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I think ARR will fail.Follow

#52 Feb 26 2013 at 7:44 AM Rating: Default
Ostia is not a common name at all, it's a spanish word, originally is supposed to be Hostia, but since the H is silent in spanish, english speaking people cannot pronounce it the way i want it so i went with Ostia Smiley: lol

And yes i was in Excalibur in FFXIV, if you where asking of FFXI, i played maybe 5 months in 2004, cannot remember the server, but i think it was the one named after the airship city in FFIX (Cid was the regent blablabla)
#53 Feb 26 2013 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
82 posts
#54 Feb 26 2013 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
5,055 posts
Wint wrote:
I don't know why you're predicting this based on Alpha videos and without hands on with the game in it's current state.

People wonder why SE has an NDA in place Smiley: rolleyes

Although I dont agree with the TC you can make those predictions off an alpha.. I mean how many games can YOU name that were DRASTICALLY different upon release than they were at alpha and beta?

the only difference between an alpha/beta and actual release is stability and bug fixes...

Ive played plenty of betas i didnt like then the game came out and i still dinidt like it... because my reasons for not liking the game had nothing to do with the technical issues that were present in the beta (which WERE fixed upon release)

for example if you play FFXIV and dint like the beta because you think the story sucks, too many instances and not enough "open world" content, too casual, you find the combat boring or the game itself is too casual for what you expect in an MMO...

NONE of that is gonna be different once the beta ends and the game is released so youll still not like the game even after it comes out

So yes depending on what your problem with said game is you can very much judge it based on its alpha/beta
#55 Feb 26 2013 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
So you're in the alpha and beta for this game and you can say you've seen no major updates?

Don't answer that, I'll have to ban you, and I'll be very sad about it Smiley: smile

I actually can, I was in the alpha for what would eventually be Age of Empires online, but then was called Project Sparta. The difference between the alpha code and the beta was night and day, and again between beta and release. I'd still be playing it actually if it weren't so cartoony, I really liked AEIII's look over AEOnline. As far as other alphas, I haven't had the privilege. Beta wise even from beta to launch of the NA version of XI was vastly different. I have screenshots of chocobos running in Garlaige Citadel, if you want to talk about the differences between the two. I should see if I can find them.
#56 Feb 26 2013 at 10:55 AM Rating: Excellent
599 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Wint wrote:
I don't know why you're predicting this based on Alpha videos and without hands on with the game in it's current state.

People wonder why SE has an NDA in place Smiley: rolleyes

Although I dont agree with the TC you can make those predictions off an alpha.. I mean how many games can YOU name that were DRASTICALLY different upon release than they were at alpha and beta?

the only difference between an alpha/beta and actual release is stability and bug fixes...

Ive played plenty of betas i didnt like then the game came out and i still dinidt like it... because my reasons for not liking the game had nothing to do with the technical issues that were present in the beta (which WERE fixed upon release)

for example if you play FFXIV and dint like the beta because you think the story sucks, too many instances and not enough "open world" content, too casual, you find the combat boring or the game itself is too casual for what you expect in an MMO...

NONE of that is gonna be different once the beta ends and the game is released so youll still not like the game even after it comes out

So yes depending on what your problem with said game is you can very much judge it based on its alpha/beta

Here is what helps me sleep at night. Yoshi-P has given his word the game won't be released until he is satisfied. This could mean they drag the beta out indefinitely if he and the development team aren't happy. While my vision of a great MMO and Yoshi's vary in many areas, I was impressed with much of the content he implemented in 1.0 before the servers went down. Now I know there is an argument that many of those elements were in existence prior to his taking over the helm. Regardless, in some cases what was implemented exceeded my expectations. In general, I get the feeling Yoshi has a good sense for what the average gamer wants to see in the next Final Fantasy MMO.

Me personally, I'm a little quirky and liked the vision of Tanaka even if the execution was abysmal. Am I going to play FFXIV:ARR you bet I will because when I look at the rest of the landscape I don't see much on the market which merits my time and money. Not to mention I'm intrigued by the elements which are being added such as the free company system and housing elements which are sort of absent in many MMOs. That personal space or Mog House in XI were a customization forum well beyond your regular character gear optimization which will I'm sure add hours of fun once implemented.
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#57 Feb 26 2013 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
I agree. After meeting Yoshi I'm convinced the man is going to take care of XIV. You may not like everything he does, but the fact that they are willing to listen and implement things they think they can make work is a great improvement over not only 1.0 but other MMO's in general. I'm completely confident in his ability to manage this game, especially after the release.
#58 Feb 26 2013 at 11:14 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Wint wrote:

Don't answer that, I'll have to ban you, and I'll be very sad about it Smiley: smile

lol Wint you should ban YOURSELF for making that statement, You, I and everyone else around here knows you would LOVE to ban me and enjoy every second of it lol
#59 Feb 26 2013 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Wint wrote:
I agree. After meeting Yoshi I'm convinced the man is going to take care of XIV. You may not like everything he does, but the fact that they are willing to listen and implement things they think they can make work is a great improvement over not only 1.0 but other MMO's in general. I'm completely confident in his ability to manage this game, especially after the release.

meh bring NMs back and give us a good balance of casual AND hardcore content instead of 95% casual and 5% hardcore that way youll be appealing to BOTH audiences equally as opposed to just the one you think if gonna bring you the most money THEN Ill be a fan of everything Yoshi does lol...

Until then whoever did FFXI pre abyssea was the guy who clearly knew what he was doing and what we (or at least I) wanted and expected out of an MMO (has fond memories of the huge sense of accomplishment gained from beating content as hard as CoP was when it first came out.... something Im sure FFXIV will never make me feel lol)
#60 Feb 26 2013 at 11:18 AM Rating: Excellent
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Wint wrote:

Don't answer that, I'll have to ban you, and I'll be very sad about it Smiley: smile

lol Wint you should ban YOURSELF for making that statement, You, I and everyone else around here knows you would LOVE to ban me and enjoy every second of it lol

Not so, I want you to stay and be constructive in your arguments! Smiley: smile I really don't get off being the "Internet Tough Guyâ„¢", and frankly I'd rather leave the banning to Kaolian. He can't possibly monitor all forums though so I help out where I can.
#61 Feb 26 2013 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Wint wrote:
I agree. After meeting Yoshi I'm convinced the man is going to take care of XIV. .

I agree with this 100 percent... If anyone can do it he can... I still wish they would have changed the name from FFXIV because that is one large hurdle to get over. Its going to be a very hard thing to shake and make people forget.

Edited, Feb 26th 2013 12:19pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#62 Feb 26 2013 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
Seraphaniim wrote:

Seraphaniim wrote:

Yes!!! You sir knows your FF!
#63 Feb 26 2013 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Nashred wrote:
Wint wrote:
I agree. After meeting Yoshi I'm convinced the man is going to take care of XIV. .

I agree with this 100 percent... If anyone can do it he can... I still wish they would have changed the name from FFXIV because that is one large hurdle to get over. Its going to be a very hard thing to shake and make people forget.

Edited, Feb 26th 2013 12:19pm by Nashred

He kind of addressed this in the media event. Since it's a numbered Final Fantasy, it is important enough to get SE's full support and dedication. Renumbering would just cause everyone to refer to FFXV as FFXIV-2 or some such. They're going to have to overcome the stigma with results instead.
#64 Feb 26 2013 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
See maybe i am ansshole, but Yoshi-P to me is an absolute Noob! As fas as a game developer goes, all he has really done is some card games.... Now i am full aware that the guy is very charismatic, and has made the smart and strategic decision to open up to his community, and even tho most of the time, he just talks a lot and absolutly says nothing, people like him for it, but i have yet to see why such absolute obedience to the guy, he has bearly done something with 1.0.(Most of the assets implemented under his reign where already in place by the time tanaka left) his flood was an utter failure, he does write pretty nice letters and dresses kinda cool, to me it feels like he has been baiting me all along, for months it's been you will see this X date.... then it changes to Y date... and it just keeps on going on "Wait and see" but here sign this check for me.

P.S: I actually like the guy as a person, i just dont agree with the hole adoration of Yoshi-P, to me he has yet to do something to warrant that.
#65 Feb 26 2013 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
I can understand that, I got to meet him and see his enthusiasm in person, you didn't. He may not have done any MMOs yet, but I think his experience level with modern MMOs is quite high.
#66 Feb 26 2013 at 1:30 PM Rating: Excellent
I think Yoshi P is a better project manager than Tanaka was. Tanaka was an excellent game developer for his time, but he was hidebound and too old fashioned to pull off an MMO. (FFXI succeeded despite Tanaka, not because of him.) Yoshi P may not have the experience under his belt that Tanaka did, but look where all that experience got us with 1.0.

Fresh blood and a new vision were important. Also, a guy that actually plays and loves MMORPGs, not just Final Fantasy games.

Edited, Feb 26th 2013 2:31pm by catwho
#67 Feb 26 2013 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,692 posts
Once the NDA is lifted fanboys are going to have a very bad day fighting against the truth.
#68 Feb 26 2013 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Some of those same fanboys are probably already in the beta, and might just actually be having fun. Weirder things have happened.
#69 Feb 26 2013 at 3:40 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Wint wrote:
Some of those same fanboys are probably already in the beta, and might just actually be having fun. Weirder things have happened.

And to note what is public knowledge. Anyone who is a Legacy member has the capacity, barring errors, to be a Beta player.

Remember, these are the players that in the majority stuck with 1.xx, and have a generally positive outlook on the game's future.

So, when the NDA is lifted. I don't expect the conversation to change from the polarized "I love this, I hate this" conversation going on outside the boards.
#70 Feb 26 2013 at 3:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Hyrist wrote:
Wint wrote:
Some of those same fanboys are probably already in the beta, and might just actually be having fun. Weirder things have happened.

And to note what is public knowledge. Anyone who is a Legacy member has the capacity, barring errors, to be a Beta player.

Remember, these are the players that in the majority stuck with 1.xx, and have a generally positive outlook on the game's future.

So, when the NDA is lifted. I don't expect the conversation to change from the polarized "I love this, I hate this" conversation going on outside the boards.

Very astute observation Smiley: thumbsup
#71 Feb 26 2013 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Runespider wrote:
Once the NDA is lifted fanboys are going to have a very bad day fighting against the truth.

Sadly no, any site that has a review about ARR/Media tour that isn't glowing or for a lack of better term, ***-kissing, fanboys are making it their mission to tear it apart and say they're wrong. Fanboys will never face the facts until it fails to wake them up, a second time.

ARR is literally on the fence of succeeding and failing, if SE doesn't go above and beyond just making it a standard MMO, it WILL fail because once people get bored doing the same thing as their other MMORPG with new textures they'll leave it in a heart beat. Yoshida wants this game to last at least 10 years, most MMOs have trouble lasting 2-4 months. He has to do a lot more than what's being done for that to happen and at least get a niche dedicated fan base like XI has/had.

Anyone as well who looks at this is a neutral or realistic light get torn apart too. The only thing that is certain is it's a marked improvement over 1.0. Otherwise, there's really nothing new here to say ARR will be a definite success.
#72 Feb 26 2013 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
412 posts
A lot of truth there. I've said this before, but... the money the spent on this overhaul better be incentive enough to go above and beyond. I hope that fire under their *** translates to a 10 year long FUN game.
#73 Feb 26 2013 at 11:49 PM Rating: Good
I think the game will attract enough to be a niche mmo for a very long time. To be a major success though? I'd be very surprised. Not cause it'll suck, but because the market is saturated and mmo's regardless of quality have a hard time thriving now. I'll pay, play and be happy with the smaller community.

#74 Feb 27 2013 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
2,801 posts
Wint wrote:
I think the key isn't so much that FFXIV nails the MMO features, they're all more or less the same. What they need to nail is the blending of MMO with Final Fantasy. If they get that right, they'll get the audience they want, naysayers be damned.

No. They need to show that they took their fans seriously this time. By the end of Beta for 1.0, virtually no one was happy with the game. It crashed and burned. A lot of people are going to go out of their way not to get burned again by SE.

If you think simply fixing what was wrong with 1.0 is going to fix the franchise, you're kidding yourself. Way too many people were not only upset at 1.0, but VERY upset at SE for releasing such a game AND for telling everyone that it would be great. This only got worse after everyone in beta said, "Hey, if you release this game, its going to bomb. And bomb badly."

There is very little trust in SE at the moment. And frankly, I don't blame anyone that doesn't trust them. They need to get that back AND release a better than average MMO that keeps true to what Final Fantasy is. I wish them luck on this. It'll take something of a miracle to get all three of those things in the bag.

@OP: Really depends how you want to define failure. It'll never be as well liked as WoW. It'll never have 10 million players. So, if that's what you're looking for, then no, it'll fail. If you're looking for a niche game with a small but very loyal fan base, then yeah, it'll do well. I'm guessing it won't do well enough with just subscriptions, though. Like most other MMOs, I strongly suspect it'll go the F2P route. Hopefully SE is smart enough not to make it P2W. Time will tell.

I think Yoshi P is a better project manager than Tanaka was. Tanaka was an excellent game developer for his time, but he was hidebound and too old fashioned to pull off an MMO. (FFXI succeeded despite Tanaka, not because of him.) Yoshi P may not have the experience under his belt that Tanaka did, but look where all that experience got us with 1.0.

To be fair, FFXI was made during the height of "camp mobs for the bext exp hour" game play that was so prevalent back then. Tanaka did a fine job of taking that method and applying it to the FF franchise. It wasn't until WoW showed how it could be done differently and still get a player base that this style of MMO was tossed out the door.

Edited, Feb 27th 2013 2:02am by Caia
#75 Feb 27 2013 at 5:39 AM Rating: Good
599 posts
Wint wrote:
Hyrist wrote:
Wint wrote:
Some of those same fanboys are probably already in the beta, and might just actually be having fun. Weirder things have happened.

And to note what is public knowledge. Anyone who is a Legacy member has the capacity, barring errors, to be a Beta player.

Remember, these are the players that in the majority stuck with 1.xx, and have a generally positive outlook on the game's future.

So, when the NDA is lifted. I don't expect the conversation to change from the polarized "I love this, I hate this" conversation going on outside the boards.

Very astute observation Smiley: thumbsup

Just to be fair. Some of those who repeatedly preach the doom of the game also happen to hold legacy accounts and characters capped at 50 on every job. What you say is true and a bit of a paradox at the same time.
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#76 Feb 27 2013 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Caia wrote:
Wint wrote:
I think the key isn't so much that FFXIV nails the MMO features, they're all more or less the same. What they need to nail is the blending of MMO with Final Fantasy. If they get that right, they'll get the audience they want, naysayers be damned.

No. They need to show that they took their fans seriously this time. By the end of Beta for 1.0, virtually no one was happy with the game. It crashed and burned. A lot of people are going to go out of their way not to get burned again by SE.

If you think simply fixing what was wrong with 1.0 is going to fix the franchise, you're kidding yourself. Way too many people were not only upset at 1.0, but VERY upset at SE for releasing such a game AND for telling everyone that it would be great. This only got worse after everyone in beta said, "Hey, if you release this game, its going to bomb. And bomb badly."

There is very little trust in SE at the moment. And frankly, I don't blame anyone that doesn't trust them. They need to get that back AND release a better than average MMO that keeps true to what Final Fantasy is. I wish them luck on this. It'll take something of a miracle to get all three of those things in the bag.

Where did I say fixing 1.0 was going to fix the franchise? Where did I say anyone was fixing the franchise? I'm talking about this one game. They need to MMO features, yes, but they need to make sure that what makes Final Fantasy games stand out is also present. That was my point, that is what will make this a better than average MMO.

If you have been following the news at all you know that Yoshi and his team are listening to the fans and taking them seriously. If one thing is abundantly clear it's that SE is listening this time around and is going to release something that people will want to play.

Edited, Feb 27th 2013 7:09am by Wint
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