Fynlar wrote:
I've still yet to get one either. Some folks are getting luckier but I don't think it's been made THAT ridiculously high.
Wish i was kidding, but spamming Lower La Noscea fates for Lights and the 3000 completions for the Paragon's Robe (If no one else participated, they're completed in ~15 seconds there) right after the servers went back up i got 7 Alexandrites in about 30 minutes. I was so pissed off from that after spending a month on the Alexandrite Phase. Luckier? perhaps. My rage calmed a little since i "only" got 3 more in the next 2 hours.
But seriously, that's a little overboard... :/ It was a hard phase, but you got one guaranteed each day, and the buying of additional ones with Soldiery or Allied Seals made it more than fair...