easy mode?

What's wrong with being able to play SAM and level 1-50 in a day? You make it sound like there wouldn't be any fun in going to various different areas, killing monsters without the need for a proper party setup* and actually killing things in less than 30 seconds each.

Sure, it's not the party-based oriented gameplay we're used to, but I really like the new relaxed FFXI style of leveling, and there's plenty of events and NMs at high level to kill that requires some kind of teamwork.

*Keep in mind that while party play is not required to level 1-50 anymore, it is ridiculously more fun, safe and faster to play with others.

I completely understand where you're coming from with that, and truly I wouldn't look forward to a massive grind festival, I guess I just really miss the social aspect that you got forced into at lvl 10, hitting the dunes after throwing up a LFG flag. Plus I recently got into XIV and have been playing that almost every day this week. I downloaded XI a few days ago and got a 14 day trial, but I haven't managed to get myself to play it, because everytime I log in, I log out and move to XIV lol
#15 May 04 2012 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
DeadWreckeningX wrote:
I guess I just really miss the social aspect that you got forced into at lvl 10
The biggest difference now is that instead of waiting until level 10, there has been a bigger movement to get people into that social atmosphere from the very start.

We see dozens of "I'm new to this game" threads everyday and every single one contains at least one "Start on server X and join my linkshell!" reply.
#16 May 04 2012 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Docent42 wrote:
DeadWreckeningX wrote:
Gah. That doesn't really sound all that fun. I'd love to play a SAM again, but blowing through it doesn't seem that great. So the game truly is on easy mode?

What's wrong with being able to play SAM and level 1-50 in a day? You make it sound like there wouldn't be any fun in going to various different areas, killing monsters without the need for a proper party setup* and actually killing things in less than 30 seconds each.

Sure, it's not the party-based oriented gameplay we're used to, but I really like the new relaxed FFXI style of leveling, and there's plenty of events and NMs at high level to kill that requires some kind of teamwork.

*Keep in mind that while party play is not required to level 1-50 anymore, it is ridiculously more fun, safe and faster to play with others.

There are a few major downsides with this rapid levelling though. I'll list some of the obvious ones.

1) Level 99's with scarcely any weapons/magics/evasion skill. No, Saltenas and Pitaru's do not offset this imbalance, it's still as sluggish to skill this stuff up as it ever has been.

2) Virtually zero requirement for gear between levels 1-60. Heck, you could go naked with a weapon to most events and no one would care because they're winning on sheer numbers alone.

3) Scant incentive to actually partake in lower level content, rendering most of it untouched or useless. This also applies to lower level NMs who would otherwise have useful gear for levelling up. You now level so quickly, that even some pre-Abyssea prestige items are now largely junk.

4) Few people are willing to help with missions any more because the majority of them can be now soloed at high levels, effectively nuking the social aspect of these fights. This is more pronounced in previous level-capped fights where the caps are now removed.

I'm not saying the game was better before Abyssea (far from it, Abyssea is a lot of fun), but the fast levelling isn't all peaches and cream, and not to everyone's tastes. I could probably live with these issues a lot more if SE gave us a more realistic way to skill up more rapidly.
#17 May 04 2012 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
IMO the game was better before Aby. all people want to do is take the easy way out and reach lvl 99 as quickly as they can.
#18 May 04 2012 at 4:20 PM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
LadyVaJedi wrote:
IMO the game was better before Aby. all people want to do is take the easy way out and reach lvl 99 as quickly as they can.

To be fair, though, some jobs had a much harder time even getting into a party than others. If you ever tried levelling a job like Summoner pre-70, you were either a substitute healer, or you inched towards the level cap solo. Thieves and Dragoons equally had a hard time getting into parties at lower levels. Levelling was also TOO slow. SE rarely finds a healthy balance between such things and the pendulum swung perhaps too far to the other extreme after Abyssea.

At least nowadays people can actually find teams and level up without worrying about needing a specific job or having to build an ideal team.
#19 May 04 2012 at 6:55 PM Rating: Excellent
DeadWreckeningX wrote:
Ahh. Just seems kind of silly for General Discussion to be open to everything except that. I'm probably sticking with XIV anyways, more or less just wanted some clarification on what my friend stated. Seemed odd to ding 50 in a day with no PL, or Burning. I remember spending 3 months just to hit 65 on a Sub Job, and for vets it was even longer (supposedly).

Forum=22, which is the forum that you originally posted this in before it was moved, is for General Video Game Discussion, which is for the discussion of video games that don't have specific section. Each game that ZAM specifically covers (Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy XIV, etc) has their own General Discussion section for topics specific to that game. Forum=10 for example is the General Discussion section for Final Fantasy XI, so all topics regarding FFXI that don't fall specifically under server or job related subjects would go here.
Lady Jinte wrote:

Vlorsutes' Negotiation Skill rises 0.2 points
Vlorsutes' Observant Parent Skill rises 0.3 points
Vlorsutes' Argument Diffusing Skill rises 0.1 points

#20 May 04 2012 at 11:34 PM Rating: Excellent
1,949 posts
Glitterhands wrote:
There are a few major downsides with this rapid levelling though. I'll list some of the obvious ones.
I'm not saying the game was better before Abyssea (far from it, Abyssea is a lot of fun), but the fast levelling isn't all peaches and cream, and not to everyone's tastes. I could probably live with these issues a lot more if SE gave us a more realistic way to skill up more rapidly.

You are confusing super-powerleveling with the ability to play 1-50 in a day. When I said it was possible, I did entirely mean solo 1-50, without party or the aid of PL or whatever. I've done it plenty since my return in the game, so it's not even unique to one or two jobs -- it's open to everyone.

When you actually work your butt off to solo 50 levels in a day, your gear, skills (parry, evasion, weapon skill), food and such actually do matter as they have a very obvious effect on your ability to keep killing stuff without actually sitting down to regen HP/MP. Sure, you can probably do it with minimal gear, or stick to some key pieces, but that +8 or 9 DEF or evasion on HQ or NM gear actually does help.

So while I do agree with you that a PL'd character or a player who mostly leeches will end up a level 99 with many problems (each more or less easy to fix at that point), I believe that anyone coming back to the game with the intent to duo/solo most of the level grind content will actually cap their skill and gear up as they level up or do the necessary legwork (level caps, magian trials).

For example, my ninja95 (still capped until I do the last level cap) recently capped katana as I gathered the 3 items for the rarab tails. I didn't ask anyone's help, and went at it for less than a day, but I got the drops and the skill ups on my own. Maybe I'm the exception rather than the rule, but I hope that the people who favor leeching and such are actually old-timers who are leveling their 18th job, not new players of brand new accounts.

Anyway, I ranted long enough.
#21 May 05 2012 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
676 posts
Docent42 wrote:
Glitterhands wrote:
There are a few major downsides with this rapid levelling though. I'll list some of the obvious ones.
I'm not saying the game was better before Abyssea (far from it, Abyssea is a lot of fun), but the fast levelling isn't all peaches and cream, and not to everyone's tastes. I could probably live with these issues a lot more if SE gave us a more realistic way to skill up more rapidly.

You are confusing super-powerleveling with the ability to play 1-50 in a day. When I said it was possible, I did entirely mean solo 1-50, without party or the aid of PL or whatever. I've done it plenty since my return in the game, so it's not even unique to one or two jobs -- it's open to everyone.
1-50 in a day is only possible through 'power levelling', as you call it. The majority of this is either done via Abyssea leeching, or more often done through GoV where you're almost invariably level-capped and thus cannot progress your skills beyond that level cap. Solo XP is still a very slow grind, with mobs giving 200xp for an even match, and "Fields of Valor" books offering 1-4k small bonuses for killing a certain number of various mobs.

The latter, Fields of Valor, also often requires players to traverse long distances to find their target mobs and then return to the book for renewing their missions because they're still rather few and far between. Anyone who can level to 50 in a day solo is either a Beastmaster or is spending their entire 24 hours grinding non-stop without rest. I don't doubt you can now race through the first few levels easily enough, I've done it myself, but it slows down at around level 20, with mobs getting progressively stronger than the players. Even with Grounds of Valor, it could take a while to hit 50.

When you actually work your butt off to solo 50 levels in a day, your gear, skills (parry, evasion, weapon skill), food and such actually do matter as they have a very obvious effect on your ability to keep killing stuff without actually sitting down to regen HP/MP. Sure, you can probably do it with minimal gear, or stick to some key pieces, but that +8 or 9 DEF or evasion on HQ or NM gear actually does help.
Those are rare cases, and there are still some people who like to level 'vanilla' so to speak. The majority, however, seem to prefer GoV and thus the major team aspects are centred around going to a dungeon and going through pages like Johnny 5 in a library. I stand with my previous argument, you still level too quickly to keep most of that old equipment relevant, and if you truly can level as fast as you claim, you'd need 50 levels worth of equipment for your chosen job just to kick start the thing. Inventory space notwithstanding.

For example, my ninja95 (still capped until I do the last level cap) recently capped katana as I gathered the 3 items for the rarab tails. I didn't ask anyone's help, and went at it for less than a day, but I got the drops and the skill ups on my own. Maybe I'm the exception rather than the rule, but I hope that the people who favor leeching and such are actually old-timers who are leveling their 18th job, not new players of brand new accounts.
If there's one thing I've learned in my long days of playing various MMOs is that if there's a quicker and more efficient way of doing something, that's how it will be done by the majority. Skill ups can be done at higher levels, so people have little incentive to skill as they level, preferring to hit 99 and then work on building their skills afterwards. Mages can get around this slightly by using Scholar as a support job because it automatically raises your skill levels to a D-cap rating for your chosen Arts. allowing the majority of your spells to land with accuracy and potency.

While I certainly respect you for doing things the old fashioned way, you're very much in the minority. Anyone low levels not paying to do Abyssea FC's is likely in a GoV group somewhere, and it's very rare to see anyone soloing except at very low levels. Times change, and what a change it's been.
#22 May 05 2012 at 6:58 AM Rating: Decent
I think I prefer the old fashioned way not just for the work but the social aspect. Got a LS on XIV last night and hardly anyone in the shell was talkative, thus making me think that a pt would just just the same.
#23 May 05 2012 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
Is NIN still ungodly expensive??
#24 May 05 2012 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
Normal parties in FFXI just don't happen unless you get 5 others to agree and join you. And even then most will add FoV for extra EXP.
As for talking, type something up and see if you get a reply. There is not a lot of strategies needed to be talked about on party mobs in a game that is this old. If you do not know how to kill a crab a X level, something is horribly wrong.

As for ninja. Yes and No. If you buy the ninja spells off the AH/players plan on paying a lot. If you raise fame and do the quests then you will save yourself money. Each spell still takes a tool, but one of the neat things I found out when I had returned was that NIN as a main could buy 3 tools that could be used for multiple spells. This saved inventory space.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#25 May 05 2012 at 9:23 AM Rating: Excellent
1,949 posts
Glitterhands wrote:
1-50 in a day is only possible through 'power levelling', as you call it. The majority of this is either done via Abyssea leeching, or more often done through GoV[...]

GoV can be soloed, and thus doesn't involve any form of level capping, especially at 60+, but it's true at all levels... (Unless you're alliance book burning in Gusgen, CN, which is not what I actually suggest)

Glitterhands wrote:
Solo XP is still a very slow grind, with mobs giving 200xp for an even match, and "Fields of Valor" Grounds of Valor (fixed that for you) books offering 1-4k small bonuses for killing a certain number of various mobs.

Solo xp for 200 xp even matches is terrible. The page XP, even solo, is where the bulk of your XP/hour comes from, and for that you don't need even matches, you just need XP-granting mobs (so easy prey or above). Don't forget the stacking +4% xp per page every page you complete (ending up at +100% XP after 25 pages)

Also, the haste, attack, accuracy and WS bonus from doing pages is extremly helpful, as are the free buffs offered by the books. Grounds of Valor is insane, and 4k bonus is far from "small". The Oubliettes pages (that you can start actively fighting at 60+) is 4100 xp for 9 mobs. That's 455 xp per mob...

Glitterhands wrote:
Fields of Valor, also often requires players to traverse long distances to find their target mobs and then return to the book for renewing their missions because they're still rather few and far between.

Nobody should use Fields of Valor anymore, unless it's combined with farming or magian trials. Fields is just so terrible compared to Grounds of Valor, even solo.
In any case, both Fields and Grounss don't require you to return to the book anymore, it happens instantly after you get the XP, so you can get a book, and go murder every easy prey in the map.

Also, nobody should consider grinding on Fields of Valor. Really, I mean it.

Glitterhands wrote:
Anyone who can level to 50 in a day solo is either a Beastmaster or is spending their entire 24 hours grinding non-stop without rest. I don't doubt you can now race through the first few levels easily enough, I've done it myself, but it slows down at around level 20, with mobs getting progressively stronger than the players. Even with Grounds of Valor, it could take a while to hit 50.

It takes between 10 and 12 hours at a casualish pace if you know where to go, and it doesn't involve Beastmaster or even /Bst, although when I did it on BST, it was fairly safer and I think faster than on ninja. I'm not talking out of my ***, I'm not getting PLed or leeching, so I don't know how you claim it can't be done...

Glitterhands wrote:
I stand with my previous argument, you still level too quickly to keep most of that old equipment relevant, and if you truly can level as fast as you claim, you'd need 50 levels worth of equipment for your chosen job just to kick start the thing. Inventory space notwithstanding.

No need to prepack all that gear, you return to town often enough that you can simply buy what you need on the AH or pick up scraps in your moghouse...

Perhaps I should detail the "journey" of a level 1-50 in-a-day business from a casualish player, so I'll go ahead and do that:

Bastok has been my home on most characters, so you can try to translate this to other towns, but here goes:
1-7 in Zeruhn mines, page 1 (because there's not enough crabs really, even if the page 2 is better). In anyway, you'll be done in no time. Suggested to use XP ring here, because it's one of the rare time you fight even matches.
7-21 in Dangruf Wadi. You start with Page1 and move up to Page2 and Page3 as the former start going {Too Weak}. Page 3 is the most dangerous and exciting one as it usually involves dodging agro from goblins. Best is to farm Page2 as long as humanly possible before moving on. You should hit the 25 pages XP chain bonus on Page 3, which gives something like 980 XP a pop at that point.
21-42 in Korroloka Tunnel (Page 1 at first, move to Page2 then Page 4 all the way). It's a rough start at 21, though, so optionally you may want to hit Gusgen for a jump start. BST or my RDM duo were fine at 21 (yay familiar!) but my ninja had a bit more of a problem (possibly because I only quest Utsu:Ichi at level 70).
42-50 in Sea Serpent Grotto. (Page 1 all the way). This involves dealing with some wandering Sahags, but they are fun enough to kill. Bards are a PITA as they often dispel your book buffs (Regen, Reraise, whatever)

So if you follow my above journey, you need:
-A level 1 weapon to start off. I suggest using your bare hands unless you can't. Level 1 RSE is fine until 7-8
-Level 7 armor and weapon for the Wadi. You can bring some level 15 gear if you have it and upgrade there.
-Level 21 armor for Korroloka. You can bring your level 27-33 RSE and maybe even a couple of level 30 and 40 CP gear if it's good for your job. Level 21 and 30 weapon is more than enough here.
-AF weapon and some key level 40+ items (Walkures mask, Headlong belt, Brigandine armor, accuracy rings, etc.) for SSG.

/DNC helps a lot, having conquest warps obviously makes going to SSG faster. All other areas I level are within 2 zones of Bastok Mines.
Killing LOTS of bats and leeches in there, so get used to the idea of fighting with Attack Down debuff, unless you're DNC or WHM main.

And as I said in my other post, doing all that in a perma Duo or trio, or with random strangers? Infinitely more fun, but totally not required.

Also note: if you follow this path to 50, you won't end up with capped skills quite, but the sahagins are 41-45, so should con as decent challenge even at 49~50, meaning you could go and purposely agro more of them for skill ups. I suggest doing the same to Gigas while in Korro, for the same reasons.

Glitterhands wrote:
If there's one thing I've learned in my long days of playing various MMOs is that if there's a quicker and more efficient way of doing something, that's how it will be done by the majority.

Unless you work in B.I. or analytics, you don't know if that's the majority. You're guessing, but your guesses are limited to your point of view, which means you look at your friends, the forum posters, the LS you're in, and the server you're on.

There are plenty of people outside your scope who probably don't play by the rules you're familiar with. It's also very easy to stop seeing the bigger picture and focus on things that annoy us.

Edited, May 5th 2012 11:25am by Docent42

Edited, May 5th 2012 2:21pm by Docent42
#26 May 07 2012 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
Thank you very much for that post Docent - Everything I've read to this point tells you to hit Gusgen GoV till 35, then do CN till 75. I had no problem getting from 1-36 in a single night doing solo FoV then hitting Gusgen. I then headed off to CN only to find there was nobody there and came back here searching for answers. The GoV in Korroloka was actually surprisingly fast solo. Even with my cheap gear.

I have 2 follow-up questions. How does a new player who has yet to find a LS do the limit break and AF quests - I assume these are still not soloable? Then where do you go after 50? Thanks in advance.

Slowbro - Odin
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