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A Tour of Eorzea - Part 2Follow

#27 May 23 2013 at 12:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Atkascha wrote:
Louiscool wrote:
electromagnet83 wrote:
It looks like they really were able to fix that "radial circumference blur draw-in," in Limsa Lominsa..if anyone knows what I"m referring to.

In 1.0 the textures on those stone walls would blur at a specific distance and the draw-in was extremely obvious as you'd move closer and further away. Looks like they cleaned it up..a lot. CHEERS!

I absolutely know, it was such an eye sore and that's great to see it go.


The walking sounds at 5:30, so good and... not to start this up again but..

Did you SEE the grass at the end!? Note to haters, you can stop with the grass :D

Edited, May 23rd 2013 1:44pm by Louiscool

I was hoping no one would bring up the grass -__- Of course you had to go and do it anyway, lol.

I'm over the grass. There's an option to turn it off. And honestly, in any game I feel like unless you are able to see real grass, like as in a full pasture that covers all the ground, why even have the effort at all? It looks better off on the beta (gridania :) )

#28 May 23 2013 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
When I posted about the 5:30 mark, I was trying to draw attention to the laughter heard in the background! Yoshi-P is delivering on his promise to make the world more lively.
Thayos Redblade
#29 May 23 2013 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Onionthiefx wrote:
Edit: for bringing you this breaking news, can someone give me one upvote to boost my self-esteem? D:
Edit: Hey Mr. Upvote guy, you da man.

There are not nearly enough rate-ups in this forum. I am working to rectify this situation when they are deserved, according to myself.
#30 May 23 2013 at 12:36 PM Rating: Excellent
BartelX wrote:
Onionthiefx wrote:
Edit: for bringing you this breaking news, can someone give me one upvote to boost my self-esteem? D:
Edit: Hey Mr. Upvote guy, you da man.

There are not nearly enough rate-ups in this forum. I am working to rectify this situation when they are deserved, according to myself.

I don't even know how to rate. And my rating is still "Default". How about someone help a brutha out?

#31 May 23 2013 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
You've actually been getting rate-ups lately I've noticed... and I can't even take credit for them. Keep posting useful info and you're bound to get more.
#32 May 23 2013 at 12:39 PM Rating: Excellent
electromagnet83 wrote:
BartelX wrote:
Onionthiefx wrote:
Edit: for bringing you this breaking news, can someone give me one upvote to boost my self-esteem? D:
Edit: Hey Mr. Upvote guy, you da man.

There are not nearly enough rate-ups in this forum. I am working to rectify this situation when they are deserved, according to myself.

I don't even know how to rate. And my rating is still "Default". How about someone help a brutha out?

Until you get rated up enough to be Scholar (your name color will change), you are unable to rate.
#33 May 23 2013 at 12:40 PM Rating: Excellent
1,429 posts
I'm not gonna lie. Seeing all those girls hanging out by the pool/fountain/sea in bathing suits and short shorts........kinda hot. :P
"FFXI is DYING!!" -2009
Signed: 2023
#34 May 23 2013 at 12:43 PM Rating: Excellent
BartelX wrote:
You've actually been getting rate-ups lately I've noticed... and I can't even take credit for them. Keep posting useful info and you're bound to get more.

Oh man, I just noticed that. I'm NOT default any more haha I guess I should pay better attention.

#35 May 23 2013 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,102 posts
Onionthiefx wrote:

Some highlights (no spoilers!)

1) PS3 runs amazing now.
2) 4:28!!!!
3) Highbridge. Just wow.

Edit: for bringing you this breaking news, can someone give me one upvote to boost my self-esteem? D:
Edit: Hey Mr. Upvote guy, you da man.

Edited, May 23rd 2013 12:58pm by Onionthiefx

About PS3 running amazing:
It's fun to go back and read this, just for the resounding "I told you so" that it produces.

I am so insanely excited. It's nice to have a release date in sight, something to count down to. I will definitely be pre ordering the CE edition, which will be my first CE anything. Worth it.
#36 May 23 2013 at 1:19 PM Rating: Excellent
9,997 posts
electromagnet83 wrote:
BartelX wrote:
Onionthiefx wrote:
Edit: for bringing you this breaking news, can someone give me one upvote to boost my self-esteem? D:
Edit: Hey Mr. Upvote guy, you da man.

There are not nearly enough rate-ups in this forum. I am working to rectify this situation when they are deserved, according to myself.

I don't even know how to rate. And my rating is still "Default". How about someone help a brutha out?

Honestly, maybe I just never really paid attention, but most of your posts seem fine to me, and I'm kind of surprised you don't have Scholar. Were you an ******* in a previous life or something?
#37 May 23 2013 at 1:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Kachi wrote:
electromagnet83 wrote:
BartelX wrote:
Onionthiefx wrote:
Edit: for bringing you this breaking news, can someone give me one upvote to boost my self-esteem? D:
Edit: Hey Mr. Upvote guy, you da man.

There are not nearly enough rate-ups in this forum. I am working to rectify this situation when they are deserved, according to myself.

I don't even know how to rate. And my rating is still "Default". How about someone help a brutha out?

Honestly, maybe I just never really paid attention, but most of your posts seem fine to me, and I'm kind of surprised you don't have Scholar. Were you an @#%^ in a previous life or something?

Not in a previous life...but maybe for a large portion of this one haha.
#38 May 23 2013 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
611 posts
They really did a great job fixing the FPS on PS3. The dragon gave me goose bumps. What a great way to start the day. My pump:stoke ratio just went WAY up. And yes, I will be ordering the CE.

Edited, May 23rd 2013 3:53pm by chomama
#39 May 23 2013 at 1:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Man, do the zones not make you think of XI half the time? It's amazing. This is how it should of been from the start, that XI feel but with new mechanics! You have parts that look like Parradamo Tor from Attowha Chasm, some resemblances to The Boyahda Tree, some North Gustaberg, Kazham, King Ranperre's Tomb, etc, etc. They did a hell of a good job bringing some nostalgia back to me, making this even more exciting.

Maybe it was just me, but it's what I'm seeing!

#40 May 23 2013 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
412 posts
electromagnet83 wrote:
It looks like they really were able to fix that "radial circumference blur draw-in," in Limsa Lominsa..if anyone knows what I"m referring to.

In 1.0 the textures on those stone walls would blur at a specific distance and the draw-in was extremely obvious as you'd move closer and further away. Looks like they cleaned it up..a lot. CHEERS!

That was really bad for my eyes when I played 1.0 in 3D. It still played and looked great- the way you say your character in the background and the HUD was popped out! Looking in the distance however, hurt a lot lol! Very excited.
#41 May 23 2013 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
Man, do the zones not make you think of XI half the time? It's amazing. This is how it should of been from the start, that XI feel but with new mechanics! You have parts that look like Parradamo Tor from Attowha Chasm, some resemblances to The Boyahda Tree, some North Gustaberg, Kazham, King Ranperre's Tomb, etc, etc. They did a hell of a good job bringing some nostalgia back to me, making this even more exciting.

Maybe it was just me, but it's what I'm seeing!

I felt that way too. Bronze Lake reminded me so much of the zone in FFXI that led to sky. Can't remember the name, but I thought it was really cool. The whole thing feels new, and yet somehow familiar. I love it.
#42 May 23 2013 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
412 posts
AMG! I love the fact that camps are actually places with life! Not just a crystal with small circular wooden fence that looks exactly the same.

I also got very EMO when they cut off the Odin part Smiley: frown.

Edit: Blood shore reminded me of Costa del Sol

Edited, May 23rd 2013 4:36pm by GDLYL
#43 May 23 2013 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
I totally didn't even notice the Desert at the beginning. Reminds me SOO much of Altepa, that first time I walked out and saw the huge expanse of desert. Granted it was like 4am and I was delirious but I was astonished at the environment. This looks so promising.
#44 May 23 2013 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
329 posts
I think I'll be making the move from Ul'Dah to Limsa Lominsa as my home in ARR. Getting super excited now SQUEEEEE. Can't wait until Part 3 comes out now so we can see how Mor Dhona and Coerthas look. I loved roaming around Coerthas in 1.0 and I'm hoping they added some life to that zone as it felt big and empty. I pre-ordered a PS3 standard copy and will be upgrading it to the digital CE when that option comes available. I already bought the 1.0 CE and have Legacy on that account.

I hope they update the official Roadmap soon ,as I just happen to already have the week before the official launch booked off work. I'm curious when open beta ends and early access starts. Smiley: grin
#45 May 23 2013 at 4:52 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
My only issue is if I should start off as mnk or drg.. mnk is sounding like it is going to be secsi!

Edit: Also still fighting with wether to be elezen or male miqo'te

Edited, May 23rd 2013 6:53pm by SaitoMishima
#46 May 23 2013 at 5:33 PM Rating: Good
325 posts
Loved the video, the PS3 has come along ways from the first footage we saw. It looks great, I'll be preordering this soon. So stoked for this :)
#47 May 23 2013 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
BartelX wrote:
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
Man, do the zones not make you think of XI half the time? It's amazing. This is how it should of been from the start, that XI feel but with new mechanics! You have parts that look like Parradamo Tor from Attowha Chasm, some resemblances to The Boyahda Tree, some North Gustaberg, Kazham, King Ranperre's Tomb, etc, etc. They did a hell of a good job bringing some nostalgia back to me, making this even more exciting.

Maybe it was just me, but it's what I'm seeing!

I felt that way too. Bronze Lake reminded me so much of the zone in FFXI that led to sky. Can't remember the name, but I thought it was really cool. The whole thing feels new, and yet somehow familiar. I love it.

One area, looked like Zi'Tah too.

The game is looking and sounding really good. It's a little bit nostalgic, but also just a lot more interesting.

1.0's world looked good, but was boring. ARR is shaping up to a world you really want to explore.

Plus, this is just the beginning. If you liken it to FFXI, most, if not all of us played the game with Zilart already installed. This looks like a great foundation for expansions, and gives me hope for the future. (this also depends heavily on gameplay and story and all of that, but this is a great start.)

#48 May 23 2013 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
Finally got to watch the

LL looked amazing.
Camp Drybone was awesome, when I quit the camps were a couple of tents and some rude guards.
The Salt Strand reminds me of the Forgotten Capital in VII.
Bloodshore...oh Bloodshore...

Is it August 27th yet Smiley: frown
#49 May 23 2013 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
Here's what some scenes remind me of:

10 seconds Altepa
1:05 La Vaule
1:16 Tu'Lia
1:34 Windurst
2:09 (Not from XI, but looks like the Forgotten Capital from VII)
3:45 King Ranperre's Tomb
4:12 Boyahda Tree/Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
4:56 Iifa Tree from Final Fantasy IX
5:20 Tavnazian Safehold
5:49 Parradamo Tor
6:02 North Gustaberg (near the Thief AF quest)
6:15 South Gustaberg
6:22 Kazham
6:33 If Costa Del Sol was mashed into the Dangruf Wadi
7:03 and lastly Jugner Forest.

Now, I'm not saying they just copied these zones, far from it. This is simply what the zones remind me of from past Final Fantasy games, they all have a very unique feel to them and feel very alive. Heck, some of my thoughts are probably far fetched, but it's what I'm seeing!

#50 May 23 2013 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Has anyone set up a side by side for PS 3 and PC?

#51 May 23 2013 at 7:40 PM Rating: Good
1,098 posts
Nice, it's funny how in the videos i look for nice spots that might be for shouts or crafting and not for vendors groups anymore.Smiley: smile

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