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Getting kicked out of a LS for saying that Titan is easy (waFollow

#1 Dec 10 2013 at 3:29 AM Rating: Default
49 posts
Long story short: I used to be a member in Comradery Reborn (about 2 months) and I got kicked yesterday without a warning for commenting that Titan was easy. I helped link shell members from time to time. It wasn't too often since I am in 6 other link shells. I never asked for help in this particular shell, and was happy to help when I wasn't busy or set in a scheduled run. It seems there was a quick officer meeting (it could have not lasted more than 5 min since I was immediately kicked after what was a 2 minute conversation) and "they" decided to kick me since my comments about Titan being easy disrupted quite a few members.

Edited, Dec 13th 2013 7:18am by Wint Lock Thread: I think this thread has outlived any use it may have had.
#2 Dec 10 2013 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Nobody gives a ****, go whine somewhere else.
#3 Dec 10 2013 at 4:34 AM Rating: Excellent
15,952 posts
You exist. I see you.
#4 Dec 10 2013 at 5:07 AM Rating: Good
I don't really know a thing about FF, but ti doesn't seem like a big deal. One of many groups you're in, right? Relax about it. If some random dude ***** you over, don't sit there having an earnest conversation with them about it. Don't suck their ****, blow them off.
#5 Dec 10 2013 at 5:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Well, least you know not to do Coil with any of them.

#6 Dec 10 2013 at 6:52 AM Rating: Excellent
I just want to say that I do agree with the OP. Normal Titan is pretty easy...
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#7 Dec 10 2013 at 7:12 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
And stay moved. Smiley: motz

Edited, Dec 10th 2013 8:13am by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#8 Dec 10 2013 at 7:24 AM Rating: Excellent
554 posts
You posted this same rant on BG, Seems to me your fishing for sympathizers >.>

Sure your posting things that help your argument... but one has to wonder, perhaps people just got tired of crap you were saying.....
#9 Dec 10 2013 at 7:37 AM Rating: Good
I agree here. I run a linkshell on Hyperion, and sometimes you gotta cut members who say things that aggravate experienced players, and you also gotta cut members who constantly make dungeons, like Titan HM, seem like they are complete cakewalk. It may be easy to you, but misleading under experienced players by such remarks may result in them being discouraged after multiple tries of Titan HM, or any HM battle for that matter.

It's bad enough we have to put up with ******** players in the end-game who constant belittle even if they know you are new to said HM battle, but to say it's easy, or whatever.. just keep your goddamned mouth shut... cause it is NOT easy for all. So, if you're looking for sympathy you're not going to get it from me. It seems you are saying stuff, even while you may be honest, that people are seeing you as a troll, or someone who just might be putting himself above others... EVEN IF you spend time helping others out. Nobody wants to hear that ****.

Join Today!
#10 Dec 10 2013 at 7:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Devildawgs wrote:
You posted this same rant on BG, Seems to me your fishing for sympathizers >.>

Sure your posting things that help your argument... but one has to wonder, perhaps people just got tired of crap you were saying.....

If they were fishing for sympathizers the Asylum is definitely NOT the place to go Smiley: laugh

Edited, Dec 10th 2013 8:09am by Wint
#11 Dec 10 2013 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
Sometimes you have to cut bad players, especially if they've got such a glass ego about them that they can't stand someone saying that something they find hard is easy.
#12 Dec 10 2013 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
I feel your aggravation over this, but name-and-shame on the internet is not the way to go. It makes you look petty, and is really unwinnable. What's the best that can happen? Your old LS sees one of these threads, realizes how wrong they were, and welcomes you back with open arms? Do you really want to be part of a social group who claims to be adults and then blindly kicks you for an opinion?

I've had more than my share of FC and LS drama in this game, and I can tell you that it's best to just move on and find a group that better suits you.
#13 Dec 10 2013 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
425 posts
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
I just want to say that I do agree with the OP. Normal Titan is pretty easy...

I was thinking that's what the OP meant, and not HM Titan, but he didn't state which. Having not state which one in chat, will make people assume he means HM, because normal mode doesn't hold a candle to it.
#14 Dec 10 2013 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
You expected maturity from a group who can't spell?
#15 Dec 10 2013 at 1:31 PM Rating: Excellent
328 posts
Hmm, I'm actually in that LS but missed the discussion. There very well may have been a tone to your comments (real or perceived) that were more the problem then the actual comments. That and frustrated people can see that kind of comment as an attack on them personally. I would consider the whole thing poorly handled. If I were you I would have taken the invite back and admitted its not an easy fight for everyone.

And Titan HM isn't all that hard* :p

*It can be hard to learn and hard because of lag but once you and 7 other people learn it and are geared up to tackle it isn't incredibly difficult.
#16 Dec 10 2013 at 1:58 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
I find it hard to believe that a group of people would go out of their way to hold a meeting to kick out one person over an innocuous comment. There's probably some other history behind this.

When two people are in conflict over something, there's usually 3 sides to the story: the first person's side, the 2nd person's side, and the truth (which is probably somewhere in the middle).
#17 Dec 10 2013 at 3:10 PM Rating: Excellent
It's not what you say... it's who you say it to.
#18 Dec 10 2013 at 3:26 PM Rating: Excellent
793 posts
They seem like tools, be happy you're no longer with them. As several others have said, you have nothing to gain by posting this here or anywhere else.

Edited, Dec 10th 2013 3:29pm by Onionthiefx
I might be an onion thief, but I'm still a thief.â„¢

#19 Dec 10 2013 at 7:16 PM Rating: Default
49 posts

Thanks for moving the topic. I wasn't sure if this was allowed to be posted here since its sort of "be careful when joining this shell" as well as being tushie hurt.


Thanks! I see you two!

@Sandinmygum the Stupendous

Crazy thing is this was Titan HM.


Yes I did post this on BG and OF as well. Part of it was to vent, part of it as a huge caution.

@Sir ArthurDragonheart

I agree with what you said. I should have been clearer of what happened prior to talking to the leader of this LS. Basically two people were chatting it up about Titan HM. One person was asking for help for Titan and the other was talking about not wanting to do Titan anymore but just to buy future runs due to convenience. I said you should only buy future runs if you already know the fight, but if you haven't then you should learn it because it is easy enough. This is where the leader jumps in and states that it took her many tries to get Titan HM down. The conversation between the 4 of us did not last more than 2 minutes. 30 seconds past (radio silence/conversation ended)... then I get kicked.

By the way, even after I got kicked, I still ended up helping that person from her LS. We tried 6 times, wiped 6 times without ever getting past the heart phase before the party gave up. This is why she got ticked off when she asked me why I went to a LS member instead of going to her. The reason was we went into the fight right after getting booted, and he was the only one I knew from the LS. My only question to him was "Why did I get booted?" He then replied talk to Emma once we are done, and I said ok.

It seems extreme to me... helping people (from time to time) in over 2 months, never asking for help once and getting booted for this. As far as making "easy" comments; the only one I can recall was saying something similar to Ifrit about a month ago when someone compared Ifrit 1.0 and 2.0. That is it. 2 "easy" comments in 2 months; getting booted w/o a warning or anything.


True, I guess it is more of a caution more than anything (as well as a bit of QQ). I was going to go back until she gave me the 1 condition: Phrase any future opinion (in probably everything) as my opinion and to make it clear that it is merely that. Common sense would tell you that talking about how easy or how hard a game or boss already states that it is an opinion. I even commented that Yoshi said the fight was easy... and even stated that even that was an opinion.


I would have, if it were not for that condition she gave me (which I posted to Louiscool). She wanted me to take care of potentially hurting one of the 120 members. I mean sure there are some things that should not be talked about, foul language, using all caps, talking about illegal topics like RMT etc. But I mean c'mon.


Pretty much. Seems she used the "I got many many tells from members" to hide her own frustration over the fight. From BG it seems she was kicked at least once from a LS in FFXI due to drama.


I wish there was some sort of history. I helped Emma once a couple of weeks ago with clearing Garuda for a relic. I do go into conversations from time to time, but since I am in 8 (well 6 now) linkshells, it isn't too often that I stay conversating for a long time in just one shell, I usually just chat-hop. But yeah, never got a warning or /tell from anyone in the past or current. So imagine to my surprise when I got booted.

I think OF stated it best:

It seems to me she's treating members from her shell like their kids in her classroom, despite acknowledging you're both adults. Might be a power trip thing...

If people get offended from others saying Titan is easy, they've got some issues to deal with.

#20 Dec 10 2013 at 9:22 PM Rating: Excellent
I get that problem in my FC from time to time. I was having troubles with Turn 1/2 of Coil for the longest time, while other members were boasting about how easy Turn 1,2, and 4 were for them.

The content can be really easy or really difficult, but it depends on the experience of the party as a whole. Three inexperienced people in anything higher than Titan Hard Mode can turn the tides of battle incredibly quickly.
#21 Dec 10 2013 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
3,653 posts
Yeah you touched a nerve with someone and they abused their (perceived) power. If people have a problem with what you said it should have been discussed in the open channel of the shell, like normal adults are capable of doing. Booting people like that is the cowards way out, and it was obviously someone's idea of getting back at you because they had their feelings hurt, there's not really much more to add.

I agree here. I run a linkshell on Hyperion, and sometimes you gotta cut members who say things that aggravate experienced players, and you also gotta cut members who constantly make dungeons, like Titan HM, seem like they are complete cakewalk. It may be easy to you, but misleading under experienced players by such remarks may result in them being discouraged after multiple tries of Titan HM, or any HM battle for that matter.

It's bad enough we have to put up with bullsh*t players in the end-game who constant belittle even if they know you are new to said HM battle, but to say it's easy, or whatever.. just keep your goddamned mouth shut... cause it is NOT easy for all. So, if you're looking for sympathy you're not going to get it from me. It seems you are saying stuff, even while you may be honest, that people are seeing you as a troll, or someone who just might be putting himself above others... EVEN IF you spend time helping others out. Nobody wants to hear that sh*t.


This attitude is just... terrible, I'm sorry to say. If someone has their fragile sensibilities damaged because of someone something says about a dungeon. For a start they need to grow a pair. Secondly as I mentioned before, if it can't be discussed in a mature fashion in the shell before kicking someone, then you have no business running a linkshell.
#22 Dec 11 2013 at 7:37 AM Rating: Excellent
3,599 posts
UltKnightGrover wrote:
I get that problem in my FC from time to time. I was having troubles with Turn 1/2 of Coil for the longest time, while other members were boasting about how easy Turn 1,2, and 4 were for them.

The content can be really easy or really difficult, but it depends on the experience of the party as a whole. Three inexperienced people in anything higher than Titan Hard Mode can turn the tides of battle incredibly quickly.

And more importantly, depending on the patience and attitudes of your party members, hard events can be fun or extremely stressful. I think the real issue comes from the fact that calling Titan easy sounds a bit condescending and probably made your lsmates feel like they were bad players, and even a little bit reminded them of the terribly stressful parties we've all had to endure, where the leader proclaims you must have the best gear and 1 mistake will lead to you getting kicked.

Titan isn't hard for me, anymore. But I have much practice and play Bard, so I am the king of dodging. But the fight WAS hard, and when I try to main heal on Titan, **** goes craycray. You just have to see it from another's perspective.
#23 Dec 11 2013 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
Correct me if i'm wrong, but it's a linkshell. You can have too many of those as it is, and from what you say you already do, none of them are ever really worthwhile anyhow. Only Linkshell i ever joined was for Spiritbonders. And even that gets 0 use.

If it was a Free Company, sure. That's harsh. Linkshell? Who seriously gives anything about that.

That all said. We know nothing outside of the facts you are showing us. For all we know you have been a terrible, obnoxious, opressive and/or rude person those two months you mention, someone who makes fun of everyone and everything for finding the game hard (as it rightfully should be and is on some parts). It's hard to judge when you only know one side of the story.

Sure, your Linkshell leader comes across as a self-righteous **** to be honest, so you definitely have that in your favor, but why should you even care about being kicked from it? Obviously you werent appreciated there and any friends you do have in there will either leave with you or still do things with you.

Other than fishing for attention and blowing off some steam (always a bad idea), i dont see the point to this entire thread and rant. Sure, it seems like you got treated badly, just learn from it for next time and move on.

Or be petty and wreck the entire linkshell from inside the game itself if you had anything to say in the linkshell before by making everyone except for the previous leader join your new shell. Just dont come here to rant about it. Be a little pro-active and start a ********* inside the game. They would care. We dont really care much at all.
#24 Dec 12 2013 at 2:28 PM Rating: Excellent
There wasn't a discussion, Yelta, just a couple of people (like 3) voicing their opinion. I know for a fact that one of our members, since he's usually on late, have tried doing Titan HM for about a week and a half through DF. And you know how coordinated people in DF can be... I've tried helping him, but 2/8 people who knows what to do doesn't quite work. So yes, in that sense, Titan HM is extremely hard.

This person wasn't kicked out of the LS for stating an opinion. It's for being confrontational about it. So, in order to justify their self worth, they post a private conversation in 3 (are there more?) sites. The Lodestone one was banned. The BG one was reported. And now here ...

Cyber bullying much?
#25 Dec 13 2013 at 6:26 AM Rating: Good
72 posts
So you say titan is easy then go on to say you helped the ls member and failed 6 times and gave up. So what exactly is east about titan hm? You openly boasted about something you yourself aren't good at, and then wonder why you were treated that way.

You remind me of this person that was invited to our fc a while back. Within four minutes of accepting the invite, he asked to be promoted, asked if someone would craft him armor, and questioned why he didn't have vault access. I mean, just totally oblivious. You remind me of that guy.
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