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F***KING HIBS!Follow

#1 Nov 21 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
Am i the only one who notices the fact that the Hibs, at least on Merlin server, are extremely overpowered. A level 15 Hib caster took out my level 19 Pally with one hit. They always have DF, and across all RvR they own. Did Mythic buff them up or something in a patch? Or did the nerf Mids and Albs. Im very bothered by the fact neither Mids or Albs have any control of DF anymore given the fact Albs > Mids and we can deal with them. Quite opposite of the hibs.

What are your feelings on it.
#2 Nov 21 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
The problem isn't one realm being overpowered in general, but that the other realms are not organized enough and don't participate much in organized RvR. Well-populated servers usually cycle through dominant realms. Even on servers where one realm is the overall underdog, they can excel in RvR by virtue of having good leaders and a lot of activity in the frontiers.

Don't worry. The hibs will eventually become complacent and the RvR leaders will become frustrated at not being able to raise the armies they need in order to keep their advantage. In the meantime, start building your own RvR army instead of whining on the boards about how overpowered the hibs are.
#3 Nov 22 2004 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
If it makes you feel better, the situation is reversed on Tristan. The Albs have 5 of 6 relics and almost always have DF. Recently, Mids have had DF for more than 2 days, which is more then they've had it for a year or two I think.
#4 Nov 23 2004 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
What level is your highest toon graynomas?
#5 Nov 23 2004 at 12:55 AM Rating: Default
#6 Nov 24 2004 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
Figured, play in big boy RvR before making assumptions that a realm is overpowered.

Edited, Wed Nov 24 03:26:00 2004 by Lasraik
#7 Nov 25 2004 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
A level 15 Hib caster took out my level 19 Pally with one hit.

lol! he most likley crit, and u probably had NO resists and negative con. advice to you:

A level 50
#8 Nov 25 2004 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
Okay, here's someone that's played some in "big boy" rvr. I play on guinevere, and if you take a look, you'll see hibs own there. Now, let me justify that statement, before ya'll start tearin me apart. Albs finally got df back last nite after being without it for about 3 weeks. I'll be suprised if we still have it next time I log on. I'm not gonna go with the old, tired "<insert realm here> are overpowered" excuse, but something is definitely wrong. 2 days ago, I stood on our strength relic wall, and watched 2.5 groups of hibs kick the living crap outa 4+ full groups of albs. This was after they proceeded to take 4 or 5 keeps in about an hour and a half. Granted, they may have had better leaders that nite, but this is a common occurrence on guin for the last couple of months, and i refuse to believe that all the "good players" play hibs. Yesterday, some brave albs decided to take the war to the hibs, and in doing so, we took 2 of their keeps and gained df for a bit. Go albs! However, i'll be suprised if it lasts.

Now then, lemme see if i understand what ya'll just told graynomas up there: First, pay another $15 (give or take)to buy another account, then, spend the time leveling a char that's gonna sit in a pk for it's entire lifespan, then, spend massive ammounts of time leveling your main char (yes, i understand this is a necessary part of the game), then spend massive amounts of time farming cash, but don't expect to be able to do it with your pally, cuz although pallies can take on just about anything, they can't do it quickly. So, this being the case, level a necro to 50 and yet again, spend massive ammounts of time farming for money, or just do it the easy way and buy it from ebay (have you seen the prices for that lately?). Then, spend about a day's worth of time working on a final template (lol. doin that right now for my scout) which includes sc'd material and arti's. I'm not even gonna talk about arti scrolls right now (argh!). Then find a decent sc'er and armorer who're not gonna charge u an arm and a leg, then persuade em to take the time to do what you need em to. Or, you could spend hours and hours crafting (I did) and make your own stuff. Now! Finally! You're ready to actually play the game!
I guess the whole point that i'm trying to make is it shouldn't be this difficult to actively participate in rvr and be useful. I agree that a lvl 15 ANYTHING should not be able to 1 shot a lvl 19 ANYTHING. This being said, however, such is life. We have to deal with it. I'm not gonna spend my time complaining about it. Pallies are not that great at rvr. Damage output isn't good with a s/s pally, and no way am i gonna give up being a "god" in pve for a 2h spec. Anyway, feel free to comment, flame, or just plain ignore this. I'm really just venting anyway.

Edited, Thu Nov 25 17:56:00 2004 by edodoc

Edited, Thu Nov 25 18:02:24 2004 by edodoc
#9 Nov 26 2004 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
Double post on accident :)

Edited, Fri Nov 26 00:36:52 2004 by Lasraik
#10 Nov 26 2004 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
Not trying to "tear you apart" here, but I looked you up on the Herald and you only have 18k realm points. Thats really not alot of RvR experience, not that I'm an expert either but...

I understand that it's frustrating leveling, getting artifacts, gear ect. But thats part of the game. I don't remember seeing where anyone told him to roll a hibernian character either. Also, you say that Hibernia dominates your server... Hibernia, Midgard and Albion all share two relics each there, doesn't look like they dominate all that much. In fact, right now Albion owns the most keeps and DF is open to them. If you think Albion is being beat up on, take a look at some of the other servers where Midgard or Hibernia is really outnumbered. In fact, Albion has the highest population on all of the servers, and I don't see that many people playing Albion if it's underpowered.

In fact, it's been the view of many players for years that Albion is the most powerful realm because they were the first realm completed and have a view of being a "teachers pet" of sorts by some people. If you stay out in the frontier long enough, you'll see any realm being outnumbered and look like they are dominating when they survive and kill their enemies, I've seen every realm overcome huge odds to come out alive, just part of the game and it also depends on the quality of the group ect.

Edited, Fri Nov 26 13:37:46 2004 by Lasraik
#11 Nov 26 2004 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
Las, you are 100% right. 18k rp is not alot of rp. He's not my main rvr char tho. Jykk is. he's got around 45k which, i still understand is not alot in the great scheme of things. However, anyone can pull up the warmap, /realm and /relic and see what's goin on on the frontiers. You are right, we do have our own relics atm. We took it back about a week and a half ago. Before that, the hibs had it for 2 months. Also, in my previous post, you will not see me say anything about rolling a hib. The new char i was referring to on the 2nd account he would have to buy would be a buff bot.
As i said in my previous post, i'm NOT using that tired excuse about one realm being overpowered. However, if you look on the herald, you will notice that the realm bonuses (rp, xp, etc) are equal now on guin. This means that the populations have evened out. That being the case, what does it say when one realm significantly and continuously overwhelms another? I'm not going to make any statements one way or the other.
The original point i was trying to make is that a new player should not have to buy plat off the internet in order to compete and be useful in the lower lvl bgs. He should not have to purchase another account for $15 dollars a month.
However, that being said, such is life, and that's the way it works. I still love my pally and i still love my scout and i still love being an alb. Who knows? some day i might try a hib or mid and like it, but until then, i'll keep playin where i am.
#12 Nov 27 2004 at 3:17 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
If you decide to try out Hib or Mid let me know, we need Mids on Kay and always welcome new Hibbies on Igraine :)
#13 Nov 27 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
Ummmm, excuse me, I have a lv 31chanter and im taking a while to lv but scrue that. Stop complaining. If you havent noticed by now, hibs suck, we are having one lucky streak..........I am so sry that you are to weak to kill a caster.
I swear, some tanks are such d*c* heads. Oh and have you ever been in the frontiers, who always has the keeps......................................albs and mids.
Oh yeah, and as for thrugiests or whatever, just let them stun me and let there little pets finish me off.
NERF THEM........................................................................................................................oh yeah, and im on merlin
By the way, my chanters name is moonsummoner, look me up

So I can sent my patriot to your azz and wipe you out

Edited, Sat Nov 27 15:33:51 2004 by moonsummoner
#14 Nov 27 2004 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
does the above post really need a reply or should we just leave it as is? Anyway, I am COMPLETELY done cryin about hibs. Lol. Last nite, albs took the hibs relic. Figures. I finally open my mouth after months of reading these forums, and of cours i now look like an **** for it.
#15 Nov 27 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
edodoc wrote:
does the above post really need a reply or should we just leave it as is? Anyway, I am COMPLETELY done cryin about hibs. Lol. Last nite, albs took the hibs relic. Figures. (.............I finally open my mouth after months of reading these forums, and of cours i now look like an **** for it.........................)

Of course
#16 Dec 04 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
OMG someone died in RvR, god forbid =X

Ok i'm done with my flaming =p EACH and when i say EACH i mean EACH realm has an overpowered class, it is true. Perfect example: Hibs have their anim, Albs have ther necros, and Mids have their BDs <srhug> live with it. As far as eldritchs go, they are far from being overpowered, ask any scout or inf on alb side and they will tell you this with a grin they that are not. If you don't believe all realms form some kind of equilibrium, then go to my server Nimue. Right now all realms have their own keeps, and all three go back and forth taking one anothers keeps and every now and then sneak off with anothers relic only to have it taken or back away later on. One thing people still have a problem realizing in RvR, especially those who are new to game, is that you are NEVER at anytime invincible. But still this never seems to prevent the fact near everyone is trying to be the big bad badass out there lol =p

Edited, Sat Dec 4 17:31:04 2004 by Sushas
#17 Dec 05 2004 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
The reason for albs rvr not grouping is real easy. I have a Thergy with 2000 range on cast pets. Hibs can blast 3000 easy and kill with 1 hit. This is the problem with all classes. The hibs are too strong. Dont care what anyone says. Anyone notice why half the merlin quit DAOC and play WOW or everquest. There ok games but mythic runs this game into the ground. I dont think catacombs will sell anywhere like WOW did. People left here to WOW to get away from the BS. This was a nice game but Mystic blew it apart. Mystic blew away RVR. Simple fact.. game is no fun anymore. Wow has made a certian amout of classes and says it will add no more and change none of them. Too many people at Mythic tweeking everything..ahh forget it. Mythic wiped out there own game and they will loose tons of money and within 6 months no more game ..chapter 11..
#18 Dec 07 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
ROFL =)) lol i've been in game for 3 yrs and 2 yrs of that was spent as a ice wiz on perc. not even back in the early days of OF before all the nerf updates have i EVER heard of a 3000 blast or even if you're talking about range. all bolts to all realms are 1875 range at base level and the highest you can bring that up is by 10%, and all DD spells to all realms are 1500 range at base level. thuerg pets are meant to die with one or shots, otherwise all the thuerg would have to do is spam elementals until he's out of power and solo an entire group, hell, i've thuergs solo entire groups just by using QC+aoe root/mezz (pending spell line) then spam elementals, running away, and repeating this process (funny most thuergs do that anyway though =p ). i've mentioned it before, ALL realms have overpowered classes, just because you may die to enemies to another realm does NOT mean that realm is overpowered, or even just because you may have died to an overpopulated realm also does not mean that realm is overpowered.

Facts: you are going to die to enemy realm at some point in RvR, you are never going to be invincible, you may at times have your big bad badass moments in RvR but they never last forever, otherwise no one would necessarily die in RvR, would they.

Advice: take a look at your situation and compare to others of your enemy realms. take a look at you char and see what they are lacking or what they may have too much of. for example: my lw heroine can kick some major *** amongst tanks and light tanks, i can make short work of assassin types, but within reason, such as, if i'm paying attention to my style set up so obviously i'm not hitting the wrong keys for the chain styles i want or need to land, switching from shield to lw timed well enough to utilize shield and/or engage to keep the advantage mine so i can set up for side chains or use annihilation back style, but problem is for me, i run into a fire wiz, earth wiz, ice wiz, sm, or rm, i'm toast because i have low heat/cold resists, so they make short work of me. also if you're out running around alone there's a good chance you'll be zerged, especially if the server you're on has an overpopulated realm, which merlin is known for. best option is, group up, learn your spells/skills, set yourself up with resists, learn your class best you can and for it.

whether it be an elf or avalonian caster having been both, might as well be wearing a sign that says "Perf me, please" or "I have low hp, kill me first", that's why you group, get a meat shield in front of you with a mezzer to get the drop on enemies and you'll see things in a much different light. and sense you're in alb, you should know that minstrels are considered as the best mezzing class and highly overpowered good melee, stealth, insta stun, aoe mezz, pet charm, dot spells, speed, end song, pow song, regen song. back as an ice wiz i never felt like i was at any disavantage, even when i was getting 2 shotted by rangers and hunters.

Edited, Tue Dec 7 11:25:26 2004 by Sushas
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