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So how the heck did you guys get past Ifrit Prime?Follow

#1 Jul 15 2013 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
1,208 posts
I was not in any kind of organized LS or Free Company (what's the difference anyways?).... but I must have tried Bowl of Embers like 6 times before finally just moving on and winding down the beta last night...

Maybe it was just poor luck queuing up with randoms for it, or maybe it's something else... but I kept killing the add as soon as I saw it pop and we still got wiped every time.

Is there anything else I'm missing that I should have been doing?

I guess we have a month or so to debate this before the servers come back on for Phase 4 but I'd really like to hear your take on how you finished this instance.

Thanks in advance.
#2 Jul 15 2013 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Hairspray wrote:
I was not in any kind of organized LS or Free Company (what's the difference anyways?).... but I must have tried Bowl of Embers like 6 times before finally just moving on and winding down the beta last night...

Maybe it was just poor luck queuing up with randoms for it, or maybe it's something else... but I kept killing the add as soon as I saw it pop and we still got wiped every time.

Is there anything else I'm missing that I should have been doing?

I guess we have a month or so to debate this before the servers come back on for Phase 4 but I'd really like to hear your take on how you finished this instance.

Thanks in advance.

That wasn't Ifrit Prime (that's the hard version later on).

Granted, I've never played beyond level 22 Archer in 1.0 but I found it really easy. I was the tank and he *did* hit fairly hard with his conal breath and swipes, but the group damage was fairly minimal unless people are slow and/or just don't give a damn about moving.

The fight consists of attacking him and dodge ground circles, killing the spine when it comes down, heal after Hellfire, and continue to attack him and dodge circles.

That's it.

Either you weren't healed fast enough or the spine didn't die before he went airborne (and died while he was actually casting). There's not really anything magical to it because it's really the first boss fight in the series of dungeons where the party as a whole is presented the idea of "Just because a healer doesn't excuse you from being responsible for preventing your own death!"

Except for maybe some server-side execution fail of lowering the damage when destroying the spine, that's about the only reason I can see of continually failing it. The mechanics aren't hard, but it's a fight where the game's trying to hammer home the idea of "This is Final Fantasy, and those Potions/Hi-Potions aren't really an option" and not many people get it.

Edited, Jul 15th 2013 12:14pm by Viertel
#3 Jul 15 2013 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
259 posts
Well you have to watch your positioning, know when to move and most importantly, everyone needs to focus on the fetters as soon as they come up. And by everyone, I mean even the healers need to as long as people aren't about to die. So, its not a typical tank/spank encounter that a lot of PUG's expect with everything.

I have seen this attitude with a lot of players, who prefer to solo. They expect group content is nothing more than enemies with bigger health bars. And thus when you enter an encounter that requires more than a zerg, they have trouble. You are seeing this with the lv15 quests too. You can't just rush in and start hammering away, hoping to outlast the enemy. I guess the duty finder will have more than its share of such people. Best you can do is try to explain the encounter and hope for the best. What I hope doesn't happen, but probably will, is that most of these players will go to the forums and threaten to quit cause they are being forced to group for "impossible" fights and we'll get the inevitable nerfs.
#4 Jul 15 2013 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
1,649 posts
Took me three tries to take out Ifrit, but it was mostly because it was a learning process. I had two MMO buddies with me so there wasn't really a risk of having a bad DF group.

The hardest part of the fight I'd say is when he starts going crazy with Eruption and you have to dodge the circles. Zoom your camera out so you can clearly see where to go, or stun Ifrit. Otherwise as long as you destroy the spine in time, and your healer doesn't suck, you're relatively fine.

If you're wiping too hard to Hellfire (AKA, you're taking 1000 damage which is well above your HP limit by that point), use a DPS Limit Break on the spine to guarantee that you'll break it in time. You won't really need it for anything else.
#5 Jul 15 2013 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
Make the tank get Ifrit's aggro and turn him around from your team so that his AOE breath does not hit the DD, make the DD take point behind him, at around 75-60% of life he will start using erupting, so watch your feet and move away from it, after that he will summon a single ADD, as soon as that add shows up, make your DD take it out, and then move since ifrit will use hell fire, after that is rince and repeat and move away from lava.
#6 Jul 15 2013 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
I hope ppl having a tough time regular ifrit will get ppl to stop saying this game is easy mode.
#7 Jul 15 2013 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
153 posts
Hairspray wrote:
I was not in any kind of organized LS or Free Company (what's the difference anyways?).... but I must have tried Bowl of Embers like 6 times before finally just moving on and winding down the beta last night...

Maybe it was just poor luck queuing up with randoms for it, or maybe it's something else... but I kept killing the add as soon as I saw it pop and we still got wiped every time.

Is there anything else I'm missing that I should have been doing?

I guess we have a month or so to debate this before the servers come back on for Phase 4 but I'd really like to hear your take on how you finished this instance.

Thanks in advance.

This actually brings up a point I wish I would have thought of earlier while discussing dungeon bosses.

I kind of wish the dungeon bosses were more on par (possibly slightly less difficult, because I don't think it should take 5+ times to be a dungeon boss) with the Ifrit battle. Both in difficulty and in creativity of the fight itself.

In fact of all the dungeon bosses, I think the first one may be the most interesting. Copper Mines and Halatali are just ridiculously easy, just fight the boss... ignore everything else.


I kind of have a weird story about how many times it took me to beat Ifrit.

I died just as we beat him the first time even though the rest of the party survived, but I thought that didn't count... So I did it two more times, one time a party member dced and we lost, the next time we lost because the WHM died. Then the third time I beat him for the second time lol...

Edited, Jul 15th 2013 12:38pm by ClydesShadow
#8 Jul 15 2013 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
1,649 posts
ClydesShadow wrote:

This actually brings up a point I wish I would have thought of earlier while discussing dungeon bosses.

I kind of wish the dungeon bosses were more on par (possibly slightly less difficult, because I don't think it should take 5+ times to be a dungeon boss) with the Ifrit battle. Both in difficulty and in creativity of the fight itself.

In fact of all the dungeon bosses, I think the first one may be the most interesting. Copper Mines and Halatali are just ridiculously easy, just fight the boss... ignore everything else.

I think the difficulty is fine. The fact that you can ignore the adds for the Copper Mines boss just shows how skilled and well-geared you are. I've been in parties as LNC where the tank doesn't know what he's doing, or DPS isn't maximizing their damage. That's why those dungeons are so easy. It's basically there to allow people who have never played an MMO before to be shown the ropes. The first three dungeons do that pretty well.
#9 Jul 15 2013 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
76 posts
I did the Ifrit fight on my CON. Got an invite from a party of 2 LNC and a PUG. We died probably 5 times.

The winning run, I figured they just weren't going to be able to kill the spear, so I just spammed medica as soon as Ifrit took the spear. After that I had to focus spamming cure on the tanking lancer, and getting out of the AOEs asap. We ended up beating it with just the LNC tank and me alive.

It was fun.
#10 Jul 15 2013 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Pandacon wrote:
I did the Ifrit fight on my CON. Got an invite from a party of 2 LNC and a PUG. We died probably 5 times.

The winning run, I figured they just weren't going to be able to kill the spear, so I just spammed medica as soon as Ifrit took the spear. After that I had to focus spamming cure on the tanking lancer, and getting out of the AOEs asap. We ended up beating it with just the LNC tank and me alive.

It was fun.

What's funny about this story is that lnc isn't supposed to be a tank. What's even more amusing, is that 3 pure DPS classes couldn't take down the spire in time. That's just an interesting group, would have loved to watch that fight. Smiley: lol

And no, I'm not poking fun, I'm just amused at how unique it must have been.

Edited, Jul 15th 2013 1:24pm by BartelX
#11 Jul 15 2013 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
76 posts
BartelX wrote:
Pandacon wrote:
I did the Ifrit fight on my CON. Got an invite from a party of 2 LNC and a PUG. We died probably 5 times.

The winning run, I figured they just weren't going to be able to kill the spear, so I just spammed medica as soon as Ifrit took the spear. After that I had to focus spamming cure on the tanking lancer, and getting out of the AOEs asap. We ended up beating it with just the LNC tank and me alive.

It was fun.

What's funny about this story is that lnc isn't supposed to be a tank. What's even more amusing, is that 3 pure DPS classes couldn't take down the spire in time. That's just an interesting group, would have loved to watch that fight. Smiley: lol

And no, I'm not poking fun, I'm just amused at how unique it must have been.

Edited, Jul 15th 2013 1:24pm by BartelX

Well, with the spire, I think the main problem was the PUG, he was a little slow switching to it. The tanking LNC, I didn't check his level, but I'm sure he was higher because of the gear he was wearing, so the higher gear either helped him, or he was just playing better.

Really, at the end, the key was my survival, which relied on me getting out of damage range while considering lag. It was the first time in the game I really had to worry about this. I ended up having to drop my target to so I wouldn't strafe or walk backwards, and hoping to god that sprint was up and ready to use.

It was a real learning experience for me.
#12 Jul 15 2013 at 11:40 AM Rating: Default
I didn't even realize the fight b.c it ended so quick. I remember healing then Ifrit died.
#13 Jul 15 2013 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
728 posts
I did it 3-4 times and every time it got down to the tank and sometimes a dps having to kite and kill him. He tended to one shot the healer in phase two if they got hit by anything so I had to kite him with shield lob while spamming sprint, second wind, and potions. You always get hit in the transition from phase 1 to phase 2, but if you don't dps the pillar down it will wipe you. it hurts quite a bit, but nothing that can kill you unless you were already low before it hit, but then that's the healer's fault. after that he starts spamming those ground circles. first they hit in the middle of the arena, then the outside and continue to alternate until he is dead. it's not too bead but i could understand how doing it in the DF could be hard. If you get kicked from the instance and have to requeue, chances are everyone else is probably new to it and has to learn the fight. At launch it wil probably be easier to do the fight, they may nerf it somewhat. plus you can get in a LS/FC and get a couple people to help you with it.

If people just do each dungeon once and then take on ifrit i don;t think many of them will be properly geared to take him on.
#14 Jul 15 2013 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
I only did Ifrit once, but it was a breeze for our group.

Group makeup: GLA, THM (me), THM, CNJ

I personally knew the GLA and THM, and the CNJ was someone who literally yelled for a group as soon as everyone got to the Bowl zone in (before Duty Finder kicked in), so no waiting either.

The other THM and I both had Cure ready in case the CNJ needed to constantly move, but we only used it to Cure ourselves if we accidentally got caught in the ground AEs. Otherwise, when the fetter came down, we just immediately lit it up and moved on. It was actually pretty straightforward. I don't even recall Hellfire at all -- it may have a limited range if Ifrit is pulled to one side of the circle.

#15 Jul 15 2013 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
131 posts
I wonder if 4 ARN can kill it with a Guardian Carbuncle :P something I'd like to try out in P4/release :D

Edited, Jul 16th 2013 5:46am by abesut
#16 Jul 15 2013 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
138 posts
HeroMystic wrote:
Zoom your camera out so you can clearly see where to go, or stun Ifrit.



Sorry, could not resist =)

Edited, Jul 15th 2013 4:09pm by Sovjohn
#17 Jul 15 2013 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Did it last night. And for the first time. Mind you, I had two failed attempts.

I had started a brand new character, a conjurer. I wanted to experience the Gridania side of things (had Limsa L. and Ul'dah the WEs before).

First time was just panicky, headless chicken mode. I had no idea that the ground stomp would nearly kill me. Was so occupied to heal the tank and ran into Ifrit's bad breath. Died. Rest of party soon after.

Second attempt was a little better. People were impatient. Casting Protect showed me that the tank was still in CS. This time the black spots of flaming burned ground got me. I thought I could survive those, I'm a healer, right? Wrong. The lancer hold out the longest. Almost got Ifrit down alone. Was at 1%. Unfortunately he was too. Nice try, but no dice.

Third time did the trick. People actually explained things in the beginning. I actually kept everyone alive. I'd rather interupt healing to leave black spots of death. We won.

Satisfying. Flashbacks to Onyxia....
#18 Jul 15 2013 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
12,232 posts
I did it on GLD with a lancer I met in game. We queued up and lost like three times because people wouldn't listen and stood in the flames.

Then a friend WHM joined, and we tried again.

LNC friend and other DPS died ~35-40%.

Me (gld) and friend (cnj) killed him rest of he way. :)
#19 Jul 15 2013 at 10:06 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Prep Work#1: Pray your healer doesn't suck.
Prep Work#2: Pray your tank doesn't suck and if s/he does, pray your DD know what they're doing to backup tank.
Step 1. Dodge Cracks.
Step 2. Dodge Plumes.
Step 3. Beat Nail down.
Step 4. Repeat step 1-2.
Step 5: Victory.

If it wasn't for Hellfire, you could almost do this without a healer, it's that easy.

#20 Jul 15 2013 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
Simple. Not easy.

See, let's get into the detail you neglect.

Prep 1 & 2 : Make sure your DD knows they need to tank on an edge. otherwise, your DD and Tank won't get to evade the plumes.

1: Zoom out, Cracks can blend somewhat in with the scenery now, making it harder for you to tell where to run or how far you need to go.
2. Plumes have a pattern. Center, then Outer Ring. And repeat. Staying near the edges allow you to dodge them more easily. Also Plumes don't show til after Hellfire.
3. Everyone focuses on this objective EXCEPT THE HEALER. Healer applies dots and keeps everyone topped off, Hellfire can still kill a damaged team.

4. - An important tip: Take your bloody time. Don't rush to get him down if it means taking damage. This goes especially for Melee DDs who have to get close, and possibly into plume range, to get a hit in. Wait on it, let your TP recover while you dodge more accurately. Keep in mind that you can stun some moves with your skills if you've got them, so can the tank.

5. Enjoy the cutscene after.
#21 Jul 16 2013 at 2:06 AM Rating: Good
599 posts
The nail will disappear if you don't kill it fast enough. In my experience if both DD don't attack and destroy the nail you lose. Even decently equipped It took too long if I tried to bring it down alone.

I am a legacy player starting on a new server. I ran it three times and succeeded twice. The first time we just found an bunch of people from the linkshell and a Maurader that wanted experience with the fight so he was doing multiple runs. The only person who died was me because a was not watching the cracks and was too focused on killing Ifrit.

The second time I was helping some friends run through the fight. We set-up the duty finder because we didn't have a healer. We ended up with a White Mage from a legacy server in full AF. The tank did a decent job for his first time, as did the Thaumaturge but at 10% health both died. I tanked the rest of the fight on ARC with the help of the Mage.
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#22 Jul 16 2013 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,570 posts
Hairspray wrote:
I was not in any kind of organized LS or Free Company (what's the difference anyways?).... but I must have tried Bowl of Embers like 6 times before finally just moving on and winding down the beta last night...

Maybe it was just poor luck queuing up with randoms for it, or maybe it's something else... but I kept killing the add as soon as I saw it pop and we still got wiped every time.
If you have melee DPS they HAVE to move out of the fire and avoid eruptions, giving the healer more leeway to keep the tank alive. They're going to be busy spot-healing DPS since Ifrit has a omnidirectional knockback.

Tank should keep the boss facing away since Ifrit has a frontal cleave. Of course, once the nail is up DPS should focus on that while the tank keeps holding Ifrit (I tab targetted and alternated Savage Blade combos on Ifrit with Shield Lob on the nail). Once the nail is down and he hits the percent HP needed to go into phase 2, healer should top everyone off. If you think you may need it, you might even want to have the tank use their limit break to mitigate Hellfire's damage before you take him back to the edge of the battlefield and get back to business. Then it's a matter of avoiding eruptions and outlasting him..
Products of boredom: 1 2 3 4 5
Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
#23 Jul 17 2013 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
I'm playing on Ps3 and always got killed in the last 30%. The problem was that I couldn't tell which area was going to explode. Is there any way to zoom out and have a wider view of the battle ground.
#24 Jul 17 2013 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
1,208 posts
pc69 wrote:
I'm playing on Ps3 and always got killed in the last 30%. The problem was that I couldn't tell which area was going to explode. Is there any way to zoom out and have a wider view of the battle ground.

I'm also on PS3 so that adds to the issues with this boss I admit...

First I clicked the left thumbstick to take off the target lock (you can always re-engage lock at any point, but I find it easier on larger bosses (I played FFXI on the XBOX360 too so I was familiar with this dynamic.)

Next I held the L1 button (I believe) and then move the right thumbstick up and down to adjust zoom (in and out respectively).

Once you have the zoom adjusted, it's easier to see what's going on. I go without locking in on the target because it keeps the view open and easier to see adds and other things while fighting larger bosses.

Anyways I still need to apply some of the advice given in this thread once the game comes back on. Unfortunately we lost all progress from Phase 3, but it shouldn't take long to get back to level 20 now that we know what to do.

#25 Jul 17 2013 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
599 posts
pc69 wrote:
I'm playing on Ps3 and always got killed in the last 30%. The problem was that I couldn't tell which area was going to explode. Is there any way to zoom out and have a wider view of the battle ground.

Playing on PC with controller. I think L1 and one of the thumbsticks (can't remember which) works to zoom in/out. My biggest problem is still targeting. I would like to switch targeting modes like we could in 1.0 but it wasn't working correctly or at all in Phsse 3..

Edited, Jul 17th 2013 5:21pm by kainsilv
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#26 Jul 17 2013 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
12,232 posts
kainsilv wrote:
pc69 wrote:
I'm playing on Ps3 and always got killed in the last 30%. The problem was that I couldn't tell which area was going to explode. Is there any way to zoom out and have a wider view of the battle ground.

Playing on PC with controller. I think L1 and one of the thumbsticks (can't remember which) works to zoom in/out. My biggest problem is still targeting. I would like to switch targeting modes like we could in 1.0 but it wasn't working correctly or at all in Phsse 3..

Edited, Jul 17th 2013 5:21pm by kainsilv

For me on PC with 360 Controller was L1 and Rthumbstick.
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