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#1 Feb 13 2012 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
Hey gang!

I'm a brand new player looking to join some casual gamers who really know their EQ2.

SO I'm seeking a guild. I've got ventrillo!

Let me know if anyone has a home for me.
#2 Feb 13 2012 at 7:32 PM Rating: Excellent
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What server are you on?
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Cook Ten Rats
#3 Feb 13 2012 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
Hello Calthine.

I've yet to pick a server. Was going to base my server choice on a friendly casual guild that's recruiting.
#4 Feb 13 2012 at 9:18 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Calthine is on Antonia Bayle. The rest of us (the fun people) play on Everfrost.
#5 Feb 14 2012 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
Definitely come to Everfrost!
#6 Feb 14 2012 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
Whatsup! Gang!

I've made a Gnome Assassin on Everfrost. Like a fool, I started up a free to play account, thinking it was Gold membership - bought the SC currency for Gnomes and Assassin - THEN I unlocked Gold Membership, spending around $35...My mistake. Grr!

Anyways! I'm up and running on an assassin, level 3 or so. Hopeing this class is a beast. What's the difference between Assassin / Brigand / Swashbuckler?

Also, is it possible to "twink" in EQ2? I had a level 50 give me 5pp already! People are incredibly nice compared to WoW. Does Halas have an Auction House?

I'm eager to get up and running. Any room in a guild that wouldn't mind a casual player? 28 years old and mature! I won't scream in vent.

Any helpful tips for a newbie in terms of crafting professions that are a must, either for my own benefit or gathering money.

Should I be doing every quest possible? are there special armor quests that are huge upgrades?
#7 Feb 14 2012 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
Oh, forgot - my name in game is Zaitsev. Although I won't be online till tonight, 7pm EST.
#8 Feb 14 2012 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
My main is an assassin. I've tried brigand and swash, but never got one far enough to really make a comparison.

Assassins can be DPS gods if they're geared and have spent their AA right. But they can be kind of squishy. They're not the best at soloing, but it's possible. Because of my playstyle, I don't get to group much. So I soloed mine to 90 for the most part. I had some trouble, but it was doable. It's much easier now though, since gear is better and you'll start getting your AA at level 10. I didn't start getting AA until I was in my 30's, since I started this character before AA was introduced.

There's a bit of twinking you can do, but not like it was in EQ1. There are level limits on all gear and weapons, so you're not going to be able to stick a level 90 item on your level 10 gnome and go on a killing spree. But with the plat you got, you can search the broker for Mastercrafted, Legendary or Fabled gear that's in your level range. Also, don't forget to upgrade your abilities. You start off with Apprentice level skills. They can be upgraded - Journeyman > Adept > Expert > Master. And a few abilities can be Grandmastered.

Oh, and it's not an Auction House, it's the Broker here. All cities have at least one broker, usually several. Ask a city guard for the broker and he'll point you in the right direction.

My assassin is a jeweler in order to make her own ability upgrades. Another good one for assassins is alchemist so you can make your own poisons. Then you have provisioner to make your food or armorsmith or weaponsmith to make your own gear.

As far as doing every quest possible... I don't think it *is* possible, haha. This game has approximately 890,740 more quests than WoW (give or take 700,000). It's been years since I played WoW, but I remember when I did, the level cap was 70 and on my main, I had completed just about every single solo quest I could find. After playing this game off and on since launch (Nov. 2004), my main STILL has solo quests in her quest log that I might get around to finishing one of these days.

Anyway, welcome to Norrath, maybe I'll see you in game!
#9 Feb 14 2012 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
I've been trying Everquest (freebie version) the past few days... well mostly reading tutorials to figure out what in the world I'm supposed to be doing!
Hopefully y'all don't mind if I ask a few questions.

(1) If I start a character on your sever, could I join y'all? It would really help to have people who I felt comfortable asking questions. I promise I try to figure it out myself first and read before bothing people!

(2) I've decided to go to a full version of the game and some of things I've read said to be leary of buying the game from most of the websites, does anyone know of a good place to make the purchase .. or should I go into the store? And which one to buy .. there seems to be soooo many?!?

(3) And what about starting money, do you buy it or do you have to make it. I saw that you could buy "station cash", is that game money or something different?

(4) I managed to get my character to lvl 13 (currently at 11 =/), then got totally lost in a place with monsters a zillion levels higher than my character, as in no idea where I am or how to get to the starting area again or even where the starting area is located. So I will be deleting her and starting a new one. So could y'all tell me a good starting place? I want to build a dps caster type, maybe wizard (still trying to see what would be good for end game raiding) or something like that and I'm open to race.. as long as they are "pretty", no orces or ugly or fat races in case race is a factor in the starting place.

The other other MMO I've played was WOW and while some things are different, I can tell this is a LOT more complicated and not as obvious to someone new. In WOW I always ended up playing healers but I'm hoping to do dps in Everquest.

Thanks for any advice,
#10 Feb 14 2012 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the response!! Now I'm thinking Assassin may not be for me, hah.

What class in your opinion would fit the following criteria;

- Easy Soloing
- Does not require 100 abilities pressed correctly to be decent dps
- Benefits very well with the 5pp upgrading gear / abilities
- Allows me to afk safely while juggleing another videogame

Mercs - are they needed? Do they hinder my experience, do they require me to gear them up, and where do I get them? Also whichever class you inform me to grab - which Merc would best suit me?

There's so much I don't know about this game.

Should I be trying to grandmaster my level 5 abilities if I'll be replacing them with level 10 abilities eventually?

What level should I worry about mounts? I really need a guild lol.
#11 Feb 14 2012 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Jessica, you don't have to buy the game anymore, since it's free to play now. You only have to pay for expansions. And the only two that aren't included are Destiny of Velious and Age of Discovery. And you really don't *need* either of them right now.

Money - Well, there's in-game currency of course, and Station Cash is a form of currency that you have to pay real money for. It's mostly used to buy "fluff" items in the game, but you can also use it to buy game time, expansions, etc.

All the starting places are pretty similar. They all award the gear and weapons you'll need to get started in the game, and a few fluff items, like stuff for your house. To keep from ending up in an area that's too high for you (I'm assuming you clicked one of the world travel globes?), when you click on the globe, hover over the descriptions for each area. They'll tell you the level range of that area. And if you haven't already deleted your character, you really don't need to. In your Knowledge Book (hit your K key), there's an ability called Call to Home (Call Home? something like that). Just hit that and you'll go back to where you started. It's like the Hearthstone in WoW. Just drag that ability to your hotbar and you're good to go. It's usable every 15 minutes.

ETA: forgot to mention that all the starting areas also give you a free mount, so be sure and go through all those quests!

Edited, Feb 14th 2012 12:28pm by Nadenu
#12 Feb 14 2012 at 11:45 AM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Etros wrote:
Thanks for the response!! Now I'm thinking Assassin may not be for me, hah.

What class in your opinion would fit the following criteria;

- Easy Soloing
- Does not require 100 abilities pressed correctly to be decent dps
- Benefits very well with the 5pp upgrading gear / abilities
- Allows me to afk safely while juggleing another videogame

Actually, that's an assassin, haha.

It really is a lot easier to solo in the game now. When I said it was hard for me, I'm talking about how it was about 3-4 years ago. Gear has been upgraded so much now that it's almost stupid-easy in some places. In fact, I'm leveling a second assassin (cause they're just too fun) on another server and I'm having a MUCH easier time than I did the first time around.

Also, scouts get the Sneak ability, which means you can pretty much be invisible to almost everything. Unless it's the kind of mob that sees through sneak, or is waaaaaay too high for you.

Mercs - are they needed? Do they hinder my experience, do they require me to gear them up, and where do I get them? Also whichever class you inform me to grab - which Merc would best suit me?

There's so much I don't know about this game.

Mercs are not needed, but they are nice to help you in a bind every now and then. Most of my characters have used a merc at some point, but I don't use mine all the time. It's nice to have them for tougher fights, or to go duo a zone that you have trouble soloing, but it's not really necessary to find a group for. My assassin is currently using a DPS caster merc, instead of a healer. I figure we can burn down stuff so fast that we won't need to be healed.

Should I be trying to grandmaster my level 5 abilities if I'll be replacing them with level 10 abilities eventually?

I don't think you get the opportunity to GM anything until level 14. And from there it's every few levels... every 5 or 6, can't remember right now. In game, hit your L button and scroll down the first tab there and you'll be able to see the levels that you're able to GM a spell or ability.

What level should I worry about mounts? I really need a guild lol.

You can technically have a mount at level 1 if you have the money for it, or you buy a Collector's Edition of an expansion that comes with a mount. Otherwise, if you go through all the newbie quests, you'll get a free mount, which will be almost as good as the stuff you can get later. All ground mounts give a run speed of %130. Later mounts will also give you a few buffs that are active as long as you are mounted.

I'll probably be on tonight, most likely on Enica, my assassin. Sometimes I'm on Nadenu. Also, Cyliena is on a lot, in some form or other, as well as Dyadem, his character is Gaftep. We chat in the Asylum channel, so just /join asylum when you log in.
#13 Feb 14 2012 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Etros wrote:
Thanks for the response!! Now I'm thinking Assassin may not be for me, hah.

What class in your opinion would fit the following criteria;

- Easy Soloing
- Does not require 100 abilities pressed correctly to be decent dps
- Benefits very well with the 5pp upgrading gear / abilities
- Allows me to afk safely while juggleing another videogame

Mercs - are they needed? Do they hinder my experience, do they require me to gear them up, and where do I get them? Also whichever class you inform me to grab - which Merc would best suit me?

There's so much I don't know about this game.

Should I be trying to grandmaster my level 5 abilities if I'll be replacing them with level 10 abilities eventually?

What level should I worry about mounts? I really need a guild lol.

One of the things I love about my Swashbuckler is that I get a 12 hour duration Sneak ability.. and while it isn't helpful everywhere, in general I can sneak and take an extended AFK if I have to.

As for easy soloing/100 abilities... well, any class is good for soloing once you get the hang of it. The scout/fighter classes seem to have more abilities than mages/priests in my opinion. However I'd recommend looking through the various abilities here:

Mercenaries are absolutely not necessary, they're a very recent addition (a couple of months ago) and it's completely possible to play without ever using one. That said, they are helpful for tackling some harder content, like a group quest that you're having trouble doing etc. They do count as a group member and will take a cut of experience and coin splits. They can be found in every city and you do not have to gear them up. Mercenaries require the Age of Discovery expansion (which was released in December and is $40).

I wouldn't bother maxxing out abilities at lower levels. It ends up going by pretty fast and you'll replace them before you can blink.

If you're following the quests in the zone you started in you'll get a free mount around level 18. Hitting the "U" key in-game should bring up a list of recruiting guilds, you can search that for one that seems to suit your playstyle. :)
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

#14 Feb 14 2012 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Etros I would suggest a shadowknight or a bruiser for easy soloing. Shadowknights are more Area Effect tanks, meaning they can take on a group of mobs with ease. SKs also have the ability to heal themselves while they are fighting, which makes for very high survivability. The same goes for Bruisers, but i consider them to be more of a DPS class, or maybe an "oh crap" tank, ie if the main tank goes down, the bruiser can jump in and keep the group alive while the main tank is being rezzed, but the bruiser and shadowknight can both solo extremely well.

As far as Mercs are concerned, they are not needed if you are just questing and going about your daily activities, but if you want to venture into a dungeon to solo then yes, mercs are very needed.

the general rule regarding what kind of merc to get is if you are a melee type class then get a healer merc. and if you are a healer then get a melee type merc. int casters like wizards and warlocks might go for a healer as well. classes like the necro or conjuror might go for either or since they can keep their own pets alive, so maybe a swash or brigand merc might benefit those 2 classes more.

as far as grandmastering your skills at level 5... dont worry about that until after you hit level 20... you will learn spell research then and you will be able to upgrade your spells for free.
#15 Feb 14 2012 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks everyone for the amazing responses!!! I'll be tonight hopefully.

1 final 3 part question before I join your channel in game.

- Are player made dungeons in game yet? Can I teleport to them instantly? Would they be amazing experience and loot?
#16 Feb 14 2012 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Yeah, player made dungeons are in the game. They're kind of still a work in progress though, haha.

Right now, you can't use your own character in the dungeons. You pick from a few avatars. The ability to use our own characters is coming though. It's on the Test server now.

Also, there's no loot dropped in the dungeons. You pick up experience and Dungeon Marks once you finish the dungeon. The marks are then used for gear, weapons, dungeon maker pieces and parts, potions, etc.

I enjoy doing them. It's really fun to see how creative some people can be. Or uncreative, in some people's cases (The Grind, I'm looking at you!). I've made two dungeons and I'm sort of working on another one, just need more tinkered crap.

I think anyone can access the dungeons, but you need AoD to build one.
#17 Feb 15 2012 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
Whatsup gang! After experiencing how awesome the quest armor / weapons are on my assassin (I own mobs). I'm officially addicted and trying out new classes, too!

I may keep my assassin as my main, but also try out either Illy or Coercer (depending on what's needed more for groups). I like being a lazy support that feeds people mana :).

And a Shadowknight! So I can be unkillable.

So, I notice better weapons = pwn mode. But what about my Illy or Coercer? Would stats like INT cause my spells to hit harder? Or am I out of luck for quick leveling on those classes.

Also, I've started my AA grind (got 7 so far). Should AA experience be slower than normal experience?

I'm flying in levels now! I remember when I first started EQ2, back in release - It took me a week or so to reach level 20. Now I'm level 12 in 1 day. While being lazy!!!

Can I choose to ignore professions? Or would I be severely gimping myself? Also is there better FOoD / Drink to increase my out of combat regen? I should cook, huh.

#18 Feb 16 2012 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
Ok! I've decided on Bruiser. Just don't know of a race yet.

Deciding on a name RIGHT NOW!

Anyone know of a good profession for bruisers? Gots to craft me top end stuff.
#19 Feb 16 2012 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Etros wrote:
Ok! I've decided on Bruiser. Just don't know of a race yet.

Deciding on a name RIGHT NOW!

Anyone know of a good profession for bruisers? Gots to craft me top end stuff.

I picked Alchemist with my Bruiser so she can make herself abilities. :) Tailor would be for Mastercrafted armor.
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

#20 Feb 18 2012 at 7:04 PM Rating: Good
Nadenu wrote:
Calthine is on Antonia Bayle. The rest of us (the fun people) play on Everfrost.

This is why when Lucan D`Lere merged into Crushbone, I decided to move to Everfrost.. because the server is super spiffy.., yo. ;)
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
#21 Feb 19 2012 at 7:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
missjackie wrote:
Nadenu wrote:
Calthine is on Antonia Bayle. The rest of us (the fun people) play on Everfrost.

This is why when Lucan D`Lere merged into Crushbone, I decided to move to Everfrost.. because the server is super spiffy.., yo. ;)

I just like being a pariah!

There's a long story on why I moved from Nektulos to AB. Love ya'll, but I'm staying here for now, lol.
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Cook Ten Rats
#22 Feb 19 2012 at 9:10 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Calthine wrote:
missjackie wrote:
Nadenu wrote:
Calthine is on Antonia Bayle. The rest of us (the fun people) play on Everfrost.

This is why when Lucan D`Lere merged into Crushbone, I decided to move to Everfrost.. because the server is super spiffy.., yo. ;)

I just like being a pariah!

There's a long story on why I moved from Nektulos to AB. Love ya'll, but I'm staying here for now, lol.

Fine. Just stay over there. We didn't want you, anyway. Smiley: motz

Just kidding, you should totally make an alt and come play with us!
#23 Feb 20 2012 at 11:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
Nadenu wrote:

Just kidding, you should totally make an alt and come play with us!

Hell, I barely have time to play the toons I've got!!
Community Manager | QA Lead
ZAM: Support FAQ | Forum FAQ | Forum Rules
Cook Ten Rats
#24 Feb 20 2012 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
Hey new and old friends on Everfrost...just letting you know I didnt ditch out.

Really about all I've been able to do in game lately is log in and chat (after my daily dose of crafting for my apprentices), my shoulder is slowly getting better but it still is difficult to sit forward (upright) for long even some of the simple player-made dungeons are tough right now, so I won't even bother trying to run actual zones at this time.

Luckily Skyrim likes my controller so that's easy for me to play. Anyway I do hope to catch up with you all in-game some time in the near future. Like it was mentioned my main is Gaftep ...but I do have all of my alts listed in my signature link, on my Zam bio page, if you need anything specific.

Just try to take it easy on a cripple Smiley: lol
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#25 Feb 20 2012 at 2:20 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Calthine wrote:
Nadenu wrote:

Just kidding, you should totally make an alt and come play with us!

Hell, I barely have time to play the toons I've got!!

Tell me about it. Between my 3 Live servers and Test, it's no wonder I only have one character at the cap.
#26 Feb 20 2012 at 10:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Dyadem wrote:

See you in a month! Smiley: lol

No really, that's about how long I was completed glued to it!
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

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