[red] well I have to say if you haven't even tried the Hibby side then you really don't know what u r missing out on. I don't know what kind of player you are but I have tried all realms especially when I began playing DAoC just after it's release. Albion is quite the spectacle but I never could get accutomed to it and Midgard was just waaaaaaaay too ugly
for my palette. When I started in Hibernia I was INSTANTLY hooked
just for the scenery at first and then for the people and then for the classes that were available and I have only left Hibernia once to try out a Wizard in Albion and although that class totally scares me with the power it has from lvl 10 and on I STILL came back to Hibernia. So YES, we may be underdogs and we may hardly ever get relics and we may hardly ever get DF and we may have the most difficulty in RvR...HIBERNIA ROCKS!!!! Come try it out and you will feel the same way we do