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OMFG Blizzard is Comeing Through!Follow

#1 Jul 02 2004 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
All you people that said the game would never be released by December, I take pity on your souls. Look at all this stuff that is comeing out every day now! And in the next push, Plains Running and Auction Houses!!! Those are MAGOR things! I betcha WoW isn't far off their August 3rd Release date, and even if it doesn't come out then, you can bet your *** it's gonna be out by christmas!

#2 Jul 02 2004 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
469 posts
Yes. Quite magor things. They certainly are comeing through.
#3 Jul 02 2004 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
Several zones ive been looking forward to seeing to, along with 5 more levels. Not too long now before end game content.
#4 Jul 02 2004 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
The Release date a few days ago has now be set for Dec. 7. I wish it was Aug.3 I can't wait for this game to come out.
#5 Jul 02 2004 at 11:33 PM Rating: Good
469 posts
Blizzard never set any release date other than their "end of 2004" date. When web retailers don't know when a game is coming out, they put up some ******** release date and then you people seem to take it as a promise straight from the developers.
#6 Jul 05 2004 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
lol, august 3, december 7, amazon says October 15. My vote goes to November 43.
#7 Jul 06 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
lol, Yea i can honestly say now it's getting a bit too close to August and i don't think it will come out August 3rd unless the Hunter Class is implemented in a week along with the rest of the areas and monsters. October 15th sounds very reasonable.
#8 Jul 06 2004 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
526 posts
i laughed at the december release date because at the time they said it, i didnt see a chance. i agree that they have picked up the pace, and many things are being added.

They still dont have the hunter class, as well as some of the higher end trade skills though. and even though i doubt someone would be able to get to that point within a month or two of release, im sure someone will prove me wrong on that too.

They say "late 2004", and as much as i would love to see it happen, no offence to blizz, but, they do seem to have a track record of being semi late, but, delivering the best goods around. as long as they dont lower thier standards to get the game out by that date, and actually get everything they wish to do, then all power to them, and ill be among the first in line most likely to buy the game at my local game store.

assuming i havnt overplayed the game to death like i seem to have done for FFXI.
#9 Jul 06 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
Word of advice. Don't power level.

Just enjoy the game and take your time leveling. Join guilds, do quests, explore new areas. Do a craft skill. Have fun!
It took me over 2 years to make lvl 55 wizard in everquest.
#10 Jul 09 2004 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
Well it's definately not October 15th. All games and movies are released on Tuesdays (some old, rich, bored, white man made it a rule a long time ago because he had nothing better to do). So the people who speculated August 3rd and December 7th at least had logic on their side. Electronics Boutique says the game will be shipped on November 15th (which is a Monday, meaning that overnight will have it arrive on Tuesday), though it should be noted that the game would not be available in their stores until Tuesday. Though like someone else already said, it's all speculation. There is no official release date yet and since Blizzard has now starting taking European beta applications and they still plan on doing an open beta towards the end, it will probably be towards the latter part of "end of 2004" before we see this game in retail version.
#11 Jul 10 2004 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
469 posts
SubMatrix wrote:
There is no official release date yet
Yes, there is. Blizzard announced "late 2004" some time ago. I wouldn't expect it any sooner than early December.
#12 Jul 28 2004 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
so basically if they say December 2004 that means it will actually be out in Spring 2005? Guys it sucks but this game ain't coming out for 6 months, thats a helluva long time. They dont even know when its coming out, they went from August 3 to December 7 release date just like that! If they bump it into Spring 2005 I wouldn't be the least bit surprised, would you?
#13 Jul 28 2004 at 8:26 PM Rating: Good
469 posts
Viniferis wrote:
They dont even know when its coming out, they went from August 3 to December 7 release date just like that!
Once again, the only official release date they ever announced was late 2004. The August 3rd release date you pulled out of your *** was not announced by Blizzard.
#14 Jul 29 2004 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Viniferis wrote:

They dont even know when its coming out, they went from August 3 to December 7 release date just like that!

Once again, the only official release date they ever announced was late 2004. The August 3rd release date you pulled out of your *** was not announced by Blizzard.

lol Well someone sure is in a happy mood. I'm sure that the "Ask a tester" thread has driven JAEFo over the edge...
Anyways, he certainly didn't pull that release date out of his *** but it wasn't officially announced by Blizzard. The August 3rd date was presented by quite awhile ago, which I'm sure Viniferis took as fact. Not his fault and he shouldn't be flamed because of it.
BTW, keep in mind that on August 3rd, a certain long awaited PC game is being released. I'll give ya a hint, it rhymns with Boom Tree...
#15 Jul 29 2004 at 11:22 PM Rating: Good
469 posts
It's the second time I had to state in this thread that video game retailers make up release dates that look nice to get more pre-orders, and the third time I had to mention that the only release date Blizzard ever set was "end of 2004." He couldn't be bothered to read through the thread, so why should I bother to give him a nice answer?
#16 Jul 30 2004 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
It's the second time I had to state in this thread that video game retailers make up release dates that look nice to get more pre-orders, and the third time I had to mention that the only release date Blizzard ever set was "end of 2004." He couldn't be bothered to read through the thread, so why should I bother to give him a nice answer?

A simple answer to that is that you really didn't have to answer at all. Its not really your obligation to make statements when it comes to the game in any way, shape or form especially when the statement is nothing more then a flame. Now I'm not defending everything he said but to reply in a harsh way will simply bring upona flame war. I'm not sure if this is what you want or not but it really doesn't have to come to it.

As for anyone else questioning whether the game is being released at all during this year, all I have to say to you is look at the activity of the game recently and the annoucement of the game being released by the end of this year. Currently the game has been covered so many times on various web sites and magazines that Blizzard would be foolish to push it back even further. If this happens, I'm afraid the game's popularity will fade once gamers decide to choose EQ 2 after becoming tired of all the delays and such. As for a release date, thats up in the air. As JAEFo stated many times, "end of 2004" can mean either now to December 31st. Just show patience and hope the game can finally be released.
#17 Jul 30 2004 at 2:34 AM Rating: Good
469 posts
Redmoonxl wrote:
A simple answer to that is that you really didn't have to answer at all. Its not really your obligation to make statements when it comes to the game in any way, shape or form especially when the statement is nothing more then a flame.

You would take my one joy in life from me? Why if I didn't have people to yell at I would... keel over and die!
#18 Jul 30 2004 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
lol Okay, okay, we don't want a dead JAEFo, now do we? No worries, I'm sure that there will be someone deserving a good ol' flame and I'll just sit back laughing while you tear the guy apart ^_~
#19 Jul 30 2004 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
526 posts
List of things to do:
Hunter class
Talents for over half of the jobs
certain zones need to be finished. (currently have Guardians of Blizzard at these zones)
yet more bug testing.
talent balancing.
and a couple dozen other things that i am unable to think of because its 6:48 am for me, and i been awake for 8 min.

they have a lot to do before christmas.
#20 Jul 30 2004 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
729 posts
Why are you surprised?

Blizzard has been giving a date that it that a game would supposedly come out, and then it would get kicked back 6 or 7 months. Its nothing new.

What have they been doing with those 6 or 7 months?

Look at the last Warcraft game. While not my favorite RTS game, it is still an absolutely beautiful game. It was kicked back and the game came to us with very few bugs and some great gameplay. Blizzard has always done their best to make sure that a game works correctly before sending it out. Its one of the reasons I like Blizzard so much.

Do I care when it comes out?

Not really. It will come out when they are ready to release it. I will just sit back and drewl over it until it does come out. Kind of like Half Life2, Doom3, and Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Just have to learn patience.
#21 Jul 30 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
It's not unreasonable to post arguing against points in the face of potential misinformation. No reason to get your hopes up the game will be out in August if there's no way in hell it'll happen. (I'm *doubtful* it will be out this year, but it still has a chance.)

As far as losing people to EQ2, it isn't going to happen. EQ2 *still* isn't really into beta. Lords of Everquest owners and Legends subscribers are supposed to be the second and third wave of people they let into the beta, which they still have yet to do. Sony is not exactly hot on Blizzard's heels, unless they go through an extremely short beta. While Sony doesn't test things for years like Blizzard, even they can't be so foolish as to think that is good business.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#22 Jul 30 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
It's not unreasonable to post arguing against points in the face of potential misinformation. No reason to get your hopes up the game will be out in August if there's no way in hell it'll happen. (I'm *doubtful* it will be out this year, but it still has a chance.)

As far as losing people to EQ2, it isn't going to happen. EQ2 *still* isn't really into beta. Lords of Everquest owners and Legends subscribers are supposed to be the second and third wave of people they let into the beta, which they still have yet to do. Sony is not exactly hot on Blizzard's heels, unless they go through an extremely short beta. While Sony doesn't test things for years like Blizzard, even they can't be so foolish as to think that is good business.

Well niether one of us has a crystal ball that allows us to look into the future so who knows what the population of each game will be. One thing is for sure that WoW MUST be released this year. The MMORPG market is unique in a way that it kinda prohibits the playing of two MMORPGs basically because of the cost. Now, we here are looking forward to WoW but how about the middle man? Not many people know of SOE's track record aside from the people who actually look into it and thats only a few. It won't matter if EQ 2 sucked and/or rushed out, if its on the shelf in a game store while WoW is missing, which would you buy if you knew nothing of either game?

Not only that but Blizzard has released too much info on the game. Holding back the game's release only damages the game, making the features look less appealing to the general public since it would be easy for a company to walk by and insert a certain feature that makes WoW unique into their game. I'm also sure that not releasing the game in Christmas only hurts their chance to achieve their #1 agenda: Get as much money as possible.

Keep in mind that EQ 2 will not be WoW's only worry. Matrix Online, Guild Wars (created by Arena Net, which is a studio composed of former Blizzard empolyees) and Middle Earth Online amoung others are MMOs that will give WoW some trouble when it comes to attracting the consumer. Also there has been a recent movement of companies like Turbine and Mystic trying their best to attract gamers back to their respected MMOs. This is where most people that are informed on the EQ 2 vs WoW fight are weak in when it comes to these kinda arguements. Its not really "EQ 2 vs WoW", its "EQ 2 vs WOW vs everybody else, whether the game is new or old".
#23 Jul 31 2004 at 1:09 AM Rating: Good
469 posts
*stabs vicsrealms in the eye with a rusty spoon and points to his three other posts*
#24 Jul 31 2004 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
*stabs vicsrealms in the eye with a rusty spoon and points to his three other posts*

*walks in* Hmm, I'll allow it! *walks out*
#25 Jul 31 2004 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
202 posts
Just one thing as some one who plays SOE star wars galaxies, SOE don’t seem to test there games before putting them on the market, SWG is still very much in beta in a lot of ways, so I would expect EQ 2 soon but with a lot of bugs.
#26 Jul 31 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
I don't expect EQ2 to come out until next year to be honest. They are just getting ready to start their Open Beta. I applied for Open Beta about 2 months ago and then found out from them that the people who applied for it on their website would be the very LAST people to get choosen for Open Beta. That's like their Phase 4. Phase 1 was suppose to be starting soon and only the developers and all their friends and family were going to be testing it first I think. Then the players on the Legends server would be for Phase 2. Phase 3 would be any subscribers to the original EQ and then finally Phase 4 would be people who applied for EQ2 Beta on their website. =oP By the time that happens I'll be playing World of Warcraft full speed ahead and won't even want to Beta Test EQ2.

World of Warcraft may not make it out this year either, but it seems like they are right on schedule for a late November or early December release. The next patch will give us the Hunter class, open levels to L55 and also open about 4 more locked areas with L50-L58 mobs. The game hasn't been bug free however. With over 2000 players on the Beta Server there has been noticable lag in certain towns and I still have some issues collecting loot and finding NPC characters who give me quests. Otherwise the game has been pretty awesome. Definitely one of the best Beta's I've ever been in. City of Heroes would be a close 2nd.

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