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#327 Apr 01 2013 at 5:39 PM Rating: Default
3,530 posts
catwho wrote:
Wow has great content...

The problem is that almost all of it is obsolete... who wants to run an old instance when it takes less time to outlevel the gear that would drop than to actually run the instance? Any gear worth wearing levels up with your character (so you always have the best equipment until late-game) and is transferred over from your alt. And it's not like raising your crafts from level 1-380 requires any more than a trip to the auction house and an hour of semi-afk crafting... realistically, all WoW has are a few PvP zones and a small handful of the most recent dungeons, both of which you teleport to while just standing in town. ¯\(°_o)/¯
#328 Apr 01 2013 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
412 posts
Killua125 wrote:
I didn't say that, but for some people, every dollar counts, every dollar is budgeted and matters.

If you don't care whether the game is $10, $15, or $18, I can see why you would be totally fine with a subscription model over a free-to-play model.

For some people, the difference between free and subscription is a big deal to them (whether they're short on money or simply frugal; don't be judgemental), and the option to pay as much as you want versus a forced flat fee may be the deciding factor in whether they gave this game a moment of their time.

Edited, Apr 1st 2013 11:58am by Killua125

That I can understand. I have a friend who has a huge family and they all have to work, and to pay for Tera, he did that buy playtime token with in game funds, that someone else paid for. Which is how I found out it existed to begin with. Which is why the only free to play model I (opinion) would be somewhat OK with is that. It's not perfect, and those who chose not to buy tokens for other people will suffer. Catering to people who can't afford stuff, that's an interesting market. Smiley: lol

That being said, the F2P has nothing to do with people's financial struggles. It's about exploiting people's spending habits. I don't believe for a second they are in business to let people enjoy their work for free, because they're going through hard times. No one is judging the the people, sir. A person who's frugal wont spend money on anything anyway. A person who's financially burdened is tempted to spend money they shouldn't be spending. Very sinister indeed. Smiley: dubious

That friend got a better job 3 months ago, so he just finished building his PC for FFXIV because he's excited for it.

KaneKitty wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
... for some people, every dollar counts, every dollar is budgeted and matters.

If that's someone's situation, he or she should be investing money in better ways than MMORPGs (and a computer on which to play them). >_>

Exactly, which is why he *the friend* quit playing FFXIV. The game wan't worth his money just yet, but apparently ARR does. So it's a good thing he sought better means to fund his entertainment.

Killua125 wrote:
Thayos wrote:
I'm just making the point that some people are frugal/careful about how they spend their money... that doesn't make them poor, it makes them smart.

How does only playing games that are free make you smarter than someone who pays to play a different game? Or am I missing something?

I didn't say that. I have paid plenty of subscriptions (for MMORPGs and other services) over the years.

I think someone who makes sure something is up to par and worth their money before spending is smart, though.

So far I'm not sure if ARR is worth a subscription versus free-to-play, but I'm reserving judgement until the later phases of the beta and stuff.

lolgaxe wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
Final Fantasy would not be my entire entertainment budget.
Too expensive? Maybe buckle down, work hard, and your boss at McDonalds will notice and give you a raise.

I don't work at McDonalds, and I would say that your posts are unnecessarily vile. I guess your monthly subscription here just gives you license to be an @#%^ with no repercussions, and I don't want to be a member of a "pay-to-troll" forum model.

You claim to champion the frugal, the poor, but in the end, it's always been your lack of interest in the FFXIV ARR product. I don't think you should spend your money on it either. It's not for you, just accept it and move on. I don't think it should be free so you can torture yourself with something that doesn't satisfy you. Seek pleasure elsewhere. It's for your own 'happyness.'

Edited, Apr 1st 2013 8:14pm by GDLYL
#329 Apr 01 2013 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
catwho wrote:
You know, I'm normally an amazingly tolerant person, but deliberately getting my gender pronoun wrong is one of the few things that really sticks in my craw.

Must resist the urge to make a completely tasteless joke about the tolerance of your craw and what you put in it...

Does it bother you as much as the lowercase c at the beginning of your name? Smiley: sly

Sort of on topic...

People are going hamburger on the money issue here. Whether or not it's worth it is relative to the person. Unless they're just flat *** broke, it's more about their threshold for what is or isn't entertaining then it is about what they can afford. There are people who will dig through their couch to scrape together what's needed to keep their MMO sub going and there are people who could light cigars with hundred dollar bills that don't think a game is worth the cost of the packaging.

The only other thing I really see factoring into the equation (and consequently, the main reason myself and probably others feel the F2P/B2P/P2P topic is still valid) are the alternatives. If XIV wants to be successful then they're going to have to provide a more entertaining(again, relative) subscription service than some of their competition are providing at lesser or no charge at all. I think it's going to be the biggest snag in SEs plan to revive the game and it's complicated by the stigma of a failed launch, the amount of time it's taken to apply the changes, the question of how much of an impact those changes will actually make and a few other things.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#330 Apr 01 2013 at 8:17 PM Rating: Excellent
9,997 posts
The forum finally gets a catfight brewing and we don't even get to see bewbz. I'm just saying, they've been shown for less.
#331 Apr 01 2013 at 8:40 PM Rating: Default
KaneKitty wrote:
catwho wrote:
Wow has great content...

The problem is that almost all of it is obsolete... who wants to run an old instance when it takes less time to outlevel the gear that would drop than to actually run the instance? Any gear worth wearing levels up with your character (so you always have the best equipment until late-game) and is transferred over from your alt. And it's not like raising your crafts from level 1-380 requires any more than a trip to the auction house and an hour of semi-afk crafting... realistically, all WoW has are a few PvP zones and a small handful of the most recent dungeons, both of which you teleport to while just standing in town. ¯\(°_o)/¯

The problem to Who ? Considering they have the largest player base out of all P2P MMO, and have been on top for years upon years, if this was or where a problem it would have been adressed Accordingly. The fact is that it is up to the player on how he decides to play the game, not for developers to dictate how the game is supposed to be played, if a player wants to sit on a city and que up from level 1 to 90 then he can do that, but if a player wants to go out and explore and do dungeons, or questing or anything of the sort the same option is there for him to do It. The more options the Better :)
#332 Apr 01 2013 at 9:55 PM Rating: Excellent
I once asked about getting the lower case c changed to a proper upper case C, and I was told at the time it could not be done. Maybe that has changed and some kind mod will take pity one me, perhaps when I ding 16K posts? Smiley: nod

There will be no bewbz. Sorry.
#333 Apr 01 2013 at 10:15 PM Rating: Excellent
9,997 posts
Fine! Probably past their prime anyway.

Smiley: clown
#334 Apr 02 2013 at 12:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Where's Usagi when you need him?
Thayos Redblade
#335 Apr 02 2013 at 12:49 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
catwho wrote:
Wow has great content, if you can get past the graphics anyway. I couldn't. I just couldn't get past the deliberate avoidance of realism in favor of the cartoony style. I deleted my gnome before I ever left the free trial.

I went walking in the botanical gardens with my husband today. Something about the feeling of the woods was really familiar, like it was deja vu. Then I took another look around, and realized that it looked exactly how they've redone the Shroud. I literally stopped in my tracks and just stood there in wonder, that they did such a damn good job replicating a forest in a video game that I got deja vu from standing in the actual location it was modeled off (or a forest just like it.)

***** content, I want a nice place I can take a virtual picnic lunch and enjoy the view sometimes Smiley: lol FFXI had quite a few amazing spots like that, like the waterfall in Misareaux Coast, or Empyreal Paradox.

Well to be honest here i never thought that the cartoony style would be a problem. I can see people wanting to have good graphics and all but for me it doesn't matter. Cartoon style graphics give a different feeling in games for me. No wonder i love the game Curse of the Monkey island (if you don't know this awesome adventure shame on you!!). So in general i am the exact opposite of you. I say ***** graphics as long as i can have good content.
#336 Apr 02 2013 at 1:58 AM Rating: Default
F2P was never about being poor, it was about having the choice. Hell some of the players under free to play pay vastly more than anyone does in a p2p game, some pay nothing but again it's the choice.

I spend more on my current MMO under f2p than I did when it was p2p and have no issues doing so, playing an mmo is already dirt cheap entertainment.

However it's really nice to know that if you lose your job or some big bill comes you can skip a month or two and still have your entertainment there for you. Pay to play, you are no longer a customer and no longer have access to your account if you don't put that sub up.

Also I have to say that given that FFXIV ARR doesn't want to innovate on anything and is just going to be a basic wow clone it's not good for it that Bless MMO looks more like a FF game than it does now, the graphics and ingame events will be bigger and better too given that it's going to be pc exclusive. PS2 held back the development team in what they could and couldn't add (because they will never make exclusive content) and ps3 limitations will be the same for this game.

Look at this race image, which shows just how close it is to XIV.

Bless to me looks like a ripoff of FFXIV done right, even the races are almost identical lol Bless however looks exciting to play to me.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2013 4:01am by preludes
#337 Apr 02 2013 at 2:10 AM Rating: Default
1,102 posts
I'll agree their artistic styles look similar.. the game play didn't look all that similar to me. Also, they play style looked boring to me. But that is all about preference.

it's the choice.

I agree with this kind of, though I think I said it earlier in this post. (Or maybe another)

IF FFXIV went to a F2P system in the future, I would hope that it would be one like Tera Online has, where you can still have a subscription to the game if you choose to, and you gain benefits that non-subscribers don't get. Of course there is a lot more to hash out than just that, but I believe that this particular notion would be beneficial.
#338 Apr 02 2013 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,153 posts
Bless to me looks like a ripoff of FFXIV done right, even the races are almost identical lol Bless however looks exciting to play to me.

Whoa. I guess they are lucky race design does not fall under copyright infringements. That`s incredible.
#339 Apr 02 2013 at 4:37 AM Rating: Good
412 posts
Well, releasing it for ps3 gives people an option as well who aren't typically PC gamers. Since you're big on choice. I feel negatively about "limitations" as well. I know better though.

Man, that game looks good. Lol, it does look like FFXIV too. Battle is something my picky *** can cosign with too. I guess all that remains is the story/lore. That was a boss I presume, looked passable. Can't really say I found anything negative about that showing.

You should probably invest in Bless. It might deliver what you're seeking.
#340 Apr 02 2013 at 6:14 AM Rating: Excellent
catwho wrote:
I once asked about getting the lower case c changed to a proper upper case C, and I was told at the time it could not be done. Maybe that has changed and some kind mod will take pity one me, perhaps when I ding 16K posts? Smiley: nod

There will be no bewbz. Sorry.

Darqflame is the mistress of all things name related. You can try emailing her at and see what she says, not sure why they would tell you that it was unavailable, unless for some reason there is a Catwho registered already...
#341 Apr 02 2013 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
catwho wrote:
There will be no bewbz.

This was posted on the first of April. Never give up hope Kachi Smiley: lol

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#342 Apr 02 2013 at 8:11 AM Rating: Excellent
1,673 posts
Wint wrote:
catwho wrote:
I once asked about getting the lower case c changed to a proper upper case C, and I was told at the time it could not be done. Maybe that has changed and some kind mod will take pity one me, perhaps when I ding 16K posts? Smiley: nod

There will be no bewbz. Sorry.

Darqflame is the mistress of all things name related. You can try emailing her at and see what she says, not sure why they would tell you that it was unavailable, unless for some reason there is a Catwho registered already...

My name used to be geffe and Darqflame was able to change it to Geffe. Send her an email like Wint said.
#343 Apr 02 2013 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
Thanks for the suggestion, guys. Sent an email!
#344 Apr 02 2013 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
preludes wrote:
However it's really nice to know that if you lose your job or some big bill comes you can skip a month or two and still have your entertainment there for you. Pay to play, you are no longer a customer and no longer have access to your account if you don't put that sub up.

The most expensive of subs to an MMO are 50 cents a day or less. If you can't make that, it's a wonder you can afford a rig, internet access or even electricity for an F2P.
#345 Apr 02 2013 at 7:58 PM Rating: Good
Just watched the Blessed trailer. The combat looks just about as flashy as it does in ARR (for better or for worse) and has more or less the same pacing. The much maligned "jump" feature was also used by that Berserker. Smiley: lol The way the ground crumbled underneath his attacks was frickin' cool, though! I'm assuming that's a late game instance, judging by the badass armor and the fact that you're dropped into a large battle.

What I can't get over is how awkward and unnatural everyone looks when standing or walking, NPC or PC. The ranger's hip was stuck out so far it looked painful. When talking and watching sh*t go down, the girl near the beginning had the emotional range of Kristin Stewart. Everyone's arms are just kind of dangling by their sides unless they are fighting. (The Elf paladin chick was the best out of the bunch by far.)

Disclaimer: I watched the trailer with the sound off because the husband had anime on the TV.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2013 9:59pm by catwho
#346 Apr 02 2013 at 10:13 PM Rating: Default
3,530 posts
Rinsui wrote:
[quote]Bless to me looks like a ripoff of FFXIV done right, even the races are almost identical lol Bless however looks exciting to play to me.

Might I recommend some other top-quality games to you such as Super Mole Kart, Minecroft, and Assassin's Credence? They're all such vibrant and interesting games; I don't know how the respective companies come up with so many good ideas -- and so quickly, at that!

And, in the case of Bless, nothing spells quality like Korean game company NEOWIZ GAMES, right? Smiley: rolleyes
#347 Apr 03 2013 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
KaneKitty wrote:
Rinsui wrote:
[quote]Bless to me looks like a ripoff of FFXIV done right, even the races are almost identical lol Bless however looks exciting to play to me.

Might I recommend some other top-quality games to you such as Super Mole Kart, Minecroft, and Assassin's Credence? They're all such vibrant and interesting games; I don't know how the respective companies come up with so many good ideas -- and so quickly, at that!

And, in the case of Bless, nothing spells quality like Korean game company NEOWIZ GAMES, right? Smiley: rolleyes

Considering you are posting in a forum relating to a SE game..... Quality might be one of those things you do not want to knock another company for not having.

I mean SE & Quality together in the same sentence ? What is this 1997 ?
#348 Apr 03 2013 at 12:42 AM Rating: Default
2,153 posts
I mean SE & Quality together in the same sentence ? What is this 1997 ?

In a roundhouse-kick mood again, are we? The SE style after the 16-bit era may not have appealed to you, but many disagree.
Though arguably lacking titles to rival Crono Cross or SoM, most of their titles still were well above average.
#349 Apr 03 2013 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
3,530 posts
Ostia wrote:
Considering you are posting in a forum relating to a SE game..... Quality might be one of those things you do not want to knock another company for not having.

I mean SE & Quality together in the same sentence ? What is this 1997 ?

Touché, though at the same time SE can at least design their own characters instead of making a painfully blatant kniock-offs...
#350 Apr 03 2013 at 11:05 AM Rating: Default
Rinsui wrote:
I mean SE & Quality together in the same sentence ? What is this 1997 ?

In a roundhouse-kick mood again, are we? The SE style after the 16-bit era may not have appealed to you, but many disagree.
Though arguably lacking titles to rival Crono Cross or SoM, most of their titles still were well above average.

This is where you try to counter my argument by making my argument, Square was never "Above Avarage" it was as close to perfection as it could possibly be, the argument that they now are atleast not as horrible as let's for example say "Neverland/Capcom or Konami" is as insulting as my comment :)

As for characters, in their main series ? Sure, on MMO'S ? Yeah Elvan are not elves... Humes are not humans... Gelka are not some humanoid over large race that we had never seen up to XI.... Right!
#351 Apr 03 2013 at 12:36 PM Rating: Excellent
660 posts
God, I seriously cannot wait for the game to come out so everyone can actually have something different to talk about. Every "new" thread devolves into the same things.
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