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Help! WoW vs. DAOCFollow

#102 Aug 15 2006 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
336 posts

The majority of the WoW guilds have mastered the instances and finish the almighty 'raid' dungeons in 1hr-2hr like MC which is commonly done in 1hr.





Edited, Aug 15th 2006 at 7:45am EDT by Hiriel
#103 Sep 02 2006 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent

Sorry this is posted on such an old thread, but I was browsing through and saw this.....

I have a 60 druid on WoW and I'm just starting DAoC after quitting WoW due to total and complete addiction. NOTHING is better than WoW. It's an amazing game with far far far more content than DAoC.

Huh? WoW has more content than DAoC? Guess that means I'll never play WoW, cause I've already convinced myself I'll never get to ML10. I may eventually get my Champ levels, but I'm swimming in content just trying to get some artifacts put together and leveled. If WoW is so superior then I'll wait and see if my fav server Merlin has a pop decrease, so I can hit some of the rare spawns without them getting tagged by some group camping it. No offence to the poster, but I'm thinking if you just started DAoC you may not have the best viewpoint to ascertain which of these popular games is the "best."
#104 Sep 03 2006 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
Imo wow is a "money" making game.

Lvl a 60 in 12 days then put it on ebay Theres a easy 400$

But truely DAoC is by far the best mmo i have played
#105 Sep 22 2006 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
Briefly said DAoC to Wow is like Middle Age to Space conquest.
Just the interface in WoW is much more evolved and sophisticated than daoc's which you can hardly call that since it's more like some windows added on a DOS-based game. In fact you can't find any scrolling menu in daoc and all commands still have to be typed (but you can create yourself macros if you kmow how and want to spend time doing that) and there is nothing like a mail system neither. Daoc's interface buttons perform oddly since often you'll need to click twice to make them work.
Graphics in daoc would be ok but they usually look quite static whereas in wow you find more animated objects in the scenery adding to the athmosphere. Speaking about that animations in daoc they look often jerkish and unconvincing. For inst. about all npc, regardless of their race move exactly the same way (try to look at several vendors together). There are no different (and funny I might add) emotes like in wow.
Sound is another compartment where daoc can hardly be compared to wow. Voice acting has never existed there and music has just been added with the first extensions. Daoc's tunes are ok but can only be turned on or off and you will probably soon end with the 2nd option as they they start getting tedious.
About leveling (which seems to be top priority for so many players out there) today's daoc is faster and easier than wow (but if you are a 'normal' player, just looking for some fun you shouldn't be bothered too much about ;)
Content and replayability are quite important in both games but I find most quests in Wow more interesting (but this probably also due to its superior interface). One problem in daoc is that it usully takes many hours to do one of the major challenges like epic dungeons and master level, not to speak about getting artifacts. They probably can be appealing to some hardcore gamers having nothing else to do in their lives but are quite a pain in the **** for most other players.
RvR (realm vs realm) which seems to be one of the strongest points in daoc, most of the times isn't really what it looks like. In fact many players don't care a fig about the realm, they just fight to get 'realm points' which they can convert in new abilities. Solo or small 'fixed teams' are common sight because (especially high ranked-hardcore gamers) prefer not to share their RP with other (lower ranked) players which makes it more a PvP (player vs player) battle than RvR.
Finally support also reached a new level of professionalism with WoW. Daoc's amateurism just can't compare to it. Just for the record I once requested daoc (GOA) support for a problem with a warlock and it seemed that the guy didn't even know the class so I ended explaining it to him :p
All this and much less bugs (some of them have taken years to be ironed out in daoc and more are still unsolved) and general issues make WoW by far the best mmorpg out there. If you're an occasional player (like most) and even hardcore don't look farther :)
#107 Oct 03 2006 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
You pretty much answered your own question
#108 Oct 25 2006 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
I've played both games since release and still have an active account. Here are some summary that I can give you from my perspective:

World of Warcraft: Eye Candy (a very nice comic book cartoon graphics). Easy leveling and abundance of questing. Many people to group with (popular since its one of the latest popular mmorpg). Easy crafting. Auction House drives the economy market of the game but can be quite a laggy zone on peak hours for people with "decent" PC's. End game contents are very tedious as you need to keep raiding for LONG (8+ hours most of the time) periods of hours in hopes of getting the high end equipments to compete with others. PvP is fun at first but doesn't really require organized strategy hence it can get really boring. PvP population is ridiculously outbalanced. As with most popular games you will get a number of annoying immature people that play the game, however there are a few nice ones.

This game is fun in the beginning but fades fast in the end. If you like PvE then creating new characters to lvl up with is fast and easy but the end content will leave you more to desire as you sit for hours and hours raiding big content instanced dungeons trying to keep awake. PvP can be fun and the honor system gives some incentives but the lack of population imbalance and a drought of cooperative strategy defines it. This game caters to the "family types" and "younger crowd" type of mmorpg gamers.

Dark Age of Camelot: One of the most popular mmorpgs before Word of Warcraft came out. Decent graphics but the new upgraded "Catacombs" expansion graphics technology brings it to par with the other latest mmorpgs for visuals. Leveling is fun and challenging. With the shift in popularity of mmorpg games and the implement of "instanced" dungeoning and tasks, it is harder to find groups for grinding to date. As with all the games, bugs in the game can be annoying, especially the pet pathing inside the dungeon. This game requires more skill to play and can be quite challenging to the begginer but the learning curve is rewarding when one figures out their customization of gameplay. There are Housing zones and it is tied to the "Market Explorers" that drives player's economy system. PvP are more balanced than all the other mmorpgs that I know of. Realm versus realm (RvR) brings excitement as 3 opposite realms represents themselves and battle it out for prowess and bragging rights.

This game can be quite challenging at first but rewarding once you get the hang of it. Tradeskills are more challenging compared to WoW, this might be good if you are looking for accomplishments. PvE is tried and true with many options and fun quest story lines of the realms interpretations and legends. Owning a house of different sizes and being able to customize and design it as well as market it in real state is a HUGE bonus fun factor to this game. PvP is as most challenging of any several mmorpgs game I have played and currently are playing with. RvR is simply exhilirating wether you like to zerg, solo or defend and attack keeps. Low level battlegrounds are almost always alive and are most enjoyable. It is exciting and fun. The only downside I see to this game are old issue bugs for gameplay such as pet pathing that has not yet been fixed for many years and the major decline is subscriber's population since WoW came out. The good side is that many gamers are now coming back to the game and with the introduction of the Classic server (no ToA) and clustering them to boost population for people looking to group or fight. This game caters to the casuals and hardcores alike. Gamers here are more mature compared to WoW. This is a very fun and challenging game and is worth the investment. This game doesn't require extensive graphic card technology in order to play smoothly as it is the case for World of Warcraft.

Overall: Everyone have different preferences and maturity when it comes to choosing a massively-multi online role-playing game (MMORGP). Between DAoC and WoW, it would be up to each individual which they prefer. I would recommend trying both of them out. If you don't have all the latest in hardware technology for your computer then I would recommend to wait on WoW as it requires higher end PC for a "smooth" gameplay for those who prefer. If the ease of leveling and close-knit type of family atmosphere playing and that caters to the very young and middle aged alike then WoW is the game for you. If you want fun PvP, owning a house, challenging tradeskills and on the budget for computer technology then DAoC is for you. In the end both games are fun in their own ways. They both have issues that needs to be fixed. In my opinion, playing games has to have the "fun factor" for me and I would have to lean towards DAoC.

Edited, Oct 25th 2006 at 8:33am PDT by ghouliac

Edited, Oct 26th 2006 at 6:53am PDT by ghouliac

Edited, Oct 26th 2006 at 6:54am PDT by ghouliac
#109 Nov 02 2006 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
I'd like to point out that daoc's crafting isn't 'challenging' at all. It's just about sitting near a crafting site (forge or whatever) and hitting a key on your keyboard for hundred of hours. There are just a couple of crafting quests to add spice to it but it's deadly boring otherwise. Wow's crafting is definitely more interesting since it involves looking for odd components somewhere in Azeroth and ask other players to craft specific items for your recipees.
Generally you can find immature players in both games, only you'll find more on wow cause of it's larger population.
Daoc's graphics keep up quite well with competitors, textures are among the finest i've seen so far but they still lack support of the latest hardware functions.

Edited, Nov 2nd 2006 at 1:46am PST by ThorynHiberniaOrcanie

Edited, Nov 2nd 2006 at 1:48am PST by ThorynHiberniaOrcanie

Edited, Nov 5th 2006 at 1:54am PST by ThorynHiberniaOrcanie
#111 Nov 10 2006 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
wow levels fast and is great for part time players. lots of players so groups shoud be easy

Everquest 1 i feel has the most content, and plays for years. but the class system make everyone the same except for gear changing a few stats

Daoc i like because of the skill tree. same as wow. making everyone a bit differant.

Horizons though has the best trakeskill system. i had to spend hours gathing logs then changing it to wook and then carpentry wood to then build a house. with many other parts too. and you can work on all tradeskills. on one character. not limited to ust one or two like wow and daoc.

plus horizons class system is amazing. you can take the cleric to lvl 20 and a warrior to lvl 20 making a paladin. or add in mage . having a character that can were great armor and weild a sword. cast heals and bolts of fire . is cool theres many classes and you can add many combinations. plus you can play a dragon, that after a certain lvl can fly.

horizons has issues with new owners. but if they pick up the past and re advertise the game and add an expansion. i'm sure it will be playable again. right now you'd have to solo that game not many players at all less then 100 online at one time weekdays

i've just come back to try daoc again. i have a disease that prevents me from playing the same game for more then a couple months. i was just at eq 2 for a week. and been thinking of asheron's call again too. FFXI and DOD i did the trials and got bord to quick. but i think i should give them a good 2 months to see the game better. but i will try daoc for 2 months first.

i'm not big on pvp without consent. so i playon co op server. i hated lineage 2 loved the concept and graphics but the pvp. i was lvl 5 getting killed be lvl 30+ at respawn site over and over again. this happened for days. loosers attack newbees just for fun. i think pvp games should have limits as in 5-10 lvls up or down. and in zone areas. not towns or cities.
To play well with others is to NOT GET THEM KILLED

5x eve online (Currently playing 2 accounts)
1x darkfall "worse game ever"
8x EQ 1 accounts char's lvl 30-52 7 years (3 accounts active)2nd fav
6x Asheron's call lvl 40-99 one lvl 132 (FAV GAME ALL TIME)
2 EQ 2
3 Horizons
1 D&D online
2 vanguard
4 anarchy
1 lineage 2
1 City of H / V
beta's AC2,lotro,eq2,aoc, lineage 2, darkfall, crimecraft, fallen earth, aion, Jade Dynasty
#112 Nov 10 2006 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
DAoC has that. If you arent in either the battle grounds or the new frontiers there is no PvP.
#113 Nov 27 2006 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
After playing WoW since release I've become very dissapointed. The PvP system is crap, horde are outnumbered by a large amount and the end game content is basically like EQ1 in that it takes a lot of time and a lot of people to get it done. Blizz seems to have realized what they've done and might fix it in the expansion with smaller instance groups. But even with the new Arena's the PvP system to me still seems like it will suck. Small scale fighting is fun for a while, but will eventually turn into another grind like the Battlegrounds did.

So....I've installed the 14 day of DAoC to give it a try. But I'm really really really looking forward to Warhammer Online when it comes out. How nice it will be to FINALLY be able to level off PvP/RvR fighting.
#114 Nov 28 2006 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
For reference, I am an ex-DAoC player, level 50, ml10 reaver in MP/Artifacts suits. I had alot more 50s, but the reaver was my main toon.

The PvP system is crap

DAoC's is not much better due in large part to the realm abilities, Master Level abilities, and artifacts.

horde are outnumbered by a large amount

On almost every server, Albion dominates Midgard and Hibernia by a lot.

and the end game content is basically like EQ1 in that it takes a lot of time and a lot of people to get it done

Oh, you'll love Master and Champion levels then.

but I'm swimming in content just trying to get some artifacts put together and leveled.

Scroll farming and artifact leveling are so much fun! No really, I enjoyed killing 1000+ iaculi trying to get my Snake Charmer's whip to 10.
#115 Nov 28 2006 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent

I think all or most of that stuff you listed there was the reason all my friends I talked to who used to play DAoC told me to play on a Classic server.
#116 Dec 10 2006 at 4:29 PM Rating: Default
WoW= Brokeback mountain
DAoC= WoW gets pwned
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