I forgot about the PS3 theme, I'll have to check it out when I get home.
I opened the forum on my web browser in XMB and clicked on the PS3 version from there... it downloaded and installed easily this way. I don't think it's in the PS Store... I didn't check it though so I could be wrong. But I thought I had read that it was not there on another forum.
I forgot about the PS3 theme, I'll have to check it out when I get home.
I just DLed it to my laptop then put it on a thumbdrive when I got home and plugged that into my PS3 to install. I really like the icons that the theme has for the XMB.
what all does the theme pack include? I already grabbed the wallpapers that someone posted. does it have other stuff as well?
Edit: NVM i clicked on the link and looked at it lol.
I used to use the Chocobo mouse pointer from the Play Online viewer on my laptop. It even moved like the POV one did. It was fun but the point wasn't exactly where it should have been so it can throw you off.