I wonder if there's a way that signed-up users could get items entered that doesn't involve wiki editors? It could work similar to the search for specific items, only a Spells page would have its specific set of data that could be entered (example: Name of Spell, Class this Spell is For, Level of Spell, What the Spell does, Target, Power cost, Casting Time, Recast Time, Duration, Range, Mastery, Damage done, Amount Healed, Effects......etc). Weapons, Armor, etc etc would also all have their own specific set of data to enter. There would be a way to attach 1 or 2 screenshots of each item sent in as well. Then each thing sent in would be "Under Review" until 1 or 2 other people reviewed the data and could confirm that it was all correct (including spelling...some people can't spell past 4th grade words...), and then the items would be searchable for everyone.
I'm relatively new to being an active user of this wonderful site instead of being just a lurker, so apologies if there already is a way to get this done and I just haven't seen it yet. This suggestion is similar to what was used on Star Wars Galaxies websites which listed harvestable items' stats (swgcraft.com and swgcraft.co.uk were 2 of the better websites, but I am sure with SWG being closed since Dec 2011, they're gone...*Sigh*).
Thanks for any and all help/info about this. I know I'd like to contribute more, if it didn't entail me actually having to try to figure out how to code stuff myself. :/