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I finally won't have to raid to endgame!Follow

#77 Sep 23 2015 at 11:35 AM Rating: Excellent
This is why I'm so excited about this new content system.

One of the big (and totally fair) criticisms of FFXIV has been its very similar content loop of dungeons, raid, 24-man, dungeons, raid, 24-man, etc. And when HW came out, really the only big criticism was that it followed the same content structure as ARR.

This new system will be something different that could possibly be built upon without ever going completely the way of the Crystal Tower raids. We'll have to see how it shakes out, but there's tons of potential here. This could be the groundwork for a system that is fun, long-lasting and filled with good rewards for players.
Thayos Redblade
#78 Sep 23 2015 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Thayos wrote:
This still begs the question, why would a player who doesn't raid want to collect gear for the purpose of raiding?

I'm far from a gear completionist, but I'm definitely motivated to gear up my character even though I don't plan on raiding. That said, I don't cap my ESOs each week and fixate on gearing up... because I don't plan on raiding.

I hope it doesn't come off as 'you don't belong', but I feel like the gear needed for doing things outside of raiding should be aimed at that content. That's not what it's meant to be at all. I just sympathize more with players who feel that their raid experience is lessened because they put in more 'work' than those who overcame much less challenging content.

I do understand what Thayos is saying though..
But I agree with you here and there should be higher gear for those who raid to give those who want to do the harder content a bonus.

It stinks that Tome gear is as good as like coil gear at the time

I also certainly understand having easier gear to obtain for those who dont have the time..

I just think there should be levels of gear.. I am going to use a example from the past on how I thought gear should have been:
Coil = highest level of gear.
CT: Next highest
Tomes: should be the lowest since it requires nothing.

I did coil in the beginning but by doing coil which takes allot of time I was not getting tomes, so people taking the easier rout were gearing faster. This is because of all the time we put in trying to beat coil beating our head against the wall on turn 5 and that is wrong. Its what killed me too on raids in this game as well as others. Yea I could have done it just for the challenge but why? So someone can gear better and pass me up by taking the easy rout by not doing coil. That is why the content aint being done. It is not a waist making this content it is a waste making it if you are not going to give people reason to do it.

Give a reward system that rewards you for actually doing something and this content would not be a waste and people like me would do it. i also would not be so bored running the same-o same-o dungeons all the time.

I mean all my work for the Relic and it was eclipsed like nothing now with the expansion. There should never be tome weapons or quest weapons greater than Relic. Too me it is one of the biggest turn offs for the game. I mean give me a reason too continue on the new weapons path? That sure wasn't it. I mean the relic too by the time you actually finished it the next weapon you got from doing hunts was just as good. So most of the time you relic was barley better than that weapon and now it is garbage. They take away any incentive but to do the easiest content.

I mean in this game vs FFXI everyone has the exact same gear other than glamour nothing sets anyone apart.

Hey it was this way for crafting.. For those who wanted to put in the time got the Lucis.
There was the non meld-able artisan gear too which was easier to get.
Probably why I stopped raiding and picked up crafting.. I was getting better rewards for my work.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2015 2:22pm by Nashred

Edited, Sep 23rd 2015 2:24pm by Nashred

Edited, Sep 23rd 2015 2:35pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#79 Sep 23 2015 at 12:24 PM Rating: Excellent
For the reasons Nash stated -- and for reasons I've stated -- I think the hardcore/savage raids in this game are totally flawed. The largest degree of difficulty is really just finding seven other people with identical schedules who can practice the raid along with you until you've learned the song and dance.

I honestly think people just need to accept that this isn't meant to be a hardcore game. There are challenges in place for hardcore players, but because of how this game is designed, no gear is meant to remain as "elite" for very long. With that in mind, I simply don't see how hardcore raiders will ever be happy about their rewards being exclusive enough... the next iLevel increase is always just around the corner.

I think what the hardcore raiders really want is just horizontal progression, and while that may happen to a degree, I think it's going to be much more satisfying for casual / midcore players than for hardcore players. I don't think true hardcore players can be happy unless the game is minimally vertical, and that's just not going to happen with XIV.

Hio, am I wrong to think that?
Thayos Redblade
#80 Sep 23 2015 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
For the reasons Nash stated -- and for reasons I've stated -- I think the hardcore/savage raids in this game are totally flawed. The largest degree of difficulty is really just finding seven other people with identical schedules who can practice the raid along with you until you've learned the song and dance.

I honestly think people just need to accept that this isn't meant to be a hardcore game. There are challenges in place for hardcore players, but because of how this game is designed, no gear is meant to remain as "elite" for very long. With that in mind, I simply don't see how hardcore raiders will ever be happy about their rewards being exclusive enough... the next iLevel increase is always just around the corner.

I think what the hardcore raiders really want is just horizontal progression, and while that may happen to a degree, I think it's going to be much more satisfying for casual / midcore players than for hardcore players. I don't think true hardcore players can be happy unless the game is minimally vertical, and that's just not going to happen with XIV.

Hio, am I wrong to think that?

You might be right, but there has to be away.

I kind of put myself in the middle between casual and hard core.. I am a little more casual that I was before but I still want challenging content. The difference is I dont need to be the first through it anymore but at the same time give me time to beat it before something new is out or it is buffed for it to be too easy. There is no in between with allot in this game. I dont want to be in a static 4 days a week but one or two is ok.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2015 2:34pm by Nashred

Edited, Sep 23rd 2015 2:34pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#81 Sep 23 2015 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
I have no desire to play the static game anymore in raids where single mistakes often mean certain death. Already tried it, and even with a dedicated core, it was just a giant waste of time. And it just wasn't fun... for me, anyway.

I'd rather be hardcore about helping my FC and being an active participant in group endgame events, similar to the style of endgame that was so worthwhile in FFXI.
Thayos Redblade
#82 Sep 23 2015 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
I have no desire to play the static game anymore in raids where single mistakes often mean certain death. Already tried it, and even with a dedicated core, it was just a giant waste of time. And it just wasn't fun... for me, anyway.

I'd rather be hardcore about helping my FC and being an active participant in group endgame events, similar to the style of endgame that was so worthwhile in FFXI.

Challenging content that doesn't have instant death or be a wall either.. It also can be challenging enough for a fc to make it through. I did almost all FFXI content with friends or LS. Our LS did have certain night where they tackled certain content

I had really only one static in FFXI and that was for the abyssea empyrean weapon and it was kind of a joke really. We spent on night gathering pop items and Sundays killing the stuff. The team was so good and it was only 4 of us we finished it so fast. There were some friends that helped us that would help carry pop items or when we need someone to help proc if we didn't have the job since it was 4 of us. Between us we had the jobs but sometimes it helped. We just had the right group. We took down glaviod when he was hard. I remember watching and waiting our turn when top LS with full alliance and a brew would loose to him.. For us the worst was all the pop items he required. That damn gnat you had to kill.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2015 3:07pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#83 Sep 23 2015 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
I've ignored hardcore raiding since.. Cata 2010. It isn't so much a test of skill for you as a player than it is one of communication/coordination over vent. And that sort of thing completely sucks me out of the game and makes it feel more like a chore than anything else.
#84 Sep 23 2015 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
I've ignored hardcore raiding since.. Cata 2010. It isn't so much a test of skill for you as a player than it is one of communication/coordination over vent. And that sort of thing completely sucks me out of the game and makes it feel more like a chore than anything else.

This is how I feel with alliance content. Mighty Warriors of Light defeated because 4 people don't know how to stand on a panel.

#85 Sep 23 2015 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent
That's the difference between XI and XIV for the most part. XIV, you can't get carried until the nerfs happen and everyone is over geared. Leads to so many wipes from one person making a single mistake. XI, you needed a core group of people who knew what was going on, but you could interchange many parts with different jobs and players and still accomplish your goal. Didn't always go smoothly when you had tons of replacements, but it eventually got done.

I had joined a ton of O-Hat, Kirin, Faf, etc groups as a one time deal, and you eventually got the kill with only a few experienced players and the rest new to the event. XIV will stay this way until twitch mechanics go out the window, though I don't think they ever will as SE seems to think it's a challenge.

#86 Sep 23 2015 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Theonehio wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
I've ignored hardcore raiding since.. Cata 2010. It isn't so much a test of skill for you as a player than it is one of communication/coordination over vent. And that sort of thing completely sucks me out of the game and makes it feel more like a chore than anything else.

This is how I feel with alliance content. Mighty Warriors of Light defeated because 4 people don't know how to stand on a panel.

Smiley: lol

In A4 earlier I saw 2 DPS with < half HP get instantly KO'd when they both ran into an orb instead of just moving out of the way and letting me (the OT) soak up the damage. Not very heroic but at least it was funny.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2015 5:02pm by BrokenFox
#87 Sep 23 2015 at 4:02 PM Rating: Excellent
In A4 earlier I saw 2 DPS with < half HP get instantly KO'd when they both ran into an orb instead of just moving out of the way and letting me (the OT) soak up the damage. Not very heroic but at least it was funny.

I've been playing Destiny's new expansion pretty hard. I always laugh at myself when I'm in some epic firefight, and then I die because I leap back from an enemy only to plunge off a cliff to my death. Some epic warrior of the Traveler I am!
Thayos Redblade
#88 Sep 23 2015 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Arguing the ease of the game is a complete and utter straw-man when trying to debate my principles on the matter. It has nothing to do with the two key points of why I say it's fundamentally flawed.

It's not straw man. That would be if I attacked some fabricated argument I made up for you. I did no such thing. All I've done here is state that rewards should be relative to the activity. If it doesn't have anything to do with your principles then that's your problem, but I didn't create your principles for you so I would have something to attack you for. Please stop saying straw man.

Hyrist wrote:
Let me turn the question on its head. What is the difference between a rise in ilvl of a party, and the use of the Echo buff? Each increase the statistical performance of a Raid group, without any relation to the actual execution and skill of the raid itself.

That's how progression works Hyrist. Players of varied 'skill' can all participate in content. The bottleneck in progression is always gear before skill. If you took some no skill players and increased their gear incrementally, they could eventually clear anything. Conversely, if you took the best skilled players in the world and put them against increasingly difficult encounters with the same gear level, they would eventually hit a wall.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#89 Sep 23 2015 at 4:23 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Thayos wrote:
In A4 earlier I saw 2 DPS with < half HP get instantly KO'd when they both ran into an orb instead of just moving out of the way and letting me (the OT) soak up the damage. Not very heroic but at least it was funny.

I've been playing Destiny's new expansion pretty hard. I always laugh at myself when I'm in some epic firefight, and then I die because I leap back from an enemy only to plunge off a cliff to my death. Some epic warrior of the Traveler I am!

But the problem in this case is that it was intentional. They deliberately ran into the ball of death like moths to a flame.
#90 Sep 23 2015 at 4:36 PM Rating: Excellent
But the problem in this case is that it was intentional. They deliberately ran into the ball of death like moths to a flame.

I got one-shotted in Destiny once when I ran up to a boss and punched it in the butt... does that count? Smiley: lol
Thayos Redblade
#91 Sep 23 2015 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent
A lot of the early guides told DPS to soak the balls, before it was determined that it was way better to let the OT eat them. This has not been corrected.

Usually if I am going to eat a ball, it's because I can tell the OT is in Quarantine and I'd rather keep it off a healer. And if I've eaten one and not gotten a thank you cure from the healer for doing so, I sure as hell ain't gonna eat a second one.
#92 Sep 23 2015 at 5:42 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Again, stated my opinions on the native flaws of progression, Filthy, arguing "that's how it works" is irreverent when I'm putting 'how it works' into question. You don't seem to get that.

Even if you try to deny the term strawman, we are at this point entering a circular argument, so I'm just stopping there.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2015 7:43pm by Hyrist
#93 Sep 23 2015 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Catwho wrote:
A lot of the early guides told DPS to soak the balls, before it was determined that it was way better to let the OT eat them. This has not been corrected.

Usually if I am going to eat a ball, it's because I can tell the OT is in Quarantine and I'd rather keep it off a healer. And if I've eaten one and not gotten a thank you cure from the healer for doing so, I sure as **** ain't gonna eat a second one.

A good OT will get the majority of them but it's fine for anyone to eat balls (lol) granted they're near full health
#94 Sep 23 2015 at 5:58 PM Rating: Excellent
cue Jim Carrey face

"why can't I eat all these balls"

*slinks away*
#95 Sep 23 2015 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
A lot of the early guides told DPS to soak the balls, before it was determined that it was way better to let the OT eat them. This has not been corrected.

Unfortunately, a lot of the time the orbs appear, the OT is in quarantine, meaning he can't. So everyone pretty much needs to be able to at some point or another

nvm, didn't read the rest of your post, go me

It's worth pointing out too, a lot of times what kills people isn't the orb, but getting picked for Perpetual Ray afterward :/

Edited, Sep 23rd 2015 10:57pm by Fynlar
#96 Sep 23 2015 at 10:30 PM Rating: Good
Fynlar wrote:
A lot of the early guides told DPS to soak the balls, before it was determined that it was way better to let the OT eat them. This has not been corrected.

Unfortunately, a lot of the time the orbs appear, the OT is in quarantine, meaning he can't. So everyone pretty much needs to be able to at some point or another

nvm, didn't read the rest of your post, go me

It's worth pointing out too, a lot of times what kills people isn't the orb, but getting picked for Perpetual Ray afterward :/

Edited, Sep 23rd 2015 10:57pm by Fynlar

Then you have the DPS who just eat 3 of them in a row without letting a heal get in. They then proceed to rage on the healer...

#97 Sep 24 2015 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Again, stated my opinions on the native flaws of progression, Filthy, arguing "that's how it works" is irreverent when I'm putting 'how it works' into question. You don't seem to get that.

Even if you try to deny the term strawman, we are at this point entering a circular argument, so I'm just stopping there.

A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.

I never created anything to argue against. Your opinion is your opinion and you're welcome to it, but just because I offered up a question to think about doesn't mean I'm attacking you. The only thing I'm willing to argue with you is your misuse of the term straw man. Outside of that this is all just discussion of opinion.

Hyrist wrote:
Again, stated my opinions on the native flaws of progression, Filthy, arguing "that's how it works" is irreverent when I'm putting 'how it works' into question. You don't seem to get that.

For a progression raider this gear is not something you get because you like the way it looks, it's a requirement to advance through content. You either need it to attain a certain ilvl to participate at all or you need it to give yourself reasonable headroom in the amount you can heal for, the amount of damage you deal or the amount of incoming damage mitigated. These are all things taken into account when developers design content and adjust it for difficulty.

Have you ever heard the term 'loot pinata' before? It's been around for quite some time now. This isn't anything new we are discussing here Hyrist. The idea of players being upset that they have to deal with difficult tasks while other players don't to reap the same rewards is already in the books as being a thing. It may not turn out to be the case for FFXIV, but it's a very real possibility given that it has had an impact on other similar MMOs in the past.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#98 Sep 24 2015 at 5:56 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
People tend to go on the offensive (or rather get defensive) when it seems you're "attacking" the game rather than someone in particular as well. Take this post for example:

The guy quoted wasn't necessarily wrong because that's generally what happens with the current formula. No one would ever have a reason to be "negative" if no reason is given, however one of the first responses? "Get out" essentially.

The idea of players being upset that they have to deal with difficult tasks while other players don't to reap the same rewards is already in the books as being a thing. It may not turn out to be the case for FFXIV, but it's a very real possibility given that it has had an impact on other similar MMOs in the past.

^ This. However since you're talking to non-raiders it doesn't bother them because they can reap the rewards, most likely better rewards, and not have to deal with "hard content." These vertical progression games, especially XIV's style tend to not be exactly the precedent of horizontal or alternate progression.

That's why I've said it before and I'll say it again...Heavensward was a massive disspointment because there's so much they could have done and simply chose not to because they knew they would keep the people who -don't- play the game happy regardless. It's definitely not a strawman, those who don't raid simply don't care or won't ever understand or simply say:

"this game isn't for you"

despite MMOs traditionally have a raid component that's relevant to progression..ESPECIALLY when trying to follow WoW's example, which no one can deny because the guy who heads this game has said it directly.

#99 Sep 24 2015 at 7:35 AM Rating: Excellent
The quote guy also has the highest rate-ups of any single comment in that thread. More people agree with him than disagree.
#100 Sep 24 2015 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:

For a progression raider this gear is not something you get because you like the way it looks, it's a requirement to advance through content. You either need it to attain a certain ilvl to participate at all or you need it to give yourself reasonable headroom in the amount you can heal for, the amount of damage you deal or the amount of incoming damage mitigated. These are all things taken into account when developers design content and adjust it for difficulty.

Have you ever heard the term 'loot pinata' before? It's been around for quite some time now. This isn't anything new we are discussing here Hyrist. The idea of players being upset that they have to deal with difficult tasks while other players don't to reap the same rewards is already in the books as being a thing. It may not turn out to be the case for FFXIV, but it's a very real possibility given that it has had an impact on other similar MMOs in the past.

I'm aware of the lot Pinata system though I know it more from the adaptation of it in the Diablo Series than most other games. Keep in mind that, outside level bracketing, loot pinatas often don't exclusivity their drops to harder content, rather increase their drop rates within the system. Highly RNG but because of the frequency of reward, it keeps an anticipation of the next run.

I actually think this system is what's going on with Exploration Missions. And while people can pine at their luck being worse than someone else, there are convincing counter-arguments about the differences between the system. Certainty reliant on skill verses lesser difficulty but reliant on luck - both require the core component that equalizes these systems, persistence. At the element that could balance Exploration Missions, that of the best loot being difficult to obtain by having a narrow margin of chance, fits well within the mention that this hails back to the older days of MMOs - in which good loot had a low chance of showing.

And again, these kind of arguments about their work falls flat when we're now into the 24 man Raid era, where players will be getting access to equivalent gear through other methods regardless - so the Raiders at this point have had their chance (still, have their chance) to obtain their loot before the masses get their shot at it - and, within the existing system, it is doubly balanced out that the loot from Alexander is still Alexander specific, barring currency upgrades that were always slated to be more than just Raid-specific. So, while undoubtedly some people will chime in being upset, I ultimately can't agree with that perspective - again, coming from someone who feels that endgame should be skill based and forego the stopgap measure of entropic gear-checks.

In my proposed changes, the gearing requirement in progression would be pretty much limited to pre-raid gearing, at least for the 'apex' level endgame, which would be like Savage Coil and Savage Alexander. (Except in other categories besides just raiding.) While the rewards from these things would not be progression gearing a part of progression raiding is also learning to understand and adapt to new mechanics of a fight as you attempt it. My version would place more empasis on this, rather than focus on the treadmill of gearing within the raid itself.

Truthfully 'progression' raiding equates to a skipping record, and the gearing part of that is just a time-sink. There are better, more entertaining time-sinks that can be applied here than forcing gear progression within the highest raid itself, which is why I went with a currency/scoring system.

If you are concerned with the idea of players who could not meet the mechanics at the optimal tuning, and that it would bring the difficulty of these raids down. Don't. Scaling difficulty tiers as well as Item Level Caps could be programmed into the system much the same way you have difficulty brackets for scoring. The currency, or even the unique rewards, could be split up among these tiers, encouraging people to practice and push the higher difficulties.

The system, of course, wouldn't please everyone, but I have a feeling it would populate endgame a lot better than the current trend of systems.

A lot of the more successful games in their respective Genres have been able to improve their game quality by adapting RPG and MMO elments into them. I feel as if the reverse would also be true. It's worth mulling over, at least.

Edited, Sep 24th 2015 10:52am by Hyrist
#101 Sep 24 2015 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
My favorite time of "endgame" was probably vanilla WoW's first few months when stuff like LBRS and UBRS were challenging but still had the feel of dungeon crawling and the whole aura of classic RPG-ness. Modern hardcore raiding sucks and the fact that such a small percentage of the population does it is a testament to that. Not saying it should be removed completely, but it shouldn't ever be the main focus of an MMO.
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