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Should Blizzard sell level 80? Follow

#52REDACTED, Posted: Jun 21 2012 at 7:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Go away little punk.
#53 Jun 22 2012 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
RAWDEAL wrote:
IDrownFish of the Seven Seas wrote:
RAWDEAL wrote:
Always + 1 comments, go away troll

Oh no. My pride. It is so wounded.

Whatever. I'm going to take my own advice and put you on my ignore list. This is going to be the one and only time I really respond to your idiotic and inane trolling attempt. I look forward to not seeing your posts again.
Go away little punk.

Watch out guys, we got a badass over here.

#54 Jun 22 2012 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
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eThug - Because talking **** in person is dangerous.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#55 Jun 22 2012 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
161 posts
I'm going to play devil's advocate here.

If it's okay for Blizzard to sell a level 80 character, why not a level 85?

If you have a naked level 85 character you have to do a lot of BG's or instances or whatever to get geared up. By the time the character had all epic gear a reasonably intelligent player would have become fairly proficient.

It seems to be the consensus that an unintelligent player (a "nubcake") cannot learn to use a character even by leveling it from 1-85, so it would make no difference in that case: they would be unskilled whether they leveled the character or not.

So, are there objections to Blizzard selling level 85 characters?
#56 Jun 22 2012 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
So, are there objections to Blizzard selling level 85 characters?

Let's stipulate that the original limitation of the thread still applies -- the person buying the service must have one character at level cap already.

I'll continue to take the position that the actual harm of a player starting a character at some point above the normal starting level (phrased in that manner to account for DKs) is no greater than the harm caused by bored or lazy players trying to cruise to level cap. They bot and afk in BGs. They get run through content by friends. They pay -- in gold or in cash -- for being leveled through instances that they don't interact with. Even for the most 'legitimate' of players, RAF, SoR and heirlooms all boost XP, as do various in game buffs (2% in EPL, HFP, Wintersgrasp, Fire Festival) and the buffs will expand in MoP to include more heirlooms and possibly even a potion that buffs XP.

The current system of grinding through years of older expansions is not working as its advocates would hope. If people were really learning their class as predicted, we'd all be complaining less about nubcakes. The game environment is steadily changing to reflect that. The game needs new players to survive and new players don't want a huge run up to current end game. Many of us have multiple characters at or near level cap. We have choices, but new players will also want to experiment. Older players may want to leave established characters with their current guild but might like to have the opportunity to dabble with playing on another server. Several situations come to mind such as where a player is on a low population or unbalanced server or wants to change between PVP and PVE environments. Perhaps having the choice to start over more easily could even address some of the population and balance problems that people complain about.

Allowing a player to pay to opt out of repeating older content, whether they buy in at 80 or 85, strikes a nerve. We've been conditioned to shun things like power leveling characters because up to this point the way to do that was usually through RMT. If Blizzard were to allow a legitimate way to reach a similar end, that's going to look like Blizzard is just giving in to RMT. I'm going to take the position that it is not the same. If anything, it takes away a source of income for the RMT crowd and that is a good thing. On a side note, I'm OK with MoP's Black Market Auction House for a similar reason -- it will remove large chunks of in game currency and I would guess that such transactions will give Blizzard a chance to whack people who through sudden miracle (i.e. botting and RMT) have wads of cash to blow.

It is true that WOW is an MMO, but that means it an evolving environment that needs to be able to adapt to the needs of multiple players and equally diverse play styles. I stated in my first post that I don't see myself using the option because I'm an altoholic (it is my nod to being an old PnP RPG player, I like to see a character develop). On the other hand, I don't see the existence of such an option as a danger to my enjoyment of the game. We've been complaining about PUGs for years ... um ... nubcakes will be nubcakes?
#57 Jun 22 2012 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
I honestly don't care either way. I would appreciate the possibility for myself. Whether other people and their "skill" would be hurt or helped by this isn't my problem.
#58 Jun 22 2012 at 6:41 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
I still say they should just sell an account buff that give you the triple Xp buff (ala RAF buff) that last for like 2 weeks @ 5 dollars a pop. Problem solved, they arent selling 80's, there will still be people in old content (even if its for a shorter time), no one seems to have a major issue with the buff as it stands, and Blizzard makes money.

- You're not 'skipping' content, just fast forwarding through it.
-It's both casual and hardcore friendly, casuals are consumers they want content fast enough to keep their interest or they move on to another game. Hardcore want more toons to play but hate having to waste time grinding.
-Blizzard make more money on a feature already in the game.
- Its fast enough to keep new players interested, while still not throwing all their skills at them @80 and saying here now learn to play.

-We get noob(ish) players at 80, but we already have those now
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#59 Jun 22 2012 at 11:24 PM Rating: Excellent
1,882 posts
The problem isn't that they need to get to Cap faster. They need to make not being at cap rewarding. I personally want the journey, but HATE leveling anymore because of how mind numbingly easy it is. Dungeons are no longer interesting. You run around AoEing everything and don't even have to take strategies into killing bosses. Lower level zones are void of players. Group quests have to be nerfed into nonsense because there aren't enough people for them. The challenges and interests of lower levels has been turned into a linear grind fest. In that case, yes, we need to be able to skip it.

But if Blizzard could improve that experience, there wouldn't be such a rush to get past it. If I could feel like leveling my character was meaningful, and that the content wasn't merely a screen saver I'm unfortunate enough to have to navigate then I think this whole idea would be relatively less appetizing.
#60 Jun 23 2012 at 12:16 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
They need to make not being at cap rewarding.

As an altohoic, I'd love to see them come up with some way to do this. Unfortunately, I don't see a way to do any more than delay boredom for a few levels or an extra alt. Perhaps that's the price we pay for an evolving game.

They updated 1-60 content in Cata and that seems to have gone over poorly. I don't see them rushing to repeat that any time soon and we may forever see Agility on gear for Warriors in TBC zones. I suppose they could throw in more low level dailies and additional crafting quests (along the lines of fishing and cooking), but to maintain the feeling that level cap is higher than lower levels, scaling would still make those quests trivial. I'd still like to see it, but instead of fleshing out the leveling experience, they'd probably end up fueling the zerg to level cap. As it is, I don't start a new character with anything other than Mining and Herbalism because it means such a hit on XP. It is easier by far to sell mats until level cap and then power level a crafting profession. [As a side note, I really wish they would revisit low level crafting and give it more utility than being disenchant fodder.]

In the same vein, the cross server leveling areas might allow them to bring back stronger fights for group quests, but I suspect it would be pointless because it is still easier to have a high level character come in and one shot something.

#61 Jun 23 2012 at 4:38 AM Rating: Excellent
614 posts
Wouldn't pay for it, call me maybe crazy but I actually liked leveling up new toons.
I still don't have all of the classes leveled up, warlock somehow just seems to be a pain in the *** for me to get past 20 or something, but if it was possible to buy a level 80 toon, then, as Maz said, I think I'd just have a high level char I'd never play.
#62 Jun 23 2012 at 5:28 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
smunks wrote:
Wouldn't pay for it, call me maybe crazy but I actually liked leveling up new toons.
I still don't have all of the classes leveled up, warlock somehow just seems to be a pain in the *** for me to get past 20 or something, but if it was possible to buy a level 80 toon, then, as Maz said, I think I'd just have a high level char I'd never play.

I enjoyed leveling too, until it got to classes that absolutely suck low-levels (they really need to fix some of that, for example, Priest) and also when I had gotten to, say, the 12th+ character... then it just gets repetitious. Leveling Post-Cataclysm was awesome fun, esp for my Tauren Paladin... I didn't mind leveling a warrior... and then I did some on a couple mages... but then came my priest... about the 5th level of OOMing every other mob, I was like "blaaaaah, I think I'm doing cooking/fishing dailies for awhile" and that's what I did.
#63 Jun 23 2012 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
To each their own. I thought leveling priest was fun pretty much all the way through. If you aren't using discipline at low levels though, yeah you're going to struggle. If you're running out of mana while leveling a priest after you get mind spike, you're doing it wrong. If you want some tips, feel free to PM me.
#64 Jun 23 2012 at 6:19 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
To each their own. I thought leveling priest was fun pretty much all the way through. If you aren't using discipline at low levels though, yeah you're going to struggle. If you're running out of mana while leveling a priest after you get mind spike, you're doing it wrong. If you want some tips, feel free to PM me.

Mind Spike isn't until 81 tho.

And yeah, I foolishly tried Shadow while in the teens... and saw how bad the mana consumption was and gave up on it. I healed a few low-level dungeons, and did the rest on cooking/fishing.

Said priest is now 80 and with the Midsummer Event, I bet he will get at least 81 if not a bit past it. Pondering on whether to try healing cata normals, or tough it out in quests... or just do archaeology.

I already have an 85 priest on the alliance side; mana gets a lot easier to manage once you get archangel....

But thanks for the offer!
#65 Jun 23 2012 at 11:58 PM Rating: Good
1,080 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
To each their own. I thought leveling priest was fun pretty much all the way through. If you aren't using discipline at low levels though, yeah you're going to struggle. If you're running out of mana while leveling a priest after you get mind spike, you're doing it wrong. If you want some tips, feel free to PM me.

Mind Spike isn't until 81 tho.

And yeah, I foolishly tried Shadow while in the teens... and saw how bad the mana consumption was and gave up on it. I healed a few low-level dungeons, and did the rest on cooking/fishing.

Said priest is now 80 and with the Midsummer Event, I bet he will get at least 81 if not a bit past it. Pondering on whether to try healing cata normals, or tough it out in quests... or just do archaeology.

I already have an 85 priest on the alliance side; mana gets a lot easier to manage once you get archangel....

But thanks for the offer!

I've got a shadow priest who's lvl 44. I've been leveling her off & on, mostly thru cooking/fishing dailies, herbalism, and archaeology (which I prefer do do when I can fly.) She's gotten 2.5 levels doing the midsummer event, so that's been good. I tried a few dungeons when she was 20ish, but those were not happy days. I'll figure out what I'm doing with her once she hits NR, but I may just have her for making glyphs and cards in the end.
#66 Jun 24 2012 at 3:30 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Priest was pretty damn boring early on, even after the Cataclysm revamp of skills. While the Mage got Arcane Missiles pretty early on (fun little mechanic), Priest was all Smite, Smite, Smite, Smite, Smite ad nauseam.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#67 Jun 24 2012 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good
614 posts
I agree on the priest being boring early on, but it's still my favourite class.
#68 Jun 24 2012 at 2:56 PM Rating: Excellent
It's more than just smite! Smiley: tongue You use Inner Fire and Archangel too! For leveling, fun has a lot to do with how fast stuff dies for me. If I kill stuff fast, I go "Ooooh I kick ***!" It's the inner pyro in me I think.
#70 Aug 14 2012 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
I am up to 3 SOR, the 80 business is looking good for Blizzard. Nice looking mount!
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#71 Aug 17 2012 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I see alot of concerns about players who won't know how to play their class. Lets be honest here. How many people before multispec hit rolled a healer/tank class and leveled to max lvl as dps with no exp tanking or healing? Not much difference.

Might put something in there though where you all ready have to have a toon at lvl 80+ to be able to do this. Another option might just be to offer some sort of exp potion with a stupid amount of a bonus (say 1000% bonus). Player would earn 1000% more exp for X amount of time and the potion would quit working once you hit lvl 80.

Edited, Aug 17th 2012 3:14pm by fronglo
#72 Aug 21 2012 at 5:10 PM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
I see alot of concerns about players who won't know how to play their class. Lets be honest here. How many people before multispec hit rolled a healer/tank class and leveled to max lvl as dps with no exp tanking or healing? Not much difference.

Might put something in there though where you all ready have to have a toon at lvl 80+ to be able to do this. Another option might just be to offer some sort of exp potion with a stupid amount of a bonus (say 1000% bonus). Player would earn 1000% more exp for X amount of time and the potion would quit working once you hit lvl 80.

Well, I did level Prot all the way up on my main, but that's beside the point ... Truth is that there's a valid concern IMO regarding Healers and Tanks not knowing their trade.However, as you bring up, as a freshly returned player I'm amazed at the amount of Healers/Tanks who have no idea what it is they should be doing. Would them buying -5 max level worsen the situation? Perhaps, but not by much IMO ...
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