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#177 Mar 07 2008 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
Imbroke wrote:
Is it possible to have one macro that casts a spell on your focus, or cast that same spell on selected target if there is no focus?

/cast [target=focus,exists] Spell; Spell

I have a question about random mount macro's.
I currently have the macro:
/cast Aspect of the Hawk
/castrandom Black War Ram, Great Green Elekk

The reason I have AotH on the macro is in pvp and sometimes in pve I'll have aspect of the cheetah or pack on and will for get to activate AotH for the added ranged damage.

My problem is that, if I'm mounted and dismount to fight everything works like I wanted. Once I click the macro to mount up again, the macro deactivates AotH and opens the mount. The only way I can get it to keep AotH on is to move to cancel the mount anc click the marco again.

My question is, is there something I can add to keep the macro from deactivating AotH when it is already active?

Not really. The problem is that AotH is a toggle and there's no [ifaoth] modifier or anything. You can make it only cast AotH when you're dismounting via;

/castrandom Mounts
/stopmacro [nomounted]
/cast Aspect of the Hawk

But it'll still cancel it if it's already active. I'll have to think about this one but I can't think of anything obvious.
#178 Mar 09 2008 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
i can get sword and shield to work
i need it for my warrio cause i switch wepon set and and weapons alot, though i dont always do em together
#179 Apr 03 2008 at 5:14 AM Rating: Decent
Requesting a macro for...

Nature's swiftness + healing wave, chain heal, and chain heal. Having to hit 2 buttons sorta screws me over a lot in pvp.

A macro that I can spam to lay 4 totems, Mana spring, Wrath of air or WF totem, Stre of earth.
#180 Apr 06 2008 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
I'm not at home, so I don't know what does and doesn't activate the global cooldown, but I'm wondering if a macro could be created that would pop all of my cooldowns - specifically, I'd hit it when a raid boss gets to 20%. I'd want it to pop a haste potion (or insane strength or something), berserking (troll racial), my abacus of violent odds, and then recklessness. Is this even remotely possible? If not one macro, could I do it with two?

*Edit - You can disregard this. The only one of those that activates the global cooldown is recklessness, so I just put them all in one macro.

Edited, Apr 7th 2008 4:29am by mikeyvach
#181 Apr 16 2008 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
429 posts
I could use a bit of help cleaning up with this:
/cast [modifier:alt] Dire Bear Form(Shapeshift)
/cast [nomodifier:shift] Cat Form(Shapeshift)

Basically if I'm not holding modifier key, I go cat form. If I'm holding alt, I go bear form. If I'm holding shift key, do not shift forms.

Right now I get spammed when I go bear form because since I'm not holding shift key it tries to do cat form right after bear form but fails because of the GCD. A bit messy but it worked for me.

What I would like is to clean that up to remove the spam, and better yet, a macro that also works with the Wardrobe addons to I wouldn't need to select wardrobe separately. ( for wardrobe addons)

Basically the macro would be like this:
if I'm not holding modifier key, go cat form and use /wardrobe wear DPS
Else if I'm using alt key, go bear form and use /wardrobe wear Tank
Else if I'm using shift key cancel form and use /wardrobe wear DPS

and maybe one more: Else if I'm using CTRL key, go swift flight form and use /wardrobe wear flight

TY for any help

EDIT: correct syntax is /wardrobe wear (name) and a typo fix

Edited, Apr 16th 2008 4:09pm by Grolyn
#182 Apr 16 2008 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
The spell "Judgement" for paladins doesn't have a GCD, and the seal is instant, yet my macros require two clicks. is this fixable?

/cast Seal of Justice
/cast Judgement

/cast Seal of the Crusader
/cast Judgement

There is something weird, if I simply click it, only the seal goes off, however if I have a different seal (SoC) it instantly judges SoTC or SoJ without a hitch.
#183 Apr 20 2008 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
he spell "Judgement" for paladins doesn't have a GCD, and the seal is instant, yet my macros require two clicks. is this fixable?

/cast Seal of Justice
/cast Judgement

/cast Seal of the Crusader
/cast Judgement

There is something weird, if I simply click it, only the seal goes off, however if I have a different seal (SoC) it instantly judges SoTC or SoJ without a hitch.

The game tries to cast all effects instantly. It's the same reason why you can't (more precisely, couldn't - they added a GCD to weapon swaps) switch to a dagger and instantly Backstab/Ambush as a Rogue. The game switches the weapon, but at the same time it tries to Backstab and you don't have the dagger equipped yet; the game doesn't really go line by line but tries to run the entire macro at the same time.

For a slightly more modern answer, it's why you need to hit the Spell Reflect macro twice; once to equip the shield, and once to use Spell Reflect even though it has no GCD. The game will use Seal and try to cast Judgement, but since it's trying to Judge before the Seal is even up it will error out. Hitting it twice will do what you want, but it's... inelegant. It's also unavoidable.


Basically if I'm not holding modifier key, I go cat form. If I'm holding alt, I go bear form. If I'm holding shift key, do not shift forms.

Right now I get spammed when I go bear form because since I'm not holding shift key it tries to do cat form right after bear form but fails because of the GCD. A bit messy but it worked for me.

What I would like is to clean that up to remove the spam, and better yet, a macro that also works with the Wardrobe addons to I wouldn't need to select wardrobe separately. ( for wardrobe addons)

Basically the macro would be like this:
if I'm not holding modifier key, go cat form and use /wardrobe wear DPS
Else if I'm using alt key, go bear form and use /wardrobe wear Tank
Else if I'm using shift key cancel form and use /wardrobe wear DPS

and maybe one more: Else if I'm using CTRL key, go swift flight form and use /wardrobe wear flight

TY for any help

Is there any reason that you want shift to be a null-change?

Still, the answer is to put them all on the same line.

/cast [modifier:alt] Dire Bear Form(Shapeshift), [modifier:ctrl] Swift Flight Form, [nomodifier] Cat Form(Shapeshift)

As for the specific Wardrobe questions, if you have to do it inside of a macro you will run out of character space if you want to cover all possibilities. I'd recommend a different mod, myself; I like ItemRack, but ClosetGnome is also a possibility. Both give you the ability to automagicially switch to a new gear set when you change stances (forms).

Edited, Apr 20th 2008 8:34pm by RPZip
#184 May 06 2008 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,211 posts
Is there any other macro that I can use for my spell rotation?
/cast [modifier:shift] Amplify Curse
/castsequence reset=target/combat/modifier:shift Curse of Agony; Corruption; Siphon Life

Isn't working for me, it will only cast the first one in the sequence and then stop right after.

Also, is there any way that I can switch both trinkets with one macro? I've tried
/equipslot [slot] [name of item]

on trinket 1/2 but it still will just put my 2nd trinket in slot 1 to replace the other one.
#185 May 22 2008 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
948 posts
Is there any way to create a castsequence that will skip the ones on CD?


/castsequence Spell 1, Spell 2, Spell 3

Lets say Spell 2 is on CD, is there anything to be done to let the sequence skip said ability?

#186 Jun 02 2008 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
I have an undead character that when they use the cannibalize ability, AND there is a corpse in range for eating, they will say something

so in pseudo code essentially I'd like:

if ( corpse in range != false)
if (corpse can be eaten == true)
perform cannibalize
say something out loud

my issue is in finding the 'corpse' conditionals as not all corpses can be eaten.. is there a way to achieve this effect?

Edited, Jun 2nd 2008 8:21pm by Dooblecaine
#187 Jun 02 2008 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
Zaknalfein wrote:
Is there any way to create a castsequence that will skip the ones on CD?


/castsequence Spell 1, Spell 2, Spell 3

Lets say Spell 2 is on CD, is there anything to be done to let the sequence skip said ability?



my issue is in finding the 'corpse' conditionals as not all corpses can be eaten.. is there a way to achieve this effect?

Hmm. Not with macros; you could do it with a mod, simply by having a mod do a message in /say whenever it sees you actually cast Cannibalize. You could do something like this, though;

/cast [nochanneling, target=mouseover] Cannibalize
/stopmacro [nochanneling]
/say Mmmm... tastes like chicken! Dead chicken. That's been sitting on a beach for two months. I'd throw up if I still had my gag reflex.

You'd have to double-tap it, but it'd do what you want.

EDIT: Speaking of throwing up, this new forum color scheme has made my guide actually look like vomit. Vomit that wants to stab you in the eye. I'll have to fix that.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2008 9:58pm by RPZip
#188 Jun 03 2008 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Steady - Auto - Kill Command Macro

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/castsequence reset=2.5 Steady Shot, Auto Shot
/castrandom [target=pettarget,exists] Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
#190 Jun 12 2008 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
Updated with a link to the new Macro wikipage I wrote using this information, and removed the original guide to the bowels of my hard drive.
#191 Jun 15 2008 at 1:12 PM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
Thread de-stickied. Say goodbye.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#192 Jun 15 2008 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
2,588 posts
RPZip wrote:
I have a question about random mount macro's.
I currently have the macro:
/cast Aspect of the Hawk
/castrandom Black War Ram, Great Green Elekk

The reason I have AotH on the macro is in pvp and sometimes in pve I'll have aspect of the cheetah or pack on and will for get to activate AotH for the added ranged damage.

My problem is that, if I'm mounted and dismount to fight everything works like I wanted. Once I click the macro to mount up again, the macro deactivates AotH and opens the mount. The only way I can get it to keep AotH on is to move to cancel the mount anc click the marco again.

My question is, is there something I can add to keep the macro from deactivating AotH when it is already active?

Not really. The problem is that AotH is a toggle and there's no [ifaoth] modifier or anything. You can make it only cast AotH when you're dismounting via;

/castrandom Mounts
/stopmacro [nomounted]
/cast Aspect of the Hawk

But it'll still cancel it if it's already active. I'll have to think about this one but I can't think of anything obvious.

i've never tried this with aspects, but some toggles work with "!". if you put ! before it, it only switches on, but does not switch off if it's already on.

so !Auto Shot will toggle auto shot on, but not off if it's already on.
try it with aspects. might not work, but all the better if it does.

to all the people trying to cast multiple spells in a macro: it does not work (apart from castsequences) unless the spells trigger no GCD and are meant to be used in conjunction with others (like PoM, nature's swiftness, trinkets etc.), to avoid boting.
#193 Jun 19 2008 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
1,340 posts
Simple Mouseover Targeted Macros

I dug up some info here and there in order to create a macro, bound to a key of your choice, which will target someone by merely moving the cursor over them – no need to click them and lose your current target. It’s probably a bit simplistic, because I wanted it to be painless for novices like me, but I'm sure cleverer people could make it more elaborate, heh.

The example I use as a simple example is a Mouseover “Blind” for a Rogue, which is handy in a tough, hectic melee. You really don’t want to get fuddled in the heat of combat and swap targets whilst being in combat, and waste a Blind by hitting the target as soon as the Blind lands! (I also use one for my Warlock which uses a Mouseover to cast “Fear” without changing targets during a fight, and though I haven’t tested it out yet I presume it would work with other spells such as Heals, etc.)

Anyway, here’s my Mouseover “Blind” example……

1. Make a new Macro called ‘Blind’ containing the script:

/cast [target=mouseover] Blind

2. Open Keybindings Window and tick the ‘Character Specific Key Bindings’ box. This will bind your chosen key to the
character you are currently using, and NO OTHER alt.

In the game’s Chat Box type the following, using the keyboard symbol or letter you wish to use (I use the ‘\’ key at the
left of the Z key) The quotes are necessary...

/script SetBindingMacro("\", "Blind")

Then just press the ENTER key.

Voila – you can merely mouse over a nearby target and press the key you assigned to the Mouseover macro. No muss, no fuss Smiley: smile

Edited, Jun 19th 2008 4:42pm by Krago
#194 Jan 11 2009 at 9:48 PM Rating: Default
ty a ton, i was trying to figure something like this out but finally saw this post
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