Hello there. Crafter/Gatherer with every Lucis tool and fully melded Artisan's gear/offhand tools.
For me FFXIV's crafting portion of the game is itself worth it. I actually have fun making stuff and putting it on the market, or making stuff and using it myself. Back before 2.4 I went and made full sets of i90 gear for my non-main and secondary jobs, and I'm in the process of i110'ing them right now. I would have done so sooner, but I was using my ability to craft so well to make a ton of stuff to buy both myself and my girlfriend a medium house for each of us.
So my own experience aside ... is this all worth it?
The Artisan gear, definitely. That gear isn't too hard to make these days or even afford to make by buying a few materials here or there and not breaking the bank in the process. Just as an example whenever I make gear to sell, I'll buy the Mastercraft required to avoid the tedium of desynthesizing i70 primary tools or Artisan Glasses, and just take care of the rest myself since you can get one Ehcatl Sealant a day now thanks to the upping of Oaknot rewards in 2.5. It will make crafting for profit a modest bit easier and faster, since 1 to 2-star crafts, which you'll still be doing bridge synths of (materials and all), are plentiful when making 3 and 4-star stuff.
Additionally, what also makes the Artisan gear worthwhile is that ... if, in the end, you don't HQ your attempt to make your own stuff? No big deal! That gear is designed to be able to still be fully melded to cap stats even when NQ'd, even if it takes a few higher tier materia and maybe 1 or 2 extra total materia depending on which piece it is. Artisan Apron excluded from that since that piece is just ... weird, and un-cappable even as an HQ.
tl;dr - If you're making the gear yourself, totally worth it.
The Lucis tools, however ... well, I'll be honest. Anything you can do with fully melded Artisan, Supra tools, and whatnot, you can do with a Lucis, just a modest amount easier. I'd be surprised if they added any more difficult stuff to make that would
require a Lucis to take on given this is the final patch before Heavensward, even if there are two medium-sized mid-patches coming up as well.
I got all of them because I just freaking love crafting, and also because crafting is my end game while I dawdle around sitting on my hands not doing "true" end game content while waiting on friends to be around/catch up so we can do stuff together. So I had the time and the obsession to turn in enough stuff to my Grand Company to accrue over 800,000 Seals in a week, which I needed for all 220 Moonstones you'd need for all the tools (each one requires 20).
(Seriously, it's insane how many GC Seals I needed, as exhibitied
riiiiight here.)
The other aspects of the Lucis tool requirements are pretty 'eh'. You make 20 HQ items with 3-star quality requirements but with a 40/40 difficulty instead of 80/80. If you NQ the item you can turn it in to Talan for a do over that gives you back everythinjg except the one non-rare material (e.g. if you're a Weaver making Camlet you'll get back the 3 Camel Hair and 1 Cashmere fleece it requires, but not the Diluted Vitriol or Clusters). The unique item for each craft you can either do like I did with Moonstones and spam your GC to death with i55 crafted gear turn-ins, or go to Saint Coinarch and plow away at Level 45 craft leves since you get 1-3 of said item (you need a total of 60) each time you turn in items.
... long story short, do Lucis tools if you like a craft challenge and have way too much time on your hands. Don't do it if you're putting a lot of your time and energy in game in to other things, like end game raids or leveling or Hunts or whatever the cool kids do these days.
EVEN MORE BABBLE EDITED IN: Oh and all this talk about needing to spiritbond materia for the Artisan's gear is pretty ... moot, I guess? If you HQ the gear you'll never need anything more than a Tier III, and even then you can try and skimp and overmeld using Tier IIs and Is. You only need to worry about Tier IVs and those sick prices if you NQ a bunch of the pieces.
Edited, Feb 12th 2015 10:20pm by Satisiun