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Help! WoW vs. DAOCFollow

#1 Feb 02 2005 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
Can someone please give me a full and honest opinion if you have played both games of which game is better quality and a better expirience from their own opinions!?
I really like WoW but there is so much missing and the pvp and the people who participate in it are just horrible. The Strategy in Daoc will never be challenged by any mmorpg yet ive played. I just really want to know is catacombs really worth it? It absolutely looks 100 times better to me than WoW and that was my main gripe before catacombs. I would like to hear what other peoples thoughts and opinions are?
The bottom line is both are great games but when it comes to a game requiring real skill and complexity Daoc rules so far..... other than that i wouldnt know much about catacombs other than what i knew about TOA.
#2 Feb 09 2005 at 4:51 AM Rating: Good

I am recently coming back to DAoC after a year off and playing wow.i waited for that game for too long and was really let down by the community and ease of the game.crafts are a joke and groups are even worse.

and the general chat channels are full of people that just insult and get their kicks off anyone that asks any simple question.what a shame too,i was waiting on that game for awhile since i loved blizzs last games before it.
in summary,wow is fun for a month but way to easy.within 2 weeks of release people were max lvl and whining on the forums about not enough content because they ahd beat most of the high end content.
#3 Feb 16 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
I have played DAoC and WoW.WoW is a great game but im lvl43mage troll and its very boreing right now.I can always lvl easy or pk little retarded alliance.But I am going back to DAoC when WoW subscription runs out.WoW has to many spammers that talk about just rediculous stuff and people who 1/3 are jerks,1/3 retarded,1/3 actualy normal.So stick to DAoC because u will regret going to WoW.
#4 Feb 19 2005 at 1:33 AM Rating: Excellent
235 posts
I like wow better
#7 Feb 28 2005 at 7:58 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts

I am recently coming back to DAoC after a year off and playing wow.i waited for that game for too long and was really let down by the community and ease of the game.crafts are a joke and groups are even worse.

and the general chat channels are full of people that just insult and get their kicks off anyone that asks any simple question.what a shame too,i was waiting on that game for awhile since i loved blizzs last games before it.
in summary,wow is fun for a month but way to easy.within 2 weeks of release people were max lvl and whining on the forums about not enough content because they ahd beat most of the high end content.

Sounds like you got to about L20 and crafting to about 150.

Leave general chat, get a guild. The high end content is enough to keep all but the most hardcore gamers entertained.

You can get to max-level in about 12-15 days of playtime, and the very fastest players did it in about 11 days played. But so what - if a game is about time spent, look into Progress Quest - it'd be perfect for you!

Also - crafting 200+ is no joke. It gets challenging, but it's not tedious like in some other games.

Finally - WoW is about having fun. Most of the people who play have FUN. That's what it's about. It's not about an endless leveling curve.

I've never played DaoC past the first 10 levels. I really can not comment on it.

However if you want a more casual game, WoW is probably a better choice.
#8 Mar 01 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Default
/Ignore the FFXI freak

DAoC is and will be better than WoW. I've done my homework and nothing compares to DAoC. Yeah wow is going to have PvP built eventually, so you can run around and kill other idiot nooblets that got to the highest level in 12 days. Where is the challenge? Its in DAoC.

You have to WORK to get to the top, you have to know what your doing, you have to continously work on your gear, your ML's and your arties to stay on top. Yeah, the tower humping hordes can be a bore sometimes but can you honestly tell me that you don't get an adrenaline rush off of sieging a keep, running inside and taking over? Setting up base camps and getting siege going. Knowing that you and others have to work together to accomplish the goal.

IMO stick with DAoC, you'll thank me later.

if your a whiny ***** that wants everything handed to you, go with WoW.
#9 Mar 02 2005 at 6:05 PM Rating: Good
102 posts
Ok, here comes the un-bias hammer on the way.

Ok, I'll admit, I haven't played WOW but I do know most everyone that went to WOW came back to DAoC with the gripe that WOW was way too easy to level and there was never quite a challenge.

Handling the subject of immature chat channels, those will always be around, but generally in DAoC your chat is just tells if you're not guilded, then if you are it's merely guild and alliance.

To respond to the one who said "DAoC's strategy will never be replaced" sorry to say, I'm a big DAoC fan, but the one thing I conceded in disappointment is, it is rare that you can find a strategic group leader. Normally it is zerg until there's nothing left to zerg. So disregard that statement unless you find the few "diamonds in the rough".

Catacombs' release was DAoC's way of debunking the statement "a casual new gamer can't get into the game". Instanced dungeons brought loads of experience and cash from level 1 to 50, and they're easily doable within an hour as well. I'm casual and I've recently got my ranger to level 40 (I do take serious gaming grind days during vacations). DAoC does require you have some knowledge of grouping, but if you're more interested in PVE killing you can sign up for ML Raids and Arti encounters and the likes, you're ok there anyhow.

I will say that in comparison yes, DAoC does look like Astro-Physics compared to WOW (Based on what I've heard), and to play it well, you need a level of skill and knowledge, but if you really want a game that preferrs strategy to be successful, look into EQ. When I left it was still a bear to fathom how some things work out because different mobs react differently to tactics, whereas as a general rule in DAoC, have enough healing power and damage? Zerg it, oh no, an add, all on it. In EQ it was add, no enchanter? Tuck your head between your legs and kiss your **** good bye guys.

DAoC is exhillerating in the RVR aspect that there is always a rush, whether taking a keep or getting flattened by a POed Middy.

In my humble opinion, I reccomend DAoC as a game well worth your time. Choose a high population server if you want the most ease of gamer buddies or even crafters, with clustering it should be getting easier, but in my experiences, clustering hasn't done much to bring servers together and provide more resources or even grouping. However I'm convinced if you can let people from other servers into a foreign server's guild, that would clear up alot.

-The word of the Blath-
#10 Mar 03 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
DAoC, hands down.

I started playing EQ back in 99. I beta tested DAoC then went to it once it went live. I had some kind of temperary brain damage and went back to EQ after about a year or so of DAoC, just before SI was released. Was with EQ for a couple years then jumped to Lineage II. Bad to worse. Sat and waited for the almighty WoW to come out, and when it did I sat and stared transfixed. Great eye candy. Lots of little easter eggs in the game. Any class can be soloed to max level. Im now back to DAoC.

I stated all that so you would know I have experienced more then one MMO. Fact is there are a bunch I didnt list above. If you are under the impression that WoW will live up to what Blizzard is known for ... well it might some day. Right now Blizzard is looking alot like SoE. Poor customer support, unstable servers, tradeskills are a joke (unless you count gathering). Economic system is designed around an AH (Auction House) that I usually refered to as an OH (Out House). One AH per side, so you get lagged out if you go near the city. As for PVP or RVR, the Horde is outnumbered 1 to 4 on average with some servers being as bad as 1 to 8. Blizzard is going for the coin right now. If you want to try this game out wait til after July and don't go for more then a month subscription or you might be upset.

DAoC is by far a much more challenging example of what an MMO should be like. The new changes are very nice. The grafix from Catacombs are wonderful. And things just make more sense they way they have them set up. WoW might have sold nearly a million copies world wide but I will be interested in seeing how many of those accounts are still active after July.

Just my 2c.

#11 Mar 04 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
629 posts
You'll have a really tough time getting an unbiased opinion on this from one of the boards. You post this same question on the WoW board and you'll get exactly the opposite answers. Smiley: tongue The board you pick will determine what your target audience has already decided, ergo how they will respond. Smiley: grin Personally, I haven't played DAoC in a long time, but that's because in the early days of DAoC, it was disappointing, too. Heck, EQ was disappointing in the early going. I was in EQ's closed beta, but took 6 months off after a really bad, lose-everything death. When I came back 6 months later, lo and behold, it was a much better game. Smiley: grin I play WoW mostly because I like the Azeroth game world (I've loved the Warcraft series since they released the first as shareware... Smiley: grin). I'm sure it will eventually be similar in quality to any other MMORPG. All a matter of preference, really. Smiley: grin
#12 Mar 19 2005 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
DAOC is a good game but you could put wow vs any game and WoW would come out the best
#13 Mar 20 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
pfft.. WoW is for ignorant ***** who cant do more than hit one button repeatedly.
#14 Mar 20 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
From what I hear about WoW, it simply just gets boring after a while. Once you reach the max levels (which doesn't take much time), you simply run out of things to do.

DAoC is much different, because there is practically an endless amount of things to do.

That is what MMORPGs are about, basically: doing stuff. Whether in a group, guild, or alone, one should never run out of things to do. And, with DAoC, the possibilities are endless.
#16 Mar 26 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
How does WoW not have any challenges? Are you trying to say that raiding Onyxia's layer is easy, or that you can beat her without the skillfull play of 40 (max for dungeon)charecters? Plus the way albs (on Lancelot/Merlin) RvR i'm sure that ones the batleground part of PvP in WoW is implemented there will be plenty of strategy used in PvP battles, unlike the alb strategy of zerging anything they see. Finnaly getting a full set of epic armor at lv 60 is anything but easy.
#17 Mar 29 2005 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good
WoW is a new game. Recently it has shown this due to its failure to fix some of its several problems. Unless a solution to these problems are met in a 3 month period im am converting to DAoC. IMO i think this is a fair amount of time
#18 Apr 02 2005 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
Guess I'll take postion right down the middle on this one. For perspective, played EQ-1 for 3 years, DAoC 2.5, and WoW since 12/04. My perspective is that it depends on what you're looking for....As far as being to easy, when I 1st came to DAoC, it was far easier to lvl up compared to EQ by far, and WoW has definitely lowered that bar...lvling is pretty easy. That said, there are other features of WoW that are challenging in the instance dungeon areas, separate from leveling. Biggest limitation of DAoC was for the most part unless you played Co-op or PvP server, you were pretty much confined to 1/3 of the world. The world of WoW and EQ give you so much more content to experience. The graphics and interface of WoW are far superior to even the latest version of DAoC imho. But again, the RvR of DAoC is unmatched amongst MMORPGs. So what's my point? It depends on what is important to you relative to gameplay and that is what is likely going to attract you to the various games. And for those who like to flame those who aren't attracted to what they like in a game, grow up; not everyone likes the same things in a game. Hence, I maintain my accounts on all 3 games, love my toons on each, although I am currently primarily playing WoW, I still maintain my house in Midgard in Pellinor, by going back and paying rent every couple of weeks. And I still visit EQ now and again. Takeaway? Enjoy what is most attractive and stimulating to you in the respective games and have the common decency to respect other peoples likes and dislikes even if they're differnt than your own. Enjoy!

Vixar 56 Tauren Druid Dragonblight
Vixar 50 RR2L8 Thane Pellinor (et. al)+ 5 other 50 alts
Vixar 52 Iksar Warrior (7th Hammer) + 4 other 50+ alts
#19 Apr 02 2005 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
84 posts
Amen brother, Gator is right. BTW are you a FLA Gator fan? just wondering.
#20 Apr 04 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
Yes, I am, a burden I've learned to carry with pride.
#21 Apr 05 2005 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Lol I'm right there with ya carrying the load. I'm a life-long, pain suffering gator fan as well. I have only 2 words to describe my pain: Zook ball.
#22 Apr 05 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
2,574 posts
Ive played WoW since release, and played DAoC for about 4 months, so its been an equal amount of time in both games. The ease of leveling in WoW is fun, but it gets boring and the fact that grouping is a disencentive is frankly absurd. The XP slash for grouping is far too large to support groups in any way. Trade skills are very easy, making the in game economy towards player made gear almost a joke, there is no uniqueness among tradesmen, you hit 300 craft skill, your the same as the others who have.

PvP in WoW is unrewarding, at least until PvP Honor System and the Battlegrounds come out, which should be towards the end of summer if my guess is right.

I say DAoC is a better game, at least until WoW works out its server issues, adds more content, and fixes their servers, i say wait October to get WoW if i were you, most of the nice stuff will be implemented by then.
#23 Apr 05 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
I can't give any info on WoW other then what I have heard about it, and that is that there is still a ton if server issues with crashing and what not. Other then that I hear that it is a very easy game to pick up and that it is ment for the casual gamer, in the fact that it is easy to level up and if you dont have alot of time to can do just fine.

Now other games under my belt:

City of Heros - so simple. No items, great gaem that you can just jump into from time to time and have fun with other people. Only down side is that it gets very boring after a while, but the PvP expansion(City of Villains) might change that.

DAOC - I played up until a couple of months after the first expansion came out. Played through some horrible nerfs and flavors of the month(archers and assassins) still one of the better games out there, but for me my playing time is limited and at times to get good or have good items it almost seems like the game is your life after awhile. I did love PvP and RvR with my Ranger and Assassin. Side point is now if you jump in and this is your first time playing it is going to be hard starting off as most server have a /level feature if you have a character on the server already.

EQ - played or a long while at the start took a break before the third expansion for daoc and life, came back after the first online expansion came out. Mostly I thought of it as doac but with alot indepth as far as how to deal with mobs and minus the PvP. Honestly I dont see eq or eq2 as a casual game at all...

PlanetSide - The only erason I quit this game was because I move from a T1 line to a 56k and got a job where I worked 50+ hours a week doing construction. Sure lag got iffy at times but the battles where huge and I loved sniping with a passion. It was a game that didnt need alot of time investment and was just fun to play.

NWN - It can kinda be put into this group. The thing is that you need to find a good server to play on that keeps things fresh and fun. This game is so customizable that realll anyone can find what they are looking for. This is the one that I'm playing right now. Only problem is that most servers only allow 24-40 people at a time.

Something new to be on the watch for is Guild Wars. It is being made by former Battlenet employees(I think battlenet, either that or blizzard people) The intersting thing is that all you have to do is buy the game, and dont have to pay a online fee.

Overall if I was to pick a game to jump into right now and start playing it would have to be WoW. I do miss daoc but it would just be to hard to jump back into a game where everyone now uber items and abillies. Give WoW a chance I say, because every other mmorpg has had its first years problems.
#25 Apr 09 2005 at 8:53 PM Rating: Good
I never post to the Boards, but I feel that adding my 2 cents here is worthwhile.

We play as a family, so we have a built-in group that enjoys playing together. The whole idea for us is to have fun and hang out, even if we are hundreds of miles apart.

So we have played EQI to the max- level 70's, Uber Guild, flags etc... etc... It became all about the "stuff" not about the adventure. The TIME it consumed became a major issue.

We played DAoC before Catcombs and maxed out our characters and jumped to Earth and Beyond, Star Wars, back to EQ and when WoW came out we jumped to it.

We have a great time on WoW. The quest system is stupendous, the crafting system is fun and challanging. The set-up of the lands is logical and well thought out. The classes and races are fun to play and multi-dimensional. Our one main complaint was the size of the group. It was too small to accomodate our typical friends and family and we found ourselves going off in different directions. There was always something to do, solo or grouped.......and then reality set in

Latency became a reoccuring nightmare, server roll backs a daily ordeal. Patch after patch, problem after problem, sometimes we only have a couple hours to play, it would take an hour just to log on and then the serveer would crash. Sudden unexplained disconnections would happen, it was soooo frustrating. The gliches after patches were too numerous and irrating to even go into. And the last major patch told me that I needed to reinstall the entire game or call technical support. We decided that paying Blizzard to continue their beta testing was not our idea of a good time. (Don't even get me started on the customer service issues!)

So we came back to DAoC upgraded Atlantis and Catacombs and are enjoying ourselves greatly. Although in some ways it still feels like an "old" game we are adjusting well. So much to figure out and now, so many places to go. We will be here for awhile I think. Blizzard has a bit of work to do before we go back.

One more word about Blizzard, this WoW group is NOT the Blizzard of old. They sold it out to another company. The group known as Blizzard is behind Guild Wars. We may be checing that one out too. In the meantime we are here and having a great time.

Just my nickel

An Old Gamer so far over the Hill I can't even see it in the rear view mirror anymore
#26 Apr 15 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
1,780 posts
DAOC is a good game but you could put wow vs any game and WoW would come out the best


I'm sorry, excuse me. It's just that I have five friends who all played WoW, got to level 60, and now absolutely hate the game. Every one of them. And every day I see on the various allakhazam boards threads about people who left WoW to come back to their old MMORPGs.

I suppose WoW is a good long-term game for some folks. For example, if you only have 10 minutes of computer time each week, or you've got Down's Syndrome (or simply possess a similar IQ), WoW will probably keep you entertained for years. If you're a normal person with a normal amount of free time, though, don't expect to spend more than a couple months with it.

I'm not saying this because I'm an FFXI freak. DAoC looks like a great game too, and I've played and enjoyed many other MMORPGs, both party-based and solo-based. I'm saying this because WoW is just so incredibly lame. It's like the MMORPG equivalent of a child's fake plastic tool set. To see someone say that no other MMORPG can compare to it... that just couldn't go without a proper response.
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