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#1 Jan 07 2008 at 9:45 PM Rating: Default
I have a few questions for the game itself that maybe someone can answer.
1. Why do only Paladins and Warlocks receive free horses?
2. How does a casual player that does not have the support of mutiple toons or a massive guild acquire 100 gold at level 40 to purchase a horse?
Please note my primary toon is an enchanter and tailor and makes/enchants her own clothing and weapons.
3. Why exactly is the Engineer so handicapped; the majority of equipment created are for engineers only and cannot be sold.
#2 Jan 07 2008 at 10:41 PM Rating: Good
462 posts
1. Why do only Paladins and Warlocks receive free horses?

It is what it is.

2. How does a casual player that does not have the support of mutiple toons or a massive guild acquire 100 gold at level 40 to purchase a horse?
Please note my primary toon is an enchanter and tailor and makes/enchants her own clothing and weapons.

You rolled the wrong profs. Most people do enchanting on their 2nd or later toon. Gathering profs will get your more than enough gold for your first mount. Sorry you're in the minority of people when it comes to not having enough for your first mount.

3. Why exactly is the Engineer so handicapped; the majority of equipment created are for engineers only and cannot be sold.

Supposed to make engineering more appealing since they can make themselves epic gear, just like tailoring now.

#3 Jan 07 2008 at 11:01 PM Rating: Excellent
I have a few questions for the game itself that maybe someone can answer.
1. Why do only Paladins and Warlocks receive free horses?

They receive really cheap level 40 mounts and must do a quest at level 60 for the epic version which costs nearly as much as what other player pay, yet requires you to invest a lot more time to get. Its really not a big deal.

2. How does a casual player that does not have the support of mutiple toons or a massive guild acquire 100 gold at level 40 to purchase a horse?
Please note my primary toon is an enchanter and tailor and makes/enchants her own clothing and weapons.

When I make a new character I give it 3g to buy its initial bags, weapon skills, and what not. Beyond that, I don't send one copper to the toon. I have easily gotten my level 40 mount on every single alt/main listed below. How did I do it?

A.) Start saving early. By early I mean by level 30-32.
B.) Buy next to NOTHING on the AH until you get your mount money. Quest rewards, random greens you sell, and money from running instances will get you most of the way there.
C.) Use gathering professions. You chose enchanting and tailoring. Tailoring is cheap and easy, enchanting is not. Stop leveling enchanting until you have the money you need. Only level tailoring with stuff you get as a drop, do not buy any more cloth. As for your gathering profession, get fishing and cooking. Go pick up the savory deviate delight recipe off the AH (only exception to the AH rule). You can easily sell stacks of the fish for 5-10g PER STACK (depending on your server). That means you can get your mount money from scratch in just a few days! If you're horde, fish in Barrens. If you're alliance (and over level 30) solo WC until you're at the pool near the end of the escort and fish there. Fish, cook, profit.

3. Why exactly is the Engineer so handicapped; the majority of equipment created are for engineers only and cannot be sold.

That's the whole point to engineering. Make lots of useful trinkets that only you can use. Blizzard has said they're going to work on this in the next expansion, but for now, it is what it is.
#4 Jan 07 2008 at 11:24 PM Rating: Good
You know.. I've seen in general channels in cites the past few days, and have seen the following spoken more then once in some fasion, "How am I suppose to make money, if copper ore is going for 1g?!?!"

The answer seems obvious, doesn't it? YOu make selling the copper ore. The mind set of new players is you're not making money, unless you are making 10g per hour or something.. but, at the same time, you really cannot blame them.. have you guys seen the AH prices on low level greens lately? back in the day, these greens went for 10s to 50s at most..

Okay, so you did the not normal, yet very new player move of chosing professions that go well, or hand-and-hand together. Nothing wrong with that, and you can make them work.. but not as well as selling each and every produce you make, like gathering proffesions. Making money becomes a mute point at top level, as everything is available to you, to make the money.

Locks and pallys, are given mounts because of mainly a lore, or story, aspect. Locks more so then a paladin I suppose.. but none the less.

Your engineering question is nice, I've wondered myself.. having engineering on a toon at 200.. let's see what others have to say on the subject for a more elaberate answer.

Casual player, I see you use that term, and I see your train of thought. I am the very definition of casual player, and saw the challenge of making my way thru my first few months.

I'll let you in on a bad secret I have. I have bought gold before. Directly from IGE itself. I did this, having come from Final Fantasy XI. I really didn't know any better, but saw in my eyes, the same type of play style of the game to come when money is made, and didn't want the headache. I bought 200g.. haha.. funny when I think back on it...a noob hunter orc I was. But this game has such a obvious way to make money, which only takes alitte observance on the player's part, which I won't go into detail here. For the gold buyer haters.. I later deleted that toon, with as much as 130 of that gold still on it, because I didn't want to be on a PvP server at the time.
(but only becuase gold was cheap then, and figured I could always buy more, which I never needed to do again, after learning the game more.)

Edited, Jan 8th 2008 2:26am by Magilicotti
#5 Jan 08 2008 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
1. Why do only Paladins and Warlocks receive free horses?

Well, Warlocks, for one, have to buy spells for their minions, leaving very little gold left over.
Paladins, perhaps to make more people want to play them.

2. How does a casual player that does not have the support of mutiple toons or a massive guild acquire 100 gold at level 40 to purchase a horse?

What the others said.
Alternatively, refer to your first question.

3. Why exactly is the Engineer so handicapped; the majority of equipment created are for engineers only and cannot be sold.

Not handicapped at all...if you're a warrior
Seriously though, at higher levels there is a lot of great stuff to be made: Mind control helmets, death rays, and other various gadgets with no moneyback guarantee :D.

Also if you do not have a gun wielding class, those are among the only things you can sell (also bullets and a few others)

EDIT: Mine Control?
Hmm, that reminds me, you can also make bombs and mines :D

Edited, Jan 8th 2008 8:58am by Fellord
#6 Jan 08 2008 at 5:39 AM Rating: Good
Machinegewheren wrote:
2. How does a casual player that does not have the support of mutiple toons or a massive guild acquire 100 gold at level 40 to purchase a horse?
Please note my primary toon is an enchanter and tailor and makes/enchants her own clothing and weapons.

You have the most lucrative profession in WoW and you need to ask the question? Well, OK - I'll provide the answer.

The way to make gold if you are an enchanter is not by enchanting stuff. Gold comes from DISenchanting stuff and selling the mats on the Auction house. There are many threads in the trade skills forum on the subject, but the iconic one is How to make lots of money with DE (guide).
#7 Jan 08 2008 at 5:51 AM Rating: Good
1,571 posts
1. Casuality has nothing to do with making gold.
You play less, you spend less.

2. None here started to play WoW with multiple rich toons.

3. My warlock got her level 40 mount for 90s yes, but it took me 750g and a month of my time trying to make group for her level 60 mount.

4. You could have answered your own questions if you just took some time to read trade skills forum and few stickies.

5. Nothing in life comes easy and asap. Making gold in WoW is one of the easiest things I know of.

#8 Jan 08 2008 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,340 posts
I have a lvl 12 who has just under 100 gold via mining. It isn't hard.
#9 Jan 08 2008 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
1. Because... That's the way the game was set up.
2. If you can't raise 100G at lvl 40 then you have a problem. I didn't realize the expense was that high and was able to farm clam meat, cloth, copper, Iron, and light feathers. Took me about 4 days - playing <2hrs a day.
I'm tailor, Miner, fisher, cook
3. No idea. If you are having money problems - you shouldn't be looking into Eng. anyway.
#10 Jan 08 2008 at 6:10 AM Rating: Good
Early on I wanted to make more gold than I was making and I came here and sometimes asked questions about it and often read a lot about it. Eventually I picked up on some of the ways that others make gold and made them work on my server.

One thing I learned was that I was already far better it at it than a lot of players, because a lot of players either aren't bothering to try at all or are somehow missing out on all the smart ways to do it. On this forum you might be in a minority to be struggling with gold, but in the game you are not.

Another thing I learned was that how to make money (as far as a particular strategy or scheme) can change depending on what server you are playing on, what sort of population it currently has, Blizzard patch changes, etc. Don't get too caught up in one thing believing it to be your only route to money. Just keep rolling with it and learning from it. Your best suggestion that seems to work on many servers is the disenchanting. Even if it doesn't work on your first try, keep trying modest, low risk ways to get it going, while watching the market on your servers auction house and getting a feel for how it fluctuates.
#11 Jan 08 2008 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
These are the rules I learned to follow from trial and error... please feel free to add your own opinion I have no problem learning to make even more money.

These are for those just starting the game:

Rule #1 Crafting
Don't waste time crafting if you want money. Crafting is a hobby and should only be done if you have money to burn and can powerlevel yourself to the max. It cost an extreme amount of money to craft: resources to gather (that you could have sold) or buying resources (that you can't afford at low levels). Furthermore, crafting seems to always be behind your level for usefulness; in other words, you can only craft items that are no longer any good to you.

Want a really good reason to not craft? What if don't like the class you have created? What if you don't get them past 60+? You've just wasted your time and money on a toon you don't want to play anymore. Get to 60, or even 70 first, then craft when you can afford to do so.

Rule #2 Enchanting
Enchanting may be nice to have but again it will cost you more to level it to a point of usefulness than to just pay for the enchants. You will NOT make money this way until you have the highest level enchants available in the game. So, don't bother unless you are in your 60s.

Rule #3 Gathering
Gather, gather, gather!
Gathering is the way to make money. Pick mining or herbalism (even on a hunter, because you rarely actually need your tracking ability anyway) then add skinning. Sell all that you can.
Mining makes more than herbalism from what I've seen and done. This is for two reasons. Copper, the first item you can mine, sells for over 1g a stack usually. Second, with herbalism the real money comes later in the game and if you try to grind it you have to fight more mobs to get to an herb than you do to get to a mining vein.

Only smelt the copper, tin and then bronze. Once you reach a certain point you will only gain by mining itself and should just sell the ore. I stop smelting at 60.

Rule #4 Looting
Do NOT pass up grey items, especially if they stack. Sell them to a vendor. If you don't believe me look at your money after grinding on mobs and your bags are full, then sell the items and look at your money afterwards. Example? If you are about 40 or so you can solo SFK. When you loot everything and then sell the good greens you easily make 10g a run (a run lasting about an hour depending on class); you can sometimes make a lot more when a good blue drops.

Rule #5 Fishing and Cooking
Have at least one toon that has fishing high enough to get Deviate Fish. You can get a lot of these at the Stagnant Oasis southeast of Crossroads. Once you have the fish you can sell them or you can take it a step further and cook until you can make Savory Deviate Delight. The recipe is expensive to buy at times but if you quest and grind your way through the Barrens it's bound to drop.

Rule #6 Equipment
Do NOT upgrade your equipment unless it is a major jump in armor and/or stats.

Blues do pay off at times (but not always). Look for good deals on them, don't get burned! If you want a blue item remember that it will last you about 10 levels, so in some respects they can be worth the purchase. But, you do not NEED blue equipment all the time! If you are planning to pvp, and you have the money, go ahead and buy them but expect to stay at that level a while and remember you can get some great gear, better than those blues, from pvp battle ground rewards.

Rule #7 Auctioneer
Knowledge is power. Download Auctioneer and do a daily scan of the auction house. This will help you sell items quicker, which means less money on deposits and more money in your virtual pocket. This works because Auctioneer tracks the market for you and can automatically fill the price in for you and let you know if your item is above or below the current market. Auctioneer is how you do not get burned buying items in the auction house or from another player.
#12 Jan 08 2008 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
Making money is SO easy in WoW its pathetic....

I rolled a lock on a brand new server and at L32 he is kitted out with 3 16 slot bags, 16 slot soul bag, +53 shadow damage from mostly AH bought gear, and he is sitting on 140 gold (Armory Link For You). Now, if i didnt spend any money on bags, gear, creating a guild tabard, or kitting out some guildies who came to the same server so it would be easier for them i would be sitting on over 200g EASILY...

New toon/server? your only profs should be skinning/herbing or skinning/mining

Sell EVERYTHING you get. i made a killing on copper ore and wool cloth....

#13 Jan 08 2008 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
1. Make green items with tailoring
2. Disenchant said items
3. ???
4. Profit!
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#14 Jan 11 2008 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
and that actually works!
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