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Legacy VS New Server for the new player Pros and ConsFollow

#1 Apr 30 2013 at 6:15 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
I'm sure that I am not the only one in the boat of being a new player deciding whether to join a legacy or fresh server. I was hoping to start a serious dialogue about the Pros and Cons of each choice to help both myself and others. It would be great if anyone with experience in playing on a server in a game and then starting on a fresh server in the same game (like WoW for instance) would chime in. I'll start with some of my thoughts but they will by no means be all-encompassing or even infallible for that matter.

Also I'm going into this assuming that the player(s) has/have no friends that played during 1.0.

Legacy Server

An established supply of items and crafters to make goods
Gathering could prove very lucrative as those crafters buy mats to create said items
High leveled and experienced players to provide assistance when needed
A larger number of established Linkshell and Company groups
Possibly lower population in starter areas

A large amount of Gil in circulation may cause serious inflation until the market is established
Items might be far too expensive for the beginner to purchase
End game content might be a bit harder to get into by the time you reach it (depends on the influx of new players I suppose)
May be harder to get into established LS/Company groups (this will probably be a non-issue as most groups will be welcoming a new roster)

Fresh Server

Equal starting ground for all players to make their mark in the world
More players to complete like minded tasks
An unestablished market could prove profitable for the avid craftsman
Items may be much more affordable for the starting player (or more expensive because of the low supply and high demand, hell I don't know)

Item supply will be low for a while while market is established
No high level players to assist you out of the gate
Few established LS/Company groups (could also be a good thing for some people I suppose)

This is what I've come up with thus far. I know there is plenty of points I haven't thought of so hopefully you guys can help shed some light on this subject.

Edited, Apr 30th 2013 8:19pm by DamienSScott
#2 Apr 30 2013 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
32 posts
some really good points here. I didn't know that non legacy members could even join legacy servers. If that's the case then mining and logging could end up being very profitable initially. I'm only speculating though as I've never played 1.0
#3 Apr 30 2013 at 7:43 PM Rating: Good
660 posts
I don't have much experience in this department. What I can say is that I'm set on joining a fresh server. I was an avid crafter in XI and I'm looking forward to getting the jump on the market in XIV. I joined post-inflation in XI. It was frustrating for me to make much profit in XI because the high-level crafters had dominated everything already. I want to turn that on its head and be one of those market-savvy crafters this time around. I'm very excited to see how it pans out.

As for high-level content, I don't think I'll be doing much leveling on actual combat classes. Not until I'm satisfied with my income. I don't mind letting others clear those raids first and so forth on whichever server I end up on.
#4 Apr 30 2013 at 7:59 PM Rating: Excellent
412 posts
Con- The items will be more expensive on the new servers. I was the 3rd lvl 50 BSM, and I had to actively drive the price down, because it was so high (Did it with the help of the 2nd to 50). The going rate for the most popular items at the time were 800k for a lvl 33 spiked knuckles, and 1 mil for lvl 46 long sword. 500k and 800k is what we decided on respectively. (Very good business, because people liked wearing that gear at lvl 10 Smiley: sly) the 1/10 reduction should eliminate those high numbers, and the NPCs may offer competitive solutions so crafters won't price gouge. If you don't end up with a "scumbag" group of crafters/gatherers at the cap first, it maybe ok.

The fresh severs will have very slow growth. However, I don't see that as a con. It's kinda beautiful in a way. Smiley: smile

I can't speak for others, but I will be more than happy to craft for newcomers. Some even offer a tiny fee.

You've hit the most important ones. With the housing gil sink, I don't see inflation as an issue. People are going to feel the 1/10 reduction and hold on to their gil. Good luck trying to sell overpriced goods.

My personal opinion: Fresh and Old servers have many more pros than cons, depending on what it is you're looking for. Like the post above, they want to be ahead of the crafting curve in a fresh. Or a person who wants an already established environment that the old provides.

Good topic.Smiley: nod
#5 Apr 30 2013 at 8:17 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
For people who have old accounts but didn't level them sky high for various reasons, the best situation is to straddle.

Use the older character to get around and experiment. Apply the information to a new character's choices. You'll end up feeling like you saved time. For example, if I had known that Limsa Lominsa was where the Blacksmith Guild was, I would have started there instead of Ul'Dah.

Edited, Apr 30th 2013 10:18pm by Ravashack
#6 Apr 30 2013 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
The economy on the legacy servers are going to be hell for the first couple of weeks unless S-E sets some kind of monetary standard.

Given that everyone's gil is going to be 1/10 of what it was, greedy people are still going to try and sell things at their original prices. That's my main concern, there.
#7 Apr 30 2013 at 9:20 PM Rating: Default
I still think fresh new server is the way to go. It's supposed to be a new game lets take advantage of that. Now I hardly played XI but I know they had a a bid system to bad 14 can't incorporate something like that. I'm just saying if I was selling 10 wind crystals at 50 Gil a pop and found someone had put in a bid for 30 a pop. Especially if I needed the Gil I would sell him at least half my inventory. Just using an example?
#8 Apr 30 2013 at 9:29 PM Rating: Good
412 posts
Do you really think people are going buy the over priced items? You aren't alone in keeping an eye on that. They can try, I doubt people will bite.
#9 Apr 30 2013 at 9:30 PM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
WoodGooner wrote:
some really good points here. I didn't know that non legacy members could even join legacy servers. If that's the case then mining and logging could end up being very profitable initially. I'm only speculating though as I've never played 1.0

"Ok cool man I bought the game, what server are you on?"
"Oh, I'm on a legacy server, you can't actually play with me."

Surest way to sink this ship. I doubt there will be server restrictions.
#10 Apr 30 2013 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
I'll relate it mostly to FFXI...

With FFXI it was different because NA joined when there was already an established economy with high level JP players.

I think the key word is established. (never mind the gil sellers that threw a wrench in the system)

Both economies in the beginning (ARR) are going to be volatile but I think the legacy economy will get stable and established a bit quicker (albeit with bigger initial swings), while the new server would be slower and would be prone to less volatility.

So ideally I'd want to join once they are both established, but don't really want to wait that


I'd probably lean toward a legacy server because I like to farm/harvest and so I think there'd be a lot of demand from new and legacy players for crafting goods, inflated prices or not.

Like in FFXI, higher level players gave me something to shoot for, plus it makes the world seem a bit more varied.


Although I do like the newness of setting off into the world and not knowing what to do or where to go. Everyone is equal. And the unknown in this case is fun.


But again this is all different from FFXI (which was probably the most fun in the beginning and most like a legacy server ). 1.0 didn't really have that feeling because, well, it sucked, and WoW was kinda fun in the beginning because of other reasons (namely starting on a PvP server and running into the Horde)


So yeah, probably a legacy server, but really when the time comes I'll probably forget about this discussion and pick whatever server name sounds coolest. :/
#11 Apr 30 2013 at 9:33 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Transmigration wrote:
WoodGooner wrote:
some really good points here. I didn't know that non legacy members could even join legacy servers. If that's the case then mining and logging could end up being very profitable initially. I'm only speculating though as I've never played 1.0

"Ok cool man I bought the game, what server are you on?"
"Oh, I'm on a legacy server, you can't actually play with me."

Surest way to sink this ship. I doubt there will be server restrictions.

Just the other way around. Legacy players can't transfer to a new server. Not yet any way.
#12 Apr 30 2013 at 10:34 PM Rating: Default
I'm loving this thread considering I'm seeing both sides of the diff servers. I would love to see wints opinion or ostias on this.
#13 Apr 30 2013 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
"Equal starting ground for all players to make their mark in the world "

That sthe very reason Im starting on a new server.

As for no high level help being a con... umm in FFXI when it launched in US we had no high level help either (yeah there was JPs but surely you all know about "jp only") and we turned out just fine didnt we? discovering and completing something for the first time alone or with a group of other first timers is much more fun/.rewarding then just blowing through it with someone who already knows what theyre doing.
#14 Apr 30 2013 at 11:58 PM Rating: Good
I'm curious to see if gear and such will have a greater effect this time around. Some gear in 1.23 and prior had some nice stats, but didn't feel like it did a whole lot. It did something for sure, but didn't feel like it offered you enough benefit over something else similar and much easier to obtain. Heck, people did naked Ifrit runs without issues.

The economy never bothered me in 1.0 and it won't bother me now if gear stats mean the same thing. It's kind of nice that you can participate in just about anything and not have to worry too much about gear à la FFXI. On the other hand though, people put in tons of time for that nice gear, would be nice if they received a noticeable edge with it on.

#15 May 01 2013 at 12:21 AM Rating: Good
412 posts
It had less to do with gear, and more to do with DEF being practically useless. HP became the most important stat, followed by Job specific stat modifiers. Luckily, those made a significant difference. So much, that he said the effect of materia would be less in ARR.

People who put in time will, NDA as well as NDA so you should be happy that NDA.
#16 May 01 2013 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
Good thread.

Let's not forget that legacy characters will also apparently get special cutscenes to reflect their involvement in past events. That's a tough thing to overlook for the story buff.
#17 May 01 2013 at 5:53 AM Rating: Excellent
That's why I'm keeping my old character, to see how he made it through. I doubt I'll actually play on him though.

I think they're doing this the right way, let people keep their old chars, and give those starting over (or starting fresh) a way to enjoy the game from what they feel is a fair start.
#18 May 01 2013 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
I believe the low-level market on Legacy servers will be easier to get into than you think.

Any high-level crafters tended to make armor and gear that turned into profitable materia, or was popular to double and triple meld. The main reason that lowbie gear was expensive in 1.0 was that not many new crafters were entering the market, so there was less items.

This will, imo, give new players an easier time making money because they will be skilling up on the lower level items.

All in all good points though.

Edited, May 1st 2013 9:18am by Louiscool
#19 May 01 2013 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
329 posts
I'm still on the fence trying to decide what I'll do. I think on launch day I'll probably log into my Legacy character first and go for a tour and check out as many zones as I can. I do plan on having two characters, I like to have a female characters for mage jobs and males for mele . But I'm not even sure if I'll have them on the same server, or go with 1 legacy and 1 new server. I guess it depends on how much inventory/storage space we get , and what limitations there will be with the mail system , whether I go with different servers or not.
#20 May 01 2013 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
530 posts
One major attraction, to me, of a new server is that as you start leveling your character you'll meet people who are doing the same. You're likely to befriend those who are doing the same and better integrate yourself into the server community as a whole, rather than with just those who started when you did.
I feel than on an established server, you'll be able to find help when need be, but the established high level players may tend keep to themselves or with those whom they knew prior to ARR.

New game, new server, new people, new community, new friends, new adventure, new linkshells(guilds), a new economy, a new server just seems it would be more dynamic as things get established. It seems like it would be an organized chaos as players attempt to get everything up and running, in a sense there won't be too much readily available. To me it's exciting to not only watch, but to be a part of, a new server because of everything that'll be going on in the background.
#21 May 01 2013 at 10:14 AM Rating: Excellent
3,599 posts
This is why I wish all the servers were integrated....

I'm worried that no one will join a legacy server and it will just be the same boring jerks I leveled with before. The grumpy old men who, despite playing every day for 9 hours, complained incessantly about the game.
#22 May 01 2013 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
660 posts
Louiscool wrote:
This is why I wish all the servers were integrated....

I'm worried that no one will join a legacy server and it will just be the same boring jerks I leveled with before. The grumpy old men who, despite playing every day for 9 hours, complained incessantly about the game.

I'm sure you'll have those players who don't care to know the difference and end up on a legacy server. Perhaps legacy players had friends waiting on the PS3 version, or were disappointed with 1.0 and are willing to give it another shot, and now they'll be able to play together. I wouldn't totally discount the possibility of new players joining your server.
#23 May 01 2013 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
181 posts
I think non legacy people are worried about prices / getting into Free Companies / feeling like they will be left behind.

Don't forget this game is for the long run, nothing has to be completed in the first few weeks. People will need to figure out what end game is like / F.A.T.E's / What drops which items, This information will take a few weeks to start coming to light, in this period you could easy have one job at 50 ( If the leveling speed of 1.0 is being used as a reference ) or you could have a DoL leveled to sell all your consumables. So I would say being on a legacy server would probably help you more as money will be plentiful and high level crafters will likely buy the stuff instead of farming for it, making you a nice little profit.

My two retainers were full of low level gear I couldn't shift in 1.0 as most people had everything 50 or they were getting powerleveled to 50 which made it obsolete, this has now been carried over to 2.0 which means I will again try and shift it, and probably cheap as well. I am sure 100's of people would be thinking the same, making it great for new starters possibly.

Its all relative at the end of the day, if you have friends who are also going to play does it matter if its on an legacy / non-legacy server? Don't forget we all start off from scratch economy wise, after a few weeks everything will level out. I wouldn't be put off by prices, I would be thinking more along the lines of playing it smart. If easily obtained consumables sell highly, go get them.

Content will still be around for years to come.
#24 May 01 2013 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
RampagingAnts wrote:

My two retainers were full of low level gear I couldn't shift in 1.0 as most people had everything 50 or they were getting powerleveled to 50 which made it obsolete, this has now been carried over to 2.0 which means I will again try and shift it, and probably cheap as well. I am sure 100's of people would be thinking the same, making it great for new starters possibly.

I cant wait to unload all my retainers on an Auction house with everything at 1 gil like it's FFXI. So mucchhh stufffff to sell.
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