Hairspray wrote:
This was just posted by Mr. Happy, I figured I'd share it here so everyone can check it out.
I cannot agree with that video though, he seems to be a great gamer, but he treats this Phase 4 as a rush and get everything to 20 as fast as you can! type of event. I however, will be slowly enjoying my leveling process. I may not hit level 50 until people have a couple 50s already. I will be exploring every corner of every zone and take in the amazing scenery. Then, when I see people saying how bored they are because they rushed to 50 like it is some type of race I will still be enjoying my experience. I cannot say don't do what he suggests, but my suggestion is to do it for enjoyment and not to have everything capped at 20 and ready to cap everything to 50 once Early Access comes around. Take his advice, but don't rush yourself.