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PvP Gamers, Rejoice!!!Follow

#1 Sep 16 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Excellent
1,430 posts
*sits by a fire place, reading a book and smoking a pipe*

Oh, hello! Didn't see you come in! Please, have a seat... *Claps 3 times and chairs appear for all*

As you know, I'm Redmoon. Lover, scholar, philosopher and the world's most familiar sex symbol! I have done much with my life over the years and have met with very famous people as they got their police reports filled but thats not why I'm here. You see, I'm here for you, the PvP gamer.

You see, MMO has existed for years, showing gamers worlds to explore and escape their sexless, unpopular lives. Soon these worlds became battlefields, the invaders being boys and girls who must somehow deal with the changes of their bodies and let out all their anger and confusion on whoever crosses their paths. Words such as "Noob", "Carebear" and "l337" emerged from the smoke as the very confused breed of players followed these words as if they were from the Bible.

To combat this threat, several game companies added "pvp servers" to their MMOs, hoping to contain the threat and preventing the plague from destroying their games. Several companies saw this as a business opportunity, creating games like "Lineage 2", which sold 5 copies in the US alone.

After the success of Lineage 2, PvPers everywhere needed a new world to invade. They set their eyes on Azeroth, the setting of Blizzard's World of Warcraft. Claiming to bring "skill" back to MMOs, pvpers happily await the time to finally do what their forefathers have done: Hit each other really, really hard. Only this time, legally and with gnomes.

Skill. It is defined in Websters as the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance. What does this means? It means that monkeys given a keyboard can execute skill in MMOs as long as the timed their button mashing right. You see, pvp is not enough. It requires different elements (such as WoW's Battlefield idea) and teamwork otherwise you are doing the same thing as cavemen have done with clubs as they repeatedly hit each other over the head. It seems that MMOs will be lacking in that true skill until a MMO does it right. Fear not, PvPers! Thats why I'm here!

You see, if you truely want a true pvp experience, there are many games to fulfill that urge. Here is my list to tide you, the pvper, over till WoW is released and Battlefields implemented.

Nintendo Gamecube

Pikmin 2
Soul Calibur 2
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Phantasy Star Online Episode 1, 2 and 3


Counter Strike
Rainbow Six 3
Crimson Skies
Capcom vs SNK 2

Playstation 2

Socom 2
Anything EA Sports
Splinter Cell 2
Hotshots Golf
Virtua Fighter 4 Evo

PC *Some Games listed here will have links to demos you can try*

Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam
Warcraft 3
Splinter Cell 2
Unreal Tournament 2004
Homeworld 2
Call of Duty
Tribes Vengence
Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising
Neverwinter Nights
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (By the way, this is the full game approved by Activision. Yup, its free)


Dance Dance Revolution
Mortal Kombat 2
Street Fighter 3rd Strike

You will find familiar games that require great knowlegde to execute "skill". Also until pvpers stop calling pvers "carebears", I will call all pvpers "woogies" simply because it sounds more insulting. Until next time, I'm out!

Edited, Sat Sep 18 19:41:56 2004 by Redmoonxl
#2 Sep 16 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
lol... "woogies." Nice.

*thumbs up*
#3 Sep 16 2004 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
I like killing people like you that have to much time on their hands and eventually post sh** like this. Well for starters i'll give you a /spit /laugh. Also cry more blubie
no one cares about your existence. I know this thread was mainly centered to attack me. I suggest you take the dictionary that you are sitting on so you could type, and start to educate yourself. As for the word Woogie that's a laugh i don't see how that is insulting anyone but yourself.
#4 Sep 16 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
Skill will never be involved in pvp due to the fact that there are too many randoms involved, server response, lag, damage formulas etc. Not to mention you cant really dodge or hit based on your own abilities its all about numbers, true pvp skills would be in a FPS game where your skills actually decide how good you are.
#5 Sep 16 2004 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Azuarc's statements about PvPers: I find that PvP players are generally more brash and egotistical, and more likely to be "over-sensitive." They're also much quicker to attack non-PvP players that aren't interested in their rhetoric.

Now lets follow this up with Gihja's recent statements: I like killing people like you that have to much time on their hands and eventually post sh** like this. Well for starters i'll give you a /spit /laugh. Also cry more blubie
no one cares about your existence. I know this thread was mainly centered to attack me. I suggest you take the dictionary that you are sitting on so you could type, and start to educate yourself. As for the word Woogie that's a laugh i don't see how that is insulting anyone but yourself.

Ahhhh, the cries of a woogie, reacting seriously towards a thread that was obviously not serious. *thumbs up* I post, you decide! By the way, Azuarc, thumbs up for hitting it on the mark!

I do recommend those games though. Very good games, whether you pvp or not.


I know this thread was mainly centered to attack me.

A bit paranoid, eh? Though it was inspired by statements such as yours, it wasn't created soley to attack you. Trust me, I have no problems insulting you personally if I wanted but alas, its not worthwhile. Try out the games I mentioned. That should help ya relax. *thumbs up*

Edited, Thu Sep 16 15:05:32 2004 by Redmoonxl
#6 Sep 16 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
He was born paranoid.
#7 Sep 16 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Maybe I should add pvper relaxation tips.

*Demonstrates while wearing tighties, putting up a sweat*

Okay, PvPers! Now grieve and grieve! Thats it! Camp that corpse! Camp that corpse! Now insult!

Random guy in the auidence: Bluebie!

Good job!
#8 Sep 16 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
no one cares about your existence.

Wow... a little uncalled for much?
#9 Sep 16 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
If noone cares he exists does he really exist at all *head explodes*
#10 Sep 16 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
If noone cares he exists does he really exist at all *head explodes*

The answer to that question amoung other can be found here *pulls out book from his coat* in my new cook book: BBQing with PvPers!!! Thank you for allowing me this shameless plug. *jumps through a window*
#11 Sep 16 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
Bah, I'm not going to get into a philiosphical discussion about whether or not Redmoon exisits. Leave that to Descarts (hope I have the right philosopher...)
#12 Sep 16 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
Lmfao it's not like everything i type is actually acted out in RL. I was angry at all i just love to put down stupid kids that post crap. I could care less if this thread was for the sole purpose of attacking me. Also those who joined in are also dumbass idiots because they don't even understand why i said this attack was on me. On the interview post Redmoon made a post against mine, after that he made this stupid post for no reason. Calling me woogie like i said again doesn't insult me it's just another feeble attempt to feel better about playing in a server with kids with acne.
I probably am talking to pre-teens anyways. LOL PvP relaxation haha WTF is that suppose to make me cry oh sorry im not on the blub server. Day in The blub server:

Blubie1: Wow dude i just got a flurry axe check out my mad lewtz.

Blubie2: dude lets go have some consensual PvP so nobody crys and has to log so they can go to

Blubie1: Hey man people are insulting me let's go back to the citie so we can roleplay some more.

Blubie2: yea i know i can't believe people PvP it's so nonMMO everyone in MMOs are suppose to kiss each others *** and hold hands with orcs when they're humans.
I'm tired of People posting on the main boards about there PvP elitist skill.
I mean plenty of People pvp here but first we have to go kill NPCs until it's safe.

Bluebie1 is now offline the Carebear server

LMfao@Redmoon and the Carebear community! YAY
#13 Sep 16 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Even though the truth of my existance is in my cookbook, prehaps I can give you a song.

*Puts on a top hat and sings*

Do I.....arrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!!!

*falls dead on the floor as a gnome stands on the body with a knife*

Gnome: No singing for you, blubie!

Curse you......damn woogie... *dies*
#14 Sep 16 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
Redmoon don't even post. When i read your posts i kill some brain cells.
#15 Sep 16 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Cool syntax kiss Redmoons *** even more maybe add some lipstick first. Actually if you could read both topics where insults but not with curse words, so i guess it was ok. You for attacking me is immature because you could have avoided the situation but instead you decided to add some flavor. Yes i did use personal insults thats because im obviously talking to a pre-teen whos in the know-it-all stage. It's a good way to make someone go grab a tissue. If i did strike immature to you that's fine i don't feel like explaining to kids why PvP in MMOs are not bad. This is the internet anyways everyones immature so don't play the adult in this situation.

It's pretty funny how a simple post can affect a person that much that they make another whole thread about PvPers to attack a persons opinion. Don't come and post crap just because your parents where negligent and you thrive for attention because your a jerk off.
You are a joke of existence. BTW your moms calling you little boy, she says don't play WoW until your homework is done.

I like killing people like you that have to much time on their hands and eventually post sh** like this. Well for starters i'll give you a /spit /laugh. Also cry more blubie
no one cares about your existence. I know this thread was mainly centered to attack me. I suggest you take the dictionary that you are sitting on so you could type, and start to educate yourself. As for the word Woogie that's a laugh i don't see how that is insulting anyone but yourself.

Lmfao it's not like everything i type is actually acted out in RL. I was angry at all i just love to put down stupid kids that post crap. I could care less if this thread was for the sole purpose of attacking me. Also those who joined in are also dumbass idiots because they don't even understand why i said this attack was on me. On the interview post Redmoon made a post against mine, after that he made this stupid post for no reason. Calling me woogie like i said again doesn't insult me it's just another feeble attempt to feel better about playing in a server with kids with acne.
I probably am talking to pre-teens anyways. LOL PvP relaxation haha WTF is that suppose to make me cry oh sorry im not on the blub server. Day in The blub server:

Blubie1: Wow dude i just got a flurry axe check out my mad lewtz.

Blubie2: dude lets go have some consensual PvP so nobody crys and has to log so they can go to

Blubie1: Hey man people are insulting me let's go back to the citie so we can roleplay some more.

Blubie2: yea i know i can't believe people PvP it's so nonMMO everyone in MMOs are suppose to kiss each others *** and hold hands with orcs when they're humans.
I'm tired of People posting on the main boards about there PvP elitist skill.
I mean plenty of People pvp here but first we have to go kill NPCs until it's safe.

Bluebie1 is now offline the Carebear server

LMfao@Redmoon and the Carebear community! YAY

Gihja, ladies and gentleman! Remember, he does birthdays and house parties too!
#16 Sep 16 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Default
Your a real pathetic child. why don't you do something with your life and grab a book. From what i see your the only clown posting stupid crap like this over and over.
#17 Sep 16 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Your a real pathetic child. why don't you do something with your life and grab a book. From what i see your the only clown posting stupid crap like this over and over.

Hehehehe, you're trying to best a child. Poopy head ;P

Anyways! If anybody can give me the lowdown on any other games to put on the list, that would be cool. Lord knows Gihja needs someone to insult in real time. Forums lack that magic :(

It could be any game from any system that encourages player vs player action.
#18 Sep 16 2004 at 5:09 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
All you're doing Gihja is proving the point about the attitude of PvPers.
#19 Sep 16 2004 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Seems like I'm forever cursed to be followed by trolls whenever I create a thread. Woe is me!
#20 Sep 16 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
I agree with seomanP
#21 Sep 16 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Seoman, you are sooo the voice of reason here :) Pity Gihja didn't think this through because he/she is giving her/his pvp community a bad name.

I also wish to say that I will participate in both PvE and PvP servers simply because I want to know first hand if every pvper acts in such a disrespectful matter and because I'm curious (what can I say, it should be "interesting"). Then again, being organize when it comes to raids, pvp and the english language sounds wayyyy more attractive. Oh well, into the valley of shadows I go!
#22 Sep 16 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
469 posts
Hey guys. This is a post.
#23 Sep 16 2004 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
And what a post it is! For this you get a cookie!
#24 Sep 16 2004 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
There shouldnt be too much trash talk since nenither faction can understand each other, except for undead that is. So maybe it wont be that bad.
#25 Sep 16 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
OMFG i got in here and almost got consumed by the flames.
#26 Sep 17 2004 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
OMFG i got in here and almost got consumed by the flames.

As the old saying goes, if you can't stand the heat, make some BBQ ribs with your friends! *pumps some music while using the flames to make him some BBQ ribs, courtesy of his new cookbook*
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