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I hope there will be world bossesFollow

#1 Jul 26 2013 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
5,055 posts
I like reading abut stuff like in teh first EQ there was a monster that was literally made to be unbeatable (since it was really just an event monster with no supposed drops or purpose) and the entire server collaborated and organized to set up a date to test out just how "unbeatable" it was. Would be great to see something that epic happen on FFXIV
#2 Jul 26 2013 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Yeah that would be sick, kinda like the realm vs realm pvp, but have it PvE everyone trying to slay some super beast, id be down to do that!
#3 Jul 26 2013 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,208 posts
I don't know, I don't think they are going to be making anymore unbeatable mobs...

Reminds me of Absolute Virtue from FFXI to be honest...

I remember hearing about linkshells fighting him for over 24 hours straight before finally giving up... that's too much, seriously...

I hope they learned NOT to do this from their mistakes in FFXI... that and the 24 hour HNM camping. Such a ridiculous waste of time IMHO.
#4 Jul 26 2013 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
They already talked about the Titans they have in zones. Some of the maps which I cannot find already have the spots where they will be. Supposedly these are like Titan fates and they get more difficult each time you kill them.

Edited, Jul 26th 2013 2:50pm by Mopdaddy
#5 Jul 26 2013 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Mopdaddy wrote:
They already talked about the Titans they have in zones. Some of the maps which I cannot find already have the spots where they will be. Supposedly these are like Titan fates and they get more difficult each time you kill them.

Edited, Jul 26th 2013 2:50pm by Mopdaddy

Last I heard, Odin will be like this. He's the only one that I know that will be like this though.
#6 Jul 26 2013 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
So what's the whole deal about free company roaming primals? Are those fates or instanced encounters?
#7 Jul 26 2013 at 1:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
i think in AV's case it wasn't a smart move to include him in the game since he was never intended to be beaten (but of course people wanted to). The first people who beat him using the wall trick didn't get any drops from him because he didn't have any at the time. They added drops to him later, and of course people wanted to kill him because that loot at the time was godly. It just wasn't cool to make him unbeatable. It also wasn't cool to force pop him after JoL, a ??? or something would have been better. Every time he popped a bunch of people just dropped dead lol.

Now the patched pandamonium warden (2 hour one) on the other hand, that i wouldn't mind in the game. I never personally got a kill on that, but he WAS killable. Was just extemely hard. As long as there varying degrees of difficulty throughout the game i have no problem with things being this hard. It just adds another challenge to aim for.
#8 Jul 26 2013 at 1:41 PM Rating: Default
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
I like reading abut stuff like in teh first EQ there was a monster that was literally made to be unbeatable (since it was really just an event monster with no supposed drops or purpose) and the entire server collaborated and organized to set up a date to test out just how "unbeatable" it was. Would be great to see something that epic happen on FFXIV

I dont know, that type of stuff brings me nightmarish flashbacks of the NM spawncamping of XI. NEVER AGAIN PLEASE!
#9 Jul 26 2013 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
660 posts
If you watch the benchmark closely when they're riding chocobos past groups fighting mobs outside Gridania, in the far background you can see an enormous Adamantoise. I didnt notice it at first but that sucker is massive. I'm thinking that would qualify as a world boss.
#10 Jul 26 2013 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
I fought some giant stone golem in phase 3, in one of the higher level zones. It took maybe 10-15 minutes for about 20 people to take him down. I'm sure there will be high level FATE bosses.
#11 Jul 26 2013 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
1,439 posts
Anyone that played 1.0 might remember the guardian treants that would one shot you with 9999 damage. These mobs looked invincible. One day on Besaid (later Blamung) the server decided to take one down and after about 1.5 hours they did it. It was a free for all, forgot alliances we are talking hundreds of players. We set our HP and kept dieing and coming back for more until it died. I would like to report it dropped something awesome but it didn't.

Edited, Jul 26th 2013 9:11pm by EdyNOTB
Esuna Forums

#12 Jul 26 2013 at 7:16 PM Rating: Excellent
725 posts
EdyNOTB wrote:
Anyone that played 1.0 might remember the guardian treants that would one shot you with 9999 damage. These mobs looked invincible. One day on Besaid (later Blamung) the server decided to take one down and after about 1.5 hours they did it. It was a free for all, forgot alliances we are talking hundreds of players. We set our HP and kept dieing and coming back for more until it died. I would like to report it dropped something awesome but it didn't.

Edited, Jul 26th 2013 9:11pm by EdyNOTB

I love stories like this. I believe the human race is just wired to try to beat obstacles even if we are told its impossible.
Go humanity!!

That said, I really enjoyed FFXI Dynamus and sky gods. Sea was beautiful.


Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#13 Jul 27 2013 at 12:34 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Hairspray wrote:
I don't know, I don't think they are going to be making anymore unbeatable mobs...

Reminds me of Absolute Virtue from FFXI to be honest...

I remember hearing about linkshells fighting him for over 24 hours straight before finally giving up... that's too much, seriously...

I hope they learned NOT to do this from their mistakes in FFXI... that and the 24 hour HNM camping. Such a ridiculous waste of time IMHO.

except in AVs case only 8 ppl could hit him at a time because of the alliance limit and the claim system... in my example 200+ ppl could be attacking at the same time thus making it a LOT more manageable also n one fought AV for 24 hours straight and gave up.. that was pandemonium warden which was 16-18 hours
#14 Jul 27 2013 at 2:25 AM Rating: Good
322 posts
I dont know, that type of stuff brings me nightmarish flashbacks of the NM spawncamping of XI. NEVER AGAIN PLEASE!

I agree. Some of the spawn timers were just insane 24+ hrs no thanks, the animosity and hatred created, again no thanks. Unbeatable mobs are just silly and serve no purpose.

If they linked them to fates where after this huge long chain of fates, or where everyone had to cordinate to do certain fates that spawned at the same time, afterwards a world boss spawned that would be cool. Loot would have to be where everyone got their own loot pool/coffer or have them drop stuff that you can obtain from other sources like dungeons would be great that way everyone gets a chance, instead of on FC having a monopoly on said World Boss.
#15 Jul 27 2013 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
598 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
I like reading abut stuff like in teh first EQ there was a monster that was literally made to be unbeatable (since it was really just an event monster with no supposed drops or purpose) and the entire server collaborated and organized to set up a date to test out just how "unbeatable" it was. Would be great to see something that epic happen on FFXIV

Reminds me when all of Windurst beat down the mithra with our festival bokken. Took forever. The prize? Gold Carp. GOLD CARP!!!! it was very anticlimatic.
#16 Jul 27 2013 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
Also EQ (At least on legends servers) had a Boss Mob that was controlled by a GM. I can't remember exactly was so long ago but I want to say it was some Vampire Lord from a zone Mistmoore or something it was a large castle. I remember the fun battles b.c it was almost like PvP except he was a Boss.

Edited, Jul 27th 2013 9:57am by Mopdaddy

Edited, Jul 27th 2013 9:59am by Mopdaddy
#17 Jul 27 2013 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
I like the way that Bioware did it on SWTOR, every planet had a boss that would require a large group of players to cooperate in order to bring down for the chance at some really good loot. The idea of a Notorious Monster that spawns every two or three hours in a couple mid to high level zones that requires an 8 man group to take down in exchange for some loot and bragging rights is something I'd be interested in.
#18 Jul 27 2013 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
If you look at the benchmark video; in one of the chocobo-riding scenes in the Shroud, there is a GIGANTIC TORTOISE walking around in the background. I don't know if anything has been said about that yet, but boy would that thing be fun to fight. Hopefully they weren't just messing around with mob sizes for benchmarking purposes, because it would be amazing if that enemy popped up randomly and just started destroying the zone.

It is at about the 4 minute mark:
Benchmark Video

#19 Jul 27 2013 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
i hope endgame FATE bosses will something simmilar where free company will have to organized to take them down

since FATE is open world why not have a FATE endgame boss where 100-200 ppl fight aganist it with a crazy 2week - 4 week respawn timer lol

or a 1 time event with a cross-promtion endgame FATE boss ( like to promote ff15 , they will spawn the game final boss as a 1 time event fate boss in xiv ) the ppl that beat it will earn a special title
#20 Jul 27 2013 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
598 posts
Ggrab wrote:
i hope endgame FATE bosses will something simmilar where free company will have to organized to take them down

since FATE is open world why not have a FATE endgame boss where 100-200 ppl fight aganist it with a crazy 2week - 4 week respawn timer lol

or a 1 time event with a cross-promtion endgame FATE boss ( like to promote ff15 , they will spawn the game final boss as a 1 time event fate boss in xiv ) the ppl that beat it will earn a special title

FATE is actually spelled A.N.A.R.C.H.Y.

That said Odin sounds like a FATE that will require a tad more knowledge than simply running in guns blazing. As for your spawn timer... I wouldn't mind one or two like that. Rare NM's are fun NM's so long as it isn't the norm.

Edited, Jul 27th 2013 3:16pm by ShindaUsagi
#21 Jul 27 2013 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
108 posts
reptiletim wrote:
If you watch the benchmark closely when they're riding chocobos past groups fighting mobs outside Gridania, in the far background you can see an enormous Adamantoise. I didnt notice it at first but that sucker is massive. I'm thinking that would qualify as a world boss.

Yoshi said that wasn't in the game but if enough people request to have something that big he can allow it to happen.
#22 Jul 27 2013 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
godagun wrote:
reptiletim wrote:
If you watch the benchmark closely when they're riding chocobos past groups fighting mobs outside Gridania, in the far background you can see an enormous Adamantoise. I didnt notice it at first but that sucker is massive. I'm thinking that would qualify as a world boss.

Yoshi said that wasn't in the game but if enough people request to have something that big he can allow it to happen.

Aww man, that's pretty disappointing.

Seriously though, what makes him think people WOULDN'T unanimously want to fight a gigantic monster like that?
#23 Jul 27 2013 at 8:13 PM Rating: Good
723 posts
I actually didn't mind the ridiculous spawn conditions of certain NM's, it made actually getting the item they drop feel so incredibly worth it. I can still remember the exact moment when I saw Argus spawn, killed it and got a Peacock was a pretty thrilling moment. Same goes for many other NM camping experiences. I realize not everyone has no life like me and can invest that kind of time into camping something though, but it was still something I did actually enjoy from FFXI.
#24 Jul 27 2013 at 10:02 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
Jeraziah wrote:
I actually didn't mind the ridiculous spawn conditions of certain NM's, it made actually getting the item they drop feel so incredibly worth it. I can still remember the exact moment when I saw Argus spawn, killed it and got a Peacock was a pretty thrilling moment. Same goes for many other NM camping experiences. I realize not everyone has no life like me and can invest that kind of time into camping something though, but it was still something I did actually enjoy from FFXI.

i have to agree with you on this. I would say i had some pretty bad luck. i went something like 0/25 for peacock charm, and didn't try again until they made it rare/ex. It took me 3 kills to get the rare/ex version so i was able to sell my old peacock charm and buy something else. The fealing you get when you achieve what your after is what the game is about.

What i REALLY don't want them to do again though is the king HNM's. It's not that it wasn't a cool feature to have in the game, but holy crap those botters made it impossible to claim them. If we did get claim it was like once a month per king, with the same 1 or 2 shells getting claim every day. If they can find a way to make it work so it's fair for everyone without 3rd party aps ruining it, i'm all for it.
#25 Jul 28 2013 at 6:07 AM Rating: Good
2,153 posts
Jeraziah wrote:
I actually didn't mind the ridiculous spawn conditions of certain NM's, it made actually getting the item they drop feel so incredibly worth it. I can still remember the exact moment when I saw Argus spawn, killed it and got a Peacock was a pretty thrilling moment. Same goes for many other NM camping experiences. I realize not everyone has no life like me and can invest that kind of time into camping something though, but it was still something I did actually enjoy from FFXI.

Yeah, no thanks.
Once game mechanics start to reward you for organizing your real life around in-game events,
the pimpled banner of the basement ghoul is on the rise. Which is always a good time to quit.
#26 Jul 28 2013 at 7:32 AM Rating: Default
972 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
Jeraziah wrote:
I actually didn't mind the ridiculous spawn conditions of certain NM's, it made actually getting the item they drop feel so incredibly worth it. I can still remember the exact moment when I saw Argus spawn, killed it and got a Peacock was a pretty thrilling moment. Same goes for many other NM camping experiences. I realize not everyone has no life like me and can invest that kind of time into camping something though, but it was still something I did actually enjoy from FFXI.

i have to agree with you on this. I would say i had some pretty bad luck. i went something like 0/25 for peacock charm, and didn't try again until they made it rare/ex. It took me 3 kills to get the rare/ex version so i was able to sell my old peacock charm and buy something else. The fealing you get when you achieve what your after is what the game is about.

What i REALLY don't want them to do again though is the king HNM's. It's not that it wasn't a cool feature to have in the game, but holy crap those botters made it impossible to claim them. If we did get claim it was like once a month per king, with the same 1 or 2 shells getting claim every day. If they can find a way to make it work so it's fair for everyone without 3rd party aps ruining it, i'm all for it.

I don't like anything that rewards someone over someone else just for being able to play longer in one sitting. But I'm sure there are players who link this with the notion that if you play in longer sittings, you should be better rewarded. The longer and crazier spawn conditions get and the more leet the loot. The game starts to funnel hardcore(time wise) and spit out casuals(time wise).

HNM having some of the best drops were the epitome of this in full effect. Why would SE develop a game with it's best drop content being something only 5-10% of the playerbase will ever participate in or even have the time to if they wanted?

Here's what I would like to see:
How about a monster hunter class? You can call it beastmaster if you want? This class would be labeled under a disciple of the land category but would have battle related abilities.

1.All the monster hunter's rewards come from hunting beast or notorious monsters out in the open field.Skins for personal armor, teeth for protection, meat for unique buffs, they learn unique skills by imitating monsters.

2.All notorious monsters are content for this class only, and when they spawn they are visible to other classes but only able to be acted upon by anyone playing the monster hunter class. Some monsters may require grouping of monster hunters.

3.There are special NM that the monster class can form bonds with, they level and grow alongside the monster hunter.

4.Because this is a special class whose content and rewards are designed specifically for this class. And these monsters do not hold drops that are really rare for other classes. This content can be applied and not cause the hardcore funnel effect. Whoever plays this class knows what they are getting themselves into from the very beginning.

5.This can be the content for players who prefer solo or light parties for the entire game. There would be a meta-game/endgame designed for them while not forcing this upon other classes.

6.There would be a centric commerce amongst monster hunters for trade.

Possible con:
Want: I'm dragoon and want to hunt HNM or notorious monsters in the open field!
SE: Hey, we have that content for you in FATE, instances and guildleves! It's not necessarily open world for you but that was a design decision by us for reasons stated above.
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