Calthine wrote:
OldBlueDragon wrote:
So you're saying that although the game would work on a 6000 series card, it runs "a heck of a lot better" or smoother on an 8000 series card... hmmm :-)
What I'm saying is that card will run the system better than the OP is reporting! Never had to go to the lowest video settings, and I only had 4GB RAM.
The simplest upgrade for the OP's system would be 2GB memory. But I've no idea if that alone will make the game playable.
Ya, I would think so as well.
Until recently upgrading my whole system...the game was running very well using an X800 XL 256mb (AGP) card on custom high settings. I used to run on 2GB ram as well though, and there was a huge jump in performance (never mind loading speeds as well) when I doubled my RAM (note: my OS was *should* make an even bigger diff with Vista). I'm not a Celeron fan (/dislike), but that processor is more than sufficient for EQ2.
I wouldn't have even bothered upgrading my card if a string of other components hadn't needed updating, forcing my hand :)