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Help! WoW vs. DAOCFollow

#27 Apr 16 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Excellent
WoW is such a gimp game. Yeah its pretty to look at but it has no "beef" to keep you there.
#28 Apr 18 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
Ok, I am playing WoW. I am getting bored. Level 60 Druid and Level 60 Mage. I have done all instances. Honor is supposively coming out this weekend but really it is going to create a huge gankfest. To me battlegrounds is going to suck, because it involves quests to help you beat your enemy. So eventually, once everyone learns what to do, it will be the same process over and over again. QUEST FAST, get gryphon airstrike etc.. etc...Plus, you are only allowed like what, 40 people into Battlegrounds and if your guild doesn't have 40 level 60's, then basically you can't do Battlegrounds.

I also played FFXI, which becomes a job since the leveling was very slow and sometimes it could take up to 6 hours to find an experiencing party.

I played UO which , so far was the best, solid MOMRPG. But certainly not graphically. That tends to be the main focus now days to the new gamers.

So lately, i am thinking about playing DAoC. I have done a lot of research and I have been told that Paladins are pretty indestructable. I think siege weapons, and guild controlled points would make DAoC very fun. Right now, Guilds in WoW are just general chats in green text. You don't really have to rely on them since you can just get a pickup raid. Unless you want to go to Molten Core.

Should I play DAoC? Is the leveling extremely slow? I have been informed that it takes maybe a year to get level 50. Can anyone justify this for me?
#29 Apr 26 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
I quit DAOC when EQ2 first came out and played that for a while. EQ2 is a great game, but only for PvE, there is absolutely zero PvP related content. Ultimately, SOE's customer support policies drove me away.

After EQ2, I tried WoW for a while. Played a lot of classes and was very impressed with the world's atmosphere. But after a while I just got bored of it. Despite its many cool features, it didn't have anything that, at the end of the day, made me think "wow, that was fun!"

So, after about a year off, I'm back to DAOC again now. DAOC has its limitations, true, but its got two things going for it that make it stand out as my choice.
1) Castle Sieges! This is where the fun really is!!
2) Customer Support: Patches are actually TESTED and WORK before they are released. (Especially in contrast with EQ2.) Additionally, the DAOC Herald is very open and honest with the player base. Players are informed of every change to the game, no matter how small. Some other games believe in stealth nerfs/fixes and often treat players more like the enemy than customers.

#30 Apr 28 2005 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,273 posts
So, I was bored tonight, wandering around the rest of Alla, stumbled upon this thread. I've played WoW, I've played FFXI. I've never played DAoC, I some of my friends moved from DAoC to WoW, but I'm not here to compare.

I'm here to rip "The One And Only Katie" to shreds. Since I'm going to rate you down, and it might push your rating into Sub-Default, I'll do everyone else the favor of quoting everything that you said in the thread so far.



"DAoC is and will be better than WoW. I've done my homework and nothing compares to DAoC. Yeah wow is going to have PvP built eventually, so you can run around and kill other idiot nooblets that got to the highest level in 12 days. Where is the challenge? Its in DAoC."

You haven't done your homework. You've never played WoW. You've heard a bunch of hype from a bunch of other whiny people like yourself. Go play WoW, go run Molten Core a few times, and then talk about the challenge it presents. Go run Onyxia, one of the hardest raid bosses ever created in any MMORPG, then look at the fact that she's the lowest tier of the raid bosses in WoW, then come back and tell me that no challenge exists.

The people who hit the cap in 12 days grind it straight through, which is boring as hell. The people who do this also have crap gear all the way through. The people who do this also hit 60 having absolutely no experience with instances, and are therefore rendered useless at endgame.

There's no challenge in grinding to the cap of any game. It doesn't matter if it takes you two weeks or a year, if it requires no skill then you can't call it a challenge. A timesink does not equal a challenge. 40 people having to work together and execute their skills at the absolute highest level of play they can muster? That's a challenge.

Also, Bizzard has stated since Beta that WoW isn't about hitting the cap. They've stated over and over again that the game begins at 60. With the implementation of the Honor System, Molten Core, Onyxia, Kazzak, Azuregos, Dire Maul, and Battlegrounds on the way, there's tons to do already. Blizzard hired the top raid guilds from EQ to create the raid content for WoW. That's why it's as good as it is, and that's why the raid content in WoW will continue to own the raid content in every other game on the market for a very, very, very long time.

"You have to WORK to get to the top, you have to know what your doing, you have to continously work on your gear, your ML's and your arties to stay on top. Yeah, the tower humping hordes can be a bore sometimes but can you honestly tell me that you don't get an adrenaline rush off of sieging a keep, running inside and taking over? Setting up base camps and getting siege going. Knowing that you and others have to work together to accomplish the goal."

I've never gotten as much of a rush in any game as I have in WoW. You don't hit one or two buttons over the course of a battle. I've played multiple classes in WoW, and each one required me to remap my keys because I used more than 12 of my skills in a given battle.

"IMO stick with DAoC, you'll thank me later."

Go play WoW before you bash on it again. Idiot. You're just another one of those diehard gamers that's been spending their entire lives playing DAoC/EQ/FFXI ever since release, who are so reluctant to start over and accept a different style of play that you just give up and talk WoW down instead of giving it a fair shot.

"if your a whiny ***** that wants everything handed to you, go with WoW."

This is possibly the most ignorant statement I've ever heard made about WoW. You don't get things "handed to you". Endgame in WoW is raiding multiple instances in order to get the gear necessary to raid the next tier of instances and raid bosses. You can gimp your way to endgame, but you'll be useless to everyone else, and then you'll just sit around whining about how there's "no endgame content".

Please, enlighten me, and tell me how everything gets "handed to you" in WoW.

"pfft.. WoW is for ignorant @#%^s who cant do more than hit one button repeatedly."

I'll say it once again. I've had to remap my keys to allow me the use of 15-20 skills for any given battle (or set of battles), simply because the 12 keys that WoW keybinds by default aren't enough.

WoW may be filled with a lot of idiots. Leave general chat and join a good guild. They'll be gone soon. Many have already left for Guild Wars or other games.

WoW may have made server problems in the past. I haven't had to deal with unscheduled server maintenance for months.

WoW may have a weak PvP system right now. Everyone is still getting used to it, and the core of the PvP system (Battlegrounds) hasn't been released yet. It's been confirmed that it's coming in the next patch.

WoW may be a lot of things, but it's not easy. Not by a long shot. So hush.
#31 Apr 29 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
DAoC has multiple forms and multiple strategies for RvR, whic makes it very flexible... Ever day is different for RvR. Once you hit your lvl 50 cap, a whole new world opens up. To be fair, I'm sure WoW will implement more game content with expansions. I don't have faith that they will add free expansions like Mythic has done w/ DAoC- New Frontiers, player housing (It was also very decent of them to release the Catacombs engine for download so you don't have to buy the expansion for the graphics updates).

Never played WoW. I'm sure there will be expansions, but by the sounds of it, maybe not fast enough for avid players.

I've played EQ, SWG, and DAoC. EQ was my first, and I played it for about a month and got sick of losing levels and not finding friends in-game. I went to SWG soon after it came out, played for about 6mos and got bored. Switched to DAoC for 6 mos. and canceled my account because Mythic wouldn't help with a serious customer service issue, and even got very rude with my GF who also plays. Went back to SWG, played a few more months, got force-sensitive, got bored. Back to DAoC just as WoW came out and I'm still having fun with it. It's too dynamic to give up easily.

And btw, zergging is a strategy used by all realms, not just albs. On my server cluster, you can't easily find enough albs together to zerg, but hibs are abundant in PoC camping zergs. It can be irritating, but it's not the only thing that happens, there is soooo much strategy in keep taking, tower taking and what-not.

If you want dynamic, go DAoC. Maybe check back w/ WoW in another 5-6 months and see what kind of content they have available, I'm sure they're rushing to get their first expansion ready to market. An expansion can really change the dynamics of a game in ways that won't be seen for a month or two afterward- maybe even longer.
#32 May 05 2005 at 11:59 PM Rating: Good
699 posts
Never played DAoC, but my friend who played DAoC said that WoW was better, I dont know thats his opinion. I left FF XI for WoW and I love WoW. If you actually grind 12 days to get 60 you are an idiot. That takes the fun out of the game. Also now that PvP honor system has come out PvP happens everyday, everywhere. Towns get raided non stop now, and the rewards are actually worth the increase in PvP. People who bash WoW are usually the ones who grinded to lvl 60 and then realized that it was a mistake. WoW is a game for the casual player, Blizzard has stated this many times. If you want to go hardcore that is your opinion. Plus next patch Battlegrounds is coming out, and that is gonna really determine whether or not WoW will survive as a big MMO in the game.

pfft.. WoW is for ignorant @#%^s who cant do more than hit one button repeatedly.

The **** outta here. What games have you played that make you use your abilities more than WoW. When it comes down to the nitty gritty(PvP) I use every ability I have in my book to kill my enemy. I use my 5 minute timers, my 2 minute timers, abilities that I dont even use in PvE. I have used all of my abilities no matter what. So Katie who the hell are you calling ignorant. Go back to the ***-sylum and learn how to think about what you say before you say something and make yourself look like an idiot.
#33 May 10 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
Ok.. you've got me laughing hysterically over here. I don't even play this game anymore and your arguing with a post I made MONTHS ago? WoW.. it really is for dip *****.
#34 May 11 2005 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
A year to lvl 50??? Hell if it took that long nobody would be playing the game, lol. It can take a while for some classes as they might not solo well, but get into a good guild and you will always have ppl to help with info , grouping and even the occasional power leveling session. DAoC FTW!!!!
#35 May 20 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
ive played EQ daoc and WOW
and i found WoW very boring, although the gfx and interface were by far the best ive seen
Wow was jsut like a one player game for me and basically you have to do all the quests if you are on your own, also Wow is too limited, few classes compared to daoc and you have alliance Vs horde both with the same races, Pvp in daoc therefore is far more exicting with 3 different realms and each with different classes you have to watch out for or hunt down.

UO is probably my favorite because ive played it for 5 years but thats nothing like the other three
#36 May 20 2005 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
For those looking for a game to fill the void until the "next big thing is out" I'd check out Guild Wars. It'll do until Vangaurd comes out!
#37 May 24 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
HI, I have played alot of mmos and i have 2 lv 57 chars on ffx1 and lv 57 paladin on WoW and 55 ranger on eq and max lv20 ranger on guild wars.....sofar I have lv 6 ranger and lv 5 paladin on daoc and i like doac alot more the player houseing is amazing and blows ffx1 houseing away! wow just flat out sucks and so does guild wars....Guild wars ur traped on paths no freedom and the pvp is so boring 5 map over n over besides if your lucky enuff to beat korea to win a guild hall sigil in the hall of heros wicth takes 1-2 hours to win sometime weeks depending how many 12 year old boys are on picking lv1 skilled pvp chars over maxed skilled lv20 max lv rpg chars that will own a pvp char skill wise but the poeple are so rude and dumb and have no teamwork AT ALL!just like wow! and when u ask 4 help all the people do IS make fun of you there no help on WoW or guild wars unless u Pay 4 it wich reminds me of ffx1 and was the main reson i quit...So far on daoc i got 2 chars 1 lv 5 and one lv 6 still new to game but.

Both my chars have full vaults of lv15-30 gear that nice people that has seen me has just random gave to me and pats me on my back and cheers me on and these where high lv chars...From my exp at mmos over last 5 years most people when they hit max lv besides me and few others i know are down right rude and mean after reaching max lvs and forgeting they was new once themselfs...

This is my opion I think dark age of camelot is the best mmo out there thus far...i have played mmos over 5 years and have alot of high lv chars some games more then one...

PS3 is coming and has 512 mb vidoe graphix and is 7 times faster the the best super pc out to date soooo...

consal may be my furture.... till then ill be on daoc for next few years cuz ps3 will be over 700 dollors and ill wait till i see it for 149.99
#38 May 25 2005 at 6:10 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
ok so i started playing daoc from the get-go and about 6 months ago i went to WOW cuz to tell you the truth... i needed a break. so i played wow for about 2 months... got a paladin to aboutn lvl 30 and a few other toons in WOW to the mid to upper teens and got fed up with the game altogether in about a month of playing it. it's way too easy... the PvP aspect really has no strategy at all... that's what i love about daoc... it's all about strategy in RvR for me... i came back to daoc and now have a 49.5 infi which by the end of May will be 50... so i say DAOC wins WOW out any day of the week.
#39 Jun 21 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
Plain and simple,

If you enjoy getting better with your charachter in a group setting, utilizing strategy with your friends and being good because you are GOOD, then play Daoc. Lets make this clear IM TALKING ABOUT PVP. I could really care less for you Molten Core NERDS. Im not a BLUEBY!! PVE IS NOT MY BAG BABY!!

I like competing against other people. I like countering your strategies with my strategies. I like people to have there roles in group. In wow everyone is CC, everyone is damage and the hardest class to play well isnt the best class for pvp...(warlock) whats up with that? I really miss my sorc.

I made the mistake of leaving daoc when I got fed up with a couple stupid guilds and I wish I would of just took a short break and came back. Daoc's pvp is second to none. People are useful in groups--to the group. WoW's pvp, ugh. No thanks bliz.

WoW looked like the funnest game everrrr, especially with all the really cool forms of CC BUT Bliz nerfed'em all in one way or another.

Im playing Guild Wars atm..../sigh but I cant stop thinking about playing Daoc on the new server.

Im kicking myself for spending 50 bucks on gw when all I want to do is MEZ A GROUP OF HIBS!! har har :p

Sure crafting in wow is fun and not to hard. Crafting in daoc is boring and expensive but ya know what...who cares. Its all about the pvp for me. I dont like small areas to pvp in....and battlegrounds of wow are too frickin small.

Fav daoc toon BD+Sorc
Fav wow toons Shadow Priest + Warlock

Edited, Tue Jun 21 14:32:06 2005 by enderzshadow
#40 Jun 25 2005 at 1:56 AM Rating: Good
I agree with a lot that has been said above, WoW is pretty fun until you reach 40 and all of the sudden you cant find groups for good xp and quests are hard and very boring. BGs being a complete and utter failure(very few people play them any more that are lvls 31-50 on my server so it was impossible to play, the reason being they were so repetitive). WoW has a lot to offer, just not as much as DAoC. DAoC offers way more classes 9 vs 30. DAoC also doesnt have this retarded thing WoW did with mobs that aggro covering the entire map, making travel a pain and dieing so common you'll have little hair left to be pulled after your 1000000000000 death and body recovery(did i mention when running from a mob that wandered into you, you have like a 50% chance each time you get hit in the back to have your movement speed reduced by 50% for 6sec which pretty much owns you everytime. No more getting away from a mob . ever.). Almost all the classes have to wait to 40 to get run speed boost unlike DAoC where you get em fairly early....and ya i could go on or just sum it up : all in all DAoC is much better, PvP wise and PvE wise.
#41 Jun 30 2005 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
I have played WOW since it's release ( after leaving DAOC because of TOA). After leveling 3 toons to 60 (priest, warrior, rogue) and participating in all activities( PVP, battle ground, Molten core, Onyxia...), I now decided to quit WOW and go back to DAOC on the new alternative rules server. I was counting so much on Blizzard. Sadly, WOW turned out to be a complete disappointment. High end contents ( molten core, onyxia..) are totally stupid and not worth the time. 40 people are required to spend at least 4-5 hours(sometimes days) or more each raid, but only 1%( yes 1% if your group is lucky) will walk away with a good drop. And that 1 good drop that you were luckily walking away with ( if you won your roll against the other 8 same class players in your raid) is only 1 of an 8 pieces epic set. So if you want the whole set, get ready to spend the rest of the year doing these repetive, stupid PVE. Oh! and did I mention about the effort of getting 40 "right" people together for each raid? And for the rest of other casual gamers in WOW, good luck in PVPing against epic wearers with your jokingly blue set. For battle grounds in wow, it is like counter strike but with a monthly payment. Therefore, it is not worth your time to get all the nice gears for some boring PVPing.
Ifyou start on a WOW PVP server now, you will soon find out that there are a huge number of boring 60's who has nothing better to do but sit around newbie towns and kill low level players of opposite faction. That is pathetic but you can't really blame them because that might be the most enjoyable thing for 60's to do in WOW as of now. There is no faction rewarding for PVP. Self reward for PVP is some ****** ranking system which requires you to keep PVPing or you will lose your rank over time. In another word, if you stop paying blizzard, you will lose your rank.
To sum it up, WOW may appear fun at first but has no real value at end game. DAOC ( beside TOA) offers everyone a fair chance to be competitive in PVP. If you are looking for real surprises and challenges in PVP, DAOC is the best choice right now. If you like mindless PVE, stay away from DAOC or you may just ruin my perfect PVP group.
#42 Jul 15 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
"Ifyou start on a WOW PVP server now, you will soon find out that there are a huge number of boring 60's who has nothing better to do but sit around newbie towns and kill low level players of opposite faction. That is pathetic but you can't really blame them because that might be the most enjoyable thing for 60's to do in WOW as of now."

No kiddin? How do those level 60s manage that when newbie zones are all non-PvP zones unless the combat is initiated by the newbies themselves?

I've played both DAoC and WoW, and they're both really great games. But seriously, before you slag off on one of them, do your research.
#43 Jul 20 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
You pretty much answered your own question...

I really like WoW but there is so much missing and the pvp and the people who participate in it are just horrible. The Strategy in Daoc will never be challenged by any mmorpg yet ive played.

Where ever your at, there you are. (B. Banzai)
#44 Jul 23 2005 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
I left DAOC because I wasn't willing to spend time camping arties, doing MLs, etc. Really, PVE content rarely interests me anymore.

There are a lot of things DAOC could learn from WoW, I personally liked the ease in levelling and crafting, since those are just a means to an end (PvP) for me. The class balance is much better, as are game dynamics like all the instas, short buff durations, short CC durations (with diminshing returns) easily obtained pots/crafting items, tank viability, UI friendliness and so many others.

However, despite a superior engine, WoW fails to deliver truly fun PvP. With the introduction of Alterac Valley it has become clear they are trying to recreate their 2D strat game in a MMORPG. Sounds cool, and is fantastic to WATCH; being in the endless NPC zerg going back and forth is just painful to PLAY. Plus there is no siegecraft or any determinable reason for PvPing, except points. The BG itself is an instance, in a word: meaningless. In this respect DAOC RvR is hands down the winner.

Now, with no endless TOA camps to endure on the Classic servers I have returned and can't wait to get back to the Frontiers.

#45 Aug 04 2005 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,328 posts
I do't know what you guys are talking about wow being easy and fast to get up to max level. I got the game on the third day, I'm level 26. Right now I'm DLing the daoc 14 day demo to see what its like, as it is the only MMO I havent played.

edit: woot 800 posts

Edited, Thu Aug 4 21:33:58 2005 by Darkuwa
#46 Aug 09 2005 at 3:37 AM Rating: Good
- EQ had best content to choose from, good social community (ongoing communication with guild, others in a perpetual way). EQ is the game I go back to with fond memories/nostalgia too.

- WoW has best quest system, cool look, ok social when guilded but less RP/more griefing talk. It is particularly addictive and fun lvling up in PvE and occasionaly skirmishing on PvP servers. They could really use more PvP RP to get rid of the asshats.

- DAoC has good PvE maturing into great RvR. WoW has nowhere near the feeling of an ongoing persistent battle that DAoC does.

If you like RvR in DAoC and go to WoW, eventually you will miss RvR since all they have is BGs which are instanced and there is NO persistent effect on the world like you are used to in DAoC. It feels more like an elaborate Diablo than something you eagerly want to log into every day to find out who took whose relics and exact revenge.

I think WoW is a great game but MAJORLY missed the boat by not making more persistent world-affecting content and playstyle. Plus the few areas that resembled ongoing fighting (albeit no real changes from it) like Hillsbrad, were themselves fairly gutted with BGs thus removing the few "persisent" fight zones. At least thats what DAoC-style players and guilds would want IMO.

I quit WoW a few months ago and came back to EQ for fun and variety. I was in a large raiding guild and did MC/Onyxia every day or two. I had 10 epic items, but was bored with the few things I could do that a lvl 60 would want to do. You can only run Strath/Scholo/BRS so many times to help others (since there sure as hell isn't anything in there I want anymore). Once you are 60 for a while, you will miss the only real dynamic way to truly interest people on a daily basis: fighting each other en mass in a world that is affected persistenly by what you all do in it.

Edited, Tue Aug 9 04:47:28 2005 by redgiants

Edited, Tue Aug 9 04:42:25 2005 by redgiants

Edited, Tue Aug 9 04:49:54 2005 by redgiants
#47 Aug 12 2005 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
#48 Aug 12 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Good
I played wow in beta (only to lvl 15 before retail came out) I was an early 60 on Stormreaver and ive been bored out of my mind since...not much to do occasional fun pvp encounter BG's and honor system messed it up also as a person who plays games just for the PvP ive debated going to DAoC ive been reading all the forums to see what people think...from screenshots it seams to me that WoW has the graphics on DAoC but from what I hear DAoC has the better gameplay throughout
#49 Aug 12 2005 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
Ok here's the deal.. plain and simple.
My family (me, wife, son) all play MMORPG's (my fault I know).

We have many DAOC level 50's. Cleric, scout, wizard, Scorc, Reaver, Friar, Pali. SM, Shammy, Skald, Salvage, BD. Eld, Enchanter. most of all our other classes are non 50 but prolly in the 40's. all RP servers. a few RR7 ML10 char's

In WoW we a few 60's. Mage, Priest, Pali, Hunter, Warlock. PVP server. a few rank 4, many MC raids :(

Wow is great looking, great eye candy, EZ to play, fun quests and ez to understand, fast pace. END GAME is so stinking boring!!!! all you do is MC, Onyxia, and now some BWL. PVP blows -- Alliance population numbers are so high that horde cant sustain a full team for AV all the time. So horde play CTF and usually win (nerf shammies!).. PVP ranks are hard to attain and take forever, overall just plain silly.

DAOC has much weaker graphics, some eye candy, only EZ to play after small learning curve, much more typing needed. much slower movement of chars. END GAME? much more content! RvR is so much more accessible and fun! Ranks are much easier to understand and attain.

After almost a year of WoW.. i have reopened my accounts to DAOC. sry I really miss the RvR. WoW just dont cut it! Going to try the Classic server however, seems cool :) :)


#50 Aug 14 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
DAoC was a good game, just got tired of it so i retired my accounts, currently playing WoW for something different.

Looking to get rid of my DAoC accounts for WoW gold if anyone is looking for something to play.

Account, ToA enabled. 6 artifacts(7 but one isnt activated yet), Master level 6. Fully spellcrafted suit of armor capping all stats/skills/resists, Realm Rank 4L8.
Also has:
40 Ranger 1 artifact
37 Bard
35 NS
33 Eldritch with 500 Spellcrafting
33 Mentalist
30 Druid
33 Hero

2nd Account has
50 Enchanter with SI and new frontiers, mana spec
42 Valewalker with 700 alch
other alts

Serious offers please, im not stingy. I just want to get rid of the accounts. Offers and Inquiries can goto

im on warsong alliance
#51 Aug 16 2005 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
Its kind of interesting. I am an FFXI player and I was just reading a similar thread on the WoW forum, except if was WoW vs FFXI instead of WoW vs DAoC. And its just the same old thing.... play what you like. If you want to get through the game fast and not spend your whole life playing it, try WoW. If your in it for the long haul, then FFXI is just for you. I have been playing FFXI for over a year now, and I am still addicted. Yeah, sure there are some faults to the game, but it still keeps me on, and there is still so much for me to do.
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