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How did you get your name?Follow

#1 May 28 2013 at 10:13 PM Rating: Excellent
273 posts
So Dav... ahem, Bartel Smiley: wink inspired me to make this post... I think it's cool to hear other people's stories, plus it builds a little camaraderie amongst the group. How did you come up with your name that you use as for forums or in games?

For me, every MMO character I've ever made has been called Magnus or Allewyn.

Magnus - I saw Magnus ver Magnusson; one of the worlds strongest men in the ESPN strong man competitions when I was a kid, maybe 10. I thought the name was both awesome and hilarious, so it always just stuck with me.

Allewyn - My middle name is Allyn; so I added some letters lol... can't really remember exactly how I picked that exact spelling. Nonetheless it's stuck for about 10 years now Smiley: lol

Parathyroid - Vit D and calcium are awesome duh...

Edited, May 29th 2013 12:16am by Parathyroid
#2 May 28 2013 at 10:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
My forum name came from The Transmigration of Timothy Archer, by my favorite author. My FFXIV name, Lucia Vandal, I just chose because I think it sounded cool. My other character's name is Aldo Riot.

Edited, May 29th 2013 12:21am by Transmigration
#3 May 28 2013 at 10:21 PM Rating: Excellent
32 posts
split the name in two

Wood comes from a neighborhood that I lived in Queens... Woodhaven

Gooners are what fans of ******* FC are called.

Nothing really exciting
#4 May 28 2013 at 10:32 PM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
Parathyroid wrote:
So Dav... ahem, Bartel Smiley: wink inspired me to make this post...

Lol, it's ok. I really don't care if people use my real name or my in-game moniker. Amazingly, Bartel was a randomly generated name from the FFXI engine. Prior to that, I always used the name Seth for my characters in-game, based on the Egyptian God Set/Seth, the God of Wind, Storms, and War. I just always liked that name, but it was already taken on my server by the time I started playing (PS2 release). So I did about 100 random names until it came up with Bartel. I liked it, and the rest is history.

Yeah, I realize it's a pretty lame story. Smiley: lol

Edited, May 29th 2013 12:38am by BartelX
#5 May 28 2013 at 10:39 PM Rating: Excellent
I just got a kitten and named him ray goulet. I'm a fan so I'm most likely going with that this time. In XI my mithra was named urahara( I was into bleach lol) so I might merge the two names.
#6 May 28 2013 at 10:42 PM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
raygoulet wrote:
I just got a kitten and named him ray goulet. I'm a fan so I'm most likely going with that this time. In XI my mithra was named urahara( I was into bleach lol) so I might merge the two names.

Ray Goularahara... or Uraharay Goulet? Both sound pretty badass. Smiley: nod

Edited, May 29th 2013 12:42am by BartelX
#7 May 28 2013 at 10:44 PM Rating: Excellent
273 posts
BartelX wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
So Dav... ahem, Bartel Smiley: wink inspired me to make this post...

Lol, it's ok. I really don't care if people use my real name or my in-game moniker. Amazingly, Bartel was a randomly generated name from the FFXI engine. Prior to that, I always used the name Seth for my characters in-game, based on the Egyptian God Set/Seth, the God of Wind, Storms, and War. I just always liked that name, but it was already taken on my server by the time I started playing (PS2 release). So I did about 100 random names until it came up with Bartel. I liked it, and the rest is history.

Yeah, I realize it's a pretty lame story. Smiley: lol

Edited, May 29th 2013 12:38am by BartelX

Hahaha actually that's pretty awesome! I like the name Bartel... I would have never thought it came from the random name generator! Every time I tried that thing I got some absurd name like Aristocarposjoshima lol... Bartel though, that's a pretty solid name!
#8 May 28 2013 at 10:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,104 posts
'Broken Fox' was inspired by Gray Fox from Metal Gear Solid and Broken Sword from Hero (the Jet Li movie).
#9 May 28 2013 at 10:48 PM Rating: Excellent
374 posts
Lol! Lamest name ever, JE355804... student ID given to me day 1 of college 10 years ago. Stuck with me ever since!
#10 May 28 2013 at 11:11 PM Rating: Excellent
BartelX wrote:
raygoulet wrote:
I just got a kitten and named him ray goulet. I'm a fan so I'm most likely going with that this time. In XI my mithra was named urahara( I was into bleach lol) so I might merge the two names.

Ray Goularahara... or Uraharay Goulet? Both sound pretty badass. Smiley: nod

Edited, May 29th 2013 12:42am by BartelX

Very nice! Now to pick. Lol I'm glad I started thinking about this stuff now... I could never make these kind of decisions on the fly....
#11 May 28 2013 at 11:18 PM Rating: Excellent
My name in XI, Skinwalker comes from various Native American myths. My 1.0 name, Akua Aumoe, is Hawaiian for midnight goddess. Appropriate for a keeper of the moon and myself being from Hawaii. My XIV name is up in the air right now; either Honey Badger or Delmonte Niblet.
#12 May 28 2013 at 11:38 PM Rating: Excellent
329 posts
My name in XI was Pangaea , the name of the super continent before they split apart. And in XIV is Ivo Thais ...Ivo is a "Cocteau Twins" song, and Thais is a "This Mortal Coil" song. My forum name here was from when I was trying to come up with a user name for something else (can't remember what now) and no matter what I tried using everything was already taken, so I took two random words and put them together for Marsupial boy.So I used that sometimes , wish I could change it now though. And no I'm not Australian.
#13 May 29 2013 at 12:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Boring story behind it. Grover is my real first name and Eyeveen is a romanticized way of saying "IV" (as in the fourth) with an n at the end for the hell of it.

Edited, May 28th 2013 11:25pm by UltKnightGrover
#14 May 29 2013 at 12:45 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
My usual nickname for games is Teras wsich in my language it means monster (Τερας) but some times it is taken so I go with my second nickname Teravibe. It doesnt mean anything as far as I know I took it from a rock festival in my country.
Sometimes I use more when I need more characters like in eve online that I wanted to make a pirate char I named him Barbossa BLack.
#15 May 29 2013 at 1:19 AM Rating: Excellent
599 posts
My in-game name these days usually contains Saint or Ascalon and Saint Ascalon for XIV. Ascalon is the name of Saint George's lance that he used to slay the dragon and i'm looking to play a dragoon. :)
#16 May 29 2013 at 3:12 AM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
I've used the name Damien in some way since I was about 12 or 13. Before I found the beauty of Starcraft or Diablo II I used to Role Play in Yahoo Chat like it was my MMO (OMFG Cheetah Chat FTMFWOMGBBQ). I met a girl on there and RPed a lot with her, eventually we had a non existent child after a 24 hour gestation period and she named it Damien. Oddly enough I had never really heard the name that much and thought it was pretty awesome. I RPed a bit as the "kid/adult/wtfever" and eventually adopted the moniker.

The Tweens are truly an awkward time, and back in my day we didn't have Bieber's to love/hate and focus our angst. Thank god for FFXI.
#17 May 29 2013 at 4:02 AM Rating: Excellent
618 posts
I'm a huge animal lover so all of my names have a animal as part of them. My very first name I created was Nghthawk, this was back when I first started using AOL. The NGHT part came from me actually being up real late at night (3-4am when I was a younger). Plus it was easy to clone names in AOL so you could fool people in thinking you were someone else just by looks, not so much friends lists. For example NIGHTHAWK & NlGHTHAWK look the same but are spelled differently with a lower case L and capital i.

Odds are if you see a forum name with a animal as a part of it, it's going to be me. Gaming wise a lot of people use the same so I have to get creative when making those.
#18 May 29 2013 at 6:21 AM Rating: Excellent
3,599 posts
Well, my name is Louis, and some super clever bully realized that Louis sounds like "Lou Is" and said "Your middle name should be Gay. Get it? Lou Is Gay?"

This caught on with some people with variations like "Lou Is Ugly" or "Lou Is Stupid." When the original X box came out and I had to choose a name, I said "You know what? Haters gonna hate, Lou Is Cool."

In-game name is just a combination of that at the movie title Coolhand Luke, because I wanted to be a Pugilist.
#19 May 29 2013 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
1,163 posts
WFOAssassin is the first name I used in an online game that meant something to me. It was in Socom 1. I was approached by WFOBigDaddy who like my gun game and asked me to join the clan. I had no idea what I was getting into but since that day I was hooked on online gaming and the atmosphere that a good gaming community can make and the friends that you can make from it.

:WFO: = Wide Fu@%en Open We were a sweet clan and new how to bring it.

Assassin is the name I have always used because in life and in games, you never see me coming. I'm quite, shy, and methodical. Its fitting.

So, I kept WFOAssassin for all my stuff, not only for nostalgia but incase I run across any of my old friends that would know me as WFOAssassin. I have come across a few friends in random online games because of it and I'm happy that I did. I am still good friends with those people now.
#20 May 29 2013 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
149 posts
Back in the old NES days and some SNES RPG's, we had the old 4 letter names going, so for a long time I went with Seth, even though my name is Nick. I think it was Breath of Fire that started that tradition for me, even though I was a HUGE fan of Shining Force and the guy's name was Max. Max just didn't seem powerful enough for me, but I suppose if my name were Seth, I'd think differently. I started writing a fantasy book in high school that an old floppy disk ate when it crashed (I'm kinda old), where the main bad guy was named Medieve, a play of medieval (necromancer of course, a year or two before Warcraft 1 was released and I've been called a plagarist ever since :D). The Hero I named Draven Knightfall, clever only because I decided he'd fall and be redeemed Vader-like. I thought I was being inventive, but really just copying various Star Wars references at the time. I still love the characters I made back in the day though, even though I can barely remember them anymore, so I keep Medieve as my single name handle, and Draven Knightfall when I can afford a surname.

Edited, May 29th 2013 9:23am by Medieve
#21 May 29 2013 at 7:34 AM Rating: Excellent
530 posts
My WoW name was/is Baatin. With most other MMO's I've played it's stayed the same way. Baatin was an artist that was well liked amongst the Detroit underground music scene. I liked the spelling with the double vowels and it has always sounded like a fantasy world based name. However, with the first/last name of FFXIV I might be headed in different direction. Already pondering a new name.

As far as ACLinjury, the short version of the story has to do with sports related injuries.

WoodGooner wrote:
Gooners are what fans of ******* FC are called.

If I ever had to group up with an ******* fan, I'm pretty sure they would be the 3rd or 4th best player in the group. Always.
#22 May 29 2013 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Before I started posting on forums, FFXI Warrior was pretty much the loljob. It was slowly shedding the misconception of being just a subjob (Thanks, BradyGames!), and the /NIN thing was just starting. Well, by that time I was more accustomed to using a great axe, which by the majority of people meant it was the inferior weapon. I picked "lolgaxe" as a parody of the attitude of the time.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#23 May 29 2013 at 8:16 AM Rating: Excellent
131 posts
my name means "monkey suck" in danish:P a name I got several years ago when I was in High school, because I had to suck a tube in physicsXD my classmates called me " the monkey who suck" So I adopted the name just to troll everyone calling me names :P Used it ingame ever since :D

Edited, May 29th 2013 10:17am by abesut
#24 May 29 2013 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
660 posts
Atkascha is the name of one of the royal families in Final Fantasy Tactics. I read the in-game lore years ago when the game first came out. I thought the name was unique-sounding, so I used it for my first FFXI character. My XIV character was going to have the first name Yoshiyuki, which is the name of one of Cloud's katana-looking swords in FFVII that increases in power when party members are KO'd. But, surnames in XIV have to be three letters long... Let's just say my usual name doesn't fit this. I'll have decided on something else by the time the beta starts up again.
#25 May 29 2013 at 8:26 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
When I first started FFXI all the names in San Doria looked french kinda, so I just made up Lebarge. I've also been using Urzol a lot, which I made up off the top of my head as a name in EQOA. When I was playing UO (in the dark ages when the internet was opossum powered) I picked Rand from WOT, but everybody and their mom had that so I quit using it altogether.
#26 May 29 2013 at 8:30 AM Rating: Excellent
32 posts
ACLinjury wrote:
My WoW name was/is Baatin. With most other MMO's I've played it's stayed the same way. Baatin was an artist that was well liked amongst the Detroit underground music scene. I liked the spelling with the double vowels and it has always sounded like a fantasy world based name. However, with the first/last name of FFXIV I might be headed in different direction. Already pondering a new name.

As far as ACLinjury, the short version of the story has to do with sports related injuries.

WoodGooner wrote:
Gooners are what fans of ******* FC are called.

If I ever had to group up with an ******* fan, I'm pretty sure they would be the 3rd or 4th best player in the group. Always.

Thats just cold ACL.... 8 years running without a trophy and its hard to argue with you. Smiley: disappointed
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