Well Anonymous has denied any involvement with this as a organization attack. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/news/a316296/anonymous-denies-involvement-in-psn-hack.html Of course that doesn't mean that a few went out and did it on their own.
I tend to not put too much stock in what people say who make it their practice to do illegal acts for any reason. If they or one of, did do this, they only screwed us, the players in game time, but on the other hand will have pushed SOE to be diligent about it's security practices which will eventually make SOE the safest game site on the web..lol
"In a letter to Congress, Sony American chairman Kazuo Hirai said Sony had discovered on Sunday that intruders to the Sony Online Entertainment Network had “planted a file on one of those servers named ‘Anonymous’ with the words ‘We are legion.’â€
Ok first a quick apology. I was meaning to reply to post and clicked the wrong button. That is what I get for trying to pour a beer and answer a post at the same time.
I do agree with you I don't trust them as far as I can throw my desk.
Ya I agree, I don't trust anyone who makes breaking the law, causing monetary damages as well, their pass time joy/cause or job, as someone or thing I can trust.
Its funny how they say they aren't criminals and wouldn't steal info, and yet they do denial of service attacks...which are illegal and makes them criminals.
I also heard that they ( Anonymous ) were pissed that they were accused, and threatened soe that they would hack them when they get back up. to prove their point they hacked into the site they are working on to show them. not sure if it is true or not, hope it is not