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Wada ResignsFollow

#227 Mar 29 2013 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
728 posts
Thayos wrote:
Because he agrees with you?

That is usually a sign of intelligence.

Or the sign of an alien controlled hive mind. I'd most likely go with that one...

In an unrelated note, would anyone like to join me on a trip to the Brain Slug planet?
#228 Mar 29 2013 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
3,530 posts
DamienSScott wrote:
The problem is.. other than League of Legends no F2P game pumps out content anywhere near as fast as WoW.

What exactly does League of Legends content look like?* Because if it's just regularly added maps, character skins, and a some new equipment, it's not really very difficult to produce that sort of stuff for games of the real-time strategy genre...

*Not being ****; making legitimate inquiry. :P
#229 Mar 29 2013 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
KaneKitty wrote:
DamienSScott wrote:
The problem is.. other than League of Legends no F2P game pumps out content anywhere near as fast as WoW.

What exactly does League of Legends content look like?* Because if it's just regularly added maps, character skins, and a some new equipment, it's not really very difficult to produce that sort of stuff for games of the real-time strategy genre...

*Not being ****; making legitimate inquiry. :P

To compare Legue of Legends content releases with WOW is just damm stupid, All legue of legend does is release one new champion every 2 weeks to grab some money and some skins, i would hardly call that "Content Release" Atleast not quality, and not equally to WOW'S Content releases, maps are added once every blue moon, and their tactic is to release a new OP champ, then after the first week is off, nerf him. That is all Legue of Legends is.
#230 Mar 30 2013 at 1:33 AM Rating: Default
I know people have mentioned that Wada's resignment is not going to affect FFXIX ARR's development, but Im very spectical that they wouldnt cut some jobs related to ARR.
Here is something that I found from

"Wada will be replaced by Representative Director Yosuke Matsuda. He has dealt with the company's finances since joining the former Square in 2001. A business rehabilitation plan is expected to be compiled before the fiscal 2012 earnings announcement."

Notice the "A business rehabilitation plan", I find it hard to believe that ARR is not included in that rehabilitation plan. Another question is what do we really know about Yosuke Matsuda, the guy who will replace Wada?
#231 Mar 30 2013 at 4:35 AM Rating: Good
599 posts
Maldavian wrote:
I know people have mentioned that Wada's resignment is not going to affect FFXIX ARR's development, but Im very spectical that they wouldnt cut some jobs related to ARR.
Here is something that I found from

"Wada will be replaced by Representative Director Yosuke Matsuda. He has dealt with the company's finances since joining the former Square in 2001. A business rehabilitation plan is expected to be compiled before the fiscal 2012 earnings announcement."

Notice the "A business rehabilitation plan", I find it hard to believe that ARR is not included in that rehabilitation plan. Another question is what do we really know about Yosuke Matsuda, the guy who will replace Wada?

Of course it is included in that rehabilitation program. Nothing would rehabilitate SE faster than a successful launch of FFXIV: ARR and a steady stream of cash.

This article does not convince me they need to go F2P if that is what you are trying to suggest.
#232 Mar 30 2013 at 5:52 AM Rating: Default
KaneKitty wrote:
DamienSScott wrote:
The problem is.. other than League of Legends no F2P game pumps out content anywhere near as fast as WoW.

What exactly does League of Legends content look like?* Because if it's just regularly added maps, character skins, and a some new equipment, it's not really very difficult to produce that sort of stuff for games of the real-time strategy genre...

*Not being ****; making legitimate inquiry. :P

League of Legends releases new character classes with new movesets, graphics, animations, sounds, etc. every couple of weeks.
These are free (buyable with in-game money).

The only thing cash users get is unique costume skins for their characters (which ALSO get released every couple of weeks, alongside the new characters).

People usually bring it up to counter the "F2P is the end of the world" argument.

Also, if you think it's "not easy" to add new characters... League of Legends is basically an e-sport at this point. People take it VERY seriously. Aside from making a character that has cool concepts (design, graphics, sound, skills, lore), they also need to balance this new character with over 110 other characters for competitive play...

Edited, Mar 30th 2013 7:53am by Killua125
#233 Mar 30 2013 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
But are they writing a deep and satisfying storyline with long cinematic cutscenes?

Because that's really all I care about as far as the RPG part of an MMORPG goes.
#234 Mar 30 2013 at 9:20 AM Rating: Default
SWTOR is for you then, it has the best story in any MMO.
#235 Mar 30 2013 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
I'm a Star Wars hipster. I don't like anything that came out after the Zahn trilogy.
#236 Mar 30 2013 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
catwho wrote:
But are they writing a deep and satisfying storyline with long cinematic cutscenes?

Because that's really all I care about as far as the RPG part of an MMORPG goes.

I'm talking about payment models, not game content... I thought I made that clear.
#237 Mar 30 2013 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
The two are intertwined in good game design. The reason I'm willing to pay money (payment model) is for the game content. If the game content is not what I want, I won't even play the game, let alone pay money for it.
#238 Mar 30 2013 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
I don't see how. I don't understand why a story-centric game couldn't use a free-to-play payment model like League of Legends.

I see nothing about that content which somehow requires a subscription model...
#239 Mar 30 2013 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
All the updates you talked about - new classes, new gear, new shinies - those things are fairly easy to make. You can throw a team of graphic designers at it and pay their salaries pretty easily based on how many shinies they designed sell. If the code is done properly, which from the way you've described it sounds like the underlying game engine is fairly robust, then creating a new class and balancing it is easier than you'd believe. It's just numbers and graphics and then running simulations and then tweaking those numbers and graphics until the stuff you're putting in is optimized.

A deep and compelling storyline with cinematic cutscenes requires all of the above (graphic designers, game engineers) as well as a team of writers and a CG artists, doubling the number of people involved. In IT projects, when you toss more bodies into any given project, the amount of time required to complete the project escalates on a logarithmic scale. Putting out new armor every two weeks is doable, putting out a new chunk of storyline every two weeks is considerably more difficult and more expensive.

Could a game designed from the ground up as F2P have a deep and compelling storyline? It's entirely possible. Have I seen it happen yet? No. (SWTOR was not designed as F2P.)
#240 Mar 30 2013 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
I am guessing that it costs more time and money to create all the resources needed for a truly engaging story. More cutscenes, new areas, new enemies, new gear or item rewards, etc. it is cheaper for devs to just make cosmetic items that don't require balancing and sell them from a cash shop.
Thayos Redblade
#241 Mar 30 2013 at 10:34 AM Rating: Default
Look, I don't think either of us is really in a position to say how "easy" or hard it is for develop for League of Legends.

That game has to come up in the free-to-play discussion because it's one of the most popular and profitable games in the world right now, and it's running on a free-to-play model.

The free-to-play model is not inherently bad. I don't know why this needs to be said over and over again when there is multiple examples available.

The only question here is whether Square Enix is competent enough to make a good free-to-play model... and that is a question I can not answer.

Edit: The issue of whether they can make a deep, engaging story with beautiful cutscenes comes down to the money they're making.

The whole point of free-to-play would be to make more money, not less. If they're successful in doing that, it would only result in more content development for the game.

Edited, Mar 30th 2013 12:39pm by Killua125
#242 Mar 30 2013 at 10:41 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
People disagree with you in the F2P model because even if as you said there are multiple examples that its good we have even more examples that it isn't.

The question here isn't if SE is gonna make a competent F2P but " IF SE is gonna go in F2P model at later date" If that is confirmed then we can question if they will make a competent model. With the current info we got nothing shows that it will go F2P after a month in its launch. So for the sake of the company and the players i hope it takes a couple of years or more for SE to think in going F2P.
#243 Mar 30 2013 at 10:43 AM Rating: Default
... as I said.

The point I'm trying to prove is that free-to-play is not inherently bad. In other words, it can be done well.

I even said in my post, the only question is whether Square Enix is competent enough to do it... I'm aware that there are many horrible "free-to-play" models (heavy emphasis on the quotations) as well as good ones.

Edited, Mar 30th 2013 12:45pm by Killua125
#244 Mar 30 2013 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
I also have another question.

... nobody else thinks the whole 'vanity pet' thing is being made with microtransactions in mind?

I could be wrong, but I don't see how they could offer "floating, miniature airships, floating gloves" etc. without breaking the fourth wall and offering it through some kind of microtransaction system.

I would assume there will be vanity pets available in game but does it not seem like a system which was made with microtransactions in mind?
#245 Mar 30 2013 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
catwho wrote:
All the updates you talked about - new classes, new gear, new shinies - those things are fairly easy to make. You can throw a team of graphic designers at it and pay their salaries pretty easily based on how many shinies they designed sell. If the code is done properly, which from the way you've described it sounds like the underlying game engine is fairly robust, then creating a new class and balancing it is easier than you'd believe. It's just numbers and graphics and then running simulations and then tweaking those numbers and graphics until the stuff you're putting in is optimized.

A deep and compelling storyline with cinematic cutscenes requires all of the above (graphic designers, game engineers) as well as a team of writers and a CG artists, doubling the number of people involved. In IT projects, when you toss more bodies into any given project, the amount of time required to complete the project escalates on a logarithmic scale. Putting out new armor every two weeks is doable, putting out a new chunk of storyline every two weeks is considerably more difficult and more expensive.

Could a game designed from the ground up as F2P have a deep and compelling storyline? It's entirely possible. Have I seen it happen yet? No. (SWTOR was not designed as F2P.)

This is a miscomception that i have heard around here a few times, balancing is easy is just numbers etc etc, yet two of the most successful companys have had always problems as far as balancing classes, one is blizzard with it's PVP, and the other one is Legue of Legends, entierly different companys in different genres, with the same problem, i would think if it was as easy as tweaking a number here and there, they would have ridden themselfs of such problems a long time ago, yet every new update from both companys brings fixes and buffs or nerfs to their content in order to balance classes. They are professional programers with what i would think is an infinite more experience than some random posters in some board, and they have not been able to fix this "Easy" balancing problem.... Hmm! Maybe it is not as easy as adding one number here and subtracting another there ?

As far as a deep and compelling storyline, that is entierly subjective, some people claim FFVII has the deepest most compelling storyline, to me is utter garbage, as far as storyline is concerned i can name from the top of my head 5 games with better storylines: Xenogears, Suikoden II, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Cross/Trigger, Arc the lad Series. Also take into account that the golden age of RPG'S was the PSX era, where we had very few CG and cutscenes out of anime/movies, if a game had some they where few and spread around the game, unlike today where 50% of the games are CG and the other 50 is actually playing the game (Xenosaga series is blatant offender of this) this notion that game in order to deliver a compelling storyline needs CG and "AWESOME GRAPHIPCS" is silly and stupid, FFXIV is the MMO with the most pretty graphics, its storyline compared to it's pretty graphics is utter garbage as of today, swotors cartoony engine delivers more storyline per mission that FFXIV would ever hope to acomplish today (Hoping it would change in ARR) ever since the PS2 era, RPGS have seen a drastic drop in quality, because companys figure out, that if you put some shiny graphics and some CG people will buy a title ( XIII is proof of this )

Really name me one PS2 Game or PS3 or Xbox/360 RPG that was better than a top 5-10 RPG from the PSX Era :) and i will name you 3 games from the psp or nds that are better than it, because really good RPGS are no longer in consoles, they are in handhelds, all you get in consoles are games worth a trailer and once you pop the cd on the system and play for 3 hours, you are bored to death with them, or already know whats gonna happen.
#246 Mar 30 2013 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
837 posts
Killua125 wrote:
I also have another question.

... nobody else thinks the whole 'vanity pet' thing is being made with microtransactions in mind?

I could be wrong, but I don't see how they could offer "floating, miniature airships, floating gloves" etc. without breaking the fourth wall and offering it through some kind of microtransaction system.

I would assume there will be vanity pets available in game but does it not seem like a system which was made with microtransactions in mind?

Well it might end up the same way blizzard does it. To be honest if they have microtransaction system to just buy a pet that is absolutely useless its fine by me. Someone wants to pay an extra 15 dollars/euros besides their monthly subscription to get something that just looks "nice"? By all means go for it. If it doesn't give him an advantage to the others i don't care. Also i don't want the game to be flood with those microtransactions. I don't mind a couple of things to go out but they should keep it controlled as Blizzard did (at least until i was still playing, don't know for now).
#247 Mar 30 2013 at 11:11 AM Rating: Default
Teravibe wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
I also have another question.

... nobody else thinks the whole 'vanity pet' thing is being made with microtransactions in mind?

I could be wrong, but I don't see how they could offer "floating, miniature airships, floating gloves" etc. without breaking the fourth wall and offering it through some kind of microtransaction system.

I would assume there will be vanity pets available in game but does it not seem like a system which was made with microtransactions in mind?

Well it might end up the same way blizzard does it. To be honest if they have microtransaction system to just buy a pet that is absolutely useless its fine by me. Someone wants to pay an extra 15 dollars/euros besides their monthly subscription to get something that just looks "nice"? By all means go for it. If it doesn't give him an advantage to the others i don't care. Also i don't want the game to be flood with those microtransactions. I don't mind a couple of things to go out but they should keep it controlled as Blizzard did (at least until i was still playing, don't know for now).

So a subscription WITH microtransaction model is fine, but a free-to-play with microtransaction model will ruin the game?

Nice logic...

Edited, Mar 30th 2013 1:11pm by Killua125
#248 Mar 30 2013 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
It is logical because if its F2P with microtransactions it means all of the games profit will come from microtransactions which means that they will FLOOD the game with them. And as i stated i do not want the game to be flooded with them.

So i believe my logic is quite valid.

Edited, Mar 30th 2013 1:14pm by Teravibe
#249 Mar 30 2013 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
catwho wrote:
There are girls on the Internet, you know. Smiley: motz

Women. There are women on the internet. (Not to be mistaken with camwhores and pornstars)

All 'girls' on the internet are secretly FBI agents looking for @#%^philes and it should never be any other way.

Edited, Mar 30th 2013 1:20pm by Hyrist
#250 Mar 30 2013 at 11:25 AM Rating: Default
Teravibe wrote:
People disagree with you in the F2P model because even if as you said there are multiple examples that its good we have even more examples that it isn't.

The question here isn't if SE is gonna make a competent F2P but " IF SE is gonna go in F2P model at later date" If that is confirmed then we can question if they will make a competent model. With the current info we got nothing shows that it will go F2P after a month in its launch. So for the sake of the company and the players i hope it takes a couple of years or more for SE to think in going F2P.

Most people disagree with him, because they have this notion that P2P equals Great community while F2P equals bottom of the barrel community, which we all know is an utter garbage of an argument, FFXI had a tight knit community, but they where not above any other community as far as douch bags, cry babys, teens, backstabers, ninja looters, drama, LS drama and Botting, neither was the community in WOW, or in any MMORPG. Just because there is a subscription, does not garantee that there will not be a perfect community, and also from personal experience 90% of the time, those people that complain and whine about bad communities, usually are carebear players that cannot take criticism and take the internet way to seriously, or are MMO police, you know like the official forum dwellers, that are there as some sort of SE police branch, cracking down on complainers and reporting everything they do not agree with :/ A community is what you make out of It.

Also please come to your senses people, XIV: Arr will have microtransactions :) To think otherwise is to kid one self, i have been more right about XIV than 90% of you have, and the momment they sold us that gabbou mount, i knew we where gonna have microtransactions in the long run.
#251 Mar 30 2013 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
Teravibe wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
I also have another question.

... nobody else thinks the whole 'vanity pet' thing is being made with microtransactions in mind?

I could be wrong, but I don't see how they could offer "floating, miniature airships, floating gloves" etc. without breaking the fourth wall and offering it through some kind of microtransaction system.

I would assume there will be vanity pets available in game but does it not seem like a system which was made with microtransactions in mind?

Well it might end up the same way blizzard does it. To be honest if they have microtransaction system to just buy a pet that is absolutely useless its fine by me. Someone wants to pay an extra 15 dollars/euros besides their monthly subscription to get something that just looks "nice"? By all means go for it. If it doesn't give him an advantage to the others i don't care. Also i don't want the game to be flood with those microtransactions. I don't mind a couple of things to go out but they should keep it controlled as Blizzard did (at least until i was still playing, don't know for now).

This is what i refeer to as far as there will be microtransactions in ARR! Exactly how they have been handled by Blizzard, and i have no problem with it, as long as is a pet or a mount that gives no buff or any sort of advantage to a player, i have no problem, it worked for blizzard i am sure it will work for SE(As long as their payment method is not some spawn from hell like they always do.)

And that model is far different from a strictly F2P Model.
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