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How did your job views change, pre and post beta?Follow

#27 Jul 16 2013 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
725 posts
Yes, my love of BLM was replaced by my love of Archer! I tried 11 of the jobs/classes.
I will start as Archer and then when I get air pass go level BLM.
I will not devote a lot of time to crafting, as I thought I would, with the exception of maybe Goldsmithing.
I'll just wait and see.

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#28 Jul 16 2013 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
ClydesShadow wrote:
Hey Bartel would you mind describing your experience with the class a bit more in detail?

I've also been thinking of trying PUG but I'm not really sure what to expect from the class. What kind of rotations are you working in parties?

Absolutely. Pug is basically all about using different combos along with positioning and non-GCD abilities to maximize your DPS. At low levels, your main rotation is Bootshine > True Strike > Snap Punch. The intersting mechanic with pug is that after using each ability, it puts you into a different fighting "form". You start in opo-opo form, and then using bootshine puts you into raptor form, and you have to be in raptor form to use True Strike (or twin snakes at later levels); using either of those abilities puts you into Couerl form, which opens up using Snap Punch (Demolish at later levels). Using those abilities resets you to opo-opo form. So it's cyclical in that regard. The unique part comes with the different abilities you can use in those forms (true strike which hits harder or twin snakes which gives a 10% damage buff for 10s; snap punch which hits harder single target or demolish which is AoE, bootshine which is single target or arm of the destroyer which is a DoT) along with the positioning bonus certain skills give.

In terms of positioning, you gain a 5% crit damage bonus if you use True Strike from behind the mob. The potency of Snap Punch goes from 140 to 180 if you use it from a mobs flank. Twin Snakes goes from 100 to 140 when used from the flank also. On top of all this, the third skill in your rotation gives you a buff called greased lightning, which increases your attack speed by 5% and damage output by 7% per stack, and stacks up to 3 times by level 50. So basically, you are reducing the GCD and increasing your damage output the longer into the rotation you go. Think of it as scalable damage.

At level 15 you get Touch of Death, which is another DoT that can be used at any time (I use it at the start of all boss fights and keep it up as much as possible, not really as necessary on trash mobs since they die so fast).

You also get featherfoot, which increases your evasion by 20% for if you pull aggro, and a move called haymaker which can only be used after evading an attack (reactionary ability), hits pretty hard, and adds a 20% slow to the mob. On top of that, we get a skill called Internal Release, which increases crit chance by 30% for 15s (which is sick).

At later levels you get traits that either increase your speed, increase your damage, or increase your damage mitigation that are basically a toggle (you can have 1 of the 3 active at all times). You also get another AoE attack and a stun that don't need to be in a specific form.

The class is constantly moving, constantly determining which buffs you have and which you'll want to add...for instance, my rotation goes Bootshine > Twin Snakes (for damage bonus) > Snap Punch > bootshine > true strike (positioned for crit chance) > Snap Punch to maximize DPS. Then you can throw in cross class skills like raging strike (20% damage bonus for 20s) and straight shot (10% crit bonus for 20s) as well as something like bloodbath (restores a chunk of hp based on damage for 15s) and go nuts on bosses once you've capped your greased lightning stacks (for max DPS).

The class is very deep imo, and a lot of fun to master.
#29 Jul 16 2013 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
Nice post BartelX. I didn't play Pug in the beta.

Reading your game play description makes me really want to try it out.

As far the OP, I felt that CNJ nukes had a bit more punch in 1.0. So my impression was that they have made the mage classes seem a bit more unique with the restriction of cross-class abilities. I'm going for WHM and BLM so first order of business is to finish leveling THM!
#30 Jul 16 2013 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
232 posts
I started out with MRD which was pretty fun. Great Axes are awesome, and it was surprising just how well I was able to grab and hold hate.

PGL seems interesting, but it's really lacking in abilities at low levels. I wish they would have introduced skills like Twin Snakes sooner to give a bit more variety. Tanks also suffer this problem prior to the dungeons, but tanking more than makes up for it.

LNC reminds me of MRD minus the tanking. Since I already played MRD quite a bit, I wasn't all that interested in leveling it up very high during the beta. Similarly, I dropped GLA after picking up Flash.

The mages aren't exactly intriguing to me. For whatever reason, mages have never tickled my fancy. I did, however, enjoy Astral Fire and Umbral Ice.

That leaves ARC. I wasn't all that interested in playing it at first because I didn't want to play BRD, but it ended up being my favorite class by far. Rather than popping the same combo over and over, ARC uses a much looser pattern. Both Bloodletter and Misery's End are off the GCD, and Heavier Shot often led to using Straight Shot much sooner than planned. Combine that with Venomous Bite and Fracture/Windbite for bosses, and I was sold. The only bad part about ARC is leveling both CNJ and LNC to 34 to get Stoneskin and Blood for Blood. Those definitely can wait until after I get to 50.

As for DoH and DoL, I didn't fiddle around with those too much. I'm waiting until after I get my first class to 50 before I decide which route I want to go.
#31 Jul 16 2013 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
210 posts
I thought that I was going to break out of my typical healing role and go for thm. I was super excited about playing thm at the start of beta, but then I ended up not liking it that much. Don't get me wrong; it seems like a great class, but it's just not for me. I tried out all the classes available, and I was most excited about mrd. After release, I'll be playing mrd and sch!

I think my favorite part about beta was knowing that everything I did would be wiped, so I was able to enjoy playing all the classes. I think that if it were not for beta, I would have invested a lot of time into a class that I am not necessarily thrilled about.
#32 Jul 16 2013 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
728 posts
Atkascha wrote:
I've made up my mind to level CNJ/WHM to 50 first because I enjoy helping people out. The class itself became loads more fun when I got Freecure and then Cure II from the Wandering Minstrel. Breezing through boss fights on Brayflox with near-max MP was great. Felt very rewarding. I notice you're able to /shout while you're KO'd in this game, so I spent a lot of time answering those to go around Raising people while leveling DoL classes. After that, I'll have plenty of relevant gear to level THM/BLM.

As an aside, does anyone have any speculation about which role for the Duty Finder that Arcanist will fill? If it's healer, I may level that second instead. Yoshi did push for another healer role, but I'm not sure what SCH's base class will fit into.

I have a feeling Arcanist will be a DPS role primarily. There wasn't any mention of SMN being able to heal so I'm assuming that the healing abilities don't start pouring in until you get Scholar. They could get some form of heal though, but might still be considered DD. Perhaps subbing Cure on them won't be as terrible as it is on other classes.

That said, CNJ was getting pretty boring until Freecure. Even then, the random number generator is so annoying with that 15% that it only ever seems to pop up when I don't need it or at the end of a fight.

I went in planning to level PUG, CNJ, and GLA and I did just that. I started as PUG thinking that a dps would have a quicker time leveling and that didn't really seem to be the case. I switched to GLA after 16 and got it to 16 as well before getting CNJ to 12 the first weekend. I ended up leveling up both GLA and CNJ simultaneously so that I could be whatever job was needed at the time. My girlfriend has decided to main CNJ, so I will most likely end up being a GLA/PLD after I start MAR to get the limsa quest line.

PUG and LNC seem really similar to me, too much so for me to bother with LNC at this time. ARC was fun, but it seems quite broken when soloing. Plus it will end up getting nerfed by songs as bard. THM seemed fun, but as of right now it doesn't seem like the rotation is there yet. After leveling it up for Thunder I changed my mind about not ever wanting to play it. CNJ is solid and fun in dungeons, especially after you get Repose and can freely DPS along with curing without the tank getting low too often. GLA is fun as hell and by far has the most involved skillset. Running more than a couple dungeons as anything other than GLA began to make me fall asleep with the monotony. I'm looking forward to playing MAR and Arcanist in phase 4. It will be nice to see how MAR tanks compared to GLA so I can know what to watch for as another class.
#33 Jul 16 2013 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
598 posts
I stepped inside Eorzea wanting to beat up everything I saw with knuckles. I left Eorzea wanting to slay everything with a spear!

But I can't wait to try Archer. Especially once given another job option besides Bard.
#34 Jul 16 2013 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
448 posts
Was kinda psyched about PLD being back in the game and loved doing it (along with my RDM) in FFXI. However, ever since FFXI, I been going main heals in most MMOs. Thus, I will be targeting CNJ/WHM as my main. Of course, I will be playing the other classes along the way, but WHM will be the first job I will get.
#35 Jul 16 2013 at 8:21 PM Rating: Excellent
232 posts
DamienSScott wrote:
I have a feeling Arcanist will be a DPS role primarily. There wasn't any mention of SMN being able to heal so I'm assuming that the healing abilities don't start pouring in until you get Scholar. They could get some form of heal though, but might still be considered DD. Perhaps subbing Cure on them won't be as terrible as it is on other classes.

I think the opposite on this one. Right now, we have 4 DPSes, 2 tanks, and 1 healer. During Beta, Duty Finder wait times were being dictated by the number of healers available. By adding another healer, things could run a whole lot smoother.

Given Carbuncle's role in previous Final Fantasies, at least one of it's forms will likely act as a healer–Ruby. My guess is that they'll make Healing Ruby strong enough to get you through to 30 as a healer. That way, both ACNs and everyone else can hop through the beginner dungeons faster.

As far as SMNs not being able to heal goes, shows SMN having different avatars available at the same level as the Carbuncle forms. Even though I haven't seen it verified, there's a very good chance SMN won't have Carbuncle.
#36 Jul 16 2013 at 8:30 PM Rating: Good
i'm actually considering just going crafting and gathering. which is kind of shocking to me even, but all the classes were just so fun. I just imagine having all(gather/craft) or ones that would pertain to your "main" leveled up to 50 before hand would be so useful. Obviously you'd have good money (which I'm not sure is used for mainly yet) and you would have plenty of materia which you would be able to socket all yourself.
#37 Jul 16 2013 at 8:38 PM Rating: Excellent
210 posts
FrozenSherbet wrote:
DamienSScott wrote:
I have a feeling Arcanist will be a DPS role primarily. There wasn't any mention of SMN being able to heal so I'm assuming that the healing abilities don't start pouring in until you get Scholar. They could get some form of heal though, but might still be considered DD. Perhaps subbing Cure on them won't be as terrible as it is on other classes.

I think the opposite on this one. Right now, we have 4 DPSes, 2 tanks, and 1 healer. During Beta, Duty Finder wait times were being dictated by the number of healers available. By adding another healer, things could run a whole lot smoother.

Given Carbuncle's role in previous Final Fantasies, at least one of it's forms will likely act as a healer–Ruby. My guess is that they'll make Healing Ruby strong enough to get you through to 30 as a healer. That way, both ACNs and everyone else can hop through the beginner dungeons faster.

As far as SMNs not being able to heal goes, shows SMN having different avatars available at the same level as the Carbuncle forms. Even though I haven't seen it verified, there's a very good chance SMN won't have Carbuncle.

I'm certain that there has been an official statement that smn will not use carbuncle. Scholar is supposed to be the second healing job, so it makes sense that smn will not heal. I haven't seen anything official regarding whether or not carby will heal, but it makes a lot of sense, and many people are speculating that it will.
#38 Jul 17 2013 at 3:05 AM Rating: Good
728 posts
I agree that Arcanist needs to heal before gaining access to scholar, I just don't know how they can balance it for Summoner without making Scholar only buffs that would probably completely nerf Arcanist's healing capabilities at lower levels. I suppose if the healing is done via Carbuncle and CNJ's Cure then it might be possible. It would make sense if they are saying that SMN won't have access to carbuncle.

Man, this class-job system is so damn convoluted. Why couldn't you legacy players quit playing the game like everyone else so they wouldn't feel bad about wiping character data? I jest... but seriously this system makes me a sad panda.

Edited, Jul 17th 2013 5:05am by DamienSScott
#39 Jul 17 2013 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
FrozenSherbet wrote:
Right now, we have 4 DPSes, 2 tanks, and 1 healer. During Beta, Duty Finder wait times were being dictated by the number of healers available. By adding another healer, things could run a whole lot smoother.

It really bugged me that WHM was hands down the best healing job in FFXI, a game that had 20 jobs (at the time). SE stated that they were fine with that design. They didn't do that with DD jobs, so I just don't get why they thought it was good to do it with healers.

While I would like to see Arcanist be able to fill that role as a 2nd healing class before level 30, I can see it being unwanted by people who want to play Summoner. It would be the reverse of the complaints we see with Archer and Bard. Archers want to play Ranger but don't want to get pigeonholed into a support role after 30 levels of playing DD. In this case, aspiring Summoners don't want to be forced to play healer for 30 levels before they can start to play DD/support/whatever role Summoner ends up having.
#40 Jul 17 2013 at 11:04 AM Rating: Excellent
232 posts
svlyons wrote:
FrozenSherbet wrote:
Right now, we have 4 DPSes, 2 tanks, and 1 healer. During Beta, Duty Finder wait times were being dictated by the number of healers available. By adding another healer, things could run a whole lot smoother.

It really bugged me that WHM was hands down the best healing job in FFXI, a game that had 20 jobs (at the time). SE stated that they were fine with that design. They didn't do that with DD jobs, so I just don't get why they thought it was good to do it with healers.

While I would like to see Arcanist be able to fill that role as a 2nd healing class before level 30, I can see it being unwanted by people who want to play Summoner. It would be the reverse of the complaints we see with Archer and Bard. Archers want to play Ranger but don't want to get pigeonholed into a support role after 30 levels of playing DD. In this case, aspiring Summoners don't want to be forced to play healer for 30 levels before they can start to play DD/support/whatever role Summoner ends up having.

While that's true, you will also have future SCHs leveling the class who do want to be healers. Having ACN enter Duty Finder as a healer would be more convenient for everyone but would-be-SMNs and CNJs. Even then, would-be-SMNs would reduce their wait times significantly. The difference between having 4 DPSes and 2 healers as compared to 5 DPSes and 1 healer is huge. Besides, if an ACN doesn't want to heal, they still have access to regular parties.

With regards to BRD, it's way less of a support role than the name implies. While you do get access to three songs, the amount of MP they drain severely hampers their overall effectiveness. Outside of boss battles and recovery phases, I doubt you'll see songs being played very often. Add in Rain of Death, and you have something that's a whole lot more DPS than support. So while it isn't RNG, it's a whole lot better than what some people think it will be. On the other hand, you have a lot of former FFXI BRDs who hate this portrayal of BRD with a passion.
#41 Jul 17 2013 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
I definitely feel better about Dragoon. I wasn't a fan of Pug/Arc cross skills. It looks like it will be Marauder/Arch. I'm not sure when the change was put in but I only noticed it this past phase.
#42 Jul 17 2013 at 1:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
svlyons wrote:

It really bugged me that WHM was hands down the best healing job in FFXI, a game that had 20 jobs (at the time). SE stated that they were fine with that design. They didn't do that with DD jobs, so I just don't get why they thought it was good to do it with healers.

White mage was the first job I leveled to 75 back in the day and I can assure you it wasn't that cut and dry. White mage may have been the best healer at 18 person alliances for endgame events, but they didn't fit in anywhere else after level 40. People wanted Red Mages for anything else requiring a healer. Once I was invited to an XP party only to discover when I got there that they were quite happy with their red mage healer, they just wiped and wanted Raise 2s. White Mage should have been the best job at healing but it's lack of MP generation made it far inferior to the RDM/WHM after level 40 in all but the most extreme situations with lots of people to keep healed (and support jobs to keep WHMs topped up).

But it wasn't just misery for White Mages. Red Mage is a generalist job and people playing didn't like being pigeonholed as the best healer in an XP party because that was all anyone wanted them for. They could do so much more but they were shamed into a single role they didn't necessarily want to play.

It's partly why I approve of the class/job system in FFXIV. I can clearly see the generalist vs specialist trap that FFXI's job system placed people in. 14 liberates you from it by giving you a foot in both worlds with every class.

Having more healing roles in FFXIV is fine for the sake of making sure there are enough people leveling one, but I really don't want to see a situation where people are being outclassed or pigeonholed in that role. It ruins what should be a pleasant experience.
#43 Jul 17 2013 at 1:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Xoie wrote:
svlyons wrote:

It really bugged me that WHM was hands down the best healing job in FFXI, a game that had 20 jobs (at the time). SE stated that they were fine with that design. They didn't do that with DD jobs, so I just don't get why they thought it was good to do it with healers.

White mage was the first job I leveled to 75 back in the day and I can assure you it wasn't that cut and dry. White mage may have been the best healer at 18 person alliances for endgame events, but they didn't fit in anywhere else after level 40. People wanted Red Mages for anything else requiring a healer. Once I was invited to an XP party only to discover when I got there that they were quite happy with their red mage healer, they just wiped and wanted Raise 2s. White Mage should have been the best job at healing but it's lack of MP generation made it far inferior to the RDM/WHM after level 40 in all but the most extreme situations with lots of people to keep healed (and support jobs to keep WHMs topped up).

But it wasn't just misery for White Mages. Red Mage is a generalist job and people playing didn't like being pigeonholed as the best healer in an XP party because that was all anyone wanted them for. They could do so much more but they were shamed into a single role they didn't necessarily want to play.

It's partly why I approve of the class/job system in FFXIV. I can clearly see the generalist vs specialist trap that FFXI's job system placed people in. 14 liberates you from it by giving you a foot in both worlds with every class.

Having more healing roles in FFXIV is fine for the sake of making sure there are enough people leveling one, but I really don't want to see a situation where people are being outclassed or pigeonholed in that role. It ruins what should be a pleasant experience.

This is a good point. In XI my main was lolDNC so I never got invites for anything, which was fine since DNC is an oddball solo class anyway. After soloing to 75 I really wanted to merit in a party, but still no invites. I decided to form a merit static with a RDM and PLD from my LS. We grabbed 3 DDs from the LS and went to work. I was supposed to just pull, but when they saw I could blink tank and main heal at the same time they were thrilled. So for 6 months my friends got to be a DD PLD and a RDM that was more than a main healing Refresh monkey. What was really funny was other parties would see us, with our PLD Flash pulling and running back to the DNC tank and just not understand Smiley: lol
#44 Jul 17 2013 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
448 posts
Xoie wrote:

White mage was the first job I leveled to 75 back in the day and I can assure you it wasn't that cut and dry. White mage may have been the best healer at 18 person alliances for endgame events, but they didn't fit in anywhere else after level 40. People wanted Red Mages for anything else requiring a healer. Once I was invited to an XP party only to discover when I got there that they were quite happy with their red mage healer, they just wiped and wanted Raise 2s. White Mage should have been the best job at healing but it's lack of MP generation made it far inferior to the RDM/WHM after level 40 in all but the most extreme situations with lots of people to keep healed (and support jobs to keep WHMs topped up).

But it wasn't just misery for White Mages. Red Mage is a generalist job and people playing didn't like being pigeonholed as the best healer in an XP party because that was all anyone wanted them for. They could do so much more but they were shamed into a single role they didn't necessarily want to play.

It's partly why I approve of the class/job system in FFXIV. I can clearly see the generalist vs specialist trap that FFXI's job system placed people in. 14 liberates you from it by giving you a foot in both worlds with every class.

Having more healing roles in FFXIV is fine for the sake of making sure there are enough people leveling one, but I really don't want to see a situation where people are being outclassed or pigeonholed in that role. It ruins what should be a pleasant experience.

So true... I went the RDM route and dabbled with PLD. With those two jobs in your party, you really were set on heals. RDM for the emergency heals and offheals along with refresh, PLD for main healing. You just rotated in DD jobs and kept on chugging. I really felt for WHMs back then because even though it seemed cut and dry they would get parties instantly, it was always the RDMs that came off the LFP board first.
#45 Jul 17 2013 at 2:48 PM Rating: Excellent
232 posts
Refews wrote:
Xoie wrote:

White mage was the first job I leveled to 75 back in the day and I can assure you it wasn't that cut and dry. White mage may have been the best healer at 18 person alliances for endgame events, but they didn't fit in anywhere else after level 40. People wanted Red Mages for anything else requiring a healer. Once I was invited to an XP party only to discover when I got there that they were quite happy with their red mage healer, they just wiped and wanted Raise 2s. White Mage should have been the best job at healing but it's lack of MP generation made it far inferior to the RDM/WHM after level 40 in all but the most extreme situations with lots of people to keep healed (and support jobs to keep WHMs topped up).

But it wasn't just misery for White Mages. Red Mage is a generalist job and people playing didn't like being pigeonholed as the best healer in an XP party because that was all anyone wanted them for. They could do so much more but they were shamed into a single role they didn't necessarily want to play.

It's partly why I approve of the class/job system in FFXIV. I can clearly see the generalist vs specialist trap that FFXI's job system placed people in. 14 liberates you from it by giving you a foot in both worlds with every class.

Having more healing roles in FFXIV is fine for the sake of making sure there are enough people leveling one, but I really don't want to see a situation where people are being outclassed or pigeonholed in that role. It ruins what should be a pleasant experience.

So true... I went the RDM route and dabbled with PLD. With those two jobs in your party, you really were set on heals. RDM for the emergency heals and offheals along with refresh, PLD for main healing. You just rotated in DD jobs and kept on chugging. I really felt for WHMs back then because even though it seemed cut and dry they would get parties instantly, it was always the RDMs that came off the LFP board first.

RDMs and BRDs. I swear if my old FFXI character could dream, his nights would be full of parties with RDMs and BRDs. The game was pretty unfair to WHM post-refresh. Heck, I can barely think of a single exp spot where I would have actually wanted to have a WHM after that point. WHM was pretty much always the last resort behind RDM and SMN. With that being said, I hope that FFXIV never has to deal with FFXI's job prejudices. I've grown up enough to no longer care what classes other people use, but there's always going to be someone stuck up on their super high pedestal.
#46 Jul 17 2013 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Xoie wrote:
svlyons wrote:
It really bugged me that WHM was hands down the best healing job in FFXI, a game that had 20 jobs (at the time). SE stated that they were fine with that design. They didn't do that with DD jobs, so I just don't get why they thought it was good to do it with healers.

White mage was the first job I leveled to 75 back in the day and I can assure you it wasn't that cut and dry. White mage may have been the best healer at 18 person alliances for endgame events, but they didn't fit in anywhere else after level 40. People wanted Red Mages for anything else requiring a healer. Once I was invited to an XP party only to discover when I got there that they were quite happy with their red mage healer, they just wiped and wanted Raise 2s. White Mage should have been the best job at healing but it's lack of MP generation made it far inferior to the RDM/WHM after level 40 in all but the most extreme situations with lots of people to keep healed (and support jobs to keep WHMs topped up).

I'm speaking specifically about the game after they gave WHM cure-skin from Afflatus Solace. Along with Light Arts and Sublimation from subbing SCH, no other healing job could heal as well as WHM. The only time any other job was preferred over WHM for healing was Neo Nyzul Isle, and that was only when groups could go with 2 SCHs so that they could have Embrava up the entire run. But after they nerfed Embrava, SCH didn't even have that niche.

SE knew full well that none of the other healers were as good as WHM at that point, and they said they were fine with that. RDM and SCH could still cut it main healing for smaller groups. But it wasn't necessarily because they were a better fit in those situations. A RDM or SCH main healer was something you could get away with in small groups, but you wouldn't have necessarily chosen them over WHM for any particular benefit.
#47 Jul 17 2013 at 3:14 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
svlyons wrote:
Xoie wrote:
svlyons wrote:
It really bugged me that WHM was hands down the best healing job in FFXI, a game that had 20 jobs (at the time). SE stated that they were fine with that design. They didn't do that with DD jobs, so I just don't get why they thought it was good to do it with healers.

White mage was the first job I leveled to 75 back in the day and I can assure you it wasn't that cut and dry. White mage may have been the best healer at 18 person alliances for endgame events, but they didn't fit in anywhere else after level 40. People wanted Red Mages for anything else requiring a healer. Once I was invited to an XP party only to discover when I got there that they were quite happy with their red mage healer, they just wiped and wanted Raise 2s. White Mage should have been the best job at healing but it's lack of MP generation made it far inferior to the RDM/WHM after level 40 in all but the most extreme situations with lots of people to keep healed (and support jobs to keep WHMs topped up).

I'm speaking specifically about the game after they gave WHM cure-skin from Afflatus Solace. Along with Light Arts and Sublimation from subbing SCH, no other healing job could heal as well as WHM. The only time any other job was preferred over WHM for healing was Neo Nyzul Isle, and that was only when groups could go with 2 SCHs so that they could have Embrava up the entire run. But after they nerfed Embrava, SCH didn't even have that niche.

SE knew full well that none of the other healers were as good as WHM at that point, and they said they were fine with that. RDM and SCH could still cut it main healing for smaller groups. But it wasn't necessarily because they were a better fit in those situations. A RDM or SCH main healer was something you could get away with in small groups, but you wouldn't have necessarily chosen them over WHM for any particular benefit.

At least red mages and scholars have other things to fall back on. The only club in the white mage's bag is healing, and for the longest time they weren't even the first choice for that role most of the time. If scholars and red mages could out-nuke black mages, why would you ever need a black mage? They aren't good at anything else. It makes sense that a specialist should be best at the role they specialize in and generalists are good at multiple functions, but not better or even as good as a specialist.
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