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Do you think FFXIV will bring back old school endgame?Follow

#127 Aug 19 2015 at 9:43 PM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
ARR is indeed a new client on a new engine (the servers are questionable though) -- But there's still far too much from 1.x to really say it's "brand new"..since the overarching storyline even states it's 5 years after the events of 1.23..including the main 2.0 storyline. So I do get why it's hard to say it's brand new since that's half right. I destroyed Ifrit, Garuda and Moogles numerous times in 1.x. I even had campaign like content in 1.x where you had to push back waves of garleans outside of the city gates and so on. For the most part, ARR is a relaunch, but it's still considered version 2.0. So that's neither good nor bad, just, XIV is in an interesting spot considering it's still using concepts and essentially content from as old as 2010, not counting the XI assets used since that's just models.

As for the mobile games - FFXI Grand Masters that I beta tested is just FFXI theatrhythm, it has no real link to XI at all. The mobile client for XI is stated to be a port that starts from zilart but the content is being reformatted and none of our PS2/PC/360 accounts will transfer to it.

#128 Aug 20 2015 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
I don't really understand why we're trying to bend reality for FFXIV here. FFXI is 13 years old. No one says "Oh, well I started playing in 2005 so don't say it's 13 years old".

You're taking what we're saying out of context.

No, no I'm not. People are going so far as to flat out deny 1.0 as having any relation to ARR and beyond. To the point where ARR is being considered vanilla and HW is being compared to RotZ.

I have no qualms at all with people saying that 1.0 and ARR play like completely different games because it's true. The issue is that people are going so far as to remove 1.0 from consideration as ever being a part of FFXIV. To the point where if I say something general like "XIV was released almost 5 years ago" that pretty plain fact gets challenged by people with excuses about how it wasn't online for x amount of time or they didn't charge for it for y amount of time.

Thayos wrote:
Filth, you tend to have two issues with your posts:

You have the issues with my posts, but go on...

Thayos wrote:
Your tone in this sentence seems to say, "There's no way that anyone could have seen ARR as a new game." When really, based on what you said above ("What I gave was my own personal experience..."), a better way to word this sentence would have been, "It's pretty much impossible for me to entertain the idea that ARR was new when I logged in day 1..."

You point out that I quote or paraphrase out of context, and only a few lines down you go on about what you imagine my tone makes my words mean. Maybe you can see why you have a second issue with my posts? You don't think it's a bit hypocritical?

It doesn't seem to say anything Thayos. It says exactly what it means. If you played at any point during 1.0 then you should at least be able to understand why the game isn't new to legacy players. I'm not generalizing about just anyone who plays. I get that some players never saw or heard of the game until recently. I can also see old players starting over to try and get that new game feel, but I wouldn't compare my own experience to someone who's never played before ARR.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#129 Aug 20 2015 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Thayos wrote:
I don't really understand why we're trying to bend reality for FFXIV here. FFXI is 13 years old. No one says "Oh, well I started playing in 2005 so don't say it's 13 years old".

You're taking what we're saying out of context.

No, no I'm not. People are going so far as to flat out deny 1.0 as having any relation to ARR and beyond. To the point where ARR is being considered vanilla and HW is being compared to RotZ.

I think you're lacking in understanding as to what a reboot means on the development end, because you just stated to entirely contrasting statments. One is true, one is false.

ARR is the new Vanilla. And should be considered the new starting point.

I don't understand why it's so hard for you to understand this. Both the server client, and the player client had to be rewritten. Just on the basis of those two facts alone, that means not a single piece of code or graphic went into this game untouched. Every line had to reviewed, every polygon count adjusted, every mesh reviewed.

No 'expansion' ever has done this as a singular rework. This isn't just updating zones and graphic works, then tweaking how combat worked.

That said, there's no denial that 1.0 has a relation to ARR here. Simple an acknowledgement of the developmental reboot. I have repeatedly stated that ARR felt like a sequel rather than what you're trying to peg it as. And you have, on multiple occasions now, tried to alter that by putting words into my mouth.

FFXIV 1.0 deserves it's distinction from FFXIV: A Realm Reborn and beyond. And vice versa. This incarnation of FFXIV started with a Realm Reborn. Period. It was built from the ashes of 1.xx. That is not a divorce, that's a recognition. And you need only go as far as the Development Team to look for confirmation on that view: Source


The second anniversary of FINAL FANTASY XIV is nearly upon us. And to commemorate this momentous occasion, we'll be hosting a special 14-hour broadcast! The live stream will feature the twenty-fourth Letter from the Producer LIVE, appearances by special guests, and much more! You won't want to miss all the fun and excitement during our weekend celebration!
(emphasis mine)

That's second. Not fifth. And before you go 'conspiracy theory' on us Yoshida had already acknowledged the reset of the clock last year.

The IP is older. The Client is 2 years old. In terms of developmental discussion - A Realm Reborn is the new start date.

As far as your writing tone and level of defensiveness. You really do need to watch what you write. (Don't worry, I do too and I do slip op as well.) Thayos is dead on. The line you became so defensive at was in direct response to that last paragraph, for exactly that reason. Your diction in that last paragraph lead to the implication of a tonal shift into the whole posts, making it sound like your personal view was the pervasive and right one, even if many were going to disagree with you.

I think I've given you enough to be outright combative with so I'm moving on.

Theonehio wrote:
ARR is indeed a new client on a new engine (the servers are questionable though) -- But there's still far too much from 1.x to really say it's "brand new"..since the overarching storyline even states it's 5 years after the events of 1.23..including the main 2.0 storyline. So I do get why it's hard to say it's brand new since that's half right. I destroyed Ifrit, Garuda and Moogles numerous times in 1.x. I even had campaign like content in 1.x where you had to push back waves of garleans outside of the city gates and so on. For the most part, ARR is a relaunch, but it's still considered version 2.0. So that's neither good nor bad, just, XIV is in an interesting spot considering it's still using concepts and essentially content from as old as 2010, not counting the XI assets used since that's just models.

As for the mobile games - FFXI Grand Masters that I beta tested is just FFXI theatrhythm, it has no real link to XI at all. The mobile client for XI is stated to be a port that starts from zilart but the content is being reformatted and none of our PS2/PC/360 accounts will transfer to it.

The Storyline is kinda irrelevant in the case of this discussion - even if it is derivative, it had to be written for the context of a Realm Reborn, and very, very little was taken over verbatim for the quest lines. Again, this is more resembling as a Mass Effect sequel. Same crew, same theme, same arc of Villians (But with new ones taking the limelight this time) hell even the same settings, but the arc moves on. New and revamped potions come out of the woodwork for it, and the story moves on, rather than being an exact copy of its predecessor.

As far as the servers, the server client (more than just the graphical engine, that's all player client) had to be redone. A small listing some of the reasons was the double checks on positional during attacks which caused lag before the attack even came through. (Which made the animation lock a weird thing.) An antiquated data redundancy system, and virtually zero server-side data recording. I'm sure there's still some original coding in there, but even that likely was put up for review.

We knew the 1.0 client was bad, but it wasn't until that first candid interview with Yoshida when he explained why the full client reboot did we really know HOW bad.

Even the fight scripts, which we see almost tit for tat in the cases of Mooglemog, Garuda, and Ifrit, had to be re-produced and what pieces of codes they could salvage modified. It's like pulling Ryu from Street Fighter and plopping him into a Tekken game. Sure, he might wind up having the exact same fight style, but he's got to fit with the new client to play right. Porting ain't easy. It's less work, ultimately, but it's still a good deal of man-hours to make sure everything checks out and plays nice.

So yeah, 2.0 is the new Vanilla. Not to say that the old Vanilla did not exist or its influences cannot be seen to this day. There's no divorcing from the mistake that was the original 1.0 client. But everything that was old was new again with ARR which pulled off something thought impossible - it managed to have a a second first birthday.

Edited, Aug 20th 2015 11:42am by Hyrist
#130 Aug 20 2015 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
People are going so far as to flat out deny 1.0 as having any relation to ARR and beyond. To the point where ARR is being considered vanilla and HW is being compared to RotZ.

Literally no one in this thread has said this -- except for you. You're either trying to put words in people's mouths as a means of belittling their points of view, or you're seriously missing the points they're trying to make. Or, you're just shooting from the hip and not being careful -- which, although not as bad, equally undermines what might otherwise be salient points.

If you played at any point during 1.0 then you should at least be able to understand why the game isn't new to legacy players.

A better way to word this statement would be, "If you played at any point during 1.0, then you should at least be able to understand why the game isn't new to me."

Had you worded it that way, you would have been correct. I do understand why you don't view ARR as a new game. However, I was also a Legacy player, and I disagree -- and I could find several other Legacy players who disagree, as well.

You point out that I quote or paraphrase out of context, and only a few lines down you go on about what you imagine my tone makes my words mean. Maybe you can see why you have a second issue with my posts? You don't think it's a bit hypocritical?

What you did is take people out of context (and you did it again in your last post, with the comment I posted at the top of this reply). What I did was highlight your problematic statement and then describe how it could be read based on your word choices.

So no, I'm not being a hypocrite. Not even a little bit.

For me to have been hypocritical in my post, I would have had to paraphrased you in some way that wasn't true. Like, if I would have said something like, "You're sitting here pretending like FFXIV was never taken offline and that nothing ever changed between 1.x and ARR," THEN you'd be able to accurately call me a hypocrite... because I'd be doing the same thing you regularly do, which is jump to a wild, unfounded conclusion by taking your views to some kind of weird extreme.

Filth, you bring good things to this community, but whenever you get defensive you regularly take people out of context in order to falsely prop up your arguments. I've seen it again and again -- not just with me, but with others, as well. I don't think of you as a forum troll -- but when you get so aggressive and make such wild, unfounded and belittling claims about other people's views, then your behavior is downright trollish. I seriously hope you're not doing this intentionally.

You have the right to be aggressive here. But if you're going to be aggressive, then you need to be correct. And you can be correct every single time by focusing on your views and not trying to tamper with everyone else's.

Also, Hyrist's response to your weird "People are going so far as to flat out deny 1.0 as having any relation to ARR" comment is dead-on.

Edited, Aug 20th 2015 7:36am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#131 Aug 20 2015 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
126 posts
More varied endgame and outdoor content would be welcomed by me . It doesnt have to mimic ffxi..that wouldn't guarantee its enjoyable, but I can understand ppl wanting more ways to achieve goals.

I don't know what SE limitations are so its hard to think of things that would actually work...we can only have faith that they tap into all the games potential eventually errr....but things like such a basic, unengaging and non creative housing design doesn't spark a lot of faith from me tbh. Nor qol changes that have not been added in 2 years.../sigh.

I really enjoy aspects of ffxiv, but imo they refuse or maybe cant tap into its full potential.
The lack of variety already and countless suggestions made by so many that have never seen the light of day after 2 years is one example of keeping the game at an "ok" level, yet not excelling in ...anything.

Its a bit worry some, but that is the norm for SE.

FFXIV is only one of the games I play/pay for.
It has some really good points, some extremely bad points and many somewhere in between , like every other game.
No game is the best. :)
#132 Aug 20 2015 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Thayos wrote:

Had you worded it that way, you would have been correct. I do understand why you don't view ARR as a new game. However, I was also a Legacy player, and I disagree -- and I could find several other Legacy players who disagree, as well.

Just a small note, myself and my GF sitting next to me can confirm your viewpoint Thayos. Though she was a bit more colorful as to speculation on Filthy's intelligence.

"I'm not a nice person in the morning." She says. Smiley: lol

#133 Aug 20 2015 at 9:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Just a small note, myself and my GF sitting next to me can confirm your viewpoint Thayos.

Trust me, I'm well aware that I'm not the outlier in this thread. Smiley: wink
Thayos Redblade
#134 Aug 20 2015 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
Honestly Thayos I wish you were as observant and quick to point out aggressive, belittling and other such behaviour when someone is just as bad or worse but happens to be on your side of the argument. Generally speaking, not necessarily this thread specifically.
#135 Aug 20 2015 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
I just remembered what Yoshi P signed on Lahurah's copy of 1.0:

"I fixed this."

Makes me grin every time I recall it.
#136 Aug 20 2015 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyrist wrote:
I think you're lacking in understanding as to what a reboot means on the development end, because you just stated to entirely contrasting statments. One is true, one is false.

ARR is the new Vanilla. And should be considered the new starting point.

I don't understand why it's so hard for you to understand this. Both the server client, and the player client had to be rewritten. Just on the basis of those two facts alone, that means not a single piece of code or graphic went into this game untouched. Every line had to reviewed, every polygon count adjusted, every mesh reviewed.

All of my progress through 1.0 followed me into ARR and that was the underlying factor in why ARR was just an extension(albeit a much cleaner and better executed extension) of the original. This is my opinion based on my personal experience so while you may have a different experience, it doesn't make mine any more or less 'correct'. I never suggested that everyone had an experience similar to mine, but it's clear that it was a possibility for anyone who did experience XIV 1.0 version.

Hyrist wrote:
That's second. Not fifth. And before you go 'conspiracy theory' on us Yoshida had already acknowledged the reset of the clock last year.

Not really sure what you are quoting here or why. ARR is allowed to have it's own anniversary. I have no issue at all with that. Do you really think the anniversary of 1.0's failed launch would be cause for celebration and fanfare? C'mon now...

Thayos wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
People are going so far as to flat out deny 1.0 as having any relation to ARR and beyond. To the point where ARR is being considered vanilla and HW is being compared to RotZ.
Literally no one in this thread has said this -- except for you.

Hyrist wrote:
ARR is the new Vanilla. And should be considered the new starting point.

This was pulled quite literally from the post just above yours.

Even giving you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't read his post before finishing yours, he's said it several times throughout this thread. If you ask him for clarification I'm sure he would oblige, but I would be sorely disappointed if you interpreted this statement as anything other than exactly what it is.

It's not about who is right and wrong, partially right or absolutely correct... it's an opinion. Hyrist is welcome to have his perspective of what ARR was for him because he didn't share the same experience you did, the same experience I did or anyone else for that matter. That's all I'm trying to get across here. I have experience and I've given ample reason for the opinion and perspective I hold. Though my opinion differs from yours, I don't simply disqualify yours because it conflicts. I respect that you see it differently and you should respect that as well.

Some of Hyrist's posts tend to be long-winded so I don't really blame you for not seeing it previously, but it's there. If there was any question at all he would probably clarify it for you.

Thayos wrote:
You have the right to be aggressive here. But if you're going to be aggressive, then you need to be correct.

I'm aggressive because you continue to tell me that my opinion and views on events that happened in my experience of 1.0 through ARR are incorrect. Why would you try to convince someone that their perspective is wrong? If someone said they would avoid a certain restaurant because they had an unpleasant experience, would you dismiss it simply because you yourself had a good experience?

I said I don't understand how legacy players wouldn't say that XIV is 5 years old because I don't. While all legacy players had their own unique experiences in XIV 1.0, we all had our progress carry over to ARR. I only emphasize that I'm perplexed by it because on it's own, that's a pretty strong link between the two.

At the time I didn't even bring it up, but has anyone considered the lore behind what happened in the shift from 1.xx to 2.0? I mean aside from our own accounts of how bad 1.0 was and why it needed the overhaul... what actually transpired on Eorzea during that time? I couldn't actually get online to experience the server event that happened when the shift was made so I didn't get to witness that, but did anyone get the collector's edition box with the movie? Was it about what happened between 1.0 and 2.0?

I kinda feel like the events in 1.0 all happened and as the transition was made we were just shifted into some sort of alternate realm or stasis until Bahamut was done having a tantrum. I mean, I know that the inhabitants of Eorzea post-'space ball of death' are oblivious, but the events did take place. I don't recall it just being like a time rewind where we go back to before whatever set off Dalamud.

I really don't feel like I'm reaching here guys n gals. Not only do you deny the IRL story of ARR being so triumphant, seeing as how it rose from the ashes and all that other sentimental *********** but it's disrespectful to elf summoner dude and all those people who channeled their energy to save your non-appreciative asses. Don't be so disrespectful Smiley: mad


Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#137 Aug 20 2015 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Honestly Thayos I wish you were as observant and quick to point out aggressive, belittling and other such behaviour when someone is just as bad or worse but happens to be on your side of the argument. Generally speaking, not necessarily this thread specifically.

That's a fair criticism.

In my defense, I don't think it's my place to get in the middle of other people's arguments, unless actual forum rules are being broken (threats, insults, outright trolling, etc). In the threads I follow, I generally don't see this as an issue on either "side" of most arguments. Most people here do a great job sticking to the facts and the bodies of their own arguments, which is why we're able to co-exist and disagree on things with relatively little drama.

However, Filth has a history of taking people out of context, and this time he (again) did it to me -- so I'm calling him out. It just so happens that in this argument, he's incorrectly paraphrased several people, and not just me.

That said, I consider it trolling when people repeatedly twist around other people's words after being called out on it several times. It's a form of harassment. Anyone who is feeling harassed by other forum members can certainly PM me with their concerns.


Now, in response to Filth's latest post:

ARR is the new Vanilla. And should be considered the new starting point.

Filth, you profoundly misunderstood what Hyrist is saying.

ARR is the new Vanilla. That doesn't replace the fact that version 1.x also had a Vanilla form. We think of 1.x and ARR as two separate games of the same IP. So yes, they share a connection, but each game also stands on its own.

Also, Filth, you said:

People are going so far as to flat out deny 1.0 as having any relation to ARR and beyond.

You still have not explained how you possibly arrived at this conclusion. Can you pin this to ANYONE's quotes in this entire thread, or did you completely make this up? I seriously don't recall anyone saying anything remotely like this. The storyline and our characters of the two games are incredibly related. Unless I'm missing someone -- and please, provide an actual quote (in context) if I am -- this statement of yours is total garbage. I'd like to think you simply misunderstood, but all of us have been discussing ways in which the games are related to each other, so a misunderstanding seems highly unlikely.

I'm aggressive because you continue to tell me that my opinion and views on events that happened in my experience of 1.0 through ARR are incorrect.

Nope, I'm really not. I'm telling you that I disagree. I'm also telling you that it's total BS for you to prop up your views by twisting around what others say. I'm also telling you it's BS to make back-handed insults such as "If you played at any point during 1.0 then you should at least be able to understand why the game isn't new to legacy players."

News flash: You don't speak for all Legacy players; you only speak for yourself. Truth is, many Legacy players would disagree with your statement. So when you say things like that, it's just BS.

Edited, Aug 20th 2015 10:55am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#138 Aug 20 2015 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
All of my progress through 1.0 followed me into ARR and that was the underlying factor in why ARR was just an extension(albeit a much cleaner and better executed extension) of the original. This is my opinion based on my personal experience so while you may have a different experience, it doesn't make mine any more or less 'correct'. I never suggested that everyone had an experience similar to mine, but it's clear that it was a possibility for anyone who did experience XIV 1.0 version.

This marks the first time you've correctly expressed this opinion in the course of this conversation. I accept your opinion as it is and disagree, and have, repeatedly, provided evidence to my stamtents on why your perspective is not generally accepted or widely adapted - and doing so cannot serve as the argumentative basis for criticism on matters of the development cycle. Your opinion isn't fact. And you continue to profess it so.


Not really sure what you are quoting here or why. ARR is allowed to have it's own anniversary. I have no issue at all with that. Do you really think the anniversary of 1.0's failed launch would be cause for celebration and fanfare? C'mon now...

Funny, I didn't see the words "A Realm Reborn" anywhere in that quote. Maybe because of the "Reborn" part of A Realm Reborn also indicated it was the Reboot for FFXIV proper.

Thayos wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
People are going so far as to flat out deny 1.0 as having any relation to ARR and beyond. To the point where ARR is being considered vanilla and HW is being compared to RotZ.
Literally no one in this thread has said this -- except for you.

Hyrist wrote:
ARR is the new Vanilla. And should be considered the new starting point.

This was pulled quite literally from the post just above yours.

And, again you quote out of context. Here's the paraphrased context for you.

.... because you just stated to entirely contrasting statments. One is true, one is false.

ARR is the new Vanilla. And should be considered the new starting point...

That said, there's no denial that 1.0 has a relation to ARR here. Simple an acknowledgement of the developmental reboot.

IF you want respect for your arguments, you need to take the moment to understand and acknowledge your opponent's counterpoints. Not manipulate them as you see fit.

Even giving you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't read his post before finishing yours, he's said it several times throughout this thread. If you ask him for clarification I'm sure he would oblige, but I would be sorely disappointed if you interpreted this statement as anything other than exactly what it is.

It's not about who is right and wrong, partially right or absolutely correct... it's an opinion. Hyrist is welcome to have his perspective of what ARR was for him because he didn't share the same experience you did, the same experience I did or anyone else for that matter.

That's all I'm trying to get across here. I have experience and I've given ample reason for the opinion and perspective I hold. Though my opinion differs from yours, I don't simply disqualify yours because it conflicts. I respect that you see it differently and you should respect that as well.

The problem is, your opinion is based off of subjective experience only. I've been pulling sources beyond that and explaining why your conjectures cannot hold weight with me when you base them solely on your opinion.

You equate Heavensward to Chains of Promythia. I do not. I cannot, based off the facts and evidence provided to us on the works given. And I have maintained consistency in that message throughout. I even began my participation listing my opinion on the pointlessness of this discource based off the evidence that opinions on the matter have not changed in two years. Thus far, that observation has not been disproven. I have continued the conversation soley to isolate these underlining factors that have left me to that conclusion.

Some of Hyrist's posts tend to be long-winded so I don't really blame you for not seeing it previously, but it's there. If there was any question at all he would probably clarify it for you.

Of the two of you, You are the one that seems to need more clarification.


I'm aggressive because you continue to tell me that my opinion and views on events that happened in my experience of 1.0 through ARR are incorrect. Why would you try to convince someone that their perspective is wrong? If someone said they would avoid a certain restaurant because they had an unpleasant experience, would you dismiss it simply because you yourself had a good experience?

Interjecting here ,but - and to clarify, this is in the realm of Academic Argument - if it was your opinion that 'Lalafell' (Replace lalfell with any ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation of your choosing) was inferior based entirely on your personal experiences, you're damn well right I would speak up against your opinion. Opinions can be wrong in the morally or factual sense. Opinions based off of ignorance are often wrong.

And regardless on whether or not you or anyone else considers your opinion 'wrong', I never said it did. What I said was, and I quote:

"Hyrist" wrote:
Except that experience wasn't even common, let alone universal.

It was to point out that your perspective was an outlier, and in direct response in to the tone of your writing, which implied that the opinions of others is wrong.

Regardless of that I reserve my right to explain and justify my own opinion in an effort to get you to understand, acknowledge and consider adapting it.

I said I don't understand how legacy players wouldn't say that XIV is 5 years old because I don't. While all legacy players had their own unique experiences in XIV 1.0, we all had our progress carry over to ARR. I only emphasize that I'm perplexed by it because on it's own, that's a pretty strong link between the two.

Argumentatively, anyone who played through Mass Effect 1, felt a pretty strong link to Mass Effect 2 as well. That link alone, in my view, does not justify calling The client that came from a Realm Reborn a Five Year Old Product out the gate.

It seems like you're not separating the acknowledgement of a great accomplishment from the process of Product development. You hold so much personal investment that you cant remove yourself that the idea that a new client equates to a new game in terms of development process and workload. Factually, in terms of workload, in terms of what was done for the game, in terms of development cycle. FFXIV completely reboot with A Realm Reborn, complete with all new launch troubles.

At the time I didn't even bring it up, but has anyone considered the lore behind what happened in the shift from 1.xx to 2.0? I mean aside from our own accounts of how bad 1.0 was and why it needed the overhaul... what actually transpired on Eorzea during that time? I couldn't actually get online to experience the server event that happened when the shift was made so I didn't get to witness that, but did anyone get the collector's edition box with the movie? Was it about what happened between 1.0 and 2.0?

I kinda feel like the events in 1.0 all happened and as the transition was made we were just shifted into some sort of alternate realm or stasis until Bahamut was done having a tantrum. I mean, I know that the inhabitants of Eorzea post-'space ball of death' are oblivious, but the events did take place. I don't recall it just being like a time rewind where we go back to before whatever set off Dalamud.

Well, you died. And they created this massive scientific undertaking to recover your corpse and pull some scientifically impossible BS to restore your mind and body in order for you to join their Illegial opperation - but it's for a good cause, cause the Collectors are...

Oh wait, that's the plot for Mass Effect 2. Sorry.

Can I respectfully ask that we take the Lore part of this conversation to its own thread? I feel as if Red Herring from the points Thayos and I have been trying to make to you.

Sorry but I have to split this post at this point due to quote limit.
#139 Aug 20 2015 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
I really don't feel like I'm reaching here guys n gals. Not only do you deny the IRL story of ARR being so triumphant, seeing as how it rose from the ashes and all that other sentimental *********** but it's disrespectful to elf summoner dude and all those people who channeled their energy to save your non-appreciative asses. Don't be so disrespectful Smiley: mad


I think you are reaching. I think you're reaching really far for this. Because we're not denying the accomplishment that A Realm Reborn achieved. None of us are. In fact, it may be argued that you are, by not giving FFXIV the clean slate it worked its **** off for and that many players have given them.

FFXIV 1.xx's chapter ended with the launch of a Realm Reborn. That client closed for the final time when they finally shut down the 1.23b servers. A new client rose to take the mantle and to transform the identity of FFXIV into something profoundly better than it was. It feels like you're not acknowledging what it took to do that, how far they actually went to achieve that reversal of opinion - which was, in its most simple form - make a new game with old assets.

It's that level of work put into the ordeal that I cannot agree with the foundation of your argument that Heavensward = Chains of Promethia in terms of development process. That, I feel, is what truly disrespects the IRL story of ARR.
#140 Aug 20 2015 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Nice response, Hyrist.

Well, the first half of it was cool. The rest? Ugh, didn't get to it. You're just too damn long-winded for me!

Smiley: wink
Thayos Redblade
#141 Aug 20 2015 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
A new client that I use to access new servers that hold all of my old character data from 5 years ago? Smiley: grin

Joking aside, it's not that I don't acknowledge that it's got some new hardware and a new client Hyrist. It's just not relevant to the point I was making. The reason I have given several times now is completely unaffected by a client and server. When I logged into ARR for the first time, I literally felt like I was continuing on from 1.0 where I left off.

If I replaced the engine of my car, it would be easy for me to acknowledge that and I'd probably even say "it drives like a new car". Just like I will acknowledge that ARR runs on new servers and client. I would not say that it was a new car because it's still my old car, just with new hardware. The seat and mirrors are adjusted just how I like them, the right rear speaker still rattles when I play my favorite song and I still need to get new struts because my tires in the back are wearing unevenly.

It's not that I'm not grateful to Yoshi the mechanic for dropping a new engine in my ride, but it still feels like my ride and not a new car.

Just curious, you didn't really say anything about the lore of the game. Any reason for that?
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#142 Aug 20 2015 at 4:57 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
A new client that I use to access new servers that hold all of my old character data from 5 years ago? Smiley: grin

Joking aside, it's not that I don't acknowledge that it's got some new hardware and a new client Hyrist. It's just not relevant to the point I was making. The reason I have given several times now is completely unaffected by a client and server. When I logged into ARR for the first time, I literally felt like I was continuing on from 1.0 where I left off.

If I replaced the engine of my car, it would be easy for me to acknowledge that and I'd probably even say "it drives like a new car". Just like I will acknowledge that ARR runs on new servers and client. I would not say that it was a new car because it's still my old car, just with new hardware. The seat and mirrors are adjusted just how I like them, the right rear speaker still rattles when I play my favorite song and I still need to get new struts because my tires in the back are wearing unevenly.

It's not that I'm not grateful to Yoshi the mechanic for dropping a new engine in my ride, but it still feels like my ride and not a new car.

The problem is that analogy dosen't work in computers. I mean TRUST on this, I work in automotive service. This is a completely different field.

Closer to what you are thinking? If someone copied data from your hard drive. Replaced your hard drive, processor, OS, but installed your programs, save files and templates back into a new computer. Sure, it would be able to see it as a continuation of your old computer, but its all new computer.

I have a question for you, and I'll answer yours in return. Have you ever played the Mass Effect Series? I'd actually highly recomend it if you don't mind the mix between first person Shooter and action RPGs. One Caveat though - the ending to the Trilogy sucks. It would likely upset you.

I mention this because your old save files carry over into the new games. Decisions you made, your choice of class, your typical attitude (paragon or renegade), your class level, all get preserved from game to game, and then you get to respec a little due to any major changes in the game. But you are effectively playing the same character through all 3 games, and they all feel like continuations of one another.

This is how 1.xx translates to a Realm Reborn. I can agree that it feels like the continuation of the Journey of your character, there's no opposition there. It is a continuation of story for those who played through the Seventh Umberal Era Storyline. But it is a new game. Very much like Mass Effect 2 is a new game from Mass Effect 1. There really is not a better parallel to draw. The FFXIV we have now is effectively FFXIV-2. (Heck, soooo many parallels I could draw from Mass Effect to FFXIV... And I think I actually made a mention of that when Yoshida entered the picture.)

Just curious, you didn't really say anything about the lore of the game. Any reason for that?

I think you missed it, but I specifically asked if we could take the topic of the continuing lore of Final Fantasy XIV to a separate thread. There's a lot to be said about it that could derail the topic even further from where it has gone.

One thing I will say that is parallel to the way Heavensward feels more like Rize of the Zilart, rather than CoP. CoP was it's entirely own contained story that did not require you to touch Rise of the Zilart. Zilart requires you to complete the base FFXI storyline to its completion to begin it.

By contrast, ARR does not require you to complete 1.xx. I don't feel like it gave a good summary of it either. You kinda get references of it, but to complete the picture for someone who's only done a Realm Reborn, you would have had to go through Coil - which is where the Legacy Players gets their ultimate conclusion as well.

Anyways, I'm a bit of a Loremonger and I'd LOVE to talk about this in detail, but could we start a new thread for it? Would you like to do that, or Should I? If I do, I might just make it a general Lore thread for our boards though.

Edited, Aug 20th 2015 7:18pm by Hyrist
#143 Aug 20 2015 at 10:14 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Closer to what you are thinking? If someone copied data from your hard drive. Replaced your hard drive, processor, OS, but installed your programs, save files and templates back into a new computer. Sure, it would be able to see it as a continuation of your old computer, but its all new computer.

Again, it's more about the experience than components. How it feels to sit in your car with everything set the way you liked it, speaker rattle and wobbly tires are things that you remember from your experience when you're driving your car. If it absolutely had to be about computers(which it doesn't) you'd need to come up with something about the experience of using your computer that's personal. Your wallpaper, where all of your icons are on the desktop or the way you have your keybinds mapped.

I actually haven't played mass effect. I think the last shooter I played was Battlefield 2: BC and mostly only Halo before that.

Hyrist wrote:
This is how 1.xx translates to a Realm Reborn. I can agree that it feels like the continuation of the Journey of your character, there's no opposition there. It is a continuation of story for those who played through the Seventh Umberal Era Storyline. But it is a new game.

Honestly, that's all I was really looking for. There are lots of new things in the game and to someone who never played through the story of 1.0, it's completely new. For me however, it feels like a continuation.

Regarding the lore...
Do you remember the cutscene that played before 1.0 went offline? Do you remember the trailer for ARR? Have you noticed that the characters shown in the 1.0 cutscenes are the same as the models seen in the ARR cutscenes? That's because they're the same adventurers. All of the legacy players retained our stats, items, ect. because we are the same adventurers. Things like this are why it's hard for me to try and separate 1.0 from ARR. It's not that I won't accept the changes or that I don't want to credit the devs for their hard work, but it doesn't seem like it was ever the intention of the developers for us to forget.

I really only wanted to touch on the part of the story that bridges 1.0 and ARR to clarify my perspective.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#144 Aug 20 2015 at 10:43 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
A few sequels that retained character data from previous entries in a series, in no particular order:

Arc the Lad 2
Suikoden 2
Mass Effect 2
Quest for Glory 2, 3, 4, and 5
Golden Sun 2
.hack://Entire Series
.hack://G.U. Entire Series

A game can be a new game and retain elements from previous games including character information and storyline. That doesn't make the sequel some kind of extension of the previous game. It makes it a sequel that carried over certain components of the previous game in the series. In basically all cases, the sequel can be played independently of the previous game and either just doesn't carry over any data or makes some default choices to make everything work. Many of these pick up immediately where the previous game left off.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#145 Aug 20 2015 at 11:11 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Using that same lore example, however, you saw how surprised everyone was there. Sure, it was the same adventurers, but it was clearly a new adventure.

Anyways, we're talking about two different things. And I run into this once in a while with people.

I'm a bit of the devils advocate - I try to see things from perspectives not my own and then represent them as best I can. In this case the perspective I want to impress on you is that of the developer or the producer. To them, yes, it's a continuation, but it's also a new start - it was something they worked very hard to create, a new bounding point from which they could start to work on a game that would be embraced and they could develop from. The fact that you and I, as Legacy players, feel like we're an integral part of the world before ARR even started up was part of the intended goal. But I feel they also wanted to impress upon us that as much as it was a continuation, it was also a new start.

As far as Mass Effect. If you liked what 1.xx to a Realm Reborn did for your investment, you should really give that game series a shot. It invests you heavily in the characters and their struggles, as well as the overarching threat. It's one of the only series I never regretted getting all the DLC for, and it really does hone in that idea of 'attached but separate'. It's them is what got bungie to start doing more power-orientated classes and games like how they worked Destiny.

As far as the experience goes of FFXI and FFXIV, in terms of how they were developed, and how each one seems to impact you as part of the journey.

For me FFXI was very segmented. The only truly integrated story-lines were Vanilla and Zilart. CoP was its own thing and the only real tie ins happened heavily postagame and after both Zilart and CoP, and only then on a minor level.

FFXIV has done heavy investment in keeping the story of the Warrior of Light congruent from start to present, even tying in nods to Legacy members as far in as Heavensward itself. (Legacy characters get acknowledged by Count Fortemps for slaying both Nael Darnus and Gaius Belthazar.) They've really kept things interconnected.

I still don't believe we're getting anything major field wise for content. It does look like they're adding more casual stuff - however I am interested in seeing what this whole training and recruiting our own squad is. This really has me interested as it fits with my Character motief.

Still Endgame... it's really a touchy subject, because people seem to discount any content that does not affect their bottom line somehow - which is contrary for me. I'm like you Filthy, I like playing through content and the gear is means to an end. Though i do like collecting gear as well so I don't mind the grind so much. But really the fights and the battles and the various ways we have to adapt and the different people who you encounter on the second rung down from the top tier, those are all the benefits for me. I like my character getting stronger, sure. But I don't concern myself with 'progression' so much as what that progression can do for me and my adventuring.

Edited, Aug 21st 2015 1:18am by Hyrist
#146 Aug 20 2015 at 11:12 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Whee, double post!

Callinon has it dead on. And most of those games he listed are actually quite good and worth checking out if you've got the time and spare change.

Edited, Aug 21st 2015 1:16am by Hyrist
#147 Aug 20 2015 at 11:58 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Hyrist wrote:
As far as the experience goes of FFXI and FFXIV, in terms of how they were developed, and how each one seems to impact you as part of the journey.

For me FFXI was very segmented. The only truly integrated story-lines were Vanilla and Zilart. CoP was its own thing and the only real tie ins happened heavily postagame and after both Zilart and CoP, and only then on a minor level.

You and I seem to remember FFXI's stories pretty differently. I remember going though the later parts of CoP thanking Altana that I had already finished Zilart or I would have been confused as hell. Same with WoG. I was really glad I was already rank 10 in all nations and actually knew who all those people were going in. ToAU was the only one that really stood alone, barring a few humorous cameos. (and possibly any of the more recent stuff since I stopped playing how many years back now.)
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#148 Aug 21 2015 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Still Endgame... it's really a touchy subject, because people seem to discount any content that does not affect their bottom line somehow - which is contrary for me. I'm like you Filthy, I like playing through content and the gear is means to an end. Though i do like collecting gear as well so I don't mind the grind so much.

This is why I think I wasn't such a fan of the vertical progression. I will say that XI did have gates and requirements to participate in content similar to vertical progression, but I much preferred it to be story progression rather than just gear progression. It just seemed to be a better fit for the game play. You meet someone new in the story who takes you to a new area and you can access that area from that point. Vertical progression is just a fancy system of dress code for endgame Smiley: nod

Karlina wrote:
Hyrist wrote:
As far as the experience goes of FFXI and FFXIV, in terms of how they were developed, and how each one seems to impact you as part of the journey.

For me FFXI was very segmented. The only truly integrated story-lines were Vanilla and Zilart. CoP was its own thing and the only real tie ins happened heavily postagame and after both Zilart and CoP, and only then on a minor level.

You and I seem to remember FFXI's stories pretty differently. I remember going though the later parts of CoP thanking Altana that I had already finished Zilart or I would have been confused as hell. Same with WoG.

I agree with this. There were certainly new characters for the various stories, but there was so much overlap that you would have missed out on a lot of the backstory of the world of XI if you didn't progress through them as they were released. You wouldn't miss out on key parts of the story if you started later in the game or if you completed missions out of order. There was a lot of backstory in later expansions that filled in some pieces of content that came before it though. It was kinda subtle, but I appreciated having a little better understanding of why or how things happened the way they did in Vana'diel.

Edited, Aug 21st 2015 9:56am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#149 Aug 21 2015 at 3:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Just to chime in, 1.0's characters were not a direct copy and paste. They underwent a thorough database conversion like everything else. Your path companion was lost. Your retainers were lost. All your stuff was lost and the Calamity Salvager had it. You began in starter gear. Your soul stones were lost; you had to re-learn how to be a black mage or a paladin.

1.0 characters were transformed, just like the game client, game engine, and game server design. Some parts of 1.0 characters were completely lost - all your in-game achievements were blown away and SE has hemmed and hawed about returning them, because I suspect they lost the data. Some titles were saved, and your character's basic appearance, but that's about it.

Edited, Aug 21st 2015 5:49pm by Catwho
#150 Aug 21 2015 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Catwho wrote:
Just to chime in, 1.0's characters were not a direct copy and paste. They underwent a thorough database conversion like everything else. Your path companion was lost. Your retainers were lost. All your stuff was lost and the Calamity Salvager had it. You began in starter gear. Your soul stones were lost; you had to re-learn how to be a black mage or a paladin.

1.0 characters were transformed, just like the game client, game engine, and game server design. Some parts of 1.0 characters were completely lost - all your in-game achievements were blown away and SE has hemmed and hawed about returning them, because I suspect they lost the data. Some titles were saved, and your character's basic appearance, but that's about it.

Edited, Aug 21st 2015 5:49pm by Catwho

Part of the reason why I said it feels like the conversion of Shepparrd from Mass Effect 1 - 2 All over again.

Catwho, did you ever play ME?
#151 Aug 21 2015 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Catwho wrote:
Just to chime in, 1.0's characters were not a direct copy and paste. They underwent a thorough database conversion like everything else. Your path companion was lost. Your retainers were lost. All your stuff was lost and the Calamity Salvager had it. You began in starter gear. Your soul stones were lost; you had to re-learn how to be a black mage or a paladin.

1.0 characters were transformed, just like the game client, game engine, and game server design. Some parts of 1.0 characters were completely lost - all your in-game achievements were blown away and SE has hemmed and hawed about returning them, because I suspect they lost the data. Some titles were saved, and your character's basic appearance, but that's about it.

Edited, Aug 21st 2015 5:49pm by Catwho

Part of the reason why I said it feels like the conversion of Shepparrd from Mass Effect 1 - 2 All over again.

Catwho, did you ever play ME?
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