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2013: ESO Vs FFXIV?Follow

#1 Mar 04 2013 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
Looks like Elder Scrolls Online is going to be swooping in to go head to head with FFXIV this year. What are your thoughts on this? Are any of you signed up for the ESO Beta?
#2 Mar 04 2013 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
I am. I'm weary of it, but I'm willing to try it out. I heard the combat might actually be worthwhile.
#3 Mar 04 2013 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Not interested in it. Skyrim itself is quite an adventure. But there is something good in the private experience of an Elder Scrolls game. They did a great job of making your character feel important. I don't think that can translate over well into an MMO enviroment, even if the gameplay is good.

Heck, and who dosen't have that character who's a total ******* that kills everyone. I don't think that would work too well in an Elder Scrolls game.
#4 Mar 04 2013 at 6:12 PM Rating: Excellent
I think this game will have a large niche group of fans, just like FFXIV will. The ESO may have more NA players though. We'll have to see.

Like FFXIV, the ESO has the luxury of having fans that have been cultivated to play by the series of Elder Scrolls games.
Thayos Redblade
#5 Mar 04 2013 at 6:17 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm just not interested, XIV is looking too good and I only really have time for one MMO at a time Smiley: smile
#6 Mar 04 2013 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Wint wrote:
I'm just not interested, XIV is looking too good and I only really have time for one MMO at a time Smiley: smile

I find it interesting that both scratch that "Single player experience peeking out into an open MMO game" itch. Aspect to them that does draw from an established audiance, which is actually contrast to WoW's Warcraft, which was fairly multiplayer in spite of its single player campaigns.

In any case, FFXIV will likely scratch that ich much more than ESO. I go to an Elder Scrolls game to get away from people and be highly violent. >.>
#7 Mar 04 2013 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
Wint wrote:
I'm just not interested, XIV is looking too good and I only really have time for one MMO at a time Smiley: smile

I fall into this category. I like the open-ended style of play, but I feel that barring some amazing developments, I'll likely be in ARR. I'm fortunate in that while I played enough to get to the mid 20s (and hopefully retain all my teleport locations), I'll still have ample content to experience for the first time / 2nd jobs.

Edit: Double quote somehow.

Edited, Mar 4th 2013 4:32pm by desmar
#8 Mar 04 2013 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
412 posts
Probably not interested in ESO. I'm sure the character creation models are sure to be quite unattractive. The only western RPG I've ever been able to tolerate was the Mass Effect series. Sci Fi is awesome! I'd sign on to MEO Smiley: lol

FFXIV: ARR for me.
#9 Mar 04 2013 at 7:02 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
I wonder if they will maintain their "the world levels with you" style. It could create an optimal level that's below maximum (optimal abilities versus scaled down opponents), which I believe would be a first in mmo-dom. Seems like they still intend to use skill ups to level.
#10 Mar 04 2013 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
1,429 posts
I plan on playing ARR full time, but i am going to try out ESO. It looks like a pretty good game, but time will tell. If i like it, i'll probably play it casually, but i'll be focusing on XIV.
"FFXI is DYING!!" -2009
Signed: 2023
#11 Mar 04 2013 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
ESO seems interesting enough that if I get into the beta I won't delete the email. But I'm not really sure how well they can realistically blend an Elder Scrolls game experience into the MMO space. They just don't seem compatible to me.

Even if they do manage to successfully do that though, I don't think these two games really pull from one another. While there's bound to be some overlap in the RPG community between Elder Scrolls and Final Fantasy, I'd bet it isn't a huge overlap. And even so, the MMO styles are going to be radically different from one another.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#12 Mar 04 2013 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
I'm in a few alphas and betas, two of which highly interested me... Nothing is holding my attention for long periods like even XIV 1.0 in its super broken state did. Obviously I can't say which ones (other than MWO which really doesn't count as an MMO... and I am rooting for it the same I did as XIV 1.0 as I can see where it's at and where it wants to be even if it's far from it currently), but I had SUPER high hopes for one of them and I played a couple hours and then washed my hands of it. Some people will be hyping that title in the coming months, but it's terrible.... I take that back, it's ok for a certain genre but it isn't the genre that has been successfully produced time and again even with evolution. I have the same fear for 2.0 in the long run, it might turn into a good game... but not the type of game I hoped to play.
#13 Mar 04 2013 at 9:46 PM Rating: Good
325 posts
TBH when they said they were making an Elder Scroll MMO I was stoked, imagining Skyrim/oblivion mmo look. Then they came out with the trailer and my dreams were crushed :(

Doesn't interest me unfortunately...
#14 Mar 04 2013 at 9:56 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
I thought about applying for the beta but then I saw the trailer. If people thought that FFXIV was going to be a GW2 clone they should see that game... I stopped caring about the time they mentioned socialist gear.
#15 Mar 04 2013 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
3,530 posts
I think both games tap into a sizable fanbase but will fail to recruit as many longtime core players as they hope due to cautious adherence to some (now) very well-worn MMORPG traditions.

Certainly, I don't envy either company, as the market for large franchise, WoW-inspired, broadly appealing, fantasy-themed MMORPGs is an astonishingly crowded one, indeed.
#16 Mar 04 2013 at 10:57 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
I'm sticking with 14 because I really like my character from 1.0 and have faith in Yoshi-P.

Also, TES has always been a solo experience for me. Even when they let npcs follow you, I just didn't want them around. It would feel weird in that environment, but I hope they can pull it off.
#17 Mar 04 2013 at 11:17 PM Rating: Excellent
82 posts
I guess I'll be among the very few that is looking forward to ESO. .... I just spent the last few minutes trying to come up with a decent argument but can't do so. It all comes down to the nostalgia I had in Morrowind all those years ago. I play Skyrim on and off every now and then and it doesn't compare, in my mind, to the grand adventures I had in Morrowind.

If both games were equal in every sense I could see that FFXIV would draw a crowd that is more focused on group-orientated events, combat, etc. whereas ESO would attract more solo or duo-minded players.
#18 Mar 04 2013 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
I'm "stuck" with FF since I'm on PS3.
And at the risk of being shot in the knee with an arrow.....I didn't really care for Skyrim. Stretching that out into an MMO doesn't interest me either.
#19 Mar 05 2013 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
383 posts
Like others have said before me, ESO will be comparably successful to ARR, if only because they'll both attract their core audiences.

I personally have never been an TES fan, so I've never had much interest in the game. Currently, I'm planning on hanging up my Warcraft shoes for FFXIV, should the game attract me enough. But all in all, those are the two games I care about atm.
#20 Mar 05 2013 at 3:07 AM Rating: Good
837 posts
As much as i like the elder scrolls game, i won't try it.I wont even bother with the beta. Elder scrolls games gave me hundreds of fun hours but as single player.I don't want an MMO. If i want one i have god knows how many choices (and to be honest i only need FF 14 right now :P).

And to be honest i started playing l2 then had 2-3 years of WoW and got really tired of fantasy MMO so i went to EvE online. Now i am willing to stop EvE only for FF 14, and nothing else.

With that been said, if they play their cards right they can make a good MMO.

By the way, they sure know how to make good cinematics. If they made an animated movie i would watch it hehe.

Edited, Mar 5th 2013 4:09am by teravibe
#21 Mar 05 2013 at 4:30 AM Rating: Good
599 posts
I will be playing FFXIV. Like others here, I can only focus on a single title at a time. That and I personally didn't care for the Elder Scolls games. Although in fairness, I also didn't give them much of a chance as I was focused on school at the time.

It really depends on how the Gold Saucer is implemented. There could be plenty of mini-games within FFXIV Gold Saucer that will be a draw for atypical MMO players if SE promotes it right.

Edited, Mar 5th 2013 5:33am by kainsilv
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#22 Mar 05 2013 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
2,153 posts
Do I get killed for stating I played Skyrim until it suddenly, despite it's apparent strengths,
suddenly, somehow, sarted to feel utterly boring? Maybe it was that I became far too strong
for any enemy in the game, maybe it was that every Dwemer ruin looked the same, maybe
it was that I simply knew that clearing any of them would not benefit me in any way any
more... or maybe the "lore" was just not all that well fitting my taste.

The first 10 hours or so were great indeed, although the character models required quite
a bit of work to not look ugly. I mean, most of them looked worse than I do, and that's got to
mean something. But after the 15th dragon, I simply put down the controller and uninstalled.

I still can't pinpoint the issue. In theory, the game was close to an enlarged version of The
Witcher, a game that still takes spot No.1 or No.2 in my personal hit list. But somehow it
failed to really catch, and most of all: to surprise me.

In contrast, my gripes with EOS are simple: even though I am relatively new to the ES lore,
even I understand that the whole plot surrounding the three factions was artificially contrived
for the sake of MMO mechanics, and makes little sense or logic. Which allows for the cautious
presumption that most of the story will make little sense and simply accomodate the needs
of the gameplay vision the producers have in mind.

The other option would have be to build gameplay around existing lore. That's what held back
LotRO, in my opinion. You simply couldn't fight Laser Sharks, because Laser Sharks are an
invention of Dr. No, and not of Tolkien.

Anyway, long rant short finale: what I saw and read of it looked strange, flamboyant, twitchy,
badly animated, somehow out of place, and in all regards like a typical "franchise-turned-MMO"

Dammit, I forgot what my point was. Starbucks is not the best place to think straight. Not with
a Venti Frappuccino on the table.
#23 Mar 05 2013 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
562 posts
TES series is a mixed bag for me. I always enjoy the new ones when they come and am usually impressed with the depth that they offer, but I typically find the combat very lacking and the games just don't have staying power with me. I will usually put about 60 hours into them, which is a great return on investment so I'm not complaining, but then I never play them again as I've done just about all I care to do and there's no measurable growth in front of me.

I don't know how ESO will be any different, but I'll certainly give it a shot.

In fact, as a min/maxer who loves old school MMORPGs, I haven't actually found an MMORPG to hold my interest in a long time. Even FFXIV 1.0 borrowed too many modern MMORPG elements for my liking, and I'm quite weary as to how FFXIV:ARR is looking. It won't stop me from experiencing it with an open mind though.
FFXIV - Fellows - Fabul
FFXI - Fellows - Gilgamesh

#24 Mar 05 2013 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
The first time I ever played an Elder Scrolls game, I thought, "This would be great as an MMO." But it couldn't hold my attention as a single player game. I also thought the graphics (art decisions) were terrible.

So it's kind of baffling to me that all those people who love Elder Scrolls worry about how the experience will translate to an MMO. The gameplay seems tailor made for a social experience.

I thought ESO would fail based purely on the interviews with the design team that I read--a canned MMO experience (rather than transferring the gameplay of Elder Scrolls) with the Elder Scrolls skin. They argue that those interviews don't really capture the strengths of their game--I imagine this is more likely a desperate defense by yet more developers who don't know how to innovate successfully. They do specify, however, a more engaged and skillful combat system, so I'm reserving judgement. It could be as bad as GW2--which also had those things in theory, but executed them terribly.
#25 Mar 05 2013 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
Rinsui wrote:
Do I get killed for stating I played Skyrim until it suddenly, despite it's apparent strengths,
suddenly, somehow, sarted to feel utterly boring? Maybe it was that I became far too strong
for any enemy in the game, maybe it was that every Dwemer ruin looked the same, maybe
it was that I simply knew that clearing any of them would not benefit me in any way any
more... or maybe the "lore" was just not all that well fitting my taste.

The problem with Skyrim was that it borrowed too heavily from your standard dragon hunter story to really be interesting and surprise you. Was anyone really surprised at who (or what) was at the top of High Hrothgar? Or at what the Blades eventually asked of you? Aside from the predictability, there were a lot of really great ideas that were just not capitalized on in really significant ways. I would have liked them to have done more with companion npcs - maybe 5 or 6 that had deep storylines to win them over instead of the "do one or two quests for me and wear an amulet".

I have high hopes for more DLC, but the vanilla game I got much the same experience as you. the first few named dragon battles - awesome. By the time unnameds started showing up no matter where I went? Lost its charm. Dark Brotherhood? Half assed. Thieves Guild? No real reason to complete the storyline unless you want to give up a seriously useful tool. Companions? Kinda cool I guess, but not nearly as engaging as the fighter's guild was in Oblivion.

I am looking forward to checking out ESO, but we'll see. It's hard for them to not be repetitive, especially for those of us who have devoured every ES and Fallout game they've released.

Edited, Mar 5th 2013 12:21pm by Torrence
#26 Mar 05 2013 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
3,530 posts
Rinsui wrote:
Do I get killed for stating I played Skyrim until it suddenly, despite it's apparent strengths, suddenly, somehow, sarted to feel utterly boring? Maybe it was that I became far too strong for any enemy in the game, maybe it was that every Dwemer ruin looked the same...

... The first 10 hours or so were great indeed... But after the 15th dragon, I simply put down the controller and uninstalled.

Okay: either you put the game on baby mode and somehow plowed through several dungeons and a dragon every 35 minutes; or you played the game for long enough to become bored with it, in which case there's really no reason to complain.

Honestly, it frustrates me when people will play a game like Skyrim for 50, 60, 80 hours and then have the audacity to call it boring. Even at around 40 hours, it's a sizable RPG, and longer than the vast majority of equally priced games! I mean, Diablo III took around 13 hours to beat if you were taking your time, and that new 3DS Castlevania game is barely 12. Smiley: bah
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