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Wrath of the Lich King : What we know thus far.Follow

#27 Aug 03 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
tworow the Malevolent wrote:
I think it's unlikely you change over to a Death Knight. That could severely hurt non-plate classes making the switch, among other things.

azwing wrote:
If expansion #2 follows suit, then your gear will be crap after the first set of level 71 quests anyway.

Actually, the tailoring sets are comparable to tier 6-ish gear, so they'll last until level 74 Smiley: grin

Edited, Aug 3rd 2007 6:06pm by tworow

Edited, Aug 3rd 2007 6:06pm by tworow

I think they've already stated that you don't change into a Death Knight but rather start one as a new toon. The difference is you start at a higher level instead of lvl 1.

This also makes more sense because if it was race or class specific it'd be too frustrating for the players. For example if only paladins could become a death knight what about all the players that don't have a paladin? You'd have to restart a pally (and maybe you absolutely hate playing pallies) and lvl it up to the appropriate lvl to make the switch. Same thing if you only had night elves or tauren and these races couldn't be a death knight. You'd have to restart and lvl a toon just to try one out. Also what happens if you changed a class you enjoyed playing into a death knight? Could you switch back?

Instead it's a lot less hassle for blizzard and the players to make it take it's own seperate toon slot and not bother with transforming current toons into a death knight.
#28 Aug 03 2007 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
4,632 posts
Seriously, though... I sure hope that unlocking Death Knight isn't comparable to unlocking some of the classes in FFXI, or doing a Genkai. Some of those really sucked.
#29 Aug 03 2007 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
What was a Death Knight in W3: TFT? im confused... where do you all know Death Knights from? :P
I can't wait for this expansion, as my druid has hit 60 woot :D
#30 Aug 03 2007 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
152 posts
Death Knight? Bah! Give me my Monk Blizzard! HAND TO HAND.

There will be sooo many Mary sues on Role playing servers with death knights its not even gonna be funny.

"I R SQuire 2 Arthas. Evillest death night of all!! muahahah"
Just No.

Whats next? Vampires!?

Well, I'm stoked for it. Let the power creep continue!

And here's to hoping that one of the content patches between now and then has Grim Batol in it. icon

Agreed! GRIM BATOL. I want. Though I can wait for the expansion. I still have much to see at lvl70.
#31 Aug 03 2007 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
1,487 posts
Arthas was a Death Knight after he "fell".

Death Knights are basically fallen Paladins. Instead of healing they make healing hurt you, instead of raising allies from the dead they use skeletons as minions. It'll be expanded to be a class of course, since current WoW Death Knights mostly use existing skills from other classes (Mortal Strike, Shadowbolt, Mind Control etc.)

Seriously, though... I sure hope that unlocking Death Knight isn't comparable to unlocking some of the classes in FFXI, or doing a Genkai. Some of those really sucked.

They said similar to an epic mount quest in scale.

Although I guess the good thing this time is you don't have to bring a party loaded with Paladins or Warlocks and can be balanced for the fights.

Edited, Aug 3rd 2007 7:45pm by tworow
#32 Aug 03 2007 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
And isn't the Lich King holding the Sword of a Thousand Truths?!?! That would make him impossible to killz!!

Oh dear god, even if you knew nothing of lore do you really think they would implement a TV show sword into the end boss of a expansion? That is actually Frostmourne, the sword the Lich King used to turn Arthas into a diabolical, father killing, city crushing maniac. Then Arthas when to Ner'Zhul himself and binded to eachother.
#33 Aug 03 2007 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
Is it too early to tell if Death Knight will be the only Hero Class in WOTLK? Or do you guys think that there will be a different Hero Class available for each class? Seems wrong to have only one Hero Class available, I hope they expand on this. Of course it's too early to tell, but does anyone have any insight/comments?
#34 Aug 03 2007 at 4:48 PM Rating: Excellent
2,824 posts
They just announced that every class will get a hero class except shaman, who will get a hero class totem with 5 hp. Smiley: lol
#35 Aug 03 2007 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts
Am I the only one that sees the expansion as a giant message saying "Get to 70 or GTFO"?

New profession...ok, something for everybody.

New dances/hair Shiny, but so what.

Everything else: Get to 70 or go away, especialy since Blizzard mentioned a while ago (no clue if it will still be this way) that you need to do some end-game quest to open up a Hero character.


I would love to see some low level stuff added instead of so much focus on the high level stuff. High level content is fine and dandy, but you can't just ignore the low stuff, and so far there is basicaly nothing to look forward to unless your 70 already. I'm hoping their "much much more" includes some love for the people who aren't already sitting around waiting for something to do since they already basicaly finished the game.
#36 Aug 03 2007 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
i think i heard it would be so many choices/class but that may just be speculation. I hope theres a way to change it though.

Say warrior (only class i somewhat know) there would be a hero class based on tanking and one on dps. if you were the MT in raids u would obviously pick the tanking one. But if you leave someone has to switch from dps hero class to tank.
these are just musings from me and a couple friends tho.

i dont think they can send us against the lich king without somehow seeming more powerful then just 10 levels higher.

just my 2c

(i cant watch trailer atm on a dial-up connection so i just heard a quick overview so if i contradicted something thats blatently announced please excuse me)
#37 Aug 03 2007 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
398 posts
Well, to all the people that haven't reached 70, you still probably have about 5-6 months if the expansion is released around the same time as the other one has.
#38 Aug 03 2007 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
556 posts
According to the O-Boards (scary I know) there was something on the stream that had a conference with Blizzard reps (dont ask me what it is, but its regarded as fact on the O-Boards and not just rumor. Do I know if its fact? No, I dont. But I'm relaying what I read).

Hero Classes are unlocked after reaching level 80 and doing a long/hard chainquest. You lose your old character (not confirmed, but it IS confirmed you lose everything that character has gained: rep, keys, mounts, etc, so its possable you lose the old character entirely) and gain a Hero Class that is already leveled. The guess right now is level 68. This is to make it so you don't have to go through the 1-80 grind all over again.

They are entirely seperate characters, not addons to existing ones. The O-Boards is up in arms right now since it actually does look like you have to lose the character you went to 80 and unlocked the quest with. Again, that part isn't confirmed, but it's what is believed right now based on something the rep said.
#39 Aug 03 2007 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
3,451 posts
Thanks for the comments! I know what I'm going to do now, is put my Rogue on the shelf for now with the exception of getting arena points, and level up my Druid the last 16 levels to get to 70.

I'm just scared that at level 73 or so, I'd have my level 70 epics replaced. This is what happened to my Shaman that I played for six months at 60 to get epics, only to have them down the crapper not long after visiting Hellfire Penn.

Edit: new hairstyles and dances are cool indeed, but Blizzard, Please PLEASE give us a new array of /silly's. I swear if I have to listen to another human male go on about Lord of the Rings for 5 minutes I'm gonna freak! Smiley: lol

Edited, Aug 3rd 2007 9:39pm by Zornov
#40 Aug 03 2007 at 9:08 PM Rating: Excellent
codexia wrote:
According to the O-Boards (scary I know) there was something on the stream that had a conference with Blizzard reps (dont ask me what it is, but its regarded as fact on the O-Boards and not just rumor. Do I know if its fact? No, I dont. But I'm relaying what I read).

Hero Classes are unlocked after reaching level 80 and doing a long/hard chainquest. You lose your old character (not confirmed, but it IS confirmed you lose everything that character has gained: rep, keys, mounts, etc, so its possable you lose the old character entirely) and gain a Hero Class that is already leveled. The guess right now is level 68. This is to make it so you don't have to go through the 1-80 grind all over again.

They are entirely seperate characters, not addons to existing ones. The O-Boards is up in arms right now since it actually does look like you have to lose the character you went to 80 and unlocked the quest with. Again, that part isn't confirmed, but it's what is believed right now based on something the rep said.

interesting, but highly doubtful. I mean why would I want to trade my mage for a deathknight that specializes in damage and tanking? I picked and leveled my range dps class for a reason... and geared him out for a reason. It has to be a new character slot, possibly 11 slots now per realm to preventp eople from needing to delete their current full character banks?
#41 Aug 03 2007 at 10:16 PM Rating: Excellent
3,451 posts
Compilation of WotLK info

Some more information, linked from World of Warcraft. Links to many WoW/MMO websites.

In short:

So what is inscription?

Inscription is a new tradeskill; summarized as "Enchanting for your spells and abilties". How the profession works has not yet been explained, but apparently this adds new effects and/or improves your abilities.

Mentioned were increased haste rating, increased damage/healing, increased crit rating, increased range, and adding a knockback effect to a spell.

So what are Deathknights?

Deathknights are the first hero class, to be introduced with the expansion.

Creating a deathknight works as thus: Once you hit 80, you are given the option to do a new quest chain, comparable in difficulty to the "old warlock epic mount quest". Once you complete this you are given the option to create a deathknight character. Your old character is not "replaced" by the deathknight; and this is not paladin-specific; anyone can do this. Also confirmed is that any race can be a deathknight.

Deathknights start high-leveled already- 55ish at the minimum; 80 as the maximum (unconfirmed exactly what level). There are no exceptions; there will be no level 1 deathknights.

Deathknights are a tanking/DPS hybrid; sort of an "antipaladin". Also confirmed is that deathknights do not use shields; they tank with a 2h/by DWing.

The ability to summon undead minions is confirmed, though Death Knights are not a pet class and this is more of a treant/shadowfiend type of ability.

Deathknights do not use mana, rage, or energy. Instead they have a "rune system". When you are out of combat, you can switch your active runes around a few types; you have 6 rune slots. Abilities will put certain rune types on cooldowns or may even use multiple runes. Thus, what runes you choose affect how your deathknight plays in combat.

EDIT: Additionally, Deathknights are not superior to the existing classes - this is a common misconception going around right now. They're different, but they are not better.
#42 Aug 03 2007 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent

Can they do that? Can they just release ONE new class? Wouldn't this cause a flood of Death Knights?

I'm sure a lot of people will want to re-cap their mains. Learn the new spells and what not. But... I was playing FFXI when they released the three new jobs. They were EVEYWHERE! But it wasn't do bad. Because there were three. Each one able to fill different group roles.

Maybe... I hope there is more I don't know about yet. But all in all. My attention for Warcraft was starting to dwindle. This is just the sort of thing that pulls me right back in! Thanks Blizz! Thanks big time! Now go and release lvl 70 PvP reward epic sets. That look class specific! I'd be your WoW biotch.

Wonder what the Death Knights CC will be?! Come on, Blackout Health drain.

#43 Aug 03 2007 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
3,451 posts
In regard to the knockback effect on abilities gained from the inscription profession. Hope it's not too far, but it would definetly be fun to use on those enemies wandering near cliffs, such as the LM flag in Arathi Basin. Smiley: lol
#44 Aug 03 2007 at 11:04 PM Rating: Good
111 posts
interesting, but highly doubtful. I mean why would I want to trade my mage for a deathknight that specializes in damage and tanking? I picked and leveled my range dps class for a reason... and geared him out for a reason. It has to be a new character slot, possibly 11 slots now per realm to preventp eople from needing to delete their current full character banks?

That's actually a pretty good idea, I think. Thematically, it makes sense, because Arthas fell from paladinhood when he became a death knight. And gameplay-wise, it's a tradeoff for starting a death knight at a high level. If you don't want to sacrifice your main, then you'll just have to level an alt from 1-80 or whatever, which is what you'd be doing anyway if it wasn't for the tradeoff.

So I think the deal is going to be: either sacrifice your main to transform into a death knight, like Arthas, or level up an alt and sacrifice it to become a death knight. Also a good way to lessen the effects of ZOMG DEATH KNIGHT ZERG when everybody and their mother rolls the new class.

Edited, Aug 4th 2007 3:06am by docfrance
#45 Aug 03 2007 at 11:08 PM Rating: Excellent
1,025 posts
codexia wrote:
They are entirely seperate characters, not addons to existing ones. The O-Boards is up in arms right now since it actually does look like you have to lose the character you went to 80 and unlocked the quest with. Again, that part isn't confirmed, but it's what is believed right now based on something the rep said.

Hehe, since when has the O-Boards NOT been up in arms. Smiley: laugh

Edited, Aug 4th 2007 3:08am by KeikoMYA
#46 Aug 03 2007 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts
I don't know about giving up the whole character, but there is definately something that has to be given up. One of the reps mentioned it somewhere (no, I have no link. If you ask on the O-Board somebody will link it for you i'm sure, but I'm to lazy to hunt, sorry, lol) that you gave up your character, which is what's causing the huge wave of angst. Since the rep mentioned losing all your faction gains, your keys for instances, even mounts, it's widely believed that you do in fact have to give up the character in order to unlock the Death Knight. Whether or not giving up one character lets you make multiple knights or if that knight simply takes over the spot on your character list where your old one used to idea.

[edit] And yea, that is true. The O-Boards is ALWAYS up in arms about something :P

Edited, Aug 4th 2007 3:13am by codexia
#47 Aug 03 2007 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good
3,451 posts
I don't think that you'll have to sacrifice your main to become a hero class, I think you'll basically get another class to play already leveled to a certain extent along with your main. You have to do an epic quest to unlock it.

That's what I've gathered so far, but it's all speculation at this point eh?
#48 Aug 04 2007 at 2:01 AM Rating: Good
Lol, guys... read that quote from the blizz site a few posts up...
zornov wrote:
Your old character is not "replaced" by the deathknight

I sure hope that the DK (my abb for Death Knight) will be more of a "achievement" then a replacement... simply that, once you get to 80 you say "yay! I got to the NEW level cap! now I can be a death knight!" or something... :P
#49 Aug 04 2007 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
4,632 posts
I have updated the OP, and intend to continue to do so as new information is released, as I am sure it will be.

I would appreciate it if this topic could be kept bumped and directed to as the "hub" for WotLC info. Thanks!
#50 Aug 04 2007 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Good thing I'm not playing anymore. 10 more levels? Christ.

I wonder if they'll imbascale all the new gear like they did in Outlands. That'd be a laugh. They'd probably do it just to **** off that one guild, what's its name, Nihi-something.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#51 Aug 04 2007 at 7:43 AM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
Zornov, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
Compilation of WotLK info

Some more information, linked from World of Warcraft. Links to many WoW/MMO websites.

In short:

So what is inscription?

Inscription is a new tradeskill; summarized as "Enchanting for your spells and abilties". How the profession works has not yet been explained, but apparently this adds new effects and/or improves your abilities.

Mentioned were increased haste rating, increased damage/healing, increased crit rating, increased range, and adding a knockback effect to a spell.

So what are Deathknights?

Deathknights are the first hero class, to be introduced with the expansion.

Creating a deathknight works as thus: Once you hit 80, you are given the option to do a new quest chain, comparable in difficulty to the "old warlock epic mount quest". Once you complete this you are given the option to create a deathknight character. Your old character is not "replaced" by the deathknight; and this is not paladin-specific; anyone can do this. Also confirmed is that any race can be a deathknight.

Deathknights start high-leveled already- 55ish at the minimum; 80 as the maximum (unconfirmed exactly what level). There are no exceptions; there will be no level 1 deathknights.

Deathknights are a tanking/DPS hybrid; sort of an "antipaladin". Also confirmed is that deathknights do not use shields; they tank with a 2h/by DWing.

The ability to summon undead minions is confirmed, though Death Knights are not a pet class and this is more of a treant/shadowfiend type of ability.

Deathknights do not use mana, rage, or energy. Instead they have a "rune system". When you are out of combat, you can switch your active runes around a few types; you have 6 rune slots. Abilities will put certain rune types on cooldowns or may even use multiple runes. Thus, what runes you choose affect how your deathknight plays in combat.

EDIT: Additionally, Deathknights are not superior to the existing classes - this is a common misconception going around right now. They're different, but they are not better.

Everything in the post above is pretty much accurate as to what was said yesterday at Blizzcon.

In addition:

They also announced that there would be a PVP zone in Northrend and new battlegrounds where seige engines and destroyable buildings would be in play since they know people like blowing things up.

What I saw of one of the two entry zones in Northrend (Howling Fjord) was very nice and there were lots of yellow NPCs around so it looks like we will have more factions to gain rep with. They were letting people play premade 70s for 20 minutes at a time in the zone though it took up about 5 minutes of that time just to get enough skills on the empty bars to function. The lines to try things out were huge though.

When I was at the panal where they discussed the expansion, someone did ask about new mounts and they said that while there would be some new choices, there would be no need to upgrade from what we have in BC. So, they didn't specifically say that we couldn't use flying mounts and the guy even joked about needing to learn how to de-ice your mount's wings.

The new hairstyles/dances weren't discussed in detail but they said that plastic surgery for your character was not planned anytime soon.

As far as the Death Knight goes, everything said in the quoted post agrees with what I heard there.

We're having a good time and my boyfriend is totally excited by what he is seeing from the new Starcraft II. It's crowded but organized. The convention food is overpriced and the soda machines empty out by midday. We stopped at the store on the way home last night to pick up sodas, jerky and snacks to eat while we're there today. We've seen some pretty nice costumes though not as many as I was expecting. We've been mostly just enjoying the panal discussions though we did go wait in the line to try out the Northrend stuff they had.

Oh - I almost forgot. There was also some official mention of a WoW movie that's being worked on. I don't know any details though.

Edited, Aug 4th 2007 8:55am by morghast
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