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to Legacy or not to Legacy (could use some help...)Follow

#1 Jun 12 2013 at 11:51 AM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Hiyas everyone!

As the game draws closer to its launch, I have been reading more and more about it on various forums. In a recent, flame-heavy, trollbait of an argument on GameFAQs, a couple of posters, who were ripping into each other over a different topic, seemed to both be suggesting that new players should join one of the legacy servers. They had different reasons, but ultimately, they thought it would provide new players a better experience.

I was wondering if anyone here would like to share their opinions on which type of server to join and why. I haven't really made up my mind yet on which to join, and after seeing some of the points mentioned, it would be helpful to have different points of view.


(I tried a quick search, but I didn't really find what I was looking for. If there happens to be a discussion about this already in progress (reasons for joining one or the other), I would appreciate being directed there - or, you could always just share your reasons here. ^^)
"Unfortunately many game companies are learning that if they can just keep you busy, you might not realize how bored you are." - Kachi
"Pride in your character will amount to nothing more than the level of intimacy I have when I order a burger from McDonald's" - Warfox07
"I find comfort food always helps when I feel like killing myself." - Papashan (FFXIV)
#2 Jun 12 2013 at 12:01 PM Rating: Excellent
660 posts
For me, I've been waiting for the PS3 release for ages. I want that promised "fresh start" experience we were supposed to have with 1.0's failed launch. That's the main reason why I want to begin on a new server. I have nothing against a pre-established player base. I just want to be one of the first on a fresh server to pave the way for the economy, and hopefully establish an endgame shell after taking notes from what the Legacy players achieve during their Crystal Tower and Labyrinth of Bahamut runs.
#3 Jun 12 2013 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
1,163 posts
I don't think we have every, really, talked about this issue, on here.

Anyway, I don't know what I would do. I like my Legacy Server and I don't want to start over. The economy is already there and the vets are helpful to newer players. Any information you need someone has it or knows where to find it. That is also a reason a new player might want legacy.

Starting on a new server... I have never done it before, so I can't say but I would imagine that having to establish a good, robust, economy is a daunting task. You need crafters, gatherers, item farmers, item campers. etc. Then it all has to translate into a flowing economy. That will take time and could be frustrating for some, even more so for those who get undercut as prices drop on high priced items, etc. etc. Anyone who has started a server from the start of a game would have the best advice. But what I just said is what comes to mind as a problem.

One great thing is that you will never be pressed to find members to do content. Anyway, I can't talk much on the issue as a whole.
#4 Jun 12 2013 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,439 posts
In some ways it will be quite cool to see non-legacy players 'braving' a legacy server. I've always enjoyed the nurturing and helping out of new players and Balmung is a server that in my experience was full of lots of those types of players. From what I remember in 1.0 (I played from start to finish) when it all ended there were many 'legacy' qualified players that may have just had 1 or even 2 jobs at 50 (or less) so there will be plenty of people levelling up but probably not as many as on a fresh server. I think it is likely that also on legacy servers the economy will initially be pretty inflated as those 'rarer' items will be in some peoples inventories (although I know not what items are still in the game and what new items there will be). I think as a new player one of the most worrying things for me would be 'know it all players' that would scoff at my newbie status but for every one of them there are 20 people that would genuinely take pleasure in helping people out - it is a community game after all. I guess if you had the money you could try both and see what you like. I have ordered the PS3 version but I play on PC so I have considered playing both from launch and seeing what it's like to start over. If I do that I will be definitely starting on a non-legacy server :)
Esuna Forums

#5 Jun 12 2013 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
The biggest fear people have are economies and established gil.

The plus side is the numerous gil sinks in ARR, namely housing. SOOO much gil is just going to go away when these rich people buy a villa. I want people to play on Legacy servers, but I would probably start fresh if I was just coming to ARR.
#6 Jun 12 2013 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
My friends and I all have characters from 1.0 but we've decided to go to a fresh server. None of us played XI at launch so we want that trailblazing experience, even though it isn't technically starting from the beginning, it will be similar.
#7 Jun 12 2013 at 12:34 PM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
New players will go to new servers or at least that's how i see it and how i will do it.
#8 Jun 12 2013 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
SkinwalkerAsura wrote:
My friends and I all have characters from 1.0 but we've decided to go to a fresh server. None of us played XI at launch so we want that trailblazing experience, even though it isn't technically starting from the beginning, it will be similar.

That's exactly how I felt at 1.0's launch.

Then, after 2 hours of fighting for claim on level 1 marmots... it might be nice to have less of a bottleneck.
#9 Jun 12 2013 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,910 posts
I just need to find a solid shell to join, regardless of a server's legacy status. I played 1.0 in a small shell, left, came back, joined a couple of small shells, never got anywhere, left when the "free" dried up because I didn't have anything to keep me going. If this game does pull it off, I want to return playing with a solid group of people. I'm not progression shell material, too much RL to deal with to get sucked back into that, but I wouldn't mind a fairly aggressive guild as it pertains to content. So if that can be found on a Legacy server, I'll go there--economy be damned.
#10 Jun 12 2013 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Louiscool wrote:
SkinwalkerAsura wrote:
My friends and I all have characters from 1.0 but we've decided to go to a fresh server. None of us played XI at launch so we want that trailblazing experience, even though it isn't technically starting from the beginning, it will be similar.

That's exactly how I felt at 1.0's launch.

Then, after 2 hours of fighting for claim on level 1 marmots... it might be nice to have less of a bottleneck.

It wont be that bad i mean in phase 2 we had only gridania and yet we had no problems in finding mobs to kill and there were a LOT of people fighting the same monsters.
#11 Jun 12 2013 at 12:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Louiscool wrote:
SkinwalkerAsura wrote:
My friends and I all have characters from 1.0 but we've decided to go to a fresh server. None of us played XI at launch so we want that trailblazing experience, even though it isn't technically starting from the beginning, it will be similar.

That's exactly how I felt at 1.0's launch.

Then, after 2 hours of fighting for claim on level 1 marmots... it might be nice to have less of a bottleneck.

Wasn't an easy decision. I was looking at my old character who has all jobs at 20-30 and thinking "Do I really want to go through 180 levels of craft leves again?"
#12 Jun 12 2013 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
125 posts
I too feel this way... I have waited so long, and have been preached to by SE about this even ground starting as well, so I will be going to a fresh new server. Just off the top of my head, these are some of the pros and cons that I have thought about that comes with joining each server.

Fresh Start Servers:Underlined Text
Everyone's on even playing ground starting at level 1
More of an adventure as everyone is joining and teaming up to figure things out.
A real since of grinding, since no one is power leveling people, or crafting others the best gear for help. So less leeching.
No initial hating on jobs... ie... we don't need a brd, we need this setup to win blah blah blah.... lol because know one will yet know winning strategies, which also kinda goes with people on even playing ground trying to figure things out.
No jerks looking down on you because you don't have 6 level 50 jobs yet, amongst other things.

Less higher level players to look up to for advice.
An economy that will take a little time to get going. Less items in the AH. Mainly npc gear for the beginning until the crafters of the server become of age. LOL
No high level people giving you hand me down gear, or being able to help repair your gear at early levels. Kinda goes with the crafting and economy situation.

Legacy ServersUnderlined Text
Many high level people to help you with stuff, and be able to give you gear, and help craft you things.
Many establilshed Free company's to choose from that already know what they are doing.
Options of being power leveled I guess by high level conjurers and White mages
May level up through the game faster because of help with high level players
May get help with money from friends. Kinda goes along with the crafting and economy.
Maybe low level crafted items more available in AH. (can also go with economy as well)

Will feel like your playing catchup, being told where to go, who to talk to, where to start and finish missions instead of figuring them out. Have high level help who can defeat easy quest for you, and may make you always ask others before doing things, cause you know they are experienced.
Lose the feeling of that fresh start with everyone being on the same level and same page. A feeling rarely witnessed by players at the start of an MMORPG
Being told which class is best maybe, and which class you should be leveling due to a free company already having a lot of the jobs you are interested in... IE... free company has 8 high level, cold dragoons and feel you should level conjurer because they only have 2...

Basically though... when I think about it, it really comes down to two things. Do you want to be able to rise up, meet other newbies along side you, and draw swords and learn with these new found friends? Or go somewhere where you drop your mouth at the cold level 50 man beating everything, and getting stronger, and people playing endgame content, while you play catchup only looking forward to the end game, and racing to catch up so you can play with them, not truly enjoying your lower level days trying to figure stuff out. lol

Of course these are just my opinions, and I've always wanted to know even more Pro's and Con's to both. But I have decided that I'll join a brand new server over the established ones.... How can I make money doing my little level 5 craft, while level 50 craftsmen have flooded the market with that lower level stuff for cheap because they don't want it anymore, and are trying to save inventory space. lol

#13 Jun 12 2013 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
WooShoo wrote:
I was wondering if anyone here would like to share their opinions on which type of server to join and why. I haven't really made up my mind yet on which to join, and after seeing some of the points mentioned, it would be helpful to have different points of view.

There's no reason you can't experiment with a character on a Fresh Start server and one on a Legacy server. Even the most basic plan will let you create a character on up to 8 servers. You can find out for yourself where the party is at firsthand.
#14 Jun 12 2013 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
Teravibe wrote:
Louiscool wrote:
SkinwalkerAsura wrote:
My friends and I all have characters from 1.0 but we've decided to go to a fresh server. None of us played XI at launch so we want that trailblazing experience, even though it isn't technically starting from the beginning, it will be similar.

That's exactly how I felt at 1.0's launch.

Then, after 2 hours of fighting for claim on level 1 marmots... it might be nice to have less of a bottleneck.

It wont be that bad i mean in phase 2 we had only gridania and yet we had no problems in finding mobs to kill and there were a LOT of people fighting the same monsters.

True, but Phase 2 didn't reset character data.

We will have to see how it goes in Phase 3, since character data is not being transferred until part 2. Part 1, this weekend, is entirely about PS3 Stability, so we will all have to start fresh again.
#15 Jun 12 2013 at 2:36 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Xoie wrote:
There's no reason you can't experiment with a character on a Fresh Start server and one on a Legacy server. Even the most basic plan will let you create a character on up to 8 servers. You can find out for yourself where the party is at firsthand.

I really want to find a server (and a link - whether I make or join one) and stick with it. If I bounce around too much, I fear I won't build a connection with anyone and end up potentially burning out. As with FFXI, I expect that whatever community I end up in will be one of the more important things about playing. Hopefully the beta will give me a better idea of where I would like to start, but that's also why I invited others to share their opinions about the two types.
"Unfortunately many game companies are learning that if they can just keep you busy, you might not realize how bored you are." - Kachi
"Pride in your character will amount to nothing more than the level of intimacy I have when I order a burger from McDonald's" - Warfox07
"I find comfort food always helps when I feel like killing myself." - Papashan (FFXIV)
#16 Jun 12 2013 at 2:46 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
I made a post on the subject some time ago, here is a link to it. I think I will end up on a fresh server, but I'm still not 100% yet.
#17 Jun 12 2013 at 2:47 PM Rating: Excellent
As with FFXI, I expect that whatever community I end up in will be one of the more important things about playing.

Absolutely. In XI we had an LS member that didn't speak a lick of english so they communicated with some auto translate but mainly through emotes. Took a little bit of learning to understand his/her emote language but it was awesome. Great player too.
#18 Jun 12 2013 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
There's really no reason as far as the game economy, to fear the Legacy Servers.

The Legacy Servers will have a better economy to start than the non-legacy servers, and hear me out I've got a sound reason.

1.xx Did not have a functioning Auction House for the majority of its playtime. This caused an insular economy that encouraged crafting and gathering for supplies, rather than market prices. As a result, as well as a result of the interesting playstyle of the class system FFXIV's 1.xx players had an abnormally high Crafter/Gatherer to Player ratio.

What does this mean for new players?

This means that supplies in the game are going to be readily available, as well as armor/meteria equipment etc. The prices are going to be lower because there is already competition within the Legacy Player structure itself to keep the prices low to keep circulating supplies. Additionally at higher endgame, supplies cannot be monopolized by the front runners as there are too many and the content isn't as lop-sided as it was in FFXI.

This means, as a lower level player, however, all chances for world firsts or domination of the economy (paving the road, as it were) is gone, and I know many people would like that experience of being a frontiersman. Keep in mind, however, even Legacy players are going to have to reorganized to the new playstyle and environments to figure out what is where and how to efficiently farm it, so there will be an adjustment period for everyone.
#19 Jun 12 2013 at 2:53 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
I think that's why I'm leaning toward a new server. I want to try and establish a solid crafting buisness and I think I'll have the best chance on a new server.
#20 Jun 12 2013 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
This means that supplies in the game are going to be readily available,

This is 900% true.

Even moreso:

MANY players never bothered selling ANYTHING because the market system was so annoying to deal with. You couldn't determine a market price without running away from your retainer, going to the search counter, looking it up, then running back, all with the server lag in the menus...

Even worse was, if it was a popular item, the search only displayed the cheapest 10-20 (i forget the number) and did not show HQs.

This means:

Me and everyone else got TONS OF **** TO SELL.

Bad for crafters, GREAT for players. Also, with the new binding system, all these items will leave the economy, eventually reaching a balance with crafters and customers.
#21 Jun 12 2013 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
DamienSScott wrote:
I think that's why I'm leaning toward a new server. I want to try and establish a solid crafting buisness and I think I'll have the best chance on a new server.

Keep in mind, that regardless of whether or not you are the forefront or the rear guard when it comes to Crafting, there will be plenty of business.

One - crafting is intricate for both repairs and materia melding.

And because to create materia you must destroy armor, there will always be a demand for gear.

The large money will be in already-melded gear, especially if there is any variance in tiered meteria like there was in 1.xx. Meteria with high stat melds went for multi-millions.
#22 Jun 12 2013 at 3:08 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Keep in mind, that regardless of whether or not you are the forefront or the rear guard when it comes to Crafting, there will be plenty of business.

One - crafting is intricate for both repairs and materia melding.

And because to create materia you must destroy armor, there will always be a demand for gear.

The large money will be in already-melded gear, especially if there is any variance in tiered meteria like there was in 1.xx. Meteria with high stat melds went for multi-millions.

Thanks for that info on crafting. It's good to know how things work for end game crafting. I'll make my final decision after I get to play it some... whenever that will be lol. I figured If I spent the first month or so crafting while everyone else is leveling combat jobs It might make me some decent startup gil and maybe some good friends... It is a tough decision.
#23 Jun 13 2013 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hmm this is a tough one, i have a lvl 23 Galdiator, lvl 25 goldsmithing, armoring and mineing. I think ill stick with my guy on a legacy server.
#24 Jun 13 2013 at 10:49 AM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Two of the points I keep fixing on are:

-On a Legacy server, you have people in place (community) and ready to help with things like hand-me-downs, advice, etc.
-On a new server, there's that whole feeling of building from scratch which is appealing.

...and yet, I still don't know what I wanna do... (I do appreciate the opinions though!)
"Unfortunately many game companies are learning that if they can just keep you busy, you might not realize how bored you are." - Kachi
"Pride in your character will amount to nothing more than the level of intimacy I have when I order a burger from McDonald's" - Warfox07
"I find comfort food always helps when I feel like killing myself." - Papashan (FFXIV)
#25 Jun 13 2013 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
New server for me. I like the idea of starting fresh with a bunch of other players who are starting fresh, and building relationships from the ground up. I like the idea of learning alongside new players, not just being handheld by high level players who are working on their 5th class to 50. And as for crafting, while yes there will always be a need for crafting in all assets of the game, it will be far easier to establish a foothold for high end merchandise on a server where you have the ability to be one of the first crafters to make that gear, rather than on a legacy server where there are 100's of players who can and will make it.

I'd like to be able to help establish market prices on high end goods. I'd really like to be an economic master in this game, and I think the opportunity is much more straightforward on a new server.
#26 Jun 13 2013 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
You do not have to be hand held if you do not want too.
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