There is several ways to get AA. Some just max out their level and then go do every quest, kill every namer, run every zone they possibly can. Mentor lower level folks and help them, chrono down and do the lower level quests and zones, killing those namers. Some just go AE grind someplace for what seems like endless hours of mindless painfull AA grindage. Some folks as already stated level lock, and just get as much AA as they can before they level too high. The best way to do it is most likely the last example I cited. But at least for me, I can't handle level locking too long. Far too short of attention span for that.
I also have been doing something else for AA. My main a 90 SK got to max level a long long time ago, and have been dual boxing alts from my second account helping them do quests, run zones, kill namers all that good stuff. From what I understand you get added XP for mentoring, so my SK benefits that way. My alts get added XP for being mentored. So they benefit that way. And I'm able to run darn near every zone in the game dual boxing up to around level 70 fairly easily. So I've been gaining loot, and helping gear out my alts with masters, and gear, while selling all the other stuff on the broker, making my income. For me at least thats been far less painless to gain AA. Just about there too, just a handful of AA points to go and I'm done. Then it will be time to rinse and repeat with my 90 Defiler, as he needs AA pretty bad. =)
One other tip I can give is not to run around exploring until your at least level 10, as you don't gain any AA for exploration disco until then. No reason to waste AA doing things you can get credit for once you turn 10+.
Hope this helps someone.
Edited, Dec 3rd 2010 6:32am by blakkmantis
Edited, Dec 3rd 2010 6:36am by blakkmantis