Theonehio wrote:
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
Even some of the best players in fighting games have their ego in check and often help if you have questions/run sets with them.
Edited, Mar 19th 2016 3:16pm by Montsegurnephcreep
Edited, Mar 19th 2016 3:16pm by Montsegurnephcreep
Hm, no not really. Some of the best players in the current fighting circuit are, as you say:
complete douche canoes
Fighting and MOBAs are far worse than MMOs ever will be, you just hardly see it because unlike MMOs, they actually have televised events and very few people want to look like a complete *** on sometimes international TV, especially over a video game. Should we also compare shooters which too have their particular reputation?
The amount of yelling I've heard over voice chat over the most mundane things is incredible.
Let's put it this way: If you're still standing in AoEs at the level of play required for endgame, it's pretty obvious why "yelling" happens. If you've lost a clear because your DPS chose to ignore bombs (Midas 1 Savage for example), they will get yelled at. That happens in any game and sadly, I've seen far more yelling and "toxic" players doing DF normal on Aether than I have doing the actual savage content.
So in other's bad. This is what we're saying. No amount of yelling should ever happen over a video game. I'm not even a bad player and have never personally received the brunt of someone calling me out. That being said, I've heard it happen one too many times and it accomplishes nothing. All it leads to is two people bickering back and forth on who should of done what.
Ya, I agree, other games are horrible and MMOs are on par with them. Sure, the fighting game community has some asshats (I never said ALL were nice, did I?) The majority though, are quite chill and easy going. Off the top of my head, I can only think of morons like LTG and FChamp who completely full of themselves and do nothing good for the community (I'm sure there's more). In the grand scheme of things, it's a very low %. Where as in MMOs, EVERY static has at least one who can't keep their ego in check or their mouth shut.
Overall, the entire mentality needs to change and that's on both ends. The casual crowd who wants to participate in this end game stuff but can't own up to their own mistakes and blame everyone else, are just as bad. Then the end game crowd, who makes it feel like a job application and are ready to rip into you for the most mundane things. If people want more endgame content, more varied endgame content (of the difficult kind), the community needs to be far more welcoming. Like I say, if someone is purposely ignoring ALL advice and not trying to improve, that's a whole other matter.
Fighting games have their own competitive sphere, sure, but they're also not reliant on the trappings of MMO gear standards. Some even go out of their way to deliberately dumb down the experience like Smash and the whole, "Fox only, no items, Final Destination!" meme.
Ya, for the most part though, anyone in the "endgame competitive" scene ignores these kind of things. As for Smash, that game is its own thing hah.
Edited, Mar 20th 2016 9:25am by Montsegurnephcreep