I'm sorry if calling it Artifact Armor is not the correct term, I've seen it referred to most commonly like that.
I'm curious about the Fisherman's set of armor you get upon reaching level 50. I was under the impression that it was all quested like all artifact armor, but it looks like for some reason for DOL/DOH you can only get 1 piece of this Artifact Armor from a quest and the other 4 pieces must be crafted. My question is, how much does it cost in materials? Hoping that you find a nice enough crafter to help you out, how much will you be paying in materials? Not trying to get exact numbers by any means, just a rough idea of what to expect to get this set of armor once I get to 50. Can the complete pieces be bought? And if so, how much?
I also hear there is something like a "relic rod" you can acquire, which is completely golden but has the same stats as the Halcyon Rod. I heard it's gotten from some achievement. Does anyone have anymore information on this?
Thank you kindly.