Yunchang wrote:
I'm just ambivalent on the video; it didn't drive me into rage-mode, or cause orgasmic waves of joy. I just saw it thought, "Hmm, that's nice. Anyways..."
If the game ends up being not-fun to play, then having magitek in it won't make me like it. If the game is fantastic, the magitek being a shout-out to FFVI won't drive me nuts. It's more or less irrelevant to my opinion on the game at this time.
To be fair, I really like FFVI; it overtook FFIV as my favorite as I got older. This isn't FFVI though, it's FFXIV; it'll have to stand or fall on its own merit, and all the easter eggs you can cram in won't make it not-FFXIV.
In the same vein. I take to FFVI's flavor of Magitek like some people enjoy steampunk (And it's pretty much the same genre.) I like that Anamo style of design and artwork. I did when they made Dragoon AF to fit to its standards too. To me, its a step in the right direction, mixing a bit of the old in with the new - and the little bit of FFVI fanservice to pay homage to the game the mount came from was endearing.
No, it won't make or break the game - but I appreciate the shout-out to my childhood all the same.
I don't expect full on character cameos, unless they were featured in like a Gold Saucer Arena mode or something. That would be cool.