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Arcanist/Summoner SkillsFollow

#1 Jun 13 2013 at 9:18 AM Rating: Excellent
3,599 posts
Since we can mention .DAT mining now, I figured I would post this info:

Some brave DAT miners wrote:
Just translating what was untranslated in the data-mined info. I did not find any of this stuff and my translations are subject to being terrible.

Level 01 - Ruin: Deals magic damage to target. Potency: 100

Level 02 - Bio: Deals magic DoT to target. Potency: 10 Duration: 30s

Level 04 - Ruby Carbuncle: Summons "Carbuncle Mage"

Level 06 - Miasma: Deals magic DoT to target. Potency: 5 Duration: 30s Additional Effect: Inflict 20% "Heavy" & an ailment that halves the amount recovered on heals. Duration: 30s This Heavy will not be cancelled if target takes an attack. (TN: This one was tricky for me, might've ****** this one up)

Level 10 - Sustain: Consume 15% of your max HP to grant HoT to your pet. Potency: 5 Duration: 15s Cannot be used if current HP is less than 15% your max HP.

Level 14 - Wither: Deals cone-shaped magic damage towards target. Range: 120 degrees

Level 15 - Diamond Carbuncle (QUEST): Summons "Carbuncle Guardian".

Level 18 - Self-Sacrifice: Out of your current HP, consume 20% of your max HP to raise your own magic damage for a set time. Duration: 12s Cannot be used if current HP is less than 20% max.

Level 22 - Miasma II: Deals magic DoT to AoE. Potency: 5 Duration: 30s Additional Effect: Inflict 20% "Heavy" & an ailment that halves the amount recovered on heals. Duration: 30s This Heavy will not be cancelled if target takes an attack. (Again, not sure of the additional effect)

Level 26 - Fog: Decrease target's range of throwing, archery, and magic by 10 yalms. Duration: 30s

Level 30 - Barrier: Raise your physical defense by 10%. Duration: 15 min.

Level 30 - Bane (QUEST): Scatter a target's DoT & Status Ailment to surroundings. Duration: Based on DoT / Ailment. If you did not inflict the DoT / Ailment there is no effect. Additional Effect: 15% chance to reset the duration of the scattered DoT / Ailment. (TN: This was a doozy. Might be way off. Sounds like it spreads an enemy's DoT or debuff to surrounding enemies. Not sure if this is the actual quest ability you learn.)

Level 34 - Bio II: Inflict magic DoT to target. Potency: 20 Duration: 60s Additional Effect: Raises target's chance of taking critical damage 3%.

Level 38 - Autoimmunity Raise your own physical defense 10%. Duration: 12s Can only be used if HP is less than 20%.

Level 42 - Addle: Inflict target with 10% "Slow Cast". Duration: 12s

Level 46 - Serpent Tongue: Increase your "Fast Cast" 10% and decrease range your range of magic 10 yalms. Duration: 15s

Level 50 - Aura Burst: Deals magic damage to surrounding enemies. Additional Effect: Knocks back target 10 yalms. (TN: Not sure if it's the enemy you target or all hit by the spell. No potency was given in the doc I have)

Summoner Skills (These sound like Summoner abilities but I'm not sure how the levels will work out):

Level 04 - Proto Ramuh: Summon "Ramuh Spirit".

Level 15 - Proto Titan: Summon "Titan Spirit".

Level 30 - Proto Garuda: Summon "Garuda Spirit".

Level 35 - Fester: Deal damage based on the number of DoT / Ailments you have inflicted on target. "60 Potency" damage per DoT / Ailment. Only Arcanist/Summoner DoT / Ailments count toward damage. No effect if you did not inflict DoT / Ailment to target. (TN: Sorry if wording is strange. Might have messed this one up)

Level 40 - Proto Ifrit: Summon "Ifrit Spirit".

Level 45 - Harm's Way: Have your pet take damage for one other party member (excluding yourself). Duration: 12s

Level 50 - Enkindle: Execute a Fulfillment skill on currently summoned pet. Can only use when a Summoner pet is summoned. (TN: Not sure what this means without context, but maybe using stuff like "Diamond Dust" etc.?)
#2 Jun 13 2013 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Ruby and Diamond Carbuncle? Sweet! I wonder if he looks different for each "mode".
#3 Jun 13 2013 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Wint wrote:
Ruby and Diamond Carbuncle? Sweet! I wonder if he looks different for each "mode".

I'm really hope today's live letter shows some carbuncle off. I assume since they mention scholar info, we'll get some info for both jobs.
#4 Jun 13 2013 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
So this looks like the warlock from WoW. That's pretty cool. The thing I liked least about FFXI summoner was the complete reliance on the pet for damage. It is nice they are adding some damage/utility spells to the "summoner" this time. I might actually have to try it out this go around. Though to be honest, I will probably try all the classes at least a bit.

It also seems that arcanist/summoner will be big on debuffing enemies too. Makes me wonder about the role rdm will have if it is ever implemented.
#5 Jun 13 2013 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
Yay that's right we can talk about this stuff now. So yea, now that it's out there, here was my concern about ACN/SMN and dots not stacking. DoTs are a HUGE part of their gameplay, so how SE handles this could be big. For instance, if Fester is a big part of the SMN's balanced damage, and it's only based on YOUR DoTs, and another SMN/ACN is in a FATE with you and places their DoTs first, does it totally gimp your damage? Hopefully they do some clarifying soon since we won't be able to offer feedback of the class during beta. At least not beyond theory.
#6 Jun 13 2013 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
The levels you get Ramuh and Titan are the same levels you get the Carbuncles. So that is why Summoner won't use Carbuncle, the skills to summon him will be replaced by Ramuh and Titan. I wonder if Scholar will really branch off Arcanist after seeing this.
#7 Jun 13 2013 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Jujubah wrote:
The levels you get Ramuh and Titan are the same levels you get the Carbuncles. So that is why Summoner won't use Carbuncle, the skills to summon him will be replaced by Ramuh and Titan. I wonder if Scholar will really branch off Arcanist after seeing this.

Yeah, that was my concern too, though I couldn't mention this. Acn has a lot of pet-based abilities, so it would be weird for Scholar to share them without a pet of their own.
#8 Jun 13 2013 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
This list was primarily why I didn't think SCH would branch from ACN. Of course it could have major changes, but it just doesn't scream SCH to me, with no healing and such.

Also the SMN skill levels are a little screwy, so you can't read too much into it. Since you're not going to unlock the job until 30 (assuming they keep that model) I'm guessing it means you'll *start* with Ramuh when you unlock the job, and maybe immediately have the quest available to unlock Titan, followed by one to unlock Garuda. You'll be a very busy lvl 30 SMN!

I can't wait for more info.
#9 Jun 13 2013 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
655 posts
Im less worried about the summons and more worried about being DOT based in a game where only 1 type of the same dot can be on a target.. 20man raids with only 1 sum/arc :/
#10 Jun 13 2013 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
It looks interesting, like so many I really "look forward" to todays live letter. I hope we get a lot of both SMN and SCH info!
#11 Jun 13 2013 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
silverhope wrote:
Im less worried about the summons and more worried about being DOT based in a game where only 1 type of the same dot can be on a target.. 20man raids with only 1 sum/arc :/

Is this confirmed? I didn't notice any such limitations during the beta.
#12 Jun 13 2013 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
The limitation was definitely there, I noticed it as a CNJ which is why it was a major concern of mine. Other games have had the same single DoT policy before eventually switching, so I'm curious to see how SE moves forward.
#13 Jun 13 2013 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
One DOT at a time is a pretty terrible design, I would hope that would change in beta. It caused huge issues in other games until they changed it. Guess it is a "wait and see" kind of thing for now.
#14 Jun 13 2013 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
Arcanist is a Warlock. Badass. If they're based around stacking DoTs, this could be a really interesting class.

Edited, Jun 13th 2013 12:21pm by Transmigration
#15 Jun 13 2013 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
Yea, I was already planning to main SMN because I <3 Carby, but add in a functional debuffer/DoT caster and SE can has all teh monies.
#16 Jun 13 2013 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Wait what? Single DOTs? From one player or many? I know we've had all kinds of DOTs on boss mobs in the dungeons in 2.0...and as Conjurer I've had Aero and Heavy on a mob before at the same time.
#17 Jun 13 2013 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
Bororim wrote:
So this looks like the warlock from WoW. That's pretty cool. The thing I liked least about FFXI summoner was the complete reliance on the pet for damage. It is nice they are adding some damage/utility spells to the "summoner" this time. I might actually have to try it out this go around. Though to be honest, I will probably try all the classes at least a bit.

It also seems that arcanist/summoner will be big on debuffing enemies too. Makes me wonder about the role rdm will have if it is ever implemented.

i actually liked the way summoner played in XI. The only gripe i had though was the perpetuation cost which i thought was unecessary considering the large amount of MP the blood pacts costed. It was super fun also being a completely pimped out SMN and landing 1k predator claws (600~ to bosses) almost every time.

I'm wondering though if pets have blood pact abilities considering none appear on that list. Being one of the 3 classes that were my favorite I can't wait for information on SMN.
#18 Jun 13 2013 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
Wint wrote:
Wait what? Single DOTs? From one player or many? I know we've had all kinds of DOTs on boss mobs in the dungeons in 2.0...and as Conjurer I've had Aero and Heavy on a mob before at the same time.

You can have Aero and Heavy, but if there was a second CNJ in the group with you, there would still only be one of each DoT. In a 4 man group that's probably not terrible, maybe even an 8 man group, but what about content for alliances? And based on the .dat file, if Fester ends up being a big part of a SMN's damage, and Fester is gimped because YOUR dot isn't the one on the boss... so yea, it's a big wait and see right now, but that was my concern with us not being able to beta test ACN by launch.
#19 Jun 13 2013 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Anakte wrote:
Wint wrote:
Wait what? Single DOTs? From one player or many? I know we've had all kinds of DOTs on boss mobs in the dungeons in 2.0...and as Conjurer I've had Aero and Heavy on a mob before at the same time.

You can have Aero and Heavy, but if there was a second CNJ in the group with you, there would still only be one of each DoT. In a 4 man group that's probably not terrible, maybe even an 8 man group, but what about content for alliances? And based on the .dat file, if Fester ends up being a big part of a SMN's damage, and Fester is gimped because YOUR dot isn't the one on the boss... so yea, it's a big wait and see right now, but that was my concern with us not being able to beta test ACN by launch.

Oh well yeah I guess anything else wouldn't make sense to me. Two Aero's on one mob? That doesn't seem right.
#20 Jun 13 2013 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
12,820 posts
Technically, you can't ever talk about dat mining, lol but considering they removed everything SMN/ACN related in this build, it's probably ok. Oh well. Considering I built an emulator to do easier dat parsing and browsing (Think EWH model viewer for XI) once Phase 3 is up, head towards Camp Iron Lake, lots of stuff related to Summoner lore there.
#21 Jun 13 2013 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
Yea, so that's always the problem with dot classes for balance in these situations. If you have two Monks, and they both use "Punch" say, they both do maximum individual damage. But now you have two Summoners, and they both cast "DoT", one of them does 0 damage. They took away elemental weakness to not gimp certain types of casters, so I can't imagine they'll ignore this situation.
#22 Jun 13 2013 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Technically, you can't ever talk about dat mining, lol but considering they removed everything SMN/ACN related in this build, it's probably ok. Oh well. Considering I built an emulator to do easier dat parsing and browsing (Think EWH model viewer for XI) once Phase 3 is up, head towards Camp Iron Lake, lots of stuff related to Summoner lore there.

Oooh nice, first stop tomorrow!
#23 Jun 13 2013 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Wint wrote:
Anakte wrote:
Wint wrote:
Wait what? Single DOTs? From one player or many? I know we've had all kinds of DOTs on boss mobs in the dungeons in 2.0...and as Conjurer I've had Aero and Heavy on a mob before at the same time.

You can have Aero and Heavy, but if there was a second CNJ in the group with you, there would still only be one of each DoT. In a 4 man group that's probably not terrible, maybe even an 8 man group, but what about content for alliances? And based on the .dat file, if Fester ends up being a big part of a SMN's damage, and Fester is gimped because YOUR dot isn't the one on the boss... so yea, it's a big wait and see right now, but that was my concern with us not being able to beta test ACN by launch.

Oh well yeah I guess anything else wouldn't make sense to me. Two Aero's on one mob? That doesn't seem right.

Oh ok yes. So you can still stack DOTs, you just can't have 18 Smns stack the same DOT. This isn't new, it's the same as FFXI.

Edited, Jun 13th 2013 1:01pm by Louiscool
#24 Jun 13 2013 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Theonehio wrote:
Technically, you can't ever talk about dat mining, lol but considering they removed everything SMN/ACN related in this build, it's probably ok. Oh well. Considering I built an emulator to do easier dat parsing and browsing (Think EWH model viewer for XI) once Phase 3 is up, head towards Camp Iron Lake, lots of stuff related to Summoner lore there.

Well I'm saying that if people want to talk about what dat miners have found on other sites it's allowed. I'm not sure what SE's official stance is on this, I'm merely saying that this site's management has given the go ahead.
#25 Jun 13 2013 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
655 posts
Louiscool wrote:

Oh ok yes. So you can still stack DOTs, you just can't have 18 Smns stack the same DOT. This isn't new, it's the same as FFXI.

Edited, Jun 13th 2013 1:01pm by Louiscool

Its not new but i can see it being a huge issue there are no DOT dmg only classes in ff11. Yes there is bio and dia and so on but if they dont get on the boss not a huge deal. I can see this being a huge deal when being picked for a raid. saddly I wont lvl arc/smn untill they address this issue.

Wint. you said 2 aeros wouldent work in theroy.. why? If i put a wind fan on u and give u paper cuts.. than 2 ppl have wind fans and give u paper cuts.. its gonna hurt x2. Imo is like saying you cant Punch twice so you cant have 2 monks.
#26 Jun 13 2013 at 11:58 AM Rating: Good
655 posts
Reg non-dot dmg attacks till 50
Level 01 - Ruin: Deals magic damage to target. Potency: 100
Level 14 - Wither: Deals cone-shaped magic damage towards target. Range: 120 degrees
Level 50 - Aura Burst: Deals magic damage to surrounding enemies. Additional Effect: Knocks back target 10 yalms.

dot dmg attacks till 50
Level 02 - Bio: Deals magic DoT to target. Potency: 10 Duration: 30s
Level 06 - Miasma: Deals magic DoT to target. Potency: 5 Duration: 30s Additional Effect: Inflict 20% "Heavy" & an ailment that halves the amount recovered on heals. Duration: 30s This Heavy will not be cancelled if target takes an attack.
Level 30 - Bane (QUEST): Scatter a target's DoT & Status Ailment to surroundings. Duration: Based on DoT / Ailment. If you did not inflict the DoT / Ailment there is no effect. Additional Effect: 15% chance to reset the duration of the scattered DoT / Ailment
Level 34 - Bio II: Inflict magic DoT to target. Potency: 20 Duration: 60s Additional Effect: Raises target's chance of taking critical damage 3%.

so if there is 2 arcanists.. either u split the dots but dosent make sense with bane.. or one gets to cast all the dots while the 2nd hits 3 buttons to attack
( i didnt count the buff and mp/hp gain spells)

would they rather take 2+ arcanists or a warrior or monk where they dmg is not gimped due to multiple ppl of same class.

guess they could jsut cheer on carby heh

Edited, Jun 13th 2013 1:59pm by silverhope

Edited, Jun 13th 2013 2:00pm by silverhope
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