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Veterans:Can you provide some insight on what class to play?Follow

#1 Jun 08 2013 at 11:33 AM Rating: Excellent
138 posts
Hello there,

It's an exciting period, since P3 and beyond are a matter of days now. I'm kinda glad P3 will start by being 'weekends only', otherwise I could totally see it causing me problems (You know, losing track of time, "No, my watch can't be right, it can't be 3:00 am at the moment", etc).

I have a question, however: Do you know if SE will release some more information about what classes (jobs are not required yet) actually do?

I'm thinking about what to play, and can't exactly decide, partly because the available information on what classes do / do not do is somewhat scarce.

Let's see:

  • The only healing class is Conjurer, and only healing job WHM?
  • What is the role of Paladin? A tank, if I have read correctly? Are they derived from Gladiators?
  • If we had to divide classes into the "archetypes", then...(Jobs as well, but for the sake of argument let's keep it to classes, since jobs appear later on in-game)
  • Which class or classes might be suited for tanking (among others?)
  • Which class or classes might be suited for melee damage?
  • Which class or classes might be suited for ranged damage?
  • Which class or classes might be suited for healing / utility?

And the necessary disclaimer: I am not asking for information from the actual ARR P1/P2 of the beta, just general knowledge to help me decide the class I might like to play.

With my favorite D&D character being the Cleric (they seem to provide the best of divine magic and yet wear armors and be in the thick of battle, even better than the Paladins in that universe), I'm usually looking for a character who's a hybrid between healing and DD.

However, ever since I ended up with a severely crippled class in SW:TOR, I reconsidered, and would like to play something fresh for ARR.

Any and all suggestions and insight, welcome =)
#2 Jun 08 2013 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
I don't think veterans actually can answer those questions.

The class balance was so bad when the 1.23 went down, I can't imagine that balance won't be changed drastically.
#3 Jun 08 2013 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
As far as i know WHM is the only healer job.

The paladin is the tank yes and it comes from gladiator.

As for the rest i am not the best person to ask.
#4 Jun 08 2013 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
From playing 1.0 this is basically how it went:

Healer: conjurer -> white mage

magic damage: thaumaturge -> black mage (but a properly geared whm could also do damage, just not as much as a blm)

tanks: gladiator/marauder -> paladin/warrior (warrior is like a hybrid tank/melee. not the best tank, not the best melee. was very usefull for their ability to hit many mobs at once to pull hate and kite)

melee: lancer/pugilist -> dragoon/monk (both of these are damage dealers. which one is "better" is subjective as it depends on what your doing.)

ranged/support: archer -> bard (this one is a little odd as this class serves as both the ranged damage and support role, so if you like doing damage i wouldn't pick this least until they release the ranger job for it. Don't get me wrong though, they have damage just not on the level of dragoon/monk/warrior)

keep in mind also that "classes" can equip skills from any other classes making them good in solo or small groups. jobs are designed more for party play and are limited to what other classes they can take skills from.

Anyway all this info was for the original game and may or may not change for ARR.
#5 Jun 08 2013 at 1:36 PM Rating: Excellent
In all honesty, nobody can even begin to answer this question until next week.

This isn't just because of the NDA that's in place, but because there will be a slew of system changes and adjustments in the next beta phase which could significantly alter the feel of playing each class and job at all levels of the game.

Fortunately, the NDA will be lifted as all of these changes go into effect, and then we'll be able to discuss the systems we have in front of us!
Thayos Redblade
#6 Jun 08 2013 at 2:14 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
Battle Healers are also a favorite class of mine across games. Ever since Diablo II I've usually mained Paladin or Monk type job. In FFXI Paladin was amazing. You could tank like a boss with Sword and Board, but also pick up a Greatsword and give that Dark Knight a run for his money (not to mention subbing Ninja and dual wielding one-handers with Utsusemi). However with the weapon > class limitations in FFXIV I don't see that being quite as possible. They may end up making their one weapon damage comparatively higher than what it was in FFXI though so I have a feeling they will bring some hurt. I have a feeling I might end up soloing a bit as a Pugilist/Monk with some healing spells when I start.

All that being said...

Scholar might be another healing job, and depending on how they allow you to use cross job abilities anyone might be able to toss a cure out from time to time. And don't forget paladin will have the ability to cure as well, but theirs will probably be weaker and single target.

As far as tanks go I really hope that Paladin ends up trumping the other classes in the department. They really need a defined role since it is a pretty limiting job in the damage department. That said, I think that Gladiator/Paladin, Marauder/Warrior, and even Pugilist/Monk will be able to tank in at least some situations. Monk used to have a set of evasion abilities, so if they keep and improve on those I could see them being a viable tank for a good range of encounters.

Melee damage roles will be filled by Marauder/Warrior, Lancer/Dragoon, Pugilist/Monk, and probably Arcanist/Summoner to an extent depending on how far they go with pets.

Ranged damage roles will be filled by the obvious contenders of Archer/Bard and Thaumaturge/Black Mage. However it seems like they might be giving White mage more damaging spells through Conjurer so they could end up doing some decent damage in some cases. And of course we can't forget Summoner and Scholar.

I have a feeling all jobs will bring a little utility to parties, especially with job specific party buffs that were mentioned in the past. However, Bard, White Mage, and Paladin will be pretty support-centric. Summoner and Scholar will also probably have some support abilities, and I bet that Thaumaturge/Black Mage will have Sleep and other crowd control spells to support with as well.

Keep in mind this is all conjecture on my part at this point. I haven't been in any of the "tests" yet and I didn't get a chance to play 1.0. It's all based on info about 1.0, changes, and FFXI that I've aquired in some form or fashion. Oh, and a bit of wishful dreaming on my part also.
#7 Jun 08 2013 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
725 posts
Sovjohn wrote:
I'm kinda glad P3 will start by being 'weekends only'

Is this true, weekends only for PS3 players?

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#8 Jun 08 2013 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
Grandmomma wrote:
Sovjohn wrote:
I'm kinda glad P3 will start by being 'weekends only'

Is this true, weekends only for PS3 players?

The other Phases were typically only on weekends I believe. However I would hope that this won't be the case for Phases 3 and 4. I think that they be allotting much more time so that players can test as much of the game as possible, especially since the majority of content should be fair game now.
#9 Jun 08 2013 at 2:48 PM Rating: Excellent
753 posts
Phase 3 of the beta will begin on "weekends only" scheduling, but it is not limited to only PS3 players. All P3 testers are limited to weekends until later in P3.
#10 Jun 08 2013 at 3:13 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
My suggestion would be to remain open to playing multiple classes. The system may change of course, but based on how it worked in the past, there are useful cross - class abilities that will enhance any class you play. For example, it may be useful as a DoW class to have a healing spell equipped while soloing. Also, unlocking jobs has required leveling up a second class to a certain level in addition to the main class. For example, Paladins had to level Gladiator to 30 but also Conjurer to 15. Again the exact details are subject to change, but I think there will still be a level of customization that makes leveling extra classes beneficial.

#11 Jun 08 2013 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
138 posts
Personally, I will definitely take advantage of the cross-class system and "taste" several classes, but you know, I'm trying to compile some degree of information in order to steer myself to a class first of all :)

Will probably start with THM, though. BLM is just too cool, so even if I end up being something completely different (WHM/PLD for instance :P), I will embrace darkness first.
#12 Jun 08 2013 at 6:20 PM Rating: Excellent
725 posts
diiablo wrote:
Phase 3 of the beta will begin on "weekends only" scheduling, but it is not limited to only PS3 players. All P3 testers are limited to weekends until later in P3.

Ok thanks for the clarification. I'm retired, so I can play often.


Grand Momma

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#13 Jun 08 2013 at 9:30 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
From playing 1.0 this is basically how it went:

Healer: conjurer -> white mage

magic damage: thaumaturge -> black mage (but a properly geared whm could also do damage, just not as much as a blm)

tanks: gladiator/marauder -> paladin/warrior (warrior is like a hybrid tank/melee. not the best tank, not the best melee. was very usefull for their ability to hit many mobs at once to pull hate and kite)

melee: lancer/pugilist -> dragoon/monk (both of these are damage dealers. which one is "better" is subjective as it depends on what your doing.)

ranged/support: archer -> bard (this one is a little odd as this class serves as both the ranged damage and support role, so if you like doing damage i wouldn't pick this least until they release the ranger job for it. Don't get me wrong though, they have damage just not on the level of dragoon/monk/warrior)

keep in mind also that "classes" can equip skills from any other classes making them good in solo or small groups. jobs are designed more for party play and are limited to what other classes they can take skills from.

Anyway all this info was for the original game and may or may not change for ARR.

Excellent breakdown Keys, nice.
#14 Jun 08 2013 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
DamienSScott wrote:
Battle Healers are also a favorite class of mine across games. Ever since Diablo II I've usually mained Paladin or Monk type job. In FFXI Paladin was amazing. You could tank like a boss with Sword and Board, but also pick up a Greatsword and give that Dark Knight a run for his money (not to mention subbing Ninja and dual wielding one-handers with Utsusemi).

I played a Cleric as my main in Aion for a change and I could handle some tough customers. It was hella fun. Would be sweet if WHM could mace/shield and go toe to toe with the other classes in PvP.
#15 Jun 09 2013 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
141 posts
Sovjohn wrote:
Hello there,

It's an exciting period, since P3 and beyond are a matter of days now. I'm kinda glad P3 will start by being 'weekends only', otherwise I could totally see it causing me problems (You know, losing track of time, "No, my watch can't be right, it can't be 3:00 am at the moment", etc).

I have a question, however: Do you know if SE will release some more information about what classes (jobs are not required yet) actually do?

I'm thinking about what to play, and can't exactly decide, partly because the available information on what classes do / do not do is somewhat scarce.

Let's see:

  • The only healing class is Conjurer, and only healing job WHM?
  • What is the role of Paladin? A tank, if I have read correctly? Are they derived from Gladiators?
  • If we had to divide classes into the "archetypes", then...(Jobs as well, but for the sake of argument let's keep it to classes, since jobs appear later on in-game)
  • Which class or classes might be suited for tanking (among others?)
  • Which class or classes might be suited for melee damage?
  • Which class or classes might be suited for ranged damage?
  • Which class or classes might be suited for healing / utility?

And the necessary disclaimer: I am not asking for information from the actual ARR P1/P2 of the beta, just general knowledge to help me decide the class I might like to play.

With my favorite D&D character being the Cleric (they seem to provide the best of divine magic and yet wear armors and be in the thick of battle, even better than the Paladins in that universe), I'm usually looking for a character who's a hybrid between healing and DD.

However, ever since I ended up with a severely crippled class in SW:TOR, I reconsidered, and would like to play something fresh for ARR.

Any and all suggestions and insight, welcome =)

Killua125 wrote:
I don't think veterans actually can answer those questions.

The class balance was so bad when the 1.23 went down, I can't imagine that balance won't be changed drastically.

-Yeah class cnj, job whm for healing purposes, however you rarely see classes in party play, the jobs are for party play and classes for solo

-pld is a tank and you need gld 30 and war 15 if i remember correctly to unlock it

- as of 1.23 pld was the best tank, it was used for the 2 hardest fights in the game, but war could tank everything else pretty easily.

-melee dmg - drg mnk

-ranged dmg - blm and brd (not much of a dd but it helped out with things in certain fights)

-healing - whm - party buffs brd - minimal enfeebs blm

your best bet for "healing and dd" would be pld because whm doesnt dd and the other jobs dont really cure, ive been known to toss cure out from my brd sometimes but i eventually took it off my hotbar for other abilities.

Bold part:
Thats not true, they balanced things our pretty good and made combat great near the end, war got a nerf, pld got a buff among other things. I played right up until the servers went down and every job had a role in everything depending on the strategy you chose.
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