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Final Fantasy Old and New GamesFollow

#1 Apr 12 2013 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent

After watching the video in the link above, I just rolled my eyes. If you did not watch the video it was basically old fans complaining about Final Fantasy games like XIII and you can presume they wish things were as great as VII. This all seems like game politics to me and in real politics I am conservative but in terms of game politics, when it comes to game play difficulty I lean farther toward the hardcore player direction but some might paint me as a liberal with other aspects which might qualify me as a moderate and I don't like being moderate xD.

Final Fantasy X was the first game I played from the Final Fantasy series and I really liked most of the games aspects except Blitzball because I sucked at it. I liked the music, story, characters, graphics, monsters, environments, and gameplay. I played it when I was in elementary school so I never beaten it for a while in fact I would sometimes just stop playing it for months and come back to it. Even today I would replay it again and I can't wait till the updated version comes out. I also played X-2 but I haven't beaten it yet. The main difference I noticed was that the gameplay was different and the game seemed to have more of a feminine edge which I didn't mind.

When I got FF XII, it was interesting at first but it didn't seem as exciting as X and the gameplay was difficult so I quit on it a long time ago. If I had it today, I would probably just play for the sake of beating it but I would probably use guides. Overall it isn't one of my favorites.

As for the XIII series, I liked most aspects of it just like I did with FF X. FF XIII 1 and 2 aswell as Lightning Returns have received the most criticism from Final Fantasy fans because of its gameplay and difficulty. The games to me were somewhat challenging to me but I did beat it quicker than FFX. The only difficulty I ever really met in XIII was near the end where I couldn't get passed certain trash mobs. I finished the game later on. As for XIII-2, I got lost with the time travel and couldn't progress through the main story line and I wasn't much of a fan of its music nor its two players and 1 Pokemon battle team lol. Now that I've beaten both, I'm now looking forward for Lightning Returns

I've never played any Final Fantasy game before 10 so that makes me part of the new crowd for Square Enix. I can see how some of the older players have problems with this the recent games, especially 13, because I too have played a game that has been out for a considerate amount of time. That game is World of Warcraft which I played for more than five years and I think its going down the toilet because Blizzard is catering to the casual players, the story isn't impressive anymore, and it lost its touch. I've actually stopped playing it and am waiting for FF XIV ARR to come out and be the new MMO I play because it seems promising with just about every aspect I care about in a game. As for WOW, I think it will be out for a while even though I sometimes think it's reaching its end time. I think I've simply just lost interest of playing it.

When it comes to the Final Fantasy games before FFX, I think I would give them a try if ever having the opportunity. The only thing that makes me move away from those games are the players that played them and heavily label these games as the worst FF games ever. Their criticism makes me think that the FF games that came out around my generation's times are the worst ever. These critics seem to love FF VII a lot and even judge FF XIV ARR which I think has potential to be a great game. I'm not asking for or saying that the old generation players to come together with the newer generation players, I just think its very annoying. The whole point of this forum post is purely expression and I welcome discussion on other similar or different views. :)
#2 Apr 12 2013 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
You "rolled your eyes" at his complaints, yet you have never played any games before Final Fantasy X, therefore you would have no concept of how far the quality from Square Enix has plummeted?

OK... To be honest, that video was extremely gentle on Square Enix.

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 8:07pm by Killua125
#3 Apr 12 2013 at 6:28 PM Rating: Good
I thought the video became melodramatic when it showed scenes from XIII with one of the theme songs of FF X. Do you think Final Fantasy games are in the end of times?
#4 Apr 12 2013 at 6:28 PM Rating: Excellent
3,530 posts
Final Fantasy IX is available on PSN.
Final Fantasy VIII is available both on PC and PSN.
Final Fantasy VII is available both on PC and PSN.
Final Fantasy V and VI are available on GBA and, well, every emulator around.
Final Fantasy III and IV were remade for DS, and GBA, and also can be played on emulators.
And so on...

Really, these games are all very easy to play, it's really just a matter of searching for their title online. Smiley: nod
#5 Apr 12 2013 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the info :) I'll probably get the ones on the PC and PSN at some point.

#6 Apr 12 2013 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
You are a FF noob talking about things that you do not #1 Understand and # Have no knowledge off. You did not even beat X, nor XII, because "Difficult" Really ? FF are the mainstream of RPG, they are not "Difficult" and you talk about casual, yet you are casual on offline games ? You play a game because "SHINY OH GAWD GRAPHIXX LASARS" and then get bored, do not finish them and move to the next shiny thing.

Also please do tell me how WOW is ending, i would welcome the 99797998647979797 declaration of wow's demise.

P.S: FFX Sucked!
#7 Apr 12 2013 at 7:06 PM Rating: Excellent
1,675 posts
Look, a lot of us who grew up with FF are in our 30s and 40s now. They were a huge part of our adolescence as XIII is to yours.

Older Final Fantasies didn't have super awesome cutscenes and our imaginations had to fill in the rest. There was a lot of novelty and "firsts" that FF did (granted this was just by virtue of the times) but there were literally no other games doing what they were doing. They used limitations of the time and simple sprites to tell heart moving stories. Varied casts, dream sequences, mini-games, hidden story-lines, the illusion of freedom and choice, were things that made FF what it was.

If you wanted a regular western RPG experience (or any other for that matter) you were loading and installing tens of floppy disks of Forgotten Realms on PC ...or whatever.

In the recent past SE (no longer Square) has rested on their laurels, put huge budgets into graphics and direction in their main series, and frankly spread themselves too thin for the rest of their company. The criticism of XIII and the failure of FFXIV 1.0 was unheard of, given the "do-no-wrong" of their past offerings.

Again, I think this is partly their fault, and the fact that JRPGs never really were popular (in NA) to begin with. So, they were always treading on thin ice.

SE found that it wasn't really worth putting more games like Secret of Mana, Xenogears or Brave Fencer Musashi because they'd only sell maybe 200,000 copies between them all. So, they have been struggling to hold an identity with rehashing old franchises...and it worked to a point.


Even though I'd like for Square to return back to the old days, I can sadly see why they can't. So, I hope that they can focus on what they're good at, reorganize a bit and hopefully innovate and recapture a bit of that magic again.

FFXIV has that opportunity. I think (although some might call it pandering) harking back to older series is fine, if you're also borrowing and innovating in other areas. And I think that's what Yoshi is trying to do.


Lastly I think JP developers are still trying to find themselves, in the West especially. In the 90's there were great RPGs and games put out by Square, Konami and Capcom. Now Bioware, Bethesda and Irrational are making the games I want to play. (Well Eidos too, but that kinda weakens my argument)... :)
#8REDACTED, Posted: Apr 12 2013 at 7:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why can't they? Too risky is not an excuse... A Realm Reborn is anything but safe. It might never make them any money at all.
#9 Apr 12 2013 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
Lol I did beat X but not XII. Yes I do like the graphics in FF but that isn't the only factor I enjoyed which I believe was stated. I become bored of some of the games because I got stuck at certain points but I later played them again and passed the points I got stuck. Comparing offline and online games is like comparing apples and oranges. As I've said before I lost interest in WOW over many things that I found problems with but I think the game will continue without me for more years to come. As for my concerns with wow... It started laye for me near the end if Cataclysm. I noticed more playets skipping most of the lvl 85 raid content lik e Blackrock Descent to do Dragon Soul. They were able to do this because high enough ilvl epucs dropped ftom easy heroics like Hour of Twilight. Thr most horrible system to that Blizzard integrated was the raid finder. It was always a disasters to do those types of raids but it was a new way for casuals to get easy epics. While regular DS raids were lesz ridicolous because the group was dedicated, I didn't like the fact that it became the only raid to get groups which made it seem more like farming. It totally screwed the ladder to end game raiding. I lost complete interest in WOW whe n MOP came out and at that point the game's image just seemed too silly to me and the basic storyline seemed really generic. I still was interested in FF games and wad lured by FF XIV.
#10REDACTED, Posted: Apr 12 2013 at 7:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So you've beaten one Final Fantasy game and you feel compelled to comment on the direction that the series has taken since previous titles, which you never played.
#11 Apr 12 2013 at 7:46 PM Rating: Good
Have you read what I said? Let me clarify again, I've beaten X, XIII, and XIII-2. I never gotten my hands on games before X and I have nothing against the games before it. I think that it is pointless for you to dwell on the fact that the games are changing out of your style and interest. Go find another game if new FF games have nothing to offer you anymore.

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 9:52pm by IvanStine207
#12 Apr 12 2013 at 7:54 PM Rating: Default
so basically #dealwithit
#13 Apr 12 2013 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
It's obviously all up to you. Heck why don't you just make your own game for people, I'm sure you can put in the right stuff, oh and don't forget to tell others your a "non-profit business" and that you commit your heart and soul to the game so that the players can experience a top quality game.

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 10:06pm by IvanStine207
#14 Apr 12 2013 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
That video seemed to be more of a pep talk kind of thing than complaining. All of the beef was valid and they were given credit for what they've done right. I really don't see the problem with it.

IvanStine207 wrote:
That game is World of Warcraft which I played for more than five years and I think its going down the toilet because Blizzard is catering to the casual players

Ironic. No offense, but this excuse is just a cop out. Considering that WoW services 10 million players and the majority of them are considered 'casual' gamers, they're just developing their game to the vast majority of their base. It's like being upset because a Chinese restaurant doesn't serve hamburgers.

Not only does it not make sense, but it's actually not true. WoW still has just as much 'hardcore' content as it used to. I'll concede that the raids don't take as long to clear, but there is just as much if not more content to be cleared. The only difference is that they changed it so that you'd get less content, but on a more frequent release schedule. Instead of getting 18 bosses in a raid and nothing for 6 months, you get 6 bosses every two months.

Personally, and this is coming from a former raider, I much preferred the latter. It led to less of the burnout feeling one would get from cramming their days with 4-6(almost always more on release) hours of raiding 4-5 times a week. Instead, I could relax and actually enjoy the time knowing that I wasn't missing out on anything and it just felt right to me in terms of how the content progressed. This is just my preference and it's ok to not share the same opinion, but whichever way you prefer it; this has no real bearing on how casual or hardcore the game is.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#15 Apr 12 2013 at 8:26 PM Rating: Excellent
VII is the defining title in the series for most people. Not only was it the first 3D Final Fantasy game, but it was a defining point in the series that many fans (myself included) got hooked after that. VII started the series' trademark of delivering high quality scenes that meshed with the gameplay causing a unique game experience at the time. Many people will try to compare the newest Final Fantasy to the one they resonate with the most, and that's why FFVII gets mentioned a ton.

While FFVI and before were excellent (except FFII, that game can go to hell) single player RPGs in their own right, they were 2D and cutscenes and gameplay were limited to what they could show in 2D sprites and backgrounds.

Personally I hate X and XIII because they trivialized what Final Fantasy meant to me. What used to be a game full of exploration, an interesting battle system complemented with an amazing story, music and graphics were sliced down to a linear progression that discouraged exploration with a giant map with a big red X in front of you telling you where to go.

Don't get me started on XIII's fight-to-stagger+main character dies = game over battle system. I think XIII is a great game for a new IP or separate RPG, but for a Final Fantasy game I was largely disappointed and expected way more for what it was.

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 7:34pm by UltKnightGrover
#16 Apr 12 2013 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
While I'll admit I quit WoW before doing MOP, I think there was other factors of the game that I started to censure... Before any expansions WoW seemed to be considerable populated. Questing and leveling didn't seem easy and quick as it used to and not just anyone could get into raiding and dungeons seemed to take more time and team work than they did when I lasy played. Ulimately my loss of interest us why I don't play it anymore.I think that ARR will provide a decent story with lots of lore. I'm not hell bent on difficulty of the game but I hope the game doesn't go F2P. Other factors that lure me are class/role customization, character creation and races, enviroments and graphics, and the housing system.
#17 Apr 12 2013 at 8:53 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
Killua125 wrote:
Kierk wrote:
Even though I'd like for Square to return back to the old days, I can sadly see why they can't.

Why can't they? .

Because generation Call of Duty.

#18 Apr 12 2013 at 8:58 PM Rating: Default
I heard VII made Square the most money of all their games and I watched a movie with its characters and I have to admit I like Sephiroth's theme song. As for XIII, I hated its stagger+ main characters die =game over battle system too. What are the main aspects that make FF VII great?

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 11:05pm by IvanStine207
#19 Apr 12 2013 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
Ha I hate COD... that was all my friends and I played one time when we were at a gaming lodge one night.
#20 Apr 12 2013 at 9:15 PM Rating: Good
793 posts
IvanStine207 wrote:
I heard VII made Square the most money of all their games and I watched a movie with its characters and I have to admit I like Sephiroth's theme song. As for XIII, I hated its stagger+ main characters die =game over battle system too. What are the main aspects that make FF VII great?

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 11:05pm by IvanStine207

Just FYI, it was/still is XI.
I might be an onion thief, but I'm still a thief.â„¢

#21 Apr 12 2013 at 9:22 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
re: FF6 vs FF7

Let's look at the two main characters, Terra and Cloud. They both start off as employees of their universes' Evil Empires with inaccurate and missing memories of who they really were. They both encounter the rebel faction, and spend time trying to escape the first town because they defected (Cloud defected before the start of the game, Terra escaped mind control). Half way through the game they're separated from their groups and once they're found again they don't rejoin because they've had significant changes to their mental states; Terra becomes extremely maternal for the orphans and refuses to leave them and Cloud becomes catatonic from Life Stream Poisoning. They're out until you return and they discover who they really are and what they really want; Terra wanting to be more proactive in saving her orphans and Cloud figuring out he isn't Zack and that being proactive in stopping Sephiroth is the best thing he could do.

Now the two main villains, Kefka and Sephiroth. They, too, start off as employees of their universes' Evil Empires, and they're both relatively friendly with their heroic counterparts while they're there. Both were genetically manipulated since the womb by the Empire's top scientists, and while the scientists know of the instabilities, both Kefka and Sephiroth are allowed to not only operate within the organizations, but advance to top levels. Even for their individual universes they dress peculiarly. When the opportunity arises, they both kill the head guy of the Evil Empire to continue on with their ulterior motives. When they both achieve their ultimate power they create dungeons that require flying and descending from top level down until you finally find them. Both have multi-tier final forms, the first being grotesque monstrosities followed by an angelic End form. You first find out just how mentally damaged both individuals are when they pretty much snap and take out a town with no regard of who lives and dies.

Both stories begin with the main protagonists fighting against the Evil Empire without a second thought to the main antagonists, who is at best just another enemy within Evil Empire, until said antagonists eliminate the head of the Evil Empire. Both stories explores the implications of genetic engineering. Both games end without really explaining what happens. Terra's group escapes the tower, Cloud's escape the meteor, but beyond that nothing. No, the movies and sequels and prequels and everything else of FF7 don't count because they're not ingame. Both games are also about the ramifications of killing God. FF6 was where Kefka moved the statues and became God himself, and Sephiroth was that the world itself was God and he wanted to essentially kill it for his Mother. Both Gods have weapons of mass destruction to protect them, the Ultima Weapons (Atma in 6). Both games have a single city attacked by the true main antagonist with a sole survivor, who comes back as a party member to avenge their loved ones.

Both game's characters were essentially blank slates, with a single unique ability (FF6 abilities like Blitz, FF7 Limit Breaks), but overall you could alter physical and magical attacks through relics/espers/materia so there were no true "classes" and what you'd end up with at the end of the game is 4/3 remarkably similar statistically and ability-wise.

Now, I feel a game just isn't interesting unless the villain is someone who seems competent. Excluding the similarities discussed earlier, in the entirety of 7 Sephiroth only managed to ravage a small mountain town, kill a flower girl and fat business man, and debatable whether it was his actions that ended Midgar. Kefka has a pretty similar resume in that he ravaged a small kingdom, kill an old man and a fellow high ranking officer in the Evil Empire. However, most people don't seem to realize that Kefka won during the World of Balance. His goal was to become an all powerful God, and he did it. Then he tore the world to pieces, and proceeded to sit in a tower and play Angry Birds with his Eye of Judgement to pass the time. Prior to the final battle he even tells you he's bored of it all. He's going to turn everything into nothing. ("I will destroy everything ... I will create a monument to non-existence!") He was prepared to die because he simply had nothing else left to do. Sephiroth's goal was to damage/kill the world so much that everything except himself died so he could return it to the Cetra/Jenova/His Mommy. He didn't accomplish that. He came close, I'll grant that. But he didn't succeed even at the end of the game, whereas Kefka took only half his game to accomplish his goal. They both killed old men, but Kefka took the extra step of playing soccer with his corpse before launching it off the side of a flying island.

Locke x Celes felt real as well. Locke goes out of his way to rescue Celes to the point of making a complete *** out of himself near the end of the Opera. Then during the beginning of the World of Ruin, Celes basically gives up all hope and is brought back from suicidal despair by a bandana that reminds her of Locke and that it's possible he survived. Even during the end sequence they go out of their way to rescue each other. I didn't feel Cloud x Tifa ever reached that level. It's never been really explained why she just sat there while Cloud explained what happened to Zack during the Nibelheim incident but in first person. She just kind of smiles and nods. Cloud isn't who rescues her when she's being gassed by Scarlet. Even when she takes time out to take care of him when he's catatonic, he pretty much ends up treating her like his sister. He ends up pining over the dead flower girl who, at best, was only maybe interested in him. Aeris wasn't Cloud's Gwen Stacy.

Final Fantasy 6's graphics were high tech for it's time, but it was consistent. I'll grant that Final Fantasy 7 was new media, but the style jumped all over the place. One moment the game would be polygonal three dimensional gameplay graphics, then you'd go into decent full motion video cutscene, which were both fine. But then you'd get into weird gameplay character graphics in FMV cutscene backgrounds like it was a placeholder. And then there were the weird interactive half gameplay half FMV scenes.

I've got more reasons, but let's just end it here. On it's best day, Final Fantasy 7 was a watered down Final Fantasy 6.

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 11:30pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#22 Apr 12 2013 at 9:56 PM Rating: Excellent
1,675 posts
Yeah MMOs are an excellent source of income if you don't take in development and other on going costs.

Hold on to just 50000 subscribers @$15 for a year and you've made $9,000,000.

That's a good number for any JRPG.

Something like Xenogears in their prime only sold 200,000 copies. I couldn't imagine what a game like that would do today. Especially when games like CoD are selling 25,000,000 copies.


FFVII can only be appreciated if you grew up at the time. Yes, you can still think it's a good game, but IMO if you weren't around when it came out you can't really fathom why it was so good.

FFVI was great, but FFVII was the first FF with polygons and better sound (quality wise). It had movies (that didn't detract from the story as most "blended in with the real time graphics), and it featured really cool, varied locales and offered a sweet materia system, love triangle, strategy games, motorcycle racing and snow board racing.

The summons were epic, because there wasn't anything like it before. It was in a "steampunk" world, and had a involved story, especially when you're a teenager.

It was on 3 disks, and it was a continuation of a series I grew up with, and was a huge part of my teen years.

There was very little/slow internet. I had to read EGM or GamePro, and I bought other Square games to play the demo. I actually bought Tobal No. 1 to play the FFVII demo. Basically there was less info overload, so playing a game was more of an experience; like listening to a whole album.

So, without sounding to grandfather-like, younger people will never have that experience that I had with FFVII, they just can't. And that's why SE can never go back, because that was a unique point in time.
#23 Apr 12 2013 at 10:11 PM Rating: Excellent
1,675 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
re: FF6 vs FF7

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 11:30pm by lolgaxe

They are very, very similar. But at the time my jaw dropped when even a spell like Bolt was cast. The graphics (at the time) put it over the top.

Looking at it from a story point, VI I think had better moments and was focused more on the ensamble. There were more characters that I liked and had an affinity for than in VII.

Ghost Train and Zozo are just two unforgettable locales that managed to create their respective moods and this was just with sprites.
#24 Apr 12 2013 at 10:51 PM Rating: Good
972 posts
Final Fantasy will never be as it was because the parts teams behind those games have aged or moved on to other companies. This isn't to say the future can't be great as well. In my opinion the older titles were great because they had a talented team led by a man, Sakaguchi who kept the series close to it's roots and kept the team from over complicating the process. Their most critically acclaimed games were directed by Hiroyuki Ito. I want to see him direct the next FF and see if he still has the touch.

You will see arguments about which FF was the best. The popular argument is between VI and VII. I like VI, VII, XII,IX, X, then all the rest in that order. VII regardless if it's a favorite or not was developed during the prime of Squaresoft. Almost everything they touched was golden. The thing it did that enveloped gamers of that time was that it took every FF before. They applied technology and showed a level of graphical prowess that left other competitors in the dust on that hardware. Yet it retrained all the gameplay and replayablity of the older FF on older hardware. Nowdays when a game pushes the envelope, the content is usually shortened or added through dlc later on. To be a gamer of this generation and with more choice and improvements made since then both graphically and gameplay aesthetics wise. You might play an older FF and not feel the same passion for it.

Let me try and give an example to express the breadth. Let's say your favorite games are Dark Souls and Demon Souls. In your opinion, everything about these games are done close to perfection. Now imagine that next generation consoles released and were a ton more powerful than current gen. You see other games releasing on the new gen shooting for power and you see big improvements power wise but you notice the gameplay being shortened or watered down. Or vice versa, you see other games not pushing the envelope but the gameplay is retained. You would gravitate towards the latter because this is an interactive and not passive media.
But what if Dark Souls 3 released with real time cgi graphics, particle effects, yada, yada, yada. And the gameplay was retained but even more visually impressive. DS 3 would stick in your mind.

Due to writing and pacing some gamers have preference over one FF to the other. But one can't argue the jump from snes to ps one is not evident in terms of power.

By the way you can also get V and VI on the psn as well.

Edited, Apr 13th 2013 12:53am by sandpark
#25 Apr 12 2013 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
lolgaxe wrote:
re: FF6 vs FF7

Let's look at the two main characters, Terra and Cloud. They both start off as employees of their universes' Evil Empires with inaccurate and missing memories of who they really were. They both encounter the rebel faction, and spend time trying to escape the first town because they defected (Cloud defected before the start of the game, Terra escaped mind control). Half way through the game they're separated from their groups and once they're found again they don't rejoin because they've had significant changes to their mental states; Terra becomes extremely maternal for the orphans and refuses to leave them and Cloud becomes catatonic from Life Stream Poisoning. They're out until you return and they discover who they really are and what they really want; Terra wanting to be more proactive in saving her orphans and Cloud figuring out he isn't Zack and that being proactive in stopping Sephiroth is the best thing he could do.

Now the two main villains, Kefka and Sephiroth. They, too, start off as employees of their universes' Evil Empires, and they're both relatively friendly with their heroic counterparts while they're there. Both were genetically manipulated since the womb by the Empire's top scientists, and while the scientists know of the instabilities, both Kefka and Sephiroth are allowed to not only operate within the organizations, but advance to top levels. Even for their individual universes they dress peculiarly. When the opportunity arises, they both kill the head guy of the Evil Empire to continue on with their ulterior motives. When they both achieve their ultimate power they create dungeons that require flying and descending from top level down until you finally find them. Both have multi-tier final forms, the first being grotesque monstrosities followed by an angelic End form. You first find out just how mentally damaged both individuals are when they pretty much snap and take out a town with no regard of who lives and dies.

Both stories begin with the main protagonists fighting against the Evil Empire without a second thought to the main antagonists, who is at best just another enemy within Evil Empire, until said antagonists eliminate the head of the Evil Empire. Both stories explores the implications of genetic engineering. Both games end without really explaining what happens. Terra's group escapes the tower, Cloud's escape the meteor, but beyond that nothing. No, the movies and sequels and prequels and everything else of FF7 don't count because they're not ingame. Both games are also about the ramifications of killing God. FF6 was where Kefka moved the statues and became God himself, and Sephiroth was that the world itself was God and he wanted to essentially kill it for his Mother. Both Gods have weapons of mass destruction to protect them, the Ultima Weapons (Atma in 6). Both games have a single city attacked by the true main antagonist with a sole survivor, who comes back as a party member to avenge their loved ones.

Both game's characters were essentially blank slates, with a single unique ability (FF6 abilities like Blitz, FF7 Limit Breaks), but overall you could alter physical and magical attacks through relics/espers/materia so there were no true "classes" and what you'd end up with at the end of the game is 4/3 remarkably similar statistically and ability-wise.

Now, I feel a game just isn't interesting unless the villain is someone who seems competent. Excluding the similarities discussed earlier, in the entirety of 7 Sephiroth only managed to ravage a small mountain town, kill a flower girl and fat business man, and debatable whether it was his actions that ended Midgar. Kefka has a pretty similar resume in that he ravaged a small kingdom, kill an old man and a fellow high ranking officer in the Evil Empire. However, most people don't seem to realize that Kefka won during the World of Balance. His goal was to become an all powerful God, and he did it. Then he tore the world to pieces, and proceeded to sit in a tower and play Angry Birds with his Eye of Judgement to pass the time. Prior to the final battle he even tells you he's bored of it all. He's going to turn everything into nothing. ("I will destroy everything ... I will create a monument to non-existence!") He was prepared to die because he simply had nothing else left to do. Sephiroth's goal was to damage/kill the world so much that everything except himself died so he could return it to the Cetra/Jenova/His Mommy. He didn't accomplish that. He came close, I'll grant that. But he didn't succeed even at the end of the game, whereas Kefka took only half his game to accomplish his goal. They both killed old men, but Kefka took the extra step of playing soccer with his corpse before launching it off the side of a flying island.

Locke x Celes felt real as well. Locke goes out of his way to rescue Celes to the point of making a complete *** out of himself near the end of the Opera. Then during the beginning of the World of Ruin, Celes basically gives up all hope and is brought back from suicidal despair by a bandana that reminds her of Locke and that it's possible he survived. Even during the end sequence they go out of their way to rescue each other. I didn't feel Cloud x Tifa ever reached that level. It's never been really explained why she just sat there while Cloud explained what happened to Zack during the Nibelheim incident but in first person. She just kind of smiles and nods. Cloud isn't who rescues her when she's being gassed by Scarlet. Even when she takes time out to take care of him when he's catatonic, he pretty much ends up treating her like his sister. He ends up pining over the dead flower girl who, at best, was only maybe interested in him. Aeris wasn't Cloud's Gwen Stacy.

Final Fantasy 6's graphics were high tech for it's time, but it was consistent. I'll grant that Final Fantasy 7 was new media, but the style jumped all over the place. One moment the game would be polygonal three dimensional gameplay graphics, then you'd go into decent full motion video cutscene, which were both fine. But then you'd get into weird gameplay character graphics in FMV cutscene backgrounds like it was a placeholder. And then there were the weird interactive half gameplay half FMV scenes.

I've got more reasons, but let's just end it here. On it's best day, Final Fantasy 7 was a watered down Final Fantasy 6.

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 11:30pm by lolgaxe

Wow! If i could upvote you i would, because you just said everything i think of VI vs VII (Tho i might have been a bit harsher, on the Kefka vs Sephiroth)

In my eyes VII was an improved version of VI graphically with a watered down story/character develoment.
#26 Apr 13 2013 at 12:12 AM Rating: Default
IvanStine207 wrote:
Have you read what I said? Let me clarify again, I've beaten X, XIII, and XIII-2. I never gotten my hands on games before X and I have nothing against the games before it. I think that it is pointless for you to dwell on the fact that the games are changing out of your style and interest. Go find another game if new FF games have nothing to offer you anymore.

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 9:52pm by IvanStine207

So you beat 3 of the most Ez mode Final Fantasy titles in existance, and suddendly you feel like you know what Final Fantasy is ? Interesting... 3 out of 14 main titles.... Talk about Hard Core! Boy! Please do tell me why the fans that have supported this franchise over it's 25 years and the company by purchasing every other IP they released when they where Square should just move on ? We made this company what it is today, because the company had a level of quality that has dropped drastically over the last 10 years, it is not like we just woke up one day and said.... **** Final Fantasy! Also since SE agrees with us, they themselves stated that XIII was not up to par with what FF should be nor was XIV, so even they agree with us, but we should just move on because we are right ? Makes Sense!

Also just by reading what you said about WOW and your interest in FF, i can tell you are a casual player, by no means are you hardcore, real hardcore players do not concern themselves with what other players achieve or if they have access to their content, they are interested in beating said content first and and hardest, they are not worried about joe from some random guild setting foot in their dungeon, they are worried about a fellow guild/LS beting them on beating X boss first.

Unless you have played IV/VI/VII you should not even think about what FF is because you do not know what it is.
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