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Newbie? not really but still alot of unanswered questionsFollow

#1 Apr 10 2012 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
Hi, my name is kim..I have been playing Everquest ll for about a year charachter is level 29..there are alot of things I still have not figured out and learned how to do? I have always been too chicken to post in the forums ,cuz the couple times I've tried even saying hi(at my son's urging-try it , you'll like it)! I've gotten stomped on! O yelled at, or asked why I am playing this game? wouldn't i better be suited to play bingo is what was said to me?? Smiley: frown

so i guess my question is, if I had some questions I needed help with say like with armour or weapons upgrading? Or about Guild's and playing Solo compared to with someone else? Would I be able to get some help? Maybe a bit of coaching? Or is that too much to ask all at once?

Any help offered or given will be greatly appreciated..and I am happy I decided to not be so shy and say hi!

#2 Apr 10 2012 at 7:17 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Ask us! We may not know, but we'll try to answer.

And bingo sucks.
#3 Apr 11 2012 at 9:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
I'm sorry you've found all the so-n-so's on the forums. We're not like that :) Ask away.
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Cook Ten Rats
#4 Apr 11 2012 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
I am a newb too! People here really nice with questions.
#5 Apr 12 2012 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
I too will apologize for the jerks you met while playing/posting on the forums. Everyone needs some help at some point along the way, and if you dont ask for it how is it going to find you? You didnt ask any specific questions, so my answer may not be as helpful as it could be, but hopefully its a start. And at least on my server(freeport) there are plenty of nice helpful people who would be happy to answer questions for you in game as well(along with some jerks who are best ignored) - though i assume the other servers are largely the same.

SO, starting with weapon and armor upgrades. Before you get to the highest levels, you dont really need the most amazing gear to do most of what you want. While leveling up im generally pretty happy if i turn over my whole gear set every 10-15 levels. You can get upgrades from players, regular quests, or the harder dungeons. Generally speaking, the quality order goes from Handcrafted(player-made regular) to Quested to Mastercrafted(player-made rare) finally to Dungeon/Raid - though, individual pieces can vary. For someone who only plays sometimes or doesnt care about having the absolute best, Questing for most of your gear and buying the handcrafted pieces you missed will serve you well. Also dont forget to repair your gear at the Mender in town when you need to, if it gets too broken you stop gaining any of the benefits of using it.

You can enjoy and explore a lot of what the game has to offer solo(especially with the mercenaries added in the latest expansion), but ive always found that these games are more fun with friends. A good guild can also give you a lot of extra help and advice with whatever specifically you need at any given moment. There are a lot of nice people out there if you give them a chance.

Again, hopefully this has been at least a little helpful, and if you have more specific questions, im sure someone would be happy to help.
#6 Apr 12 2012 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
I have to say I was sad to hear that after a year you're only 29, I am 29 now after less than a week - a guild makes a huge difference I think, since I can get repairs for free, use guild supplies to make myself food and drink (you are using food and drink to replenish your power and hp, right?) and they answered all sorts of questions and someone mentored me through a dungeon where I got some sweet legendary gear and 9 levels... so no complaints there.

Gear seems to make a huge difference. Are you having trouble with money? I was lucky because a statue that came with the game box I bought sold for 25P so I am in really good shape for a newb, but I found that collecting is already paying off pretty well, with dwarf eggs (which I've gotten like 5 of) selling for 50+ gold each.

Are you playing for free? I recognize that many people would rather do so, but not being able to talk on the public channels or wear the best gear or use the broker will really gimp you and, frankly make the game less enjoyable. I understand if you want to continue on a free level but you might want to try paying for gold for just one month to see if it improves the game for you. I know I wouldn't want to be on a free account with all the restrictions that entails. I found my guild by talking on the public channels, and honestly not sure how you would go about it otherwise.

Anyway, as a fellow noob I wish you good days ahead.
#7 Apr 18 2012 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
Hi first off all I want to say thanx to everyone that welcomed me and made me feel at home?! My son, who is a big gamer kept telling me to say hi , join a guild, and ask for help if I get stuck? Quit being so shy Mom!

As I said I did try and got shot down and that pretty much made me stop playing?!

So I am so very glad I decided to try again..And I do agree BINGO Does SUCK! lolol

so thanx again and yes I do have lot of questions and will be in need of lots of help I suspect.It's been awhile since I played?

KIMSmiley: smile
#8 Apr 18 2012 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
Hi Frizko,

thanx very much for the welcome..Yes my son told me that those jerks are few and far between and every game/forum has one or two of them?

I appreciate the help and suggestions with armour and weapon upgrades? I have pretty much been relying on just what I get in the quests so far?
I have really been too shy to join a guild or ask for help really up until this point ? so pretty much just been struggling through on my own for the most part?

Most of my questions, at least right now are just about upgrading, joining a guild, is it good to play solo or not? I really have not concentrated on Crafting or Adorning etc too much(level 2 at that) and wonder should I be?

Thanx again for you help and welcome

#9 Apr 18 2012 at 6:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
You can solo the whole game if you want to; EQ2 pretty much supports all playstyles. If all you're doing is soloing, then quest gear is fine. If you want to do harder Heritage Quests or tougher dungeons, you're going to need friends :)

Finding a guild can be tough, because it's like choosing a family and all guides have "personalities'. Best thing to do is find people to group with, and if you group with someone you like ask about joining their guild. You can also press U to bring up the guild window and browse guilds that are recruiting.
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Cook Ten Rats
#10 May 10 2012 at 11:18 PM Rating: Good
Kariz- one thing that will probably help you gear-wise is to begin crafting. Crafting can not only be money-saving but since it is structured almost like a game within the game can also be a rewarding and fruitful way to spend more hours in Norrath.

Depending on your character class, becomming an armorer or a tailor will allow you to create a completely new set of armor for yourself every ten levels. This will cost you only the raw materials and the "fuel" needed to craft each item. And since player-made armor using rare pelts and metals is some of the best armor a non-raiding player can get, crafting becomes a win/win.

Above all, welcome to EQ2 and don't let the occasional jerks slow you down! BTW- let us know your server and character name. Someone here may well ha e a mid-level character there that you can group with.

Cheers -OBD

#11 May 21 2012 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent


thanx for the advice and help..especially with suggesting I take up crafting of some sort!.
My Character name is Vahalliena and I am on the 'UNREST' now level 39 High Elf Mystic with a Level 5 Artisian
and any help- and or mentoring would be fantastic and would help to bring me out of my shell I think?!

Thanx for the warm welcome..and i have taken everybody's advice and am learning to just take the "snotty ones" out of the picture and ignore them!
Maybe they should go "PLAY Bingo! LOLOL

Kariz ;-)

OldBlueDragon wrote:
Kariz- one thing that will probably help you gear-wise is to begin crafting. Crafting can not only be money-saving but since it is structured almost like a game within the game can also be a rewarding and fruitful way to spend more hours in Norrath.

Depending on your character class, becomming an armorer or a tailor will allow you to create a completely new set of armor for yourself every ten levels. This will cost you only the raw materials and the "fuel" needed to craft each item. And since player-made armor using rare pelts and metals is some of the best armor a non-raiding player can get, crafting becomes a win/win.

Above all, welcome to EQ2 and don't let the occasional jerks slow you down! BTW- let us know your server and character name. Someone here may well ha e a mid-level character there that you can group with.

Cheers -OBD

#12 Jun 23 2012 at 11:20 PM Rating: Excellent
As it happens, my main is on Unrest and I'm sure there are some alts there as well! (Near as I can remember I have a warden, a fury and a ranger there.)

I haven't played for almost a year but I should be back in game by early July and if it helps you, I'd be happy to duo with you.

Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#13 Jun 24 2012 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
I am new to EQ 2--- huge difference between EQ. Even if you are a young player join a guild. What you need is a knowledge base, that were the guild comes in. How do you think they got all their info to be the character they are today?Right now my big problem is trade skills.
I went with a friend to Enchanted lands she was a level 30 Fury and I was a level27 coercer. we got lots of cast + about 5 or 6 pieces of level 30 armor.that's just 2 people. I think I only died 2 times. She dinged 31 and I got to 28 with some AA.(I do 50%)

Try different zones (just some advice do not go crazy with getting quests I did and I was getting 3 for everyone I turned in.) In thundering steppes on the docks behind the building is the guy who will give you the fishbone earring quest. makes you breathe has some stats as well.

No matter what you do is to have fun. That is what the game is all about. Those people who get super serious and put other people down is just their loss for being such jerks. Have your son play with you also--- the game knocks all the players down to the lowest level so a 60 and be a 29.
#14 Jun 26 2012 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent

thanx for the reply back to my msg? appreciate that!

Oh ya, that would be great..just let me know when and where U will be on, and maybe we could meet up..U could show me some stuff i don't know or am having trouble with that would be awesome..and help me with the "HEROIC" quests that I am failing at miserably! lolol

thanx again ODB..appreciate the offer of help.


OldBlueDragon wrote:
As it happens, my main is on Unrest and I'm sure there are some alts there as well! (Near as I can remember I have a warden, a fury and a ranger there.)

I haven't played for almost a year but I should be back in game by early July and if it helps you, I'd be happy to duo with you.

#15 Jun 26 2012 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
Hi Queenofall,

thanx for the advice on trying different zones..will have to give that a try..

and yes Michael(my son) did suggest to get joining a Guild right off, cuz they can help me out i suppose that is something I will have to look into..

Am just so shy about announcing myself again cuz the first and only two times I did both times I was put down..just really turns a person off if you know what i mean..and yes michael did tell me to just ignore those ****heads..who cares what they say"..guess I should start listening to his advice more!

.my son has helped me out quite a bit..he's playing Diablo III at the moment, so dont' think he's going to wanna play with his mom right now! LOLOL

yes since those posts i have been playing more and actually played with someone else that ask me to buddy with them...which was great...

i am up to Level 51 High elf Mystic Level 12 Scholar so i am getting there...

thanx again for the help and advice.


queenofall wrote:
I am new to EQ 2--- huge difference between EQ. Even if you are a young player join a guild. What you need is a knowledge base, that were the guild comes in. How do you think they got all their info to be the character they are today?Right now my big problem is trade skills.
I went with a friend to Enchanted lands she was a level 30 Fury and I was a level27 coercer. we got lots of cast + about 5 or 6 pieces of level 30 armor.that's just 2 people. I think I only died 2 times. She dinged 31 and I got to 28 with some AA.(I do 50%)

Try different zones (just some advice do not go crazy with getting quests I did and I was getting 3 for everyone I turned in.) In thundering steppes on the docks behind the building is the guy who will give you the fishbone earring quest. makes you breathe has some stats as well.

No matter what you do is to have fun. That is what the game is all about. Those people who get super serious and put other people down is just their loss for being such jerks. Have your son play with you also--- the game knocks all the players down to the lowest level so a 60 and be a 29.
#16 Jul 10 2012 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Hi Kariz,

Welcome! There are quite a few different things to do in EQ2, which is why I enjoy it. Questing, crafting, house decorating, etc. Some of the nicest people I have met in are in /homeshow channel. Its a cross-server chat thread within EQ2.
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