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#127 Mar 27 2013 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
2,153 posts
Even if the game does go with the subscription model, it's going to also include microtransactions in some form. That's the state of gaming, and Square Enix is after a profit. They didn't remake this whole game for sh*ts and giggles. They're trying to make some money off it.

Oh come on. It's been fun until now, and it actually sounded like a real discussion - but more and more it looks like
you are trying really, really hard to argue for the sake of arguing. Most of the active writers here at Allakhazam do
not like the idea of a microtransaction-funded game. We also explained several times that microstransaction on top
of a subscription model is a complete no-go. We also explained SE may have made some mistakes, but they are not
lunatic; especially since the Japanese playerbase (my personal impression) is just as much against microtransactions
as we here are. We also explained how microtransaction games attract a whole lot of undesirables, which is just one of
so many reasons why many of us would simply take our money somewhere else if SE, by some miracle, should shift
its stance. Guy, what do you want? It's getting boring, Mr. poubelle2.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 5:33pm by Rinsui
#128 Mar 27 2013 at 3:21 PM Rating: Default
Atkascha wrote:
I'm not trying to force my opinion on you. I just don't understand.

Even if the game does go with the subscription model, it's going to also include microtransactions in some form. That's the state of gaming, and Square Enix is after a profit. They didn't remake this whole game for sh*ts and giggles. They're trying to make some money off it.

So... would you rather a subscription-based game with microtransactions, or a free game with microtransactions?

I don't understand why you're making these arguments. It is understandable to note that microtransactions are the in-thing in gaming right now (imagine my shock when AC3's multiplayer included them), but until we get the fine print stating that they will be in the game, it's misleading to assert that they will be there. Not every game has them. S-E are not greedy, given their current track record with years-long development cycles, multiple sequels to games (i.e. FFXIII) that received a lot of negative attention, and the complete revamp of FFXIV. S-E are in this for the fans. The developers, including Yoshi himself have expressed regret over taking the FF brand for granted, assuming that we will buy their products as long as they slap some fancy graphics and decent characters in.

If you're set on the belief that F2P games are superior, this is not the right game for you. S-E have stated that they will be sticking with P2P--check out the articles out on the web if you don't believe me.

JAJAJAJA! Omg! Are people seriously this Stupid ? I mean REALLY ? SE is not greedy ? FF Dimensions, FFXIII-2, FF All the bravest, FF Crystal chronicles(All of them jesus) Those are titles strictly made to get $$$, their quality is not only horrible, but they have little Final Fantasy in them, just the Name. Also SE is a company, if you think a company is not out to make money, but to bring fans joy and rainbows, please jump off a bridge and save the gene pool.

Also this notion that because they have not said something it wont happen is dumb, they have not told anybody that genji gear will be in the game, but i am sure it will be eventually, micro transactions are the law of the land, hell the ugly giant mount we got, was a micro transaction of sorts :)
#129 Mar 27 2013 at 3:38 PM Rating: Default
144 posts
Lol they are greedy.. But THAT greedy? Idk I think your reaching.. Sub fee with microtransactions? Lol SE would have to have some BIG BALLS to try and get its customers to do that! Yeah thats not realistic at all Ostia
#130 Mar 27 2013 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
Rinsui wrote:
Even if the game does go with the subscription model, it's going to also include microtransactions in some form. That's the state of gaming, and Square Enix is after a profit. They didn't remake this whole game for sh*ts and giggles. They're trying to make some money off it.

Oh come on. It's been fun until now, and it actually sounded like a real discussion - but more and more it looks like
you are trying really, really hard to argue for the sake of arguing. Most of the active writers here at Allakhazam do
not like the idea of a microtransaction-funded game. We also explained several times that microstransaction on top
of a subscription model is a complete no-go. We also explained SE may have made some mistakes, but they are not
lunatic; especially since the Japanese playerbase (my personal impression) is just as much against microtransactions
as we here are. We also explained how microtransaction games attract a whole lot of undesirables, which is just one of
so many reasons why many of us would simply take our money somewhere else if SE, by some miracle, should shift
its stance. Guy, what do you want? It's getting boring, Mr. poubelle2.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 5:33pm by Rinsui

Smiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lol[:lol:][:lol:][:lol:]

Tifa! Lulu! X-2! SE has never used females.... Like EVER!.... More like They where pretty much the first ones with Tifa :) I mean like seriously X-2 Does exist, is not some nighmare we had and we woke up and never happened [:lol:]

Also microtransactions are not bad, look at WOW, it has some microtransactions, and they are filthy Rich!
#131 Mar 27 2013 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
Ostia wrote:
Rinsui wrote:
Even if the game does go with the subscription model, it's going to also include microtransactions in some form. That's the state of gaming, and Square Enix is after a profit. They didn't remake this whole game for sh*ts and giggles. They're trying to make some money off it.

Oh come on. It's been fun until now, and it actually sounded like a real discussion - but more and more it looks like
you are trying really, really hard to argue for the sake of arguing. Most of the active writers here at Allakhazam do
not like the idea of a microtransaction-funded game. We also explained several times that microstransaction on top
of a subscription model is a complete no-go. We also explained SE may have made some mistakes, but they are not
lunatic; especially since the Japanese playerbase (my personal impression) is just as much against microtransactions
as we here are. We also explained how microtransaction games attract a whole lot of undesirables, which is just one of
so many reasons why many of us would simply take our money somewhere else if SE, by some miracle, should shift
its stance. Guy, what do you want? It's getting boring, Mr. poubelle2.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 5:33pm by Rinsui

Smiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lol[:lol:][:lol:][:lol:]

Tifa! Lulu! X-2! SE has never used females.... Like EVER!.... More like They where pretty much the first ones with Tifa :) I mean like seriously X-2 Does exist, is not some nighmare we had and we woke up and never happened [:lol:]

Also microtransactions are not bad, look at WOW, it has some microtransactions, and they are filthy Rich!

LOLOL!!! That IS true though LOL! omg I had forgoten about X-2! Dead or Alive got their Breast functions from SE ;)
#132 Mar 27 2013 at 3:44 PM Rating: Default
AlexandEric wrote:
Lol they are greedy.. But THAT greedy? Idk I think your reaching.. Sub fee with microtransactions? Lol SE would have to have some BIG BALLS to try and get its customers to do that! Yeah thats not realistic at all Ostia

Yeah because they did not had the BALLS! To make us pay for an unplayable unfinished product called XIV! If i recall correctly their statement said that even if NOBODY signed up for the sub they WOULD continue ahead with the creating of ARR! Yet they where so kind as to ask us for money they obviously did not need, i mean if you are gonna go anyways and make ARR from out of your own pocket because you feel like you let us down, why ask for OUR MONEY ?

Seriously SE is a company, people act like they would have come out and said "FFXIV was a subpar ******* and is beneath the FF Name!" Even if FFXIV had sold 50 billion copies the first day as it was at release... Jesus get real people Smiley: lol
#133 Mar 27 2013 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
Wint wrote:

You can quote me on this, if XIV ever goes FTP and there isn't a subscription only model still available (that gets me everything the FTP'ers have access to), I will quit the game, end of story.

Same for me .. I quit ARR the day it announces F2P.

Doesnt matter to me how the F2P is done what items are sold in cash shop or if everyone is on same footing. Heck I would even be among the first ones who spent 500 euros in few months in cash shop but no thank you.
I JUST WONT play any F2P game no matter what ... major reason because it is opened to every kid, troll, idiot, noob and bot. Same in real life, I would quit the best gym in the world or whatever, after it goes free to acess just because I dont want to train with these people all around me.

F2P = uninstall. I dont care how super awesome f2p model it is, not even a little.

+ I am not homeless guy on wealthfare who seek free stuff ^^

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 6:57pm by Waiwan
#134 Mar 27 2013 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm sure a lot of people would like that "damn white knight admin on zam" to up and quit, I see Preludes and Poubelle praying for it every night before bed Smiley: laugh
#135 Mar 27 2013 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
1,102 posts
I'm sorry, I agree with a lot of the points on both sides of the f2p argument, but it seems like everyone is being way too dramatic about if the game went f2p. There are MANY benefits to a f2p community, especially one that still offers a subscription. A big one being that new players are more inclined to show up, try the game; and if they're anything like me - when they like the game they will pay for the subscription for the additional benefits it offers. This also offers more people to meet, adventure with, and what have you.

I am not saying there are no downsides, I am just saying that dismissing it entirely like it would be the end of all days if it happened is silly, and pretty damn hypocritical. The game doesn't HAVE to be only subscription based to be successful.

Not to mention the game is going to be kickass anyway, so we won't need to worry about f2p.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 5:56pm by Ryklin
#136 Mar 27 2013 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
Ostia wrote:
"Here at SE we care about the Final Fantasy Brand! We Respect It!"

Releases XIII..... "Well see that sold, lets shove this female cloud down their throats all while we laugh on our way down the bank"

"We know our games have not been quality the last few years but we are gonna fix that BELIEVE IT!"

Hey you toriyama, make XIII-2, just rehash the areas, use the same monsters, and just make a stupid story, WHO CARES IF IT MAKES NO SENSE DUDE TIME PARADOX BRAH!

"We at SE want you all to know we take the Final Fantasy legacy very serious.... How many times do we have to say it guys ? for reals is SERIOUS!"

Hey you monkey go make me a final fantasy for phones.... WHO CARES IF IS WORST THAN ANYTHING WE HAVE EVER RELESED!! Just name it Final Fantasy something man, and it will sell, sh*t with the name alone we can just charge $20 and call it a day.... Jesus just call it Final Fantasy Dimension and GET ON IT!!!! Oh and also make me a game where there is no strategy, no deepth no story, just random battles and the kicker will be that we will charge them money to unlock FF Main characters, yeah yeah another great idea, if you pay us money, it will be totally random Muahahaha You might spend 50 dollars and never see Cloud! Muahaha THIS SUCKERS!

..... SE..... Is beyond raping Final Fantasy.....

My blood pressure just increased a bit
#137 Mar 27 2013 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Ryklin the Malevolent wrote:

[quote=Ryklin the Malevolent]I'm sorry, I agree with a lot of the points on both sides of the f2p argument, but it seems like everyone is being way too dramatic about if the game went f2p. There are MANY benefits to a f2p community, especially one that still offers a subscription. A big one being that new players are more inclined to show up, try the game; and if they're anything like me - when they like the game they will pay for the subscription for the additional benefits it offers. This also offers more people to meet, adventure with, and what have you.

I am not saying there are no downsides, I am just saying that dismissing it entirely like it would be the end of all days if it happened is silly, and pretty damn hypocritical. The game doesn't HAVE to be only subscription based to be successful.

Not to mention the game is going to be kickass anyway, so we won't need to worry about f2p.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 5:56pm by Ryklin

Why should I care f2p brings new players? Huh? For me one full server is enought. (Most of them would be trolls and unwanted players anyways, who plays it just because its f2p)
If ARR fails to keep p2p players playing and go f2p just because of it .. why should p2p players stick with fail game for sake of being f2p when they were willing to pay subscription. P2P going F2P means it failed in something .. bye bye

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 7:07pm by Waiwan
#138 Mar 27 2013 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,102 posts
Waiwan wrote:
Ryklin the Malevolent wrote:

[quote=Ryklin the Malevolent]I'm sorry, I agree with a lot of the points on both sides of the f2p argument, but it seems like everyone is being way too dramatic about if the game went f2p. There are MANY benefits to a f2p community, especially one that still offers a subscription. A big one being that new players are more inclined to show up, try the game; and if they're anything like me - when they like the game they will pay for the subscription for the additional benefits it offers. This also offers more people to meet, adventure with, and what have you.

I am not saying there are no downsides, I am just saying that dismissing it entirely like it would be the end of all days if it happened is silly, and pretty damn hypocritical. The game doesn't HAVE to be only subscription based to be successful.

Not to mention the game is going to be kickass anyway, so we won't need to worry about f2p.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 5:56pm by Ryklin

Why should I care f2p brings new players? Huh? For me one full server is enought. But if games fail to keep p2p players playing and go f2p just because of it .. why should anyone stick with game for sake of being f2p when he was willing to pay subscription, i am not that kind of player .. I am willing to pay 100 euros for subscription but I am not willing to play f2p just because its free.

You should care that it brings more players because players are needed for the MMO part of an MMOrpg. Also, players are needed for the success everyone desperately wants. I didn't understand the rest of your post, but someone would be willing to pay for the subscription on a f2p MMO for the additional perks it offers. When it's done properly, these incentives can be well worth keeping a subscription on a f2p mmo. The point is, you have options.
#139 Mar 27 2013 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
230 posts
F2P isnt the end of the world.. But if FFXIV goes F2P I will quit. Even if it is decent. Its the principle! Playing with my P2P model is like playing with my emotions.. lol
#140 Mar 27 2013 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
Waiwan wrote:
Wint wrote:

You can quote me on this, if XIV ever goes FTP and there isn't a subscription only model still available (that gets me everything the FTP'ers have access to), I will quit the game, end of story.

Same for me .. I quit ARR the day it announces F2P.

Doesnt matter to me how the F2P is done what items are sold in cash shop or if everyone is on same footing. Heck I would even be among the first ones who spent 500 euros in few months in cash shop but no thank you.
I JUST WONT play any F2P game no matter what ... major reason because it is opened to every kid, troll, idiot, noob and bot. Same in real life, I would quit the best gym in the world or whatever, after it goes free to acess just because I dont want to train with these people all around me.

F2P = uninstall. I dont care how super awesome f2p model it is, not even a little.

+ I am not homeless guy on wealthfare who seek free stuff ^^

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 6:57pm by Waiwan

This is where the argument gets strange. So if the F2P model is PERFECT and everyone is on equal ground, the game is great, whatever, you STILL won't play, simply because it's not forcing you to pay?

This is where people always lose me in this debate. It has ALWAYS boiled downed to this when the conversation comes up, whether it be about FFXI or FFXIV. It doesn't matter how it's done, free is automatically bad -

because these so-called "undesirables" will be on the same server as you? Lighten up, sheesh.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 7:18pm by Killua125
#141 Mar 27 2013 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,102 posts
Killua125 wrote:
. It doesn't matter how it's done, free is automatically bad.

Then this is not a problem with the game or the company. This is a problem with the specific player.
#142 Mar 27 2013 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
How about a free 30 day trial? Most subscription games offer this. The F2P model is just an extension of the concept.
#143 Mar 27 2013 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
Killua125 wrote:

This is where the argument gets strange. So if the F2P model is PERFECT and everyone is on equal ground, the game is great, whatever, you STILL won't play, simply because it's not forcing you to pay?

This is where people always lose me in this debate. It has ALWAYS boiled downed to this when the conversation comes up, whether it be about FFXI or FFXIV. It doesn't matter how it's done, free is automatically bad -

because these so-called "undesirables" will be on the same server as you? Lighten up, sheesh.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 7:18pm by Killua125

I wont play it for few simple reasons ..
First because its free and I have money to pay for game that didnt fail and didnt have to go free

Second because it allow trolls, kids, casuals, unwanted players, bots play alongside with me (in much greater numbers than P2P) and yes when I play mmorpg 12+ hours a day because its really big hobby for me, it is really important what players are playing on mine server, yes mine server. You would live in country, city where you meet thousands of idiots, retards, trolls everywhere you go?? Not me .. but we are not the same

F2P mmorpgs have no value for me. I am just not willing to play 12 hours a day in free mmorpg .. I am not looking for just ''game'' where i spend time when bored, I am looking for mmorpg which I will love and enjoy playing everyday for years.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 7:45pm by Waiwan
#144 Mar 27 2013 at 5:36 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't think I'd immediately quit if FFXIV went F2P, but I would definitely lose a lot of interest, and I'd probably quickly fade out.

I just don't believe in paying real money for meaningless, cosmetic items... and I'm fundamentally against paying real money just to access actual, real content (such as meaningful gear, dungeon access, etc) that should be included with a flat monthly fee.

So, if FFXIV went F2P, then I'd just play whatever the "free" version allowed, and nothing more... which means I wouldn't be able to enjoy the game to the fullest, which means I'd probably soon leave.
Thayos Redblade
#145 Mar 27 2013 at 6:01 PM Rating: Excellent
For me, P2P is a measure of quality, not only of the service offered, but also of the reset of the community. There's a reason charges $30 a month while Craigslist is pay per ad.

Server populations are a delicate balancing act. You want enough people on a server so that there are folks to do things with, but you don't want so many people that there are literally 100 people also trying to catch the same NM you are. (Anyone that played in old school XI HNMs remembers the Bad Old Days in Dragon's Aery...)

I'll play a F2P game if it follows the model I came up with, where the micro transactions are for access to extra game time, and paid subscribers don't have to deal with that ****.
#146 Mar 27 2013 at 6:03 PM Rating: Excellent
599 posts
Is anyone posting here not going to play FFXIV:ARR because Yoshi has said it will be P2P? I'd really like to collect some data on the types of people who are most upset it is P2P. All this chatter has me curious. I also wonder if Yoshi hasn't seen similar statistics and based his decision off said data.

I also find it curious that even though many MMOs in the last couple years have gone F2P many started out P2P. If F2P is superior why do all these games keep attempting to have a go at P2P?

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 8:05pm by kainsilv
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#147 Mar 27 2013 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
Killua125 wrote:
Waiwan wrote:
Wint wrote:

You can quote me on this, if XIV ever goes FTP and there isn't a subscription only model still available (that gets me everything the FTP'ers have access to), I will quit the game, end of story.

Same for me .. I quit ARR the day it announces F2P.

Doesnt matter to me how the F2P is done what items are sold in cash shop or if everyone is on same footing. Heck I would even be among the first ones who spent 500 euros in few months in cash shop but no thank you.
I JUST WONT play any F2P game no matter what ... major reason because it is opened to every kid, troll, idiot, noob and bot. Same in real life, I would quit the best gym in the world or whatever, after it goes free to acess just because I dont want to train with these people all around me.

F2P = uninstall. I dont care how super awesome f2p model it is, not even a little.

+ I am not homeless guy on wealthfare who seek free stuff ^^

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 6:57pm by Waiwan

This is where the argument gets strange. So if the F2P model is PERFECT and everyone is on equal ground, the game is great, whatever, you STILL won't play, simply because it's not forcing you to pay?

This is where people always lose me in this debate. It has ALWAYS boiled downed to this when the conversation comes up, whether it be about FFXI or FFXIV. It doesn't matter how it's done, free is automatically bad -

because these so-called "undesirables" will be on the same server as you? Lighten up, sheesh.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 7:18pm by Killua125

When has it ever been nothing more than P2W? As it stands FtP ends up P2W.. So yeah the day it happends I will quit. I dont see how it can ever be profitable without going p2w.. The point of the microtrans shops is that whatever it is selling entice you to buy it. Simple cosmetic grabs in shop that can only be bought are not very enticing and would not generate much profit to be an optional plan.. If it gets people ahead of the average joe THEN people will want it.. and THAT is when it would have a better chance.. any other way just dont see it being profitable.
#148 Mar 27 2013 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Ostia wrote:
"Here at SE we care about the Final Fantasy Brand! We Respect It!"

Releases XIII..... "Well see that sold, lets shove this female cloud down their throats all while we laugh on our way down the bank"

"We know our games have not been quality the last few years but we are gonna fix that BELIEVE IT!"

Hey you toriyama, make XIII-2, just rehash the areas, use the same monsters, and just make a stupid story, WHO CARES IF IT MAKES NO SENSE DUDE TIME PARADOX BRAH!

"We at SE want you all to know we take the Final Fantasy legacy very serious.... How many times do we have to say it guys ? for reals is SERIOUS!"

Hey you monkey go make me a final fantasy for phones.... WHO CARES IF IS WORST THAN ANYTHING WE HAVE EVER RELESED!! Just name it Final Fantasy something man, and it will sell, sh*t with the name alone we can just charge $20 and call it a day.... Jesus just call it Final Fantasy Dimension and GET ON IT!!!! Oh and also make me a game where there is no strategy, no deepth no story, just random battles and the kicker will be that we will charge them money to unlock FF Main characters, yeah yeah another great idea, if you pay us money, it will be totally random Muahahaha You might spend 50 dollars and never see Cloud! Muahaha THIS SUCKERS!

..... SE..... Is beyond raping Final Fantasy.....

Personally, I liked the FFXIII series so far. The only thing I didn't like about XIII is the fact that the world was so linear. In XIII-2, they did a much better job. I think the story made sense. They only thing that didn't make sense is the fact they expected their customers to pay for DLC just to see a proper ending to the story. That wasn't a smart move by any means. I don't know the exact numbers, and maybe I'm mistaken, but I'm pretty sure XIII-2 has sold the most copies of any FF game for a long while now. I'm pretty much to the point that the old school FF fans simply wont be happy with the FF's they release nowadays. The franchise has been in a long trend of becoming more and more action based and we see it in the battle system. I guess they are trying to classify the games as an "action rpg" while staying true to their roots, but many of their player base simply doesn't like the way they implement it.

Overall, in my personal opinion, I think that the recent FF games have been a success. The thing, I think, they are running into is the fact that they've changed the games so much over their long span that their fans are coming in at different times and they feel like a "Final Fantasy" game should be just like the game where they entered at. As this keeps going on, they continue changing the games and people continue to form different ideas of what "Final Fantasy" should be and they feel the backlash. We, as a FF community, are very passionate about the franchise and it's obvious that we all want it to succeed. It just seems like we all have different ideas of how it should be as opposed to how the company keeps doing it. I'm happy as long as they have a halfway decent story, with randomish battles and an immersive world. They've succeeded in my book with all of those.

EDIT: Removed extra part of quote that showed up twice.

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 8:14pm by swisa
#149 Mar 27 2013 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
Eh, there are many F2P games that are only free for limited access. e.g., you can get to level 20 F2P--after that you have to subscribe. But there's also some pretty strong evidence to suggest that demos are actually bad for games, and as this is essentially a demo, it could be bad. Also a bit different than a demo, however, because you don't actually lose progress by paying for the game. Tough call, really.
#150 Mar 27 2013 at 6:11 PM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
kainsilv wrote:
Is anyone posting here not going to play FFXIV:ARR because Yoshi has said it will be P2P? I'd really like to collect some data on the types of people who are most upset it is P2P. All this chatter has me curious. I also wonder if Yoshi hasn't seen similar statistics and based his decision off said data.

I also find it curious that even though many MMOs in the last couple years have gone F2P many started out P2P. If F2P is superior why do all these games keep attempting to have a go at P2P?

Edited, Mar 27th 2013 8:05pm by kainsilv

ooh i second that. Honestly I dont mind F2p with some games.. But like wint andothers have said repeatedly.. F2P is where games go to die lol. Almost every FtP game I have played has been low quality and none have empressed me like FFXI or even FFXIV 1.x.. That is truth. I have the utmost confidence that ARR is going to be the shiz.. I dont care for all the little avatars that follow you around and all the crazy mounts.. seems like a little much. But I cant hate on them for taking some of the successful features of other games.. But FtP.. Just cant do it captain..
#151 Mar 27 2013 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
230 posts
Kachi wrote:
Eh, there are many F2P games that are only free for limited access. e.g., you can get to level 20 F2P--after that you have to subscribe. But there's also some pretty strong evidence to suggest that demos are actually bad for games, and as this is essentially a demo, it could be bad. Also a bit different than a demo, however, because you don't actually lose progress by paying for the game. Tough call, really.

[sm]Small Text[/sm]

See now something like that I dont think i would mind so much. But just straight FtP day 1.. Just dont sit right with me.
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