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#77 Feb 23 2006 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, anyone who says DAoC has worse graphics than WoW needs to either upgrade their system, buy catacombs and DR, or turn their settings to full.
#78 Mar 07 2006 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
I stumbled accross this thread, as I have been playing WoW since release, and have been thinking of switching to DAoC in the hope that it will be more like the game I thought WoW would be.

Believe me when I say that WoW is almost completely PvE oriented, despite the additions of battlegrounds and the honour system. I for one am amazed how many people say it easy to level in WoW, it took me an age to get both my Chars to 60 purely because soloing is so dull and repetetive. Statements like:

WoW's quests are more varied than the "fetch", and "kill" quests in DAoC. Also, the DAoC instanced dungeons do not hold a candle to WoWs. WoW's instances are designed incredibly, where the DAoC instances appear to just be thrown together (because they are).

the quests in WoW are dull, and I know very few players who enjoyed more than a couple of the instances. I must aggree of course, WoW's graphics are rather sexy, but it doesn't compensate for the fact that nobody seems much interested in PvP play. The end game is simply a matter of grinding instances for equipment that you never really use on anyone anyway.

If you like teaming up with your mates to shoot big dragons and whatnot, yep WoW will certainly scratch that itch, but by way of organised PvP, it's a bit of a non-starter.
#79 Mar 08 2006 at 2:47 PM Rating: Default
I've played both now. DAoC > WoW. Why? Well the RvR is better than the crap in WoW. WoW is all cartoony and super easy. If you cant hack DAoC go for WoW, you'll probally like it. It reminds me of Guilds Wars, IMO.
#80 Mar 11 2006 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
I hear alot of people saying that no one does PvP on their WoW server, or that it's crap... huh?! On my server (Skywall), PvP runs non-stop starting at 3p.m. server time until midnight, and with 3 different styles right now (more with the expansion), you have huge diversity in your style of play. From the capture the flag of Warsong Gulch, or the capture the node style of Arathi Basin, to the all out faction war, kill the general style Alterac Valley, you have many different options (though AV has some balancing issues).

Graphics wise, WoW begins cartoony, but the vibrance and style that eveything exudes is outstanding, with stunning, varied environments and spell effects. Plus, with every piece of armor changing your appearance, and almost every piece looking different, you are rarely a "twin"

The way the quests unveil plot little by little, forming a web is pretty cool also. One thing leads to another, which leads to another, and then you find out why your beloved banshee queen is trying to unleash a plague of undeath upon the world (not the nicest person). These quests make leveling easy, but also fun because they are diverse and informative.

I gotta go now. Enjoy.
#81 Mar 13 2006 at 1:49 PM Rating: Default
WoW PvP = First person Shooter with MMO feel.

Yay...I captured the flag....
Yay...even the losers get CP...
Yay...I didnt PvP enough so I lost my rank..

Personally even FPS have better PvP than WoW imo.
#82 Mar 19 2006 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Interesting thread...haven't read it all but will.

My first mmorg I played was Everquest which I played for about 2 the middle I was in DAoC beta but ended up canceling after the first month - was not impressed at all. I went back to EQ. After about 2 years I was getting pretty bored with EQ so I tried Horizons which was horrendous...finally decided give DAoC a real shot.

I absolutely loved it...loved how there were no elves in Midgard, no kobolds in Hibernia and neither of them in Albion - really felt like there were 3 totally separate countries. Ended up leveling up about 8 lvl 50s across the 3 realms. Loved Catacombs when it came out too (ToA was okay but got more enjoyment from Catacombs).

Once my toons got in their 30s I started playing around in the BGs and thought I had died and gone to heaven...what an incredible feeling, standing there with your breathern, getting ready to repel the enemy hordes. It was awesome...they all felt like my brothers and sisters, which coming from a game is amazing. Did some hunting in the frontiers but not a lot...was getting to that point when I decided to leave after about 1 1/2 years.

Some of the things I really didn't like was that it felt like a "has-been" game in many ways. Tried to find out information on the internet and it seemed that most things were dated a year or so before...most lowbie zones seemed pretty much deserted (Galahad albion, Guenevere midgard and not surprisingly Nimue hibernia)...and it seems that everything is geared toward the frontiers. I like rvr but also enjoy me, the journey is half the fun - and Gaheris without the rvr did not appeal to me at all.

I ended up leaving and trying out EQ2 for a couple months...way too bland for my taste and then tried WoW for about 4 months. Wow was a lot of fun at first...the toons were cartoonish but I thought the landscape/environment was great. Loved how downtime was so much less than other games but it was pretty evident after a short amount of time that the game was just too easy. Learn a new weapon skill and be able to get it maxed out in an hour fighting newbie mobs? It was a joke and tradeskilling was nice but too easy too and I had several trade skills in the high 200s. Ended up leaving and returning to Everquest...was starting to miss my paladin, shaman and necromancer and they'd added a lot more content to be explored...I love exploring.

Community: Like others have said, DAoC is so much better than WoW in this category it's not even funny...WoW is a cesspool. I personally think that Everquest has the best but DAoC is right up there...maybe it's because none of the guilds I belonged to in DAoC ever hunted together much outside of rvr, never felt like I was part of a "family".

PVP: Never played pvp in WoW (outside of a few skirmishes in "friendly" territory)...never saw any reason to do so. I saw the people waiting to get in...heard the complaints and knew that it could never compare to DAoC anyway.

PvE: WoW is definitely better...not nearly as many things to explore and do in DAoC.

Playability: WoW was just too darn easy but don't fool yourself, you don't have to be a brain surgeon to play DAoC either despite what some people would lead you to believe. I truly think that DAoC and Everquest are on par as far as requiring skills imho.

If I had to decide between just DAoC and WoW, it would definitely be DAoC...although throw them all in the mix and I'd choose Everquest. If I was starting from scratch...with the knowledge that I have...and I could only choose one game it would be DAoC - lower levels in Everquest just don't cut it anymore.

I sometimes miss playing DaoC...esp my Skald, Thane, Champion, Valewalker and Sorcerer. Sometimes I think I might want to go back again in the near future but they re-possessed my houses spread across 4 realms so probably won't, just on principle. Even though I know I could get all my junk back...still no houses. ;)

Edited, Sun Mar 19 02:16:39 2006 by Corsin
#83 Mar 22 2006 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
Excuse me but NOTHING is challenging in WoW with the exception of AQ because its new but that has a huge exploit to be used on it so that isnt either but will be once they remove the wall trick.

The majority of the WoW guilds have mastered the instances and finish the almighty 'raid' dungeons in 1hr-2hr like MC which is commonly done in 1hr.

The PvP in WoW is rewarding but the class balance is very poorly done. They keep nerfing the warriors b/c they do too much damage with the best weps. in the game such as rank 14 DoW to name a few (how ironic doing too much dmg with the best weps. in the did they expect?)Now they barly do any dmg while priests (mainly shadow specd) can do more dmg than me normally than I can do to them with a critical shot them having cloth armor which means me doing the most dmg possible. ------Terrible Class Balance----- Period.

WoWs PvE is pretty boring b/c there isnt any strategy in it...(with the very small select end game instances that you need a lil' amount of strat to win nothing too big) pretty much right click on monster and atk and hit some dmg skills during it to make it go faster for melee or shoot 3-4 shots of magic to kill it for the magic users...Quests are nice when you first get going but then they are just kill tasks or retrieve quests with the occasional escort quest in the mix.

lvling in WoW is a joke and doesnt even require knowing the class to achieve lvl 60 a 10 year old could do it easily. basically either do the same instance over and over for quick exp and items or quest till your fingers bleed to get lvls.

ATM im installing my plat edition of DAoC along with catacombs. I would go into detail about DAoC but that would take me forever since there are countless things to do once you achieve lvl 50.

Housing is unique in this generation of MMO. FFXI nor WoW have anything like it. The trophies of killing the mobs are awsome since you can put them in your guild house to show off the strength of your guild but some of the trophies could be changed like someone said itd be better if they just gave us the heads of the mobs instead.

PVP is amazing. Period. Nothing rivals DAoC's PVP absolutly nothing.

The only thing WoW has over DAoC is the player population... thats probably the only draw back to DAoC there arnt that many people playing it...Sad but true =(

Edited, Wed Mar 22 15:49:34 2006 by ZeeroPaladin
#84 Mar 24 2006 at 11:56 PM Rating: Default
I like Playing WoW...

WoW is the best MMORPG game ever..

try it and you won't regret
#85 Mar 27 2006 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default
Yes you will. Dont listen to him. Wow is the sucketh.
#86 Apr 09 2006 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, now to clear up a few things. I have been hearing, PPL hate WOW cause u can hit 50 in 12 days? Ok, total play time on 2 of my characters are under a week on DAoC and are both 50. I am playing DAoC for that reason. I want PvE to be quick and easy and to get to just RvR with my friends. DAoC PvE sucks, boring, and just plain easy. Also DAoC is giving out free lvls every week if you have leveled once or more during that time. DAoC is good for RvR and that is pretty much it. It is fun, strategic, and entertaining. If you want cool epic raids, i guess TOA (DAoC expansion) works fine, but i bet WoW is better for it. This is my opinion (of Course).
#87 Apr 10 2006 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
156 posts
I as well have been considering DAoC. I've been playing WoW for about 6 months or so, and have played EQ, EQII, and SWG prior. I see a lot of people commenting on things like speed of leveling up, PvP, etc, however I haven't really seen much with reguards to the two things that I prefer to do in MMOs: namely Soloing and Tradeskills. I've been able to solo with absolutely no problem in WoW, with the exception of the end game instances. Tradeskills, however, are absolute horse ****. Can anyone tell me how the tradeskills in DAoC compare to other MMOs?
#88 Apr 11 2006 at 5:58 PM Rating: Default
Trade skills at the moment are soo GOD awful boring. You can buy anything you need at the merchants and its just not that interesting though there is good money in it if you do it right. Mythic is going to be revamping them soon, so I guess we will see what comes of it.
#89 Apr 17 2006 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
Excuse my newbness.....but what's RvR? Smiley: cry
#90 Apr 20 2006 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
Realm vs Realm
#91 May 11 2006 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
Trade skills at the moment are soo GOD awful boring. You can buy anything you need at the merchants and its just not that interesting though there is good money in it if you do it right.

How do I do it "Right"?
I am a new player lvl 8 Runecaster. I just picked up Spellcasting and it seems pretty expensive to make the items. I haddn't done any other crafting up to that point but when I got spellcrafting it told me I lost a bunch of other crafting skills. Such as Basic crafting. Was that a mistake? Is there a good explanation of crafting somewhere?
#92 May 14 2006 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
Depending on what you do in crafting and where you are farming to get things to craft.
#93 May 25 2006 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
Ok I read some of these posts (the skywall one was funny cause Im from Skullcrusher and your stupid members have been flooding our forums..its also funny you talk about PVP cause your a PVE server..BGs aren't pvp) and decided to post cause well..I've played WoW since release and have had every horde class to at least 40, my only one to 60 is my rogue tho cause its the only bit of fun I had past 40..and maxxed out every profession(some within a days time...thats how ridiculous they were). In WoW theres hardly a difference between PVP and PVE from 1-59 there is due to the fact you may get ganked. But other than that world pvp hardly happens, its all in BGs. The problem with BGs is that the honor system is broken. On Skullcrusher(pvp server) horde loses 7/10 times. Why? Because there are guilds on either side that only queue up with their guildies to "farm" honor points to get to Warlord. Sure its apart of the rules and its fair...except the fact that your randomly matched against other groups. and 9 times outta 10 theres a fully epicced out raid group versus a pickup group of ppl just trying to have fun. Also the character imbalances are insane. Also with the way the classes and talent builds are setup at 60 you get alot of guilds that'll do those fun 40 man dungeons, but you can only be a certain spec. Classes get pigeonholed to where you either suck at pvp and get passed up on the raid. If you your a carebear and love pve...sure WoW is great. If you can afford to take all this time outta your life to run these end-game instances. Cause sorry to tell ya...the DKP system will rule you out of any phat lewts till about a few months of raiding 3 times a least. I'm extremely new to DAoC...right now I'm trying out certain classes to find what I like best. RvR sounds so great. I think DAoC did BGs right..and WoW's wishy washy version of them are crap. No strategy involved in WoW either. Gear=skill in WoW. You could be quick and know your class like the back of your hand, but when your going up against a warrior with Ashkandhi(legendary wpn) solo who only knows how to hit 2-3 buttons. bye bye. From what I hear about DAoC the pvp is so much fun..and thats all I'm after. Which is why when Warhammer online comes out..woot woot!

You may think "no your wrong!" but read the forums on WoW. A vast majority are about players quitting or only playing till Warhammer online comes out(and if incase you didnt already know..Mythic, designers of DAoC, are making it)

Edited, Thu May 25 11:19:28 2006 by Gorgaur
#94 May 25 2006 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
well, me personally. i like the way WOW plays. but i cannot stand playing with anyone there.

their all annoying and they just sit there and spam stuff about Allakhazam. DAOC rocks. simple as that, and the people here are cool, and fun to play with.
#95 Jun 04 2006 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
I may regret this but as much as I am considering coming back to DAoC I wanted to comment.
Yes WoW has alot of punks that spam but this is generally only in the beginner areas such as the Barrens cause these chumps can't get out of them. After that is it much more pleasant.

My view of DAoC is from when I quit two years ago (looking into returning) but it does seem to me that WoW is somewhat easier to level. But WoW also has a pretty damn good quest system that can, at it's best, be very entertaining. At it's worst it is a grind from hell. This quest system is the key to leveling quickly in WoW. You want to level like DAoC go grind and never log out in an inn. The quests make/made WoW more entertaining for doing something WHILE you earned the exps and for the bonus at the end.

DAoC has always had the better PvP except when it gets to the point where the system can't handle people in large numbers (once again from 2 years ago, maybe they improved it). The mini Bgs and the Keep taking was highly entertaining UNLESS you were in a realm that was short staffed. Then it sucked ***. WoW's pvp is pretty tame in comparison (one of the reasons I am leaving). In the "real" game it accomplishes nothing and the BG's just suck after your hundredth time.

The crafting system in DAoC (2 years ago) sucked ***. It is about as much fun as having food poisoning. Hopefully they have changed this. WoW's up until about level 200 skill is pretty easy. After that it can get pretty brutally expensive and the paybacks for it can be low. I have a number of 60's with 300 skill and it was no fun BUT it wasn't all tedium either with quests and the such adding to the flavor.

End Game in WoW sucks if you are a normal person. If you are one of those loonies who plays 8 or 10 hours a day it may impress you. Real people with jobs and a life will not get much out of it (one reason for possible return). I have 3 60's and a number of guys over 30. The damn leveling is more fun than the end game! Not sure where DAoC is here now.

In all honestly as I am writing this I have to say BOTH games have their good points and both have their bad. The best way to test them out is to try them both. WoW will appeal to some. DAoC to others. I played DAoC from beta to Atlantis and quit. Had a two bad start offs with SWG and Shadowbane. Then had a great time on WoW until endgame instances. Now I am looking back here and maybe to a number of future titles.

Trying to not just flame as a number of people have here. Some of these games may not appeal to you but they may appeal to others.

Proceed to flame :)
#96 Jun 14 2006 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Haven't played DAOC but have it ordered...

/rant on...

I have played WOW for almost a yr we go WOW is PvE (even on the PvP servers.)

The only time there was PvP was when lvl 60's were waiting for the BG's so they would attack somewhere. It was fun until the BG popped and all the horde were gone and 3/4 of the alliance were still there b/c Alliance outnumber Horde on my server like 4 to 1 not even joking.(I know roll a horde character... but I shouldn't have too.. Seriously blizzard should fix that)

PvP was so unbalanced.A person who had the High lvl armor would PWN a non geared one. So techincally gear/time > skill in WOW. If you got into an end game lvl guild you had to run instances so u could get geared up to run the Big instances.When you got to the Big instances the other 5 ppl that are the same class as you need that item too. So if you are lucky and get the drop you still have 7 more to complete the set. BTW some of the High lvl instances you can only run once a week.

Quests... well Quests in WOW were fun the first time you did them... after that it wasn't fun. Pretty much evey mob you can kill in the game has a quest. So if you grinding you mite as well look up the guy that gives the quest.Very old very fast in my opinion. Go kill 10 of these.. 15 of those... and 20 of that.

Graphics... well they are Beautiful. They even added some weather into it which almost made me stay.. Almost. Only flaw...they are so cartoonish it's no wonder half the people that play are under the age of 15.

All that being said WOW lacks in the the PVP area. World PvP is dead. Yes it is dead no matter anyone says... 2 words Dishonorable Kill(DK). IF you kill anything that says Civilian you will get a DK. Now some of you are saying yah so what u get a DK. Well if you were to World PvP everyday in about 2 weeks you wouldn't be able to go into your home towns b/c u would be labeled as an outlaw by your own faction for killing the enemy (civilians)><.

And now some of you are saying well don't kill the Civlians. Well there is always someone not paying attention in a raid that starts AOEing and someone pulls a lvl 5 civilian through the AOE...BAM! DK and 3/4 ppl leave the raid group. I donno if it's more sad or funny seeing 40 lvl 60's(highest lvl in WOW) running away from a lvl 5 Civilian. Ohh and BTW the civilians severly out number the guards.

My problem is once you get to 60 you can either wait 1 to 4 hours on the BG's to pop or do High lvl instances that take 2hrs+. To me that sucks... Yeah the instances are awesome but some can take 8hrs+ I mean come on. I'm kinda bias don't get me wrong sometimes the pop in less than 1hr. Key word being *Sometimes*

Closing thoughs... there is no PvP in WOW no matter how much someone says it there is not. BG's are there but who wants to wait 2hrs to get ganked by an Epic geared pre-made team. So you waited for 2hrs to get into the BG and it's over in 10-15min. Or my personal favorite AV pops (longest BG in WOW usually lasts 3-5hrs). You enter it after you've been waiting for 4hrs and you get all excited you ask for an invite... BAM! AV is over... SOB that sucks for you get back in the que and wait 4 more hrs(that's if there is another one).

/end rant

Did I mention World PvP is dead? =P

Edit: INeedToLearnToSpell

Edited, Jun 14th 2006 at 3:20am EST by TheRoyze
#97 Jun 14 2006 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
I'd have to say DAoC is alot more fun than WoW, its more challenging and the PvP is actually enjoyable(I'm not a huge fan of PvP either). There really doesn't seem to be a whole lot of substance to the WoW end game, its basically just farming an instance until you're geared up enough to move to the next one so you can farm it. I wasn't high level very long in DAoC but I had alot more fun running around doing RvR, attacking keeps or whatever than I ever did farming the high lvl instances in WoW. I've played several MMO's and while I'm not playing anymore, DAoC was definately worth the money and time I put into it.
#98 Jun 27 2006 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
Hmm, how to go about this without either seeming like a rabid fanboy, or a complete idiot.....

WoW - A very simple game. Truly a beginners MMORPG in my opinion due to the soloability outside of instances and the simplitic interface. By far the easiest Ive seen in a long time. The graphics are actually pretty darn good if you can get past the totally cartoonish/childish look of everything. The world is put together rather well also. Yes, people on the game are a bit childish/elitist , but where is that NOT in any MMO. PvP is pretty cool, thre are constant raids going on all over Azeroth. Although many players end up with the same setup for PvP due to "What Works and What Doesnt" You can jump into the game really, but its hard to understand where you are going unless you find a nice player to at least point out. But the hardcore gamer will make this game look easy. Overall- Great game, wait til the new expansion Burning Crusades comes out. Then the endgame explodes!

FFXI- The job of all MMOs! Takes nothing but time and patience. Be ready to spend lots of time and money on great gear/items. The game opens up for you as you go along in aspects of seeing the large world of Vanadiel since you move constantly through leveling camps. At 65+ when you get through the terrible grinds that are Zilart/Chains of Promathia, you have the option to start facing the Gods, and other HNM (the equivalent of instance bosses except for the fact that there are no instances in FFXI, its all about who has the faster macro finger.)New ToUA expansion adds a somewhat DAoC RvR aspect with the addition of assault/beseiged. The PvP sucks in this game though. Ballista is so crappy that I'm not gonna comment on it. Graphics are dated but what do you expect when you share servers with Ps2 gamers. Overall - My favorite MMO mainly because I have played if for so long and cant stop.....

DAoC - Sweet, Sweet, RvR/PvP.....May another game never ever one up you on this. This game is the absolute best when it comes to all out seige warfare/PvP. In how many games can you have untold amounts of players battling for one little keep. In most games that = lag out the bum. The grinds and constant reequiping leads to some problems for most people as they just want to go kill people. But for the hardcore gamer looking for that awesome feel of creating that "Uber" PvP setup. This game is for you. Bonus points for being set up in the era of King Arthur. Overall - A Skill game. Have to really pay attention to how you set up your character. Graphics are great with the Catacombs Engine, and the Darkness Falls expansion only adds to the PvP fun. Im coming back to the game today after some time away, the RvR is just too good to forget.

Guild Wars - Eh....Good Story, Great Graphics, Decent Customization. Too Short, Not Enough Content, PvP = Repetative. Factions remedies this a bit with a new area, jobs, skills, story, pvp stuff. Overall - This is what you play when you are waiting for your money to clear in the bank or a server maintenance is going on.

Edited, Jun 27th 2006 at 9:40am EDT by Diein
#99 Jul 08 2006 at 4:47 PM Rating: Default
i played DAoC in beta, and for the first year. the graphics were not that great back then, but i hear they have gotten better. the graphics were always better than WoW.

played WoW for about 6 months. great game. easy to get into. i quested a toon from level 1 to 51 without ever grinding anything ever. oe of the few games that doesnt make you wait for rare spawns, rare drops, or mandatory groups to finnish a quest. one of the things they did well was, like EQ1, give you a wide selection of starting areas as opposed to lumping them into one or two places. start another class/race and you get a whole new enviroment to play in. pvp was ok. did get boaring after a few months, but havnt played one yet that hasent.

gona try DAoC again shortly. was playing EQ2 and board myself to tears with the fighting. as far as rvr on DAoC, there is a MUCH BETTER game out. one i played for a couple months last year. Planetside. there is no better PVP game out. 3 alliances, like DAoC, plenty of stratagy, always hordes of people tyring to take your stuff or stop you from taking theirs. pvp gets old fast though. when you spend more time loading and reequiping than playing, you get board fast. 3 to 4 minutes to spawn after death, equip your toon, then head into battle......fight for about 30 seconds to 2 minutes average, then die and so it again. after an hour or two, it gets old, like all PVP.

looking for pve content myself. so gone give DAoC another shot, hopefully it wil last to the end of the year when 3 big name games are supposed to launch.
#100 Jul 17 2006 at 4:43 AM Rating: Default
I have played ALOT of mmo's, starting with UO I went to EQ then DAoC, etc. I am after pvp and nothing really has beaten UO at its prime, but thats in the past.

My opinions on wow have already been stated again and again, its boring on all aspects to me and has no true feel that you MUST do your best and pvp (unless your bent on HWL rank and keeping it...)

A few things about DAoC i'd like to mention that I feel are important and not talked about much.

-PvE : DAoC has a very small player base period, and very few newcommers. Most people own more then 1 account and PL new chars so you dont see many in the new zones. Most classes can solo (though it may not be your desired specialty line to do it) though it'll be slower for some then others. You are given free respec's at certain lvl's so you can do a pve spec then switch at higher lvl's.

Buffbots : ALOT of people run buffbots, and they make a noticable difference when your solo pvp'n or cant get many/any in the BG's. Usually this wont be a problem in 8x8's in the big rvr but in bg's its annoying. Nothing to do about it but make a buffbot yourself or work with a handicap half the time. The way buffs work you have to keep your buffbot online.

Alot of ppl underplay thier role and I may overplay it, you wont suck completely because you dont have one (example, my ranger does well vs people I know use buffbots 1v1 but it takes setting the field in my favor.)

BG's : You can start bg'n at low lvl's and bg all the way until 49 and get yourself to realm rank 5. BG's are a nice ffa battle with most involving a keep you fight for control over or defend from others. Its a nice way to learn rvr and siegecraft in a smaller fighting field. Sure alot of zerging and ganks, but it helps to learn for the big game as well, and is usually pretty fun. If your on a realm thats smaller then the others then you may not find it as fun unless your a stealther (ranger RAWR!)

You earn normal exp and rp's for rvr, rp's give you advanced abilities which affect pvp and pve, making pvp'n important to all aspects of the game to be your msot efficient. They also added the option to turn off gaining rp's or exp so you dont lvl out of a specific BG if you like.

The BG's scale every 5 lvl's, the final up to 49 has no keep and is where alot of ppl go to practice 8x8 or try new or alternate builds (battle druids!)

Tradeskills : Pain in the BUTT to do and become LGM (Legendary Grand Master) in, but once you are its worth it until your lvl 50. Typically people will use store bought or player made stuff until they hit 50 and wear artifacts. You can also spellcraft most slots to help max out your resists/template. I hate trivial tradeskills because it really dumbs down the market, however I think DAoC is a bit mind numbing and there are so few LGM's in the end that prices get somewhat pricey.

PvE : The pve aspect is there, but DAoC has really become VERY focused on rvr as its the main strength of the game. Owning forts and rvr territory is very important and while it can get repetitive, it makes the fights feel more epic.

Graphics : Personally I LOVE DAoC graphics now. The armor looks AMAZING as do mounts and barding. Spell particles are lacking but thats not too bad for me, no detail is left out anymore for characters/mounts.

There is probably more but I am starting to lose focus, i'll post again later if anything comes to me.
#101 Jul 29 2006 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
I have a 60 druid on WoW and I'm just starting DAoC after quitting WoW due to total and complete addiction. NOTHING is better than WoW. It's an amazing game with far far far more content than DAoC. It's more appealing in many different ways. I must say, however, that the next best thing I've found is DAoC, but still it doesn't even compare to WoW, which is in its own league entirely.
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