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Good Specs?Follow

#1 Oct 21 2004 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
Would this be a good spec for a level 50 Saracen Infiltrator?

Saracen Infiltrator Level 50

32 Thrust
01 Slash
50 Critical Strike
50 Stealth
02 Dual Wield
35 Envenom
#2 Oct 21 2004 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
No reason to take Stealth to 50, the highest would be around 35 or so. Drop Stealth and raise CD.
#3 Oct 22 2004 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
Aye 35 is as high as you need to bring stealth. at RR5 you can have an effective level 50 stealth, and mythic has explained over and over that there are NO benefits of having stealth above 50.
#4 Oct 22 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
Would this be better? I wasn't sure if I should further develop thrust or envenom as I didn't need more than 35 on stealth. I put it on all the extra points on thrust anyway.

35 Stealth
50 Critical Strike
04 Dual Wield
01 Slash
47 Thrust
36 Envenom
#5 Oct 22 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
Increase Dual Wield it determines how often you will attack with second weapon
#6 Oct 22 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
I had read in quite a few places that dual wield wasn't really worth developing. How many points do you think should go on it? Is it really worth using?
#7 Oct 28 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
DW is worth points, it's the average that you'll hit your target with your offhand weapon. Which can come in handy if your using poisons on both weapons and of course the extra damage. I have 33 CD (which is DW in hibernia) on my nightshade and the amount that I hit with my offhand helps a ton while fighting.

Also, going 50 CS isn't really worth the points, it will raise your damage cap, but you won't really see that much of a benefit. At level 44 in CS you'll get Rib Seperation, and some nice damage on your CS styles, that will help you raise your DW a bit. I would say 20ish would be the lowest I would take DW.
#8 Oct 28 2004 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
Pretty sure that points in Dual Wield, as well as giving you styles (which you probably won't need, what with your main weapon and CS), gives you a chance to hit with BOTH weapons at once. Otherwise, it's random which weapon you use in each attack (and which weapon's delay follows until the next attack) So DW or CD won't influence how often the poison on your secondary weapon goes off.
#9 Oct 28 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
Yes, it will.

CD/DW/LA ect influence how often you hit with two hands. If you have poison on both weapons, of course thats going to influence how fast your poison gets to your target.

The sooner your poisons land on their target the more damage you will do, the sooner they will be debuffed ect.

Edited, Thu Oct 28 18:57:10 2004 by Lasraik
#10 Nov 02 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Default
Best spec for an infil is:

50 thrust
34 or 39 cs, even 44 critical strike, I wouldnt reccomened 50 tho
35 env
35 stealth
rest dual wield

i think thats enough for 2.5, i cant remember no cookie cutter specs too well atm lol.

but, most rr5s are 35 stealth, 35 env, 50 thrust, 34 cs, rest dual wield
i think it ammounts to 18 dual wield? i forgot off my head.
#11 Nov 02 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
The new flavor for infs are briton slash infs. It's a better line. With better artifacts.
#12 Nov 03 2004 at 9:45 PM Rating: Default
The new flavor for infs are briton slash infs. It's a better line.

Slash infs arent THAT great. Slash is definatley a better line then thrust though. I do agree :-) Imo, roll a merc though. But as a stealther youd be fighting other stealthers... so, I wouldnt want to fight one just cuz slash is entirely str based, and the debuffs, so yeah... Imo, thrust is better for an infil though. I <3 the + dmg on chain :-) And most of mid wears chain, healers, shamans, and all tanks but the zerker. Thats like... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7? About that I belive. Thent heres the cloth casters- which are neutral, and leather users, which is only the sb, which takes + dmg to slash, and then reinforced, and im not sure. But scale is + to slash I believe? And I belive just druids, heros, and champions get scale? So, thats 3 classes with armor vulnerable to slash. I think reinforced is either neutral or stronger to slash, as is studded. Idk off my head, Infact, just go to the little thing that lists it. but go thrust for an infil imo. Its your toon tho, do whatcha want, slash infs are still good.
#13 Nov 04 2004 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
Slash stealthers in general are uber, keen slasher shades are also uber and norse dual axe SBs hit a ton. It's very easy to mod str, and each armor class has it's weakness to something, but it shouldn't be the ultimate determiner of the spec line you choose. One current trend is the blunt shar BMs, but only 2 classes wear armor that is weak to crush dmg, yet a blunt spec BM still hits like a truck. It's how you play, set up and mod your toon that determines how well they preform in any combat RvR or PvE. Infs are on the same dmg table as champions and skalds, there's a reason why an Inf can melee down even well set up tank. Given that slash hits much harder than pierce, do the math and its clear a slash type inf will hit hard as hell. A slash type inf will hit harder than a pierce type, the pierce type will generally merely hit a dash faster.

Edited, Thu Nov 4 01:45:20 2004 by Sushas
#14 Nov 04 2004 at 8:57 PM Rating: Default

but, im just saying, in general more armor is thrust vulnerable then to slash. Id consider a bladeshade though. Sbs arent that great, since LA nerf theyve been sucky to the max. They get pwned by druid ha ha. but, thrust hits fine. id go thrust anyways, i feel more secure. But, you get what I was saying right?
#15 Nov 04 2004 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
lol yup i get where you're coming from =p but a well set up Sb can be uber, in DF with heroine I came across a dual axe rr6 sb, regardless of her being buffed out the ears, she hit really really hard. I was buffed with Cloak of the Firestorm proc which gives a nice str/con buff taking my hits to around 1900. I only landed like 2 hits which only took her to down to 76%, she evaded everything else then used vanish so she perf me for a 2nd time because i went moose because bing my dumb self i didn't pay attention to the fact she slapped disease on me which negated my ip =| after having purged and gone moose after she had taken me to 32% health is when she used her vanish. waited until moose was over then perfed again and pwned me =| fully buffed infs have done the same tactics to me in DF and they didn't do near the dmg she did to me on top of or even really come that close to defeating me. Something about her set up just made her uber as hell and down right pwned my *** =p

To the SB norse chick that worked me in DF last month out by rocots near tempters hib side /salute /curtsey that was some impressive stuff you pulled, you did everything perfectly, I'd like to do it again sometime <grin> =p

Edited, Thu Nov 4 23:50:37 2004 by Sushas
#16 Nov 28 2004 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, I have been working on auto training an infy ,but here is the thing ...he is a Saracan, and i made him slash. Did I gimp myself ? He is Now lvl 36 and i havn't played him yet, im going to auto train him to lvl 40 , 48 maybe couse that will give me 12 free points auto trained into stealth. any ideas for a good spec would really help :P also ..if i would be better off deleting him and starting over...i would really like to make him as uber as i can :D hehe

Thanks Guys

#17 Nov 30 2004 at 1:08 AM Rating: Default
nah, u didnt gimp yer self. in the end it doesnt matter what race u r, cuz ull be eatin **** from any1 above rr5 till ur rr5. but, id rather roll a sb cuz they can be kobolds, so cute!
#18 Nov 30 2004 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
lol ... Well, does that mean that I will be getting owned alot ?
I am going to be starting out in NF, with no realm points. Couse I can't really go to the BG's without stealth. :(

#19 Nov 30 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
You won't be getting rolled that bad really, because as an Infiltrator you have a spec point advantage. You'll compete against other stealthers that are a couple realm ranks above you once you get familiar with your character and know how to use your styles.
#20 Nov 30 2004 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
Yayy , So I don't have to delete my Infil. and start all over.
What a relefe lol. Well, I just would like your opinion on one more thing, what do you think my end specs should be at 50 , with 12 extra points auto trained...this is my idea so far , i really don't know...

Envenom 35
Stealth 35
Critical Strike 50
Duel Weld 15
Slash 44

and also with this spec I have 78 points still to train in
Just would like some help, from those of you that have infy's and know something about what I would need.

Thanks for the help :)
#21 Jan 07 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
First and foremost! Its has nearly been completely proven that having over a 51 composite weapon spec(ie: anything over 36+15 at rr 5L0) does next to nothing for you. it will not increase weapon skill at all, though it shows an increase on your status screan that increase realy doesn't happen. More over since any competative inf will use mainly CS styles(ie PA, CD, garrote, achilles) your Style dmg is based entirely off CD spec. leaving the only real reason to go 50 thrust to get dragon fang, however with the recent nerf of dragon fang( droped from 9second stun to 5second stun) that is even less of a gain in the end.

A realy worth while spec would be: 35 stealth 35 env. 36 thrust 50 crit and 31 DW, and thats with out autoing if i am not mistaken.

And DW is a very good spec to have. When you increase your chance to hit with second weapon a number f things happen. First you obviously do better damage per hit by hitting with both hands. second you have a much better chance of having both of your posions going off faster. third, when you land a hit with both hands your reswing timer is set as:

(righthand spd+lefthand spd)/2

rather then just your right hand speed when you only hit with your main hand weapon. in turn this gives you a constant "haste effect" using a 4.1 and 3.0 weapon for instance you will swing at 4.1 with only main hand hits, but at 3.6 when both hands land. so it is easy to see why having DW high is beneficial.
#22 Jan 10 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
>>First and foremost! Its has nearly been completely proven that having over a 51 composite weapon spec(ie: anything over 36+15 at rr 5L0) does next to nothing for you. it will not increase weapon skill at all, though it shows an increase on your status screan that increase realy doesn't happen. More over since any competative inf will use mainly CS styles(ie PA, CD, garrote, achilles) your Style dmg is based entirely off CD spec. leaving the only real reason to go 50 thrust to get dragon fang, however with the recent nerf of dragon fang( droped from 9second stun to 5second stun) that is even less of a gain in the end.<<

Training 50 Thrust will still help your Thrust style damage. But if you primarily use CS/DW styles, then going with Wyrds test results is the way to go.
#23 Jan 10 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
most 50 NSs/SBs/Infs that i know only take CS to 36 and pierce or thrust to 50, and those who go for Spymaster ml10 respec envenom to 50 though you have to sacrifice melee for that, though as an inf it's not nearly as big of a problem. but 50 thrust/pierce is pretty much a must for high dmg
#24 Jan 11 2005 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
>>most 50 NSs/SBs/Infs that i know only take CS to 36 and pierce or thrust to 50, and those who go for Spymaster ml10 respec envenom to 50 though you have to sacrifice melee for that, though as an inf it's not nearly as big of a problem. but 50 thrust/pierce is pretty much a must for high dmg<<

I'm sorry but I have to disagree. With the recent tests Wyrd did, it proved that a 51 modified weapon spec is all you need. Going above that is a waste of points if you don't use styles in that line and primarily use DW/CS styles. I'm not sure why anyone would spec 50 envenom, you can easily get a 50 modified spec at 35 with RR5. The only incentive for Infils to go 50 in thrust is Dragonfang.
#25 Jan 12 2005 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
well i mentioned getting 50 envenom ONLY for if you're going for ml10 Spymaster, because if memory serves the ml10 ability for Spymaster requires you to have 50 envenom. as far as going 50 pierce/thrust that's just what i've been told from friends who are infs and shades, because they primarily use pierce and thrust styles after having perfed or backstabbed, because i guess they do higher dmg pierce styles when they are in a striaght fight, i'm not sure, just going from what i've been told =p but it makes sense in away when you consider per lvl in cs only gives you +9 dmg, and thrust/pierce (i don't remember what off-hand) is a bit higher =p <shrug> but i probably don't know what i'm talking about =p
#26 Jan 14 2005 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
The ML9 ability of aoe Mez poison, all you need is 1 point in envenom :P
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