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#102 Mar 27 2013 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
3,530 posts
Devildawgs wrote:
SE really needs some fresh blood in their management. Imo too many guys at the top held onto an old school type of thinking.

The reason SE is doing so badly is precisely because they run away from that "old school" mode of thought. Their constant efforts to alter their games for wide appeal consistently leaves people with lacklustre impressions. The company goes further downhill with each old team member who resigns, and it's their obsessive desire to portray a "fresh blood" attitude that has fans disappointed -- disappointed with each sequel to a Final Fantasy title relatively few people much cared for, with each two-hour-long, micro-transaction-fuelled mobile minigame the company releases.

If anything, SE needs to "go back" to doing what made them great in the first place, not continue to "move forward" with the same tactics that have been consistently failing for them. After all, the only reason FFXIV started to look remotely attractive to players was because Yoshida was smart enough to give it at least a few superficial trappings of SE's old games.
#103 Mar 27 2013 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
2,153 posts
There is almost zero negatives to XIV being free to play, but many positives

Get that wax out of your ears, Odysseus, we are past the Sirens.
#104 Mar 27 2013 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
Over in the XI forums there was also mention of an issue with SE's "arcade machine" business - e.g. pachinko machines. The Japanese government has constricted the release of new machines (they used to get replaced yearly...) and that has likely had an impact on SE's money as well. No selling machines = no profits.
#105 Mar 27 2013 at 12:39 PM Rating: Excellent
preludes wrote:
My experience with f2p has been with Tera online, this is not some cheap f2p game. It's a 50 million dollar high quality AAA mmo like FFXIV, and you can play it for nothing and be on an equal footing with everyone else. You can also pay a sub if you wish and get game benefits.

They don't hold content back if you don't pay anything. I think playing a good MMO with a good f2p system changes your outlook on it honestly, as I mentioned before I felt the same as you and as most xi players do but experiencing it changed my view.

Free to play would be what's best for XIV, it's not a failing as it used to be it's how the market is now. There is almost zero negatives to XIV being free to play, but many positives and this is why I'm positive it will happen and when it does those in this thread saying how bad it is will be supporting it and saying how good it is for the game.

You can quote me on this, if XIV ever goes FTP and there isn't a subscription only model still available (that gets me everything the FTP'ers have access to), I will quit the game, end of story.
#106 Mar 27 2013 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
Wint wrote:
Ostia wrote:
"Here at SE we care about the Final Fantasy Brand! We Respect It!"

Releases XIII..... "Well see that sold, lets shove this female cloud down their throats all while we laugh on our way down the bank"

"We know our games have not been quality the last few years but we are gonna fix that BELIEVE IT!"

Hey you toriyama, make XIII-2, just rehash the areas, use the same monsters, and just make a stupid story, WHO CARES IF IT MAKES NO SENSE DUDE TIME PARADOX BRAH!

"We at SE want you all to know we take the Final Fantasy legacy very serious.... How many times do we have to say it guys ? for reals is SERIOUS!"

Hey you monkey go make me a final fantasy for phones.... WHO CARES IF IS WORST THAN ANYTHING WE HAVE EVER RELESED!! Just name it Final Fantasy something man, and it will sell, sh*t with the name alone we can just charge $20 and call it a day.... Jesus just call it Final Fantasy Dimension and GET ON IT!!!! Oh and also make me a game where there is no strategy, no deepth no story, just random battles and the kicker will be that we will charge them money to unlock FF Main characters, yeah yeah another great idea, if you pay us money, it will be totally random Muahahaha You might spend 50 dollars and never see Cloud! Muahaha THIS SUCKERS!

..... SE..... Is beyond raping Final Fantasy.....

You need to switch to decaf (or lay off the Red Bull) Smiley: laugh

Smiley: laugh I just woke up, and had a cup of Coffe! I will stay off the cafeine XD!
#107 Mar 27 2013 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
catwho wrote:
Tera was planned and released as P2P which is why it's AAA quality.

It went F2P because the people who pay for P2P games (i.e. the 30+ gamers) generally thought it was awful and not worth the fee. As someone on Reddit put it, it was "a great fighting game built around an MMO I don't want to play." I think it was a market disconnect more than anything. The 15 year old male demographic probably ate it up, but they're not the market that pays monthly fees. I'm a gal - I found the jiggle physics offensive and wanted to take the poor naked females shopping at Target for real clothes.

Penny Arcade also explains why many games go FTP...

So you find XIV ARR offensive too? You know they added jiggle to that to appeal to those same gamers and most of the outfits on females are half naked right? Heck didn't you play FFXI too? Pretty sure most of the armors there were half naked too.
#108 Mar 27 2013 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
Wint wrote:
preludes wrote:
My experience with f2p has been with Tera online, this is not some cheap f2p game. It's a 50 million dollar high quality AAA mmo like FFXIV, and you can play it for nothing and be on an equal footing with everyone else. You can also pay a sub if you wish and get game benefits.

They don't hold content back if you don't pay anything. I think playing a good MMO with a good f2p system changes your outlook on it honestly, as I mentioned before I felt the same as you and as most xi players do but experiencing it changed my view.

Free to play would be what's best for XIV, it's not a failing as it used to be it's how the market is now. There is almost zero negatives to XIV being free to play, but many positives and this is why I'm positive it will happen and when it does those in this thread saying how bad it is will be supporting it and saying how good it is for the game.

You can quote me on this, if XIV ever goes FTP and there isn't a subscription only model still available (that gets me everything the FTP'ers have access to), I will quit the game, end of story.

You should really wait and see how they do it before making statements like that. I know that there are tons of more low budget games which really go crazy with their cash shops, but that doesn't mean that a free-to-play model is inherently bad.
#109 Mar 27 2013 at 12:57 PM Rating: Default
Wint wrote:
preludes wrote:
My experience with f2p has been with Tera online, this is not some cheap f2p game. It's a 50 million dollar high quality AAA mmo like FFXIV, and you can play it for nothing and be on an equal footing with everyone else. You can also pay a sub if you wish and get game benefits.

They don't hold content back if you don't pay anything. I think playing a good MMO with a good f2p system changes your outlook on it honestly, as I mentioned before I felt the same as you and as most xi players do but experiencing it changed my view.

Free to play would be what's best for XIV, it's not a failing as it used to be it's how the market is now. There is almost zero negatives to XIV being free to play, but many positives and this is why I'm positive it will happen and when it does those in this thread saying how bad it is will be supporting it and saying how good it is for the game.

You can quote me on this, if XIV ever goes FTP and there isn't a subscription only model still available (that gets me everything the FTP'ers have access to), I will quit the game, end of story.

You will quit if it goes free to play at all or you will quit if the sub option they offer isn't the same as free to play offers? Most games that go free to play offer a sub option too so it seems you aren't so sure the game won't go free to play afterall.

Stand by your beliefs and state you will quit if the game ceases to be pay to play like FFXI if you think that's the case.
#110 Mar 27 2013 at 12:57 PM Rating: Excellent
preludes wrote:
catwho wrote:
Tera was planned and released as P2P which is why it's AAA quality.

It went F2P because the people who pay for P2P games (i.e. the 30+ gamers) generally thought it was awful and not worth the fee. As someone on Reddit put it, it was "a great fighting game built around an MMO I don't want to play." I think it was a market disconnect more than anything. The 15 year old male demographic probably ate it up, but they're not the market that pays monthly fees. I'm a gal - I found the jiggle physics offensive and wanted to take the poor naked females shopping at Target for real clothes.

Penny Arcade also explains why many games go FTP...

So you find XIV ARR offensive too? You know they added jiggle to that to appeal to those same gamers and most of the outfits on females are half naked right? Heck didn't you play FFXI too? Pretty sure most of the armors there were half naked too.

Nope, there's a bit of cleavage in some places in XI and one (1) outfit with visible side boob (Scorpion Harness), but every day battle clothes are very modest. If I want to see leg, I have to take off my pants or put on a swimsuit.

The gear complaint in XIV wasn't that people were showing too much skin, it was that the newbie clothes looked like burlap sacks. They are adding a boob slider to XIV, but not jiggle physics. It's an FF game, they're more likely to devote those kind of resources to Hair Toss and Hair Flip and Hair Strands Billow In The Wind Gently physics.
#111 Mar 27 2013 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
Letter from the Producer LIVE Part IV Q&A Updates

We'll be using this thread to post the Q&A from the Letter from the Producer LIVE Part IV! Watch the stream live at:

As we'll be updating this thread constantly throughout the event, make sure to reload every so often! We'll be posting the questions that Yoshida answers to Twitter and linking to this thread for the answers! However, please keep in mind that translations won't be occurring in real-time.

After we create the final full transcript and subtitles, we'll be deleting this thread!

Q1: Will Hildibrand make an appearance in ARR?
A1: Of course! He will most likely face brand-new challenges. Please look forward to it in ARR!

Q2: Will we be able to change our character name at the start of ARR?
A2: We'll continue to look at the possibilities until the very end, but it looks like we will be able to provide this option.

Q3: Will my character's chest be bouncy?
A3: If you are an expert in this area, you will most likely understand, but they will... *boing boing*

Q4: Will we be able to use Magitek armor in battle? Also, would it be possible to provide us with additional info on the other mounts you’re planning to implement?
A4: Unfortunately, we currently do not have plans for the Magitek armor to be usable in battle. However, we may treat this particular mount in a special way. Also, we’re currently planning to implement a coeurl mount. We’re currently in the process of testing out the animations. (Demonstration video shown)

Q5: In the current version of the game for primal battles, a lot of pressure is put on tanks and healers. For A Realm Reborn will there be any rebalancing of each role's responsibility?
A5: Not only for ARR, but for MMORPGs in general, the tank's role is extremely important as they have to hold hate, and the healers role is equally important, however, if attackers are not able to deal damage the fight will go on and on, so it’s not the case where other classes are not as important or busy. We’d like to have everyone try out the Beta Test to see how everything is balanced.

#112 Mar 27 2013 at 1:08 PM Rating: Excellent
I stand corrected. It must not be implemented yet because it wasn't in the videos.

I sincerely hope it's not too overboard. Boobs do flop when you run (and it ******* hurts if you're not wearing enough support), but they don't really move at all when you're standing still.
#113 Mar 27 2013 at 1:14 PM Rating: Excellent
837 posts above the first picture you read : "Here are a couple shots we snapped right before we went on the air. Judging by the boyish grins on Yoshi-P’s, Foxclon’s, and company top-dog Mr. Wada’s faces, I can only assume they’re carefully reviewing the recently implemented breast physics."

I loled.
#114 Mar 27 2013 at 1:20 PM Rating: Excellent
preludes wrote:
Wint wrote:
preludes wrote:
My experience with f2p has been with Tera online, this is not some cheap f2p game. It's a 50 million dollar high quality AAA mmo like FFXIV, and you can play it for nothing and be on an equal footing with everyone else. You can also pay a sub if you wish and get game benefits.

They don't hold content back if you don't pay anything. I think playing a good MMO with a good f2p system changes your outlook on it honestly, as I mentioned before I felt the same as you and as most xi players do but experiencing it changed my view.

Free to play would be what's best for XIV, it's not a failing as it used to be it's how the market is now. There is almost zero negatives to XIV being free to play, but many positives and this is why I'm positive it will happen and when it does those in this thread saying how bad it is will be supporting it and saying how good it is for the game.

You can quote me on this, if XIV ever goes FTP and there isn't a subscription only model still available (that gets me everything the FTP'ers have access to), I will quit the game, end of story.

You will quit if it goes free to play at all or you will quit if the sub option they offer isn't the same as free to play offers? Most games that go free to play offer a sub option too so it seems you aren't so sure the game won't go free to play afterall.

Stand by your beliefs and state you will quit if the game ceases to be pay to play like FFXI if you think that's the case.

But I don't think that's the case, where did I say that. I provided 2 criteria that will cause me to stop playing XIV

1) FTP is implemented
AND (&& for you coders)
2) There isn't a sub only model still available that gives me access to everything the people who use the cash shop have.

Don't force your opinions on me, I made myself crystal clear what would cause me to stop playing.

I also never said I was sure the game wouldn't go free to play, it's my hope that it does not, and from what Yoshi has said I don't believe it will if it remains successful as a P2P game. That's why I said if XIV ever goes FTP, not when.

Edit to clarify:

I want to pay a single, set amount every month and have access to everything there is to have. I'm talking items (cosmetic or otherwise), access to zones, unrestricted everything. If I'm still required to pay extra money on top of my sub fees every month then I'm done with whatever game implements that. Call me old fashioned but I think if I pay monthly I should get everything there is to offer.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 2:26pm by Wint
#115 Mar 27 2013 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
I sometimes are amazed by the logic on this topics at times...... Breat is a no no, because we are 12.... But having a playable race of 3 year old toddlers which we can dress up and do whatever we want is ok.... Pedophiles.
#116 Mar 27 2013 at 1:39 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Ostia wrote:
I sometimes are amazed
You sometimes is?
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#117 Mar 27 2013 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
lolgaxe wrote:
Ostia wrote:
I sometimes are amazed
You sometimes is?

I is Indeed.
#118 Mar 27 2013 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
Wint wrote:
preludes wrote:
Wint wrote:
preludes wrote:
My experience with f2p has been with Tera online, this is not some cheap f2p game. It's a 50 million dollar high quality AAA mmo like FFXIV, and you can play it for nothing and be on an equal footing with everyone else. You can also pay a sub if you wish and get game benefits.

They don't hold content back if you don't pay anything. I think playing a good MMO with a good f2p system changes your outlook on it honestly, as I mentioned before I felt the same as you and as most xi players do but experiencing it changed my view.

Free to play would be what's best for XIV, it's not a failing as it used to be it's how the market is now. There is almost zero negatives to XIV being free to play, but many positives and this is why I'm positive it will happen and when it does those in this thread saying how bad it is will be supporting it and saying how good it is for the game.

You can quote me on this, if XIV ever goes FTP and there isn't a subscription only model still available (that gets me everything the FTP'ers have access to), I will quit the game, end of story.

You will quit if it goes free to play at all or you will quit if the sub option they offer isn't the same as free to play offers? Most games that go free to play offer a sub option too so it seems you aren't so sure the game won't go free to play afterall.

Stand by your beliefs and state you will quit if the game ceases to be pay to play like FFXI if you think that's the case.

But I don't think that's the case, where did I say that. I provided 2 criteria that will cause me to stop playing XIV

1) FTP is implemented
AND (&& for you coders)
2) There isn't a sub only model still available that gives me access to everything the people who use the cash shop have.

Don't force your opinions on me, I made myself crystal clear what would cause me to stop playing.

I also never said I was sure the game wouldn't go free to play, it's my hope that it does not, and from what Yoshi has said I don't believe it will if it remains successful as a P2P game. That's why I said if XIV ever goes FTP, not when.

Edit to clarify:

I want to pay a single, set amount every month and have access to everything there is to have. I'm talking items (cosmetic or otherwise), access to zones, unrestricted everything. If I'm still required to pay extra money on top of my sub fees every month then I'm done with whatever game implements that. Call me old fashioned but I think if I pay monthly I should get everything there is to offer.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 2:26pm by Wint

So you accept there is a very likely possibility it will go free to play and you're ok with that as long as it has a free to play system like Tera has, ok.
#119 Mar 27 2013 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Ostia wrote:
I sometimes are amazed by the logic on this topics at times...... Breat is a no no, because we are 12.... But having a playable race of 3 year old toddlers which we can dress up and do whatever we want is ok.... @#%^philes.

Breat? Oh Breasts. Ok. To be fair it sounds like the "Lala boobiepocolypse" is overblown and there won't be much difference between one end and the other. I liked that my lala in 1.0 had a very deep bass voice, I hope I can keep that for 2.0, sounded very out of character for his size Smiley: laugh
#120 Mar 27 2013 at 1:47 PM Rating: Excellent
preludes wrote:
Wint wrote:
preludes wrote:
Wint wrote:
preludes wrote:
My experience with f2p has been with Tera online, this is not some cheap f2p game. It's a 50 million dollar high quality AAA mmo like FFXIV, and you can play it for nothing and be on an equal footing with everyone else. You can also pay a sub if you wish and get game benefits.

They don't hold content back if you don't pay anything. I think playing a good MMO with a good f2p system changes your outlook on it honestly, as I mentioned before I felt the same as you and as most xi players do but experiencing it changed my view.

Free to play would be what's best for XIV, it's not a failing as it used to be it's how the market is now. There is almost zero negatives to XIV being free to play, but many positives and this is why I'm positive it will happen and when it does those in this thread saying how bad it is will be supporting it and saying how good it is for the game.

You can quote me on this, if XIV ever goes FTP and there isn't a subscription only model still available (that gets me everything the FTP'ers have access to), I will quit the game, end of story.

You will quit if it goes free to play at all or you will quit if the sub option they offer isn't the same as free to play offers? Most games that go free to play offer a sub option too so it seems you aren't so sure the game won't go free to play afterall.

Stand by your beliefs and state you will quit if the game ceases to be pay to play like FFXI if you think that's the case.

But I don't think that's the case, where did I say that. I provided 2 criteria that will cause me to stop playing XIV

1) FTP is implemented
AND (&& for you coders)
2) There isn't a sub only model still available that gives me access to everything the people who use the cash shop have.

Don't force your opinions on me, I made myself crystal clear what would cause me to stop playing.

I also never said I was sure the game wouldn't go free to play, it's my hope that it does not, and from what Yoshi has said I don't believe it will if it remains successful as a P2P game. That's why I said if XIV ever goes FTP, not when.

Edit to clarify:

I want to pay a single, set amount every month and have access to everything there is to have. I'm talking items (cosmetic or otherwise), access to zones, unrestricted everything. If I'm still required to pay extra money on top of my sub fees every month then I'm done with whatever game implements that. Call me old fashioned but I think if I pay monthly I should get everything there is to offer.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 2:26pm by Wint

So you accept there is a very likely possibility it will go free to play and you're ok with that as long as it has a free to play system like Tera has, ok.

Someone needs to work on his reading comprehension. Nowhere did I say it's a "very likely possibility". In fact I said the very opposite.
#121 Mar 27 2013 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
837 posts

Seriously my life is at stake here!!!

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 3:50pm by Teravibe
#122 Mar 27 2013 at 1:52 PM Rating: Excellent
#123 Mar 27 2013 at 2:06 PM Rating: Default
I'm not trying to force my opinion on you. I just don't understand.

Even if the game does go with the subscription model, it's going to also include microtransactions in some form. That's the state of gaming, and Square Enix is after a profit. They didn't remake this whole game for sh*ts and giggles. They're trying to make some money off it.

So... would you rather a subscription-based game with microtransactions, or a free game with microtransactions?

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 4:08pm by Killua125
#124 Mar 27 2013 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
660 posts
I'm not trying to force my opinion on you. I just don't understand.

Even if the game does go with the subscription model, it's going to also include microtransactions in some form. That's the state of gaming, and Square Enix is after a profit. They didn't remake this whole game for sh*ts and giggles. They're trying to make some money off it.

So... would you rather a subscription-based game with microtransactions, or a free game with microtransactions?

I don't understand why you're making these arguments. It is understandable to note that microtransactions are the in-thing in gaming right now (imagine my shock when AC3's multiplayer included them), but until we get the fine print stating that they will be in the game, it's misleading to assert that they will be there. Not every game has them. S-E are not greedy, given their current track record with years-long development cycles, multiple sequels to games (i.e. FFXIII) that received a lot of negative attention, and the complete revamp of FFXIV. S-E are in this for the fans. The developers, including Yoshi himself have expressed regret over taking the FF brand for granted, assuming that we will buy their products as long as they slap some fancy graphics and decent characters in.

If you're set on the belief that F2P games are superior, this is not the right game for you. S-E have stated that they will be sticking with P2P--check out the articles out on the web if you don't believe me.
#125 Mar 27 2013 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
Atkascha wrote:
[quote]S-E are not greedy, given their current track record with years-long development cycles, multiple sequels to games (i.e. FFXIII) that received a lot of negative attention, and the complete revamp of FFXIV. S-E are in this for the fans.

I'm legitimately not sure if you are joking or serious.
#126 Mar 27 2013 at 2:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Killua125 wrote:
I'm not trying to force my opinion on you. I just don't understand.

Even if the game does go with the subscription model, it's going to also include microtransactions in some form. That's the state of gaming, and Square Enix is after a profit. They didn't remake this whole game for sh*ts and giggles. They're trying to make some money off it.

So... would you rather a subscription-based game with microtransactions, or a free game with microtransactions?

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 4:08pm by Killua125

I wasn't talking to you. Also care to cite where anyone has confirmed micro transactions?
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