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The battle of a lifetime.Follow

#1 Sep 12 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
Last Night on my server we a;; decided to do somthing. A mass raid. I was playing my Elf druid (its cool that tauren and elf druids shapeshifting looks different) when a small undead invaded, the allienced formed a whopping 89 member raid.
After Killing the small undead raid we marched on to Horde terrirory. Half way there we intercepted a good Sized horde raid of all lvs (so were we we had no lv range) We ripped thru them with ease Boosting our egos.
We finally reached Horde territory, by now we knew they knew we were comming. we came up with a plan. The battle took place in the crossroads.
A good wave of the horde came. it seems both forces thought of the same tactic. all mages and ranged attackers thew bolts buttelts and arrows. Our warrior shield helf till we got to their mages where mayham occoured. the 1st raid was a success we ate them alive. the priests quickly raised all the dead (mostly low lvlers i was one but i managed to kill a weakened lv 25 tauren warrior!!)
We marched on and confronted the horde again. They used another tactic. Since most were weakened from reviving, they slowly lured us to the city. We didnt know untill it was to late. we now had 3 lv 75 guards bashing us. Still we managed to rip the horde apart. However we were weakened, the hordes army was getting bigger as more and more came.
Then our demise happened. from behind a small high lv Horde force attacked. at the same time the Crippled Horde army that was in the city charged in. We were ripped apart. and were forced to retreat.
This was the funnest 2 hours i had in this game. It also proved that a huge force wont be able to take a town with ease.
Only prob was the lag. So many spells going off and all and so many people in 1 place. sheesh it was fun as hell. Great way to end the stress test!!. Allience raid failed.
#2 Sep 12 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
This sounds cool which server is this on PvE or PvP. Anyways this is the kind of stuff that makes me love MMORPG PvP. Thanks for the nice read.
#3 Sep 12 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
This was on the PVE server. when we were raiding, we could not target other players till we engaged a npc. Once that happens we get the pvp flag on us, the other players can simply ignore us as we cannot kill them in any way or confront us putting the pvp flag on them.

Its color themed.

if the players name is blue you cannnot engage them. these players WIll NOT be affected in any way when a raid goes on thus you will not ruin their play time and Grievers will shun this game.

If the players name is green That means they can engage in PVP but are on your side.

If the players name is Yellow. That means they can engage in pvp, but are the enemy, you can just target on and go your merry way on killing them.

If players name is red that means they are currently engaging in PVP. they are also your enemy.

You need to keep your eye open, a blue named player can engage a yellow named player at any given time. some might just wait for the right moment.

Once you engage in pvp your gonna have a shiled like icon next to your name. this means your in pvp, it will take 5 min of not engaging in pvp to go away. your name will be yellow to your enemy, so you gotta think when your gonna revive yourslef.once that shiled icon goes away the enemy cannot target you except for npcs.

On pvp i belive this will be different. Blizzard did make the game to please about almost everyone. Pvp on a pve server might take some time to get used to, but the good thing it will not afect those who are in the area where the raid is and only want to lv.

You gotta see how rouges backstab mages and Tanks (who survive the arrow and magic tossed at them) rip mages and about anything apart. Being a druid gives you verstality, but this can put you to think to long on how youll engage. what i did was toss spells and when enemy tank would get close i would switch into bear form and engage. quite fun.

Also what really made the battle awsome was the language differences. every time the horde would yell or say somthing it was somthing we could not understand thus keeping their tactics hidden from us. the same would be when the horde would see us yell or say somthing.

I for one cannot wait till the game goes gold. One things for sure blizzards gonna have to work hard to make the game go smooth when a raid of that magnitude goes off. we did suffer lag (stress test)but were talking about 150+ people jammed into 1 small place. hopefully this will be adressed.
#4 Sep 12 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
What i don't like about PvE servers is that most people that go there don't want to engage in battle, also many like to roleplay which to me is idiodic. Also i don't like the fact that most raids will be only city raids. In the PvP server there are raids inn many zones. So i rather play on a server where it's fairly easy to PvP in but Also has PvP in almost anywhere. I also don't like to play with whiners, crybabys, and such and such. I'm not saying everyone there is but some people on that server go beserk when they see a guy name "ubarorc". or they start yelling when people start dancing around for no reason. I don't want to be in a server where many individuals take things very seriously I had enough of that sh*T in EQ. If one person messed up in EQ the whole raid was over.

Edited, Sun Sep 12 13:53:46 2004 by Gihja
#5 Sep 12 2004 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
It seems pvp server will be your home.

PVE server will be a training ground for those not used to pvp.
I started to like it though i shunned pvp in the past. Blizzards making it fun, and if i had a ball in a pve server i can expect better results in the pvp one!!
#6 Sep 12 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
Im still trying to decided between pvp vs pve server, i love pvp in a structured way( such as daoc) but i hate griefing so its a tough choice :)
#7 Sep 12 2004 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts

give Pve a shot 1st and wait for a reply on how pvp server is going. For now PVE servers no one can greive around. Also what I played in raids, there ware alot of people interested and do participate dispite its a pve server.
#8 Sep 12 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
I hate unstructured PvP.

Only PvP I like is where it's story-related, guild war type stuff. Which seems to be what is available on the PvE server.

The raid sounded like a good time.
#9 Sep 12 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
That's about the coolest thing I've heard yet. Your making me want this game even more. AHHHHHHHHHH And I probably won't have it until christmas. >< By the way quick question. I've heard in many post that the Druid is the jack-of-all-trades. Well, my question is, is *in bear form I guess* as good as a normal warrior? And in wolf form as good as a normal rogue? Or is it just like, *Ok* at everything?
#10 Sep 12 2004 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
6,678 posts
Warning, rant/flame ahead. PvP and people who assume the game is only for it pushes a lot of hotbuttons for me.

LordZanon wrote:
(its cool that tauren and elf druids shapeshifting looks different)

News to me. Druids get four different shapeshifts - two of them are cats.

We ripped thru them with ease Boosting our egos.

Congratulations. You have discovered the entire purpose of PvP.

it seems both forces thought of the same tactic. all mages and ranged attackers thew bolts buttelts and arrows.

That doesn't sound like a tactic so much as simply what those classes do.

the priests quickly raised all the dead

Intelligent players will normally kill the priests, so they aren't HEALING.

they slowly lured us to the city. We didnt know untill it was to late.

That's pretty common knowledge. Maybe you didn't know, but I'm sure *somebody* among those 89 people did. I'm surprised you only had 3 guards. Usually a whole army of them spawns.

mostly low lvlers i was one but i managed to kill a weakened lv 25 tauren warrior!

Wow, you big brute you. What level are you, out of curiosity? And was this on a stress test server? Cause 25 is not remotely high level in my definition. (It might also incline me to retract a few other remarks.)

if the players name is blue you cannnot engage them. these players WIll NOT be affected in any way when a raid goes on thus you will not ruin their play time and Grievers will shun this game.

This is completely false. You can kill quest NPCs. You create horrible lag. I'm willing to bet that well over half the people that did not want to have anything to do with your raid logged off, and that's including some of those that rallied to stave you off. I know because I've done exactly that when it has happened - a level 15 horde member in the Crossroads is going to do exactly squat in a raid of level 40+ alliance members, and vice versa in Auberdine or Goldshire.

every time the horde would yell or say somthing it was somthing we could not understand thus keeping their tactics hidden from us. the same would be when the horde would see us yell or say somthing.

Undead understand common.

Gihja wrote:
What i don't like about PvE servers is that most people that go there don't want to engage in battle, also many like to roleplay which to me is idiodic.

I don't like to do either, really. I'll opt for the RP over the PvP any day though.

Also i don't like the fact that most raids will be only city raids.

What else are you going to raid? Some hermit's shack? Randomly encountering other people does not constitute a raid.

I also don't like to play with whiners, crybabys, and such and such.

I don't like to play with people who don't like things.

I'm not saying everyone there is but some people on that server go beserk when they see a guy name "ubarorc".

I wouldn't call myself a role-player, but I get pretty sick of names like this too. It gives me a certain stereotype of the mindset of the player, and I rarely will group with people with completely dumb names. (xxxNaMeS wITh CaPS or StuFF B4 teHm R w0rsexxx) It just shows a complete lack of creativity on the player's part, and an overall lack of care about the fact that he is supposed to be a person and not an instant messenger handle. This was pretty bad when I got into the beta in phase 2, when names like xxLeeTPRoToSSxx were prevalent.

LordZanon wrote:
PVE server will be a training ground for those not used to pvp.

PvE server will be a safe haven for people who don't want to have to deal with PvP. Call me whatever names you like, but I absolutely loathe PvP, and feel it has very little place in an MMORPG.

Edited, Sun Sep 12 17:44:40 2004 by Azuarc
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#11 Sep 12 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah i might start on pve server, once they get battlegrounds in im sure there will be plenty of pvpers.
#12 Sep 12 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
Prob there were more guards, Normally i would see 3 roaming around (my area of view)

As for the durid shapeshifting, the bear form of the night elf has the long ears while the bear form of the Tauren has bull horns. I ment that as the difference, Prob i should have explained in more detail.

I quited
if the players name is blue you cannnot engage them. these players WIll NOT be affected in any way when a raid goes on thus you will not ruin their play time and Grievers will shun this game.

You mentioned that npcs can be attacked, I was talking about Playernames only Not npcs, Once again I did not put that in full detail.

Yes mages and ranged fighters wil toss thier arrows n stuff, i ment that they were in the fron row, our warriors stood behind a bit. They rushed in as the groups closed in.

This was the 1st major raid and well so many people all together did hide out the priests (on both sides.)

As it seems according to you, our raid was totally unorganized. (well i admit it was) But it was fun while it last.

#13 Sep 12 2004 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
787 posts

Sounds fun.

Azurac, in case you get tired of only being able to have a certain # of quotes in a post, I've seen bolded text work quite well.
#14 Sep 13 2004 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
I also have a problem with names like xxxOwnagexxx but i like it when people come up with funny names like Woooooookiecrisp you have to play SWG to figure that out.
As for PvP not belonging I know for a fact that many people now are playing every MMO that has PvP content because they are tired of the "Hey Lets go raid Vox hehehe" type game.

Edited, Mon Sep 13 10:58:17 2004 by Gihja
#15 Sep 13 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
As for the durid shapeshifting, the bear form of the night elf has the long ears while the bear form of the Tauren has bull horns. I ment that as the difference, Prob i should have explained in more detail.

Hmm, ok. Well, I maintain, news to me. I don't play Horde, really, so I don't see too many Tauren druids, let alone in bear form. I never really noticed the ears on the elf-bears either though. Guess I'll have to keep an eye out for that.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#16 Sep 13 2004 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
What you dont play Horde. Do you know what your missing...

Shame on you...j/k
#17 Sep 13 2004 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
it will take 5 min of not engaging in pvp to go away.

After reading your post again Zanon. I have to say i might play on the PvE server because of this the reason I quoted. The whole reason for this is i like that /pvp thing because it reminds me of SWG PvP where you have to become Overt to kill.
Also i do have to admit i despise griefers, gankers, and i did have a run in with some people that exploited and got to 40+ and where ganking in Tichondrius.
I also like to quest without getting owned by people 30+ level above me.
Well anyways i have some questions.
When you enter Neutral zones what goes on there? Is it flagged for PvP for anyone that goes there or do you have to type /pvp.
Is only the enemy factions cities the only places where you can be automatically flagged for PvP?(this is kind of the same question lol)
#18 Sep 13 2004 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
I quited
if the players name is blue you cannnot engage them. these players WIll NOT be affected in any way when a raid goes on thus you will not ruin their play time and Grievers will shun this game.

You mentioned that npcs can be attacked, I was talking about Playernames only Not npcs, Once again I did not put that in full detail.

Azurac, Zanon(after your revision), you're both, well, completely false.

PLAYERS in blue you cannot engage. These players will not be affected in any way when a raid goes on, thus, you will not ruin their play time and grievers will shun this game. *Correct*

Zanon, you were correct in the beggining, don't change your answer due to Azurac.

Reasons Zanon was correct: Zanon said "If the players name...", an NPC is a NON-PLAYER-CHARACTER, meaning, it is NOT a PLAYER.

Also, a very nice read.

Edited, Mon Sep 13 16:50:34 2004 by Creamed
#19 Sep 13 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
Heheheh creamed ty for correcting me, i see i did not correct myself well,

You mentioned that npcs can be attacked, I was talking about Playernames only Not npcs, Once again I did not put that in full detail.

I hate when english is not my primary language and I seem not to explain myself correctly.

Zanon said "If the players name...", an NPC is a NON-PLAYER-CHARACTER, meaning, it is NOT a PLAYER.

#20 Sep 13 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
No problem! ;)

Anyways, what is your primary language? Also, Azurac, my post earlier was not meant to insult or humiliate your intelligence in any way. *wink*

#21 Sep 13 2004 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
Spanish is my primary.

I am aware that Azurac intentions are not evil. I am kicking my horse since i reread what i posted and i didnt go into full detail, thus hes correcting information that could have been misleading.
#22 Sep 13 2004 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
No offense taken, but I maintain my position that non-participant players are affected by nearby raids. (Edit: I'm wondering if I should take offense to everyone calling me a bird from the Plane of Air though.)

As to playing Horde, maybe I wanted to save something for retail, hmm?

Edited, Tue Sep 14 00:38:41 2004 by Azuarc
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#23 Sep 14 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
I'm spanish
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