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#52 Sep 08 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
There seems to be a lot of wow haters out here. Both games have some strengths and weakenesses. The problem with wow in my opinion isnt necessarily the players but the fact you have so many players who warp the leveling system by getting higher levels to do quests for them. Im sure a lot of these players are the same ones that are out here saying the game is way to easy and boring. How tough is it when a level 60 kills everything for you at level 20 for a quest. If you actually play the game without cheating like this you may actually find it is more of a challenge then you thought. DAOC in my opinion is for the person who has all day to play the game and pretty much has no life outside of their compuhter world. I like them both but Wow is my preference because it doesnt require you to be a complete adict to be successful.
#53 Sep 09 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
I like them both and play them both i used to play AC2 alot also. I just love to play games and they all have thier differences but like them all!
#54 Sep 12 2005 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
Lets see. i like DAOC really more than WOW.

1. daoc looks finer to my eyes (wow is too bright)
2. PVP sucks in WOW
3. grafting is sucky too in WOW
4. In WOW i only liked to play with rogue.

After 4months of WOW gaming i looked the daoc box and thought What am i doing? i have the best game right there!
(and ever since i have been trying to sell my wow account with that guide and 2months pre paid card).

i prefer DAOC coz i want the PVP action ;)

but this is matter of what ppl want themselves so it cant really be argued...

and i dont know why. but i have 5 m8 with both daoc and wow. we all did em to lvl 40. after that it seemed to be all the same killing same runs. trying to get better stuff... ofc all games are like this but in daoc you can go to BG or to "war zone" and have real fun.

we all got really bored to the ?? kills early of the game.
ofc in DF and "war zone" on lower levels this happens too...

but all of us are back to DAOC and not going to touch the WOW anymore... 1 of our m8:tes did it to lvl 60. after that he told me that the game did not chance at all. so he is now free to try daoc. so far he has liked it more (lvl 28 Thane going on)

Edited, Mon Sep 12 06:54:17 2005 by Grimsondeath
#55 Sep 15 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
DAOC wins here.

I have played DAOC almost since release, took a 7 month break, back to daoc, took almost a year break for WoW, and came back to DOAC when Classic servers were released. After gettin' a 50 and some 30ish toons on the Classic Server, I'm back to my home server w/my 9 lvl50's and lvl30/40 toons.

WoW gets boring after a while, the game is about gettin' elite items or playing a half-***** version of RvR. Once you realize that, the game loses its value, I almost swore WoW would take me away from DAOC, and it did for a whole year, but DAOC has staying power after a year of play.

Hope Mythic does the right thing and continues to improve on DAOC, and I'm sorry I invested time in WoW and was secretly hoping I would never go back to DAOC. But I never canceled an account and I'm happy I'm back. This reminds me, I have to cancel my WoW subscription.

Edited, Thu Sep 15 17:00:28 2005 by Valentin
#56 Sep 25 2005 at 9:01 PM Rating: Good
I have played them both, and I have to say that I prefer WoW. Maybe I picked up DAoC too late, since it looks very dated now, even with the graphic update. The models are too jerky looking, and very unnatural. It tries to look too realistic when it is not built on the technology to be so. WoW, on the other hand, does not try to look specifically realistic, but rather, goes stylized, and wins points with me there. Also, my last gripe with DAoC's graphics, is that, just like EQ before it, all the gear looks the same. In WoW, all the gear looks different, and some is very different. You will be hard pressed to ever find another player that looks like you, once you get to about level 15.

But, graphics do not make the game, and this is where WoW shines. The game is very approachable, for casual gamers and hardcore alike. Yes, you can get to level 60 in two weeks if you do absolutely nothing but play, and sleep a couple of hours a night, but I don't really see how a game company can keep that from happening, unless they just up the experience required for each level which does not equal more fun. WoW's quests are more varied than the "fetch", and "kill" quests in DAoC. Also, the DAoC instanced dungeons do not hold a candle to WoWs. WoW's instances are designed incredibly, where the DAoC instances appear to just be thrown together (because they are).

For those who said that WoW has no high-end content, you obviously did not even begin to tackle BWL, and MC. These are huge instances, which require more than a day to get through, and a full raid group. On some server, they have never even been finished yet. This should be plenty of challenge :)
#57 Sep 26 2005 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent

I've been playing MMos for a while now, I started playing EQ on the first day the retail version came out...I've been a big fan of EQ and still am because there is no game out there that is more complete than EQ, and that's why it is still one of the most played games out there and is still there competing with the big guys...I am currently playing WoW, RYL, EQ, EQ2, Horizons....I also played some DAoC...

I know you only wanted to know about WoW and DAoC but I will try to give my opinion on the different games...

EQ: Great game, very complete, always updating, vaste world, unlimited quests and adventures, very complexe, very versatile, lots of personalisation of your character, very hard game to level up if you're not a power gamer, graphics not that great...

WoW: Beautiful game visually, gameplay is fun but not for very long, not enough depth, very basic game, but it is still in it's beginning, characters aren't very versatile, not enough classes, not enough skills or spells, can't really personnalize your character, characters at same levels are almost all the same, the only difference is if the player is good or not, gets repetitive, quests are all the same, either go kill a number of mobs, or deliver a message or item or farm for an item...high end bosses are hard, but it's not necessarly a god thing because high guilds keep doing the same raids week after week...there isn't much to do...I know I said a lot of bad things about this game but I think it has a lot of potential, it can be a great game, right now it is too easy and too short but when new expansions come out and blizz decides to work a little bit on giving more deth to characters then it could be a number 1 MMO

EQ2: Disappointing compared to the first one, great ideas are in the game, very new, versatile, visually beautiful, I would say that this game is for power gamers, it's not for anyone who wants to start his new MMO experience...The world is big and servers aren't always full so there aren't a lot of players, sometimes gets lonely...Gameplay is extremely amusing, versatile to a certain extent...This game needs some patching, I would say in 2 expansions this game will be the best MMO for power gamers...

RYL: Don't have much to say about this game, I play it only from time to time, it's too easy, not enough quests, not enough anything, it's a hack & Slash MMO...Not recommended if you don't like a hack & Slash game

Horizons: Well horizons is dead hehe no players, servers will have aroun 10 to 50 players sometimes :)

DAoC: Very versatile, complexe game, more realistic than the other games, engaging, characters are very interesting, deep...

For your question I would say, if your favourite SNES game is Zelda (very amusing and easy game) then go with WoW...If it's Final fantasy 3 US (complexe, fun and complete) then go with DAoC...Both games are fun to depends on what you're looking for :)

#58 Sep 26 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
One of the main problems with getting started with an older MMO, like DAoC, or EQ1, is that there are not many people coming into it anymore. Most of the people in the lower levels are somewhere between their 2nd to 32nd character, and they know where to go, what to do, and how to do it. Unfortunetly, these games are very unuser friendly now. My experience trying to pick up both EQ1, and DAoC well after their release dates, is that the majority of the players were not very tolerent to newcomers, who did not know anything about the game. They know where to go to level the fastest, and exactly what to do, and they are not very happy about you slowing down their progress.

Honestly, if you are new to both DAoC, EQ1, and WoW, I would have to say to go with WoW. If for no other reason then it is newer, and there are still lots of newbies to group and grow with :)

WoW has done many things right that could not have been possible from old-timers like DAoC, EQ1, or SW:G, when the genre was first really coming together. WoW has just corrected many of the mistakes of it's precursors, and has been much more accessible for doing so.
#59 Oct 02 2005 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
Noblekitty wrote:
WOW turned out to be a complete disappointment. High end contents ( molten core, onyxia..) are totally stupid and not worth the time. 40 people are required to spend at least 4-5 hours(sometimes days) or more each raid, but only 1%( yes 1% if your group is lucky) will walk away with a good drop. And that 1 good drop that you were luckily walking away with is only 1 of an 8 pieces epic set. So if you want the whole set, get ready to spend the rest of the year doing these repetitive, stupid PVE.
WOW may appear fun at first but has no real value at end game.

This is exactly the problem with WoW, at least for a "casual" gamer. They really made a very fun, immersive game, for the levelling-up portion. There's very little sense of (or need for) "grinding" to get levels - it feels like an adventure, with the emphasis on exploration and quests. But the end game is a whole different animal - its all about getting that elite gear, which does indeed involve *hundreds* of runs through the same instances, over and over and over....bleah!

My main MMORPG has been EQ1 - over 5 years there. Really loved EQ, but *hated* what the end game morphed into - endless, large-scale raiding to get rare drops of elite gear. WoW seems to
be following the same path. Someone mentioned they hired the top guilds from EQ to design their end game, and I can believe it. If you're a power-gamer and you enjoy that sort of thing, end-game WoW is another massive grind for your delight. The rest of us will need to keep looking.

Tuned into this thread since I am getting very bored and frustrated with WoW, and looking for another game. Haven't played DAoC since the retail launch - I found the world charming, but it looked like another *long* level grind, so I didn't stay past the first month. I am wondering if - with Catacombs and the classic servers - it is more of a game for casual players now.
#60 Oct 09 2005 at 8:39 PM Rating: Good
This is exactly the problem with WoW, at least for a "casual" gamer. They really made a very fun, immersive game, for the levelling-up portion. There's very little sense of (or need for) "grinding" to get levels - it feels like an adventure, with the emphasis on exploration and quests. But the end game is a whole different animal - its all about getting that elite gear, which does indeed involve *hundreds* of runs through the same instances, over and over and over....bleah!

My main MMORPG has been EQ1 - over 5 years there. Really loved EQ, but *hated* what the end game morphed into - endless, large-scale raiding to get rare drops of elite gear. WoW seems to
be following the same path. Someone mentioned they hired the top guilds from EQ to design their end game, and I can believe it. If you're a power-gamer and you enjoy that sort of thing, end-game WoW is another massive grind for your delight. The rest of us will need to keep looking.

First off, about the WoW end-game being about endless runs through an instance to get your elite gear, well..thats every MMO thus far. Yes, thats right. FFXI, DAoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, SB..all of them. Thats all there is to end-game for the most part, since that is one of the few ways the designers can actually make "content" that power gamers will not rip through in 2 days. The sad fact is, is that normally, in all MMOs, end-game "content" is not really content at all. Content takes months to make, and minutes to play through. So, it makes sense that if you want to make content to keep people's attention for months or years, there is going to have to be repitition to it, and lots of it.

And the rumor about Blizz hiring the top guilds of EQ to make their high-end content is totally false. No proffessional company would ever hire untrained people to create content for a large-scale MMO such as WoW (or any commercial MMO for that matter). There is an old saying in the game design business that "gamers don't know anything about games". Basically, don't let gamers design their games. Sad, but true, and well founded :P

#61 Oct 10 2005 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
ok... i have 17 level 50 chars on diffrent DAoC servers, 7 legendary crafters, and 3 rr5-6 toons, 6 of the 50s are ml 8-10.

In WoW i got a 60 NE Hunter Leatherworking/Skinning 300/300 and 60 NE Druid Alchemy/Herbalism 300/300 and some smaller toons.

In WoW i have the famous choice of waiting 4 hours to 2 days, to enter one of the battlegrounds or i could do my uncounted number run on (insert random highlevel instance).... this is just no real fun, i enjoyed the roleplaying terms of the game as i played on a rpg server, so public chat channels are sometimes nice to read ;) and there are no 1337 rul0rs and n00bzors around... and if they are, they get banned soon^^.... but it's just no fun running the same few instances day over day again.

in daoc I can get to 50 as fast as 72 hours playtime (DS Necromancer, soloing) with catacombs maybe even a little faster, but after reaching 50 daoc starts to get fun, i don't have to run 10 times ML 1-10 to get that one epic item i want, i run them once, to get my MLs done and finished, if i really want a special item from one of the ml's i post on one of the messageboards or farm it, ok, artifacts can be a pain in the ***** but if i want something funny, i just create a /level 20 toon fit him in some aurulite armor and run to thidranki or get myself a group for large scale RvR... and nothing i know can compare to DAoC RvR!

Decide by yourself, if you like pve over and over, or getting ganked from low level on at the pvp servers... choose WoW

if you like multiple challenges in both Epic PvE and RvR, join daoc... i really like running raids with 80+ players, with DR out now, it will be quite more fun, as you don't have to farm over and over to get some decent armor (new epic armors are quite nice!)

i've decided to get back to daoc again, as i don't like the pve in WoW... in daoc i don't need 40 peeps to hunt a dragon, but i can take 200 with me if i want to....
#62 Oct 10 2005 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
Well, basically I'm one of the guys like Gatordude. I played DAoC from release to the beginning of ToA (almost 3 years), and I played EQ for a little before that. I left DAoC for WoW (after brief trials of FFXI and SWG), and now that I have a 60, and a 51, (both on RP and PVP servers). I can't stand it anymore.

The people are mostly horrible, Blizzard reminds me of a high school play; awkward to witness the blunders. I've been a Blizzard fan since 1994 when I got WC2 for my Mac (all I had at the time), and I can honestly say they've begun to seriously drop the ball.

I'm out. Downloading Catacombs and Rising Dark tonight; gonna reactivate my account too. It's been far too long, and I miss DAoC.
#63 Nov 12 2005 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
4 posts
Well, seeing that you're a level 46 warrior in your sig...
Yes, WoW is easy. It's easy as pie. Every class can solo just fine and so WoW is just how much time you're willing to invest to get to 60... At which point you have a few raid encounters to have fun doing the first couple of times but you can only kill Onyxia so many times before even that gets boring. And the instances are great and creative the first time you play them... But the 20th? Not so much.

WoW is a good game to experience but it runs out. Another big problem is that the game is only fun from 1-60 twice at best, imo. Playing a different role in a raid as a 60 priest as opposed to a 60 warrior is cool, but leveling the 60 priest up isn't as fun as it was leveling your first char because you've seen most of what the game has to offer.

DAoC would be a GREAT game if there were enough people in BGs to level to 45 just from them. As it stands, leveling in DAoC is tedious too, but knowing that next BG is right around the corner is enough for me to level anyways.
#64 Nov 12 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
WoW is much better
#65 Nov 23 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
is it true that the "blizzard" who is behind WoW isn't the true blizzardm, but some stupid offshoot, like the peeps who did Guild Wars?

Overall my opinion is that I'm torn, WoW has the PVE and DAOC has the ultimate of PVP. I like the characters of both, i like the systems of both but i'm just not sure which one I want to stick with..
#66 Dec 09 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
I'm sick of hearing people say that DAoC's pve system isn't fun. I'll admit that mythic needs to fix some of the bugs with line of sight and such. But when it comes to epic raids with 80+ people, you feel like you're important. From WoW's standpoint it seems to be all about doing these raids that take hours/days to get one piece of armor that is elite. You can get good items by solo'ing mobs in DAoC so you don't have to worry about dying on that raid that you want to go to. PvP system is far more detailed in DAoC than WoW. Taking keeps and running around in a group of 8 until you clash with another group of 8 is fun to me.

When it comes to graphics, DAoC loses. On every area. The skins look worse, the backgrounds are flat, and the spells are pixellated. I'd still rather have DAoC's graphics. It's just easier for me to run on. I care about winning, not how good the game looks. That's just me, though.

I find WoW to be quick to hit 60 with. DAoC is a little bit harder to hit 50 with, but still retains the fun if you play it right. You're not going to have fun constantly doing task dungeons, but it's going to go quickly.

If you want a game with repetitive PvE and a marginal PvP with great graphics go with WoW.

If you want a game that has fun PvE, amazing PvP with marginal graphics go with DAoC.

Here's a thought though. What if DAoC was remade today?

#67 Dec 09 2005 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
well, i kinda like variety so daoc wins i guess (night elves aer cool though)...
#68 Dec 28 2005 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
"I like wow better" - You wont after you're level 60. Trust me.

I'm leaving WoW and never looking back.
#69 Feb 01 2006 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
Alright... ive played daoc for a long time.. then i quit... i missed it but.. i waited for WoW to come out.. when it released i bought it and played it... it was alright.. i had a lvl 40 hunter.. and i soloed the whole way.. enjoying the expierience.. but.. the one thing that wow didnt have.. i really was disapointed that the pvp sucked so bad compared to DaOc... also.. wow.. its two sides.... alliance and horde... it gets boring with all the same characters over and over again.. daoc has a variety... so many characters to choose from.. and they have 3 realms.. you never know what to expect.. gank some hibs in bg.. or get ran over by mids in the same place.. that dont make sense does it haha.. anyways.. There are also countless professions... in daoc everyone is different.. in wow, they all had the same professions on every character because thats what they were limited to. Daoc has so much to do, you can never get bored, and if you get bored with one realm, for example, i had a 35 inf, 49 paladin, and several others on albion, and i am kinda bored with that, so i am going to hibernia, and expierience a whole new view to the game, different creatures, different people, different everything. and the classes have so much variety, choosing from various skill lines. I am going to make a vamp, because i love soloing and enjoying what mythic has brought together for you, there is always something to do in daoc. WoW is for a bunch of young people that get rich quick.. and are always trying to prove that they have more than others.. well thats my 2 cents on this discussison..

#70 Feb 09 2006 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
6 posts
I played WoW for about a year after it came out and I've played DAoC since the first month it came out. Each has things I like and things I don't. I chose DAoC RvR over WoW's game play, but I'd go back to WoW in a second if they copied DAoC's RvR model.
#71 Feb 10 2006 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
I've played both, DAOC up until WOW came out, and Wow since day 1 until last month and I have to say that many, many aspects of Wow blow DAOC off the map. The graphics are unbelievable. I know they are cartoonish, but the game is just so full of color and I personally love it. The auction system blows the market explorer out of the water. The mailing system is a great feature. The quests make leveling fun compared to grinding. I know DAOC has added quests, but they need a lot more. I like WOW's pvp system because the fights actually can last a considerable amount of time. No stun, dd, dd, dead or one shooted by a bowman. That was always a big complaint of mine along with mezz. Take mezz out of RVR and now we're talking fun. With all that being said, nothing and I mean nothing can touch DAOC PVP system. There is nothing like taking a keep. The site off everyone suiciding and quitting whatever the hell their doing when another realm is going after the relic. That is the best and WOW is not even close to that. I'm back now because I missed RVR, but WOW has a lot to offer. People that judge WOW when they've never played it is completely ridiculous. Reading about it and playing it is not the same thing.
#72 Feb 11 2006 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to write their opionions here. I am just considering making the switch from WoW to DAoC (which I have never played) and all this info really helped me fel better about trying DAoC.:)
#73 Feb 13 2006 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
To be honest, id have to say this game. The player basis is way more mature, its PvP is way better then WoWs, really fun crafting, vampiirs,those new dungeons, the list gose on. But to sum it up, DAoC is a better game in almost every way
#74 Feb 15 2006 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
Really depends on what you're looking for in a game.

Pro's and cons of each:

WoW pro's:

Graphics are amazing.
Plenty of people are playing it so there is a huge playerbase.
Patches are often so there is new content everyday.
Has an endgame that DOESN'T involve PVP. (Thank God.)
Has PvP.
Plenty of places to go. Leveling up is actually fun, quests are fun and get you leveled up fairly quickly. Quests are more than just kill-tasks.

WoW con's:

The game has many problems with the servers. Blizz is still working on that one.
Plenty of people are playing it so there is a huge playerbase. Unfortunately that means you get people spamming, insulting and pk'ing others.
Patches often come with even more bugs.
Has an endgame that DOESN'T involve PVP. Sadly it's fairly annoying to go on 7 hour raids to get one piece of a set that is useless without the other 5 pieces.
Has PVP. Barely.

DAoC's Pro's:

PVE is somehow more interesting. I don't exactly know why. I've been wondering this since i began playing it. It is more fun than wow even though it's just level-grinding. The fighting system is more intuitive than just "fight the enemy." Sometimes pulling one more mob means instant death for your group. That constant threat keeps the gameplay exiting.
Game has the best PVP system. Ever.
Classes are easy to learn and quite fun to figure out.
Game is easy to run and has few game-shattering bugs.
Playerbase is extremely friendly. Extremely.
The raids actually mean something. The items that drop from them are not extremely hard to get and can be gotten from the consignment merchant.

DAoC's Cons:

Dated Graphics.
PVE system is dated. Not much to a character than clicking buttons and hoping that you don't miss/get resisted.
PVP is fun, but gets repeditive after awhile. Similar to counter-strike. No point in it.
Playerbase is extremely friendly. Just very very small.\
The raids actually mean something, but are kind of rare and boring.
Game is much slower than WoW. Hitting 50 takes awhile.

Overall, the games are really suited to specific tastes. If you like casual play, play WoW. If you like playing for months to get the perfect character going, try DAoC. Play one for a few months. See which one works for you. Either way, i think you'll have fun.

#75 Feb 17 2006 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
I think you have a ***** loose. You think the graphics in WOW are better than DAOC? I think maybe you need a better computer. Either that or you need to reformat your life. Maybe get that lazer eye surgery.
#76 Feb 22 2006 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
I must be missing something totally. I have played both daoc and WOW, and am amazed at all the posts here saying it takes LONGER to level up playing DAOC. I hit my first lvl 50 on gareth in just a hair over 6 days played. My priest in wow took about 17 days to hit 60.
Its true the quests in WOW seemed more interesting and fun, but for pure leveling speed DAOC beats WOW handsdown.

With the addition of the Task Dungeons it makes for really casual play as well. It takes anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes to complete these. You get experience, and cash for doing them. With the cash I made doing the task dungeons I was outfitted in all Darkspire gear by the time I was lvl 40. I have since quested for my epic gear, and am in the middle of the Champion Quests (very cool by the way).

I played daoc back in the beta, and am familiar with the layout and the zones. There are hundreds of quests to do if thats what your into. Personally I just wanted to get to a competitive level in RVR as quickly as possible. Playing on a classic server and just doing the task dungeons got me there in under a weeks playtime. Playing on a TOA server would take considerably longer, not to level, but to be competitive at it.

As far as the graphics go, I am also amazed that so few think daoc has good graphics, IMO they beat WOW graphics hands down. Much more detail, fluid animations and styles. WOW is colorful yes, but very blocky up close. The armor is painted on, as opposed to being a true 3d object in daoc. I see no comparison. DAOC for the win. If you think otherwise maybe check your settings, enable the new graphics with the expansions..something is definately wrong somewhere.

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